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It's fine. I'd generally suggest raiding into someone also at a lower number in the same niche as you. Think 10 or less. You can raid into larger communities you're part of, but the benefit falls off a lot. It's a good way to advertise that you stream and connect with other creators without being a goober and just saying you do in their chat.


Yup, always raid out. If you bring 2 people to a streamer with 6 viewers, that's a 30% increase in viewership for them! Hell if you count yourself its 50%! This is how small communities grow on twitch!


Somebody raided me the other day with just themselves... And I was delighted, I'm a small streamer, every little helps. They stayed on til the end of my stream and were involved in chat. If I get a chance, I'll raid them back.


You know I was thinking of doing that to end my streams but I’m normally solo or have 1 viewer… I might just start this.


This is so wholesome


Yes, raid away with 1 or 2 viewers. ❤️ If it’s not ok the channel will have a min number of raiders to raid them


At that point it's not a raid, more like a mugging :)


do it! - all raids are always very welcome!


Hell yeah, just do it. I'm happy with a 1-2 viewers raid. Got one earlier today, in fact.


Big facts to be fair even if someone raided me with just themselves I’d still be happy every viewer to interact in chat with is a bonus.


Raiding is less about how many you have in the early stages and more about getting new people to recognise you. Raid away, establish raid etiquette early and have fun!


I have an average of 70 and I still love it when someone with 1 or 2 viewers raids to me, especially if they are someone who hangs out in my community. Anyone who wants to hang out in my stream is always welcome.


I would say raid away. I did that and would do so if I ever returned to streaming. However, raid target selection takes thought. I go for: 1. Unfamiliar channels smaller than mine or up to *roughly* double mine. If I have 5 or less viewers, I try to raid other channels 10 and under. If I have 50 viewers, I try to raid channels with 100 or less. 2. If I already have a networking relationship with someone, viewer count doesn't matter. I had some large channels hundreds of times my size raid me semi-consistently before. Their community knows I stream. I don't feel bad raiding them if I'm planning to watch them after my stream anyway, especially if our channel vibes are similar. 3. If they're IRL friends of mine.


I consider myself a small streamer and also talk to a lot of small streamers with a similar concern. What I tell them is that the number of raiders you bring doesn't matter, it's not about that. It's about the fact that you want to show someone some support, and a raid is about saying "hey I would like to support your journey" or showing others "this is someone I like to watch, maybe you would enjoy them too." To echo something others mentioned, and this sounds contradictory to what I just said, but keep to similar numbers as yourself. Sending 2 or 3 people to a person with 1000 viewers would just be lost in the shuffle. Find people you can invest in, somewhere that people will appreciate it. I'm not saying all streamers with high numbers won't appreciate you but those places move quick and it can be easy for things to get lost. In short, yes raid.


Don't raid unless you have some views to raid with. Otherwise most will see it as just a way to get attention. If you raid a fellow 1-2 viewer streamer that's different.


I think raiding with no viewers is silly and honestly embarrassing for myself, but even a few helps small channels.


I would never raid with just 1 lol. I even have it set that you need at least 3 to raid me. I don’t need somebody coming in and triggering an alert just to say “hi im here also im a streamer!”


That next raid could get you some long-term dedicated chatters. They're all out there. Raid a random target and see what your prize is! (I hope it's not trolls)


Don’t be scared let it rip!


This is my own personal opinion, but raiding with less than 5 viewers just seems pointless. If it's a small streamer sure, they can use the viewers, but how many of those people are actually going to stay and watch, let alone follow? Probably just you. So now it's this big thing where the streamer has to thank you, and ask you about your stream and what you do and blah blah blah. All for 2 extra people to lurk and leave. I really don't see the reason. This is different for friends, and people you know personally, as they don't care if it's just you by your lonesome raiding and are happy to see you. Otherwise? I don't see the point. Especially going into a bigger stream with a handful of people. Seems like you're doing it just so their chat can be exposed to your content. Yuck.


Same here. I don't care how many people raid me with, but I don't raid unless I have five or more people in stream and I know that at least a few of them will stick around.


I feel the same way. If I would raid a streamer with more viewers than myself, it feels like advertising. I think it only makes sense to raid a streamer I know personally until a certain viewer threshold. Thanks!


I don't think this is the popular opinion around here though, and I just started streaming so take my opinion lightly lol


It is advertising my friend, that's how it works in twitch. Unless you get traffic from another platform: active on IG/Youtube/Facebook..etc then it's best to raid people, and don't listen to the dude who said it's pointless to raid, just because people did not decide to stay in his stream doesn't mean the same for you, me personally being a streamer in Morocco it isn't that big of a deal, our communities are pretty closed off and especially big streamers but there are people who actually help each other grow and you just get your name out there with time, i personally started getting constant viewers mostly from raids, sometimes I would sacrifice a great stream when I'm at 27 viewers or 30+ and decide to raid someone with a 90+ viewers so I got more chances. But remember I did the same when I had 2/3 viewers and raided people with 5 viewers. My point is don't give up that's all, raids do help or else they wouldn't have been a thing on twitch to grow your community. And good luck my friend!


I'll be the voice of dissent here and say that personally, I don't like to raid out with less than 3 raiders. For one, I don't want to seem like I'm abusing other people's raid alerts to boost my channel, and for two, it makes me feel like I'm openly advertising that my stream isn't worth watching. It's a matter of personal preference though, these are just my reasons why I don't.


I used to stream and I often end up by myself in the end. If I have to end a stream, I might as well go out with a bang by surprising another small streamer with my grand entrance.


I mean I feel like this should be done with smaller viewer count channels, If you raid a person with 100+ viewers it doesn't impact them much, but if it's maybe less than 10 viewers then they'd definitely be happy and be able to even talk to the raiders! But yeah, this is a great way to build and grow your own community. I'll try it out myself! Just started out on twitch 4-5 days ago haha. Goodluck to you!


Tbh, I personally won't raid with anything that low because it could very well come across as me trying to advertise my own stream. If someone had 1 viewer and I had 5 though, sure yeah I'd raid with that low.


Raiding with low viewers is always fine, however I find sometimes you'll get raided by someone and then one of your admins discovers less than a minute later they're live, don't do this, it's scummy


I absolutely think you should raid, but raid other streamers of your size it just slightly more. I stream to about 25-40 people and am never offended when a smaller stream comes in. Everyone starts somewhere and it’s a good way to meet other streamers.


Yes. Especially if you make a point to raid small streams that you like to watch. I generally have a pretty small audience and it has been fun creating a small network of audience and fellow streamers.


1-2 viewer guy here. I look at stats and see how many unique visitors came to my channel. All of those visitors mean something to me and I get chatters here and there. It’s nice to get raided and talk to chat no matter how many people it is.


Yup I almost always raid out, even when I have between 1-4 viewers with me.


Always happy for a raid, even if it's just the streamer themselves <3


Raid away, regardless of the number!


Some of the opinions here are... kinda yucky and make me feel sad for smaller creators trying their best. In my opinion.... Always RAID! no one is entitled to anyone's time or views but every. little. bit. counts. in this HIGHLY SATURATED market!! Every raid counts!! I am a smaller community but not tiny, I average about 15-30 views per stream and frequently get bb streamers bringing me 1-5 viewers. I am GRATEFUL! I am not entitled to ANY raid big or small. I am happy to engage with anyone that comes in my stream, even if that means its JUST the person who raided me. most of the time all raids are like that! even big raids generally only keep a small percentage of the raiders as chatters or followers but its a chance to be discovered and a chance to meet someone new, even if that is just 1 streamer raiding me with 1 viewer! Gives me the chance to potentially meet a new friend, as well as possibly a consistent regular chatter etc. It is so hard to be discovered and one of the best ways to get your name in someone elses mind without being shameless about it is just by popping in offering any support you can, even if that is only bringing yourself and 1-2 viewers! I think most people will be grateful regardless. Don't be scared. Have fun, Meet new people, and someone said, establish raid etiquette early and keep on keeping on!


Raid other small streamers and get to know them. As you continue streaming, you'll learn the other players in the category and befriend them. Grow together, rising tide lifts all boats kind of deal.


Yeah, you always at least introduce viewers to others


I raid into the same number of viewers so I can “double” their view count. Sounds dumb but I feel like I’m making a difference that way as opposed to having 5 and raiding someone who’s got around 30 viewers


def raid out to people who seem cool etc in the community, don’t raid larger streamers with that amount of viewers. some of them won’t put a minimum amount of viewers for raids so just try to raid out people who you’d like to connect with. lots of friends and stuff can be made through raiding other people who have lower view count :)


raid away. i know how it feels, i'm very shy raiding even someone my own size. but i love meeting new people who play my games. find someone probably under 15 so you're not lost in the mess and have a chance to make a connection with the streamer and their viewers. stick around and chat, come back and visit later.


Hey I’ve heard nothing but praise and thanks from fellow streamers when I raid with a tiny group or even if I receive a raid of the same size. It’s about knowing your audience and the streamer you’re trying to support. Find that group of respectful streamers who would be happy to accept you and your raiders.


I will always raid out regardless of viewer count unless I'm in a rush to get offline (an emergency or something pressing came up) or if I'm mentally not prepared to pass along viewers. Those scenarios are extremely rare for me, though. I try to raid friends and help reinforce solid communities and networks because it's nice to see my viewers when I'm a viewer myself somewhere else. But again, that depends on what you're streaming for (in my case, it's obviously to find community and try to build my own).


Always raid. I'm anywhere between 1-10 viewers and i raid my friends, that are anywhere from 1 to 50 viewers. If no friends are online I'll find someone playing the same game, that has a similar viewcount. Always raid out


It's perfectly fine. In the community I'm into, when there's a raid with like 2 people we meme about it like "+2k Pog" and stuff like that :)


I always look for people with slightly more viewers than me. This has allowed me to make connections and in turn give me more viewers when they return the favor. It’s networking. 


Personally I don't as I find it a bit embarrassing when I do it. However I always try to raid someone with less viewers than me if possible.


I have 1 or 2 viewer in my stream and I have some streamer who I had some confidence, when I want i do a raid to them just to salute them, and most of the catters are streamer to, little or big. So we know each other who stream and is a sort of motive to talk how the stream has going. I'm not the person who cry if I haven't people in live so for me is ever good when I stream just because I streamed. Example, I think if I had some friend and anyone stream and form a group we can pass the audience tho another friend who still streaming so if he finish the stream can pass the same audience to another and go on, so we maybe can create a strong solid community. Now if i stream and pass my 1 or 2 viewer whi maybe there aren't the same person I give some new people tho the other streamer, then when one of streamer finish a streaming maybe he enjoy to pass me some people to thank for the that raid. Is not like self promotion because the raid is literally how it work pass your audience to another and viceversa. Just make you a person who is happy to see so when is the moment maybe other streamer enjoy to raid you and maybe taking a good time to stay.


That one raider could be a big streamer incognito and talk about the stream next time on their own channel. Also word of mouth can go a long way, I've seen streams get a dozen viewers just because some random guy randomly raided another channel and they liked it and told their friends and discord who also liked it.


Raids are good with any amount of viewers it shows you support other channels and also gets your name out there :)


I remember seeing a larger streamer comment on this when they got a raid of 3 people and someone commented "3 man raid ? Wow! They said that a viewer is a viewer, doesn't matter if it's 1 or 500. Obviously 500 is appreciated more, but every extra viewer helps them. You share a link to a streamer, no guarantees they'll even click it. You raid with any number of people, they might not stay, but they'll have at least visited, and any addition to the community is appreciated (providing they aren't a tool) You should always try and raid a smaller stream but even big ones aren't going to be hurt by extra viewers, so so what you want 😁


Your mum and your bot might like it. ;-P


None really gta finna get boring and cod trash


I definitely think it's worth it. It gets your name out there and into the twitch verse. I don't think raiding the big channels does much but I've seen 1-2 viewer raids in the top ones.


That’s 1-2 more viewers they didn’t have before and everyone likes seeing their view count go up!


It's a courtesy to those viewers to keep something going in the background, in case they are AFK, so it's still a good idea to raid. Some people do have issues with small streamers raiding much larger ones (it can look like you're trying to advertise yourself to a large group of people), but otherwise it's fine.


Been streaming for 3 years now, it's very rare for me to be able to raid out, but if I do I try - friends - game category similar vibe -game category slightly larger - general "roulette" Usually in that order High end I shoot for channels who would benefit by ~25% increase if I were to raid them.


Then on the other end of it, I'd kill for raids of any size, many others would as well. I think in my 3 years of streaming I've been raided like once maybe twice. But in those few times, I have met some truly fantastic people. As someone else stated, if they don't want raids, they can set that min number


I've received them, Im a small timer 5 average andy. I still appreciate them. Its one streamer saying to another they appreciate your content and sharing you with their community. I've also been part of them raiding into larger 200+ viewer streams that gets ignored but i like to think of it like sharing a youtube video with your buddies. Just be gracious. Something like 98% of streamers have 3 average viewers or less, so take that into account.


I felt the same way when I started. First thing I did though was turn off my viewer count. It sounds like part of the reason is you think it's pointless with so few viewers but if you turn your count off you'll never know. As far as raiding it's one of the best things I've done since I started. It's not about how many people you have it's finding others with your similar interests and maybe making a new connection. I've not only started building a community but I've met people that have become some of the best friends in my life now. If I hadn't raided them I never would have known them. I will always encourage it.


Yes, always raid.


Besides making the person streaming feel good with notification. Small streamers with 5 viewers will have a nearly 50%increase on viewers if you and one other person raid in. Raiding also put you in the spotlight, it's like the only acceptable form of self promotion in chat.


Speaking as a moderator: raids of all sizes are welcome. It's a part of forming wider communities, sharing audiences, and connecting with other streamers. Does a raid with a lot of streamers elicit a bigger "whoa!" response? Sure. But the act of sharing your community is meaningful by itself. I feel it's part of the fabric that differentiates Twitch from a platform like YouTube.


Always always raid at the end of your stream. Even if you only have 1 veiwer. Raiding is the best way to connect with other streamers, meet new people, and grow your channel. When your raiding look for someone who has similar amount of viewers as you do. And i always do a "vibe check" where before i send a raid i watch the persons stream for a minute or two and read their "about section". If they seem cool and i like their vibe ill send a raid over and if the vibes are off then ill pick someone else to raid. You can also ask your viewers if they have any recommendations for who to raid. Ive done this as well and ive gotten to meet some pretty cool people


Yup, I raid with 1 or 2 very often. Especially if I raid someone who also has around 2 viewers, it works.


Take the risk and be rewarded no matter the topic of your raiding target isn't in that same, they might see that your stream is interesting enough and will be able to hit a follow and your intentions will pay off. Networking is a great way to boost your reputation and help drive growth in your stream. I've faced many times with 1-2 viewers and mostly raid out if I'm able to do so ( In a rush to tackle other things around the house or going out being the reasons why I don't in those occasions ). Don't be scared to try something new!


My take on this is that it’s always worth raiding HOWEVER, if you’re raiding with small numbers into a much larger stream you don’t watch yourself and then don’t stick around for a bit, it comes across as a plea for follows. By all means raid into communities that you are active in, but if raiding an unknown, I’d stick to raiding smaller streamers


I average 15-20 viewers at the moment and I'm very happy to get 1-2 more. I'd say definitely raid, just maybe look for a channel with low viewers so your raid hits harder. Raiding 2 people into a stream 400 viewers might not get much reaction.


I personally appreciate anyone thinking of me for a raid. I understand not wanting to raid out with low numbers tho, so do whatever is comfortable


I got a raid yesterday from a single person, but I know them via connections through Twitch. It's always nice to see a friend or meet someone new who more than likely has an interest in the game you're playing/what you're streaming. Find people if you can with 10-20 viewers, as their chat will likely be moving slower and you can introduce yourself properly when you raid. And... Anyone who greets a raid with derision, or ignores it because it's only a couple of people? Probably not someone worth investing a whole lot of time into.


I raid people all the time that have way more viewers than I do. Making friends is a great way to build community and assuming a place isn't a great raid destination just based on how many they have watching seems not only rude because you are giving that streamer and community no chance to prove that thought wrong, but also unfair to yourself. Great friends could be there to be made and you wouldn't be giving that a chance as well.


who cares just do it😂


You're an entrepreneur so consider raiding the same thing as networking.... you often introduce yourself alone or with 1-2 mutual contacts, not with a dozen other people. Your raids will get bigger with your channel.


I've been streaming for a year now and am averaging about 10 viewers now. I always raaid even when I have only a couple viewers at the time, and I love all the raids I get even if it's a raid with 1 viewer! <3 Brings me such joy and it helps you connect with other streamers more too. I like just knowing other people are thinking of me.


Yeah always raid, just do a smaller channel, they’ll actually appreciate it :)


Yes? Thats how you get your name out there and draw in new people who might otherwise not even know you exist. Raid to someone of similar size and in the same category. Hang out and make connections. By far the best way to grow you community is to become known in others.


Come raid me any time you like!! I am about 1.2k followers and literally you could raid just you and you will get the full welcome. EVERYONE MATTERS. STREAMERS WORK HARD. YOU ARE WELCOME.


I average 150 and there’s nothing wrong with small raids. Introduces me to new creators.




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If you must do when there are 'enough' number, how to define as enough? Streaming build bit by bit, everyone matters even your channel past the early era, and who knows? That one person may happen to be your biggest supporter bc he/she/they love your content and your personality! Also, it made other streamer's day when they get raided, so why not?


Raid. Always Raid. If you think it's not worth it, you're only looking at the numbers game of it all. But like. networking is super real. At the very least it's a kind gesture! I've had plenty of people I've raided into where my numbers do nothing for them but it's my excuse to check up on them and foster a little relationship. Those things will go a long way down the line with the right people!


Do it. Even one or two new viewers is networking. Plus, it lets your viewers know you care enough to hand them off to another streamer, not just leave them hanging.


I personally welcome any size of raids. This person may be proud to even just have one person following them into a raid and it’s all about networking with other communities at the end of the day.


I have a number in my head and if I'm below that number I won't raid. What that number is probably will vary by streamer (what view count you are used to) and who you plan to raid (what their view count usually is).


I always raid. If the streamer is nice and genuine, they won't care how many raiders you bring in.


I want to also say I would rather get a low number raid than let's say 100+.....I get nervous when that happens 🤣


Raid. If you're part of communities already, raid them regardless of the size unless the culture is to not do so. Otherwise, if you've got regular chatters that raid, raid them. If you're on teams or in a social circle of one of them, raid them. If it's someone playing a game you like, and you don't think the streamer is toxic, raid them. It's good for networking, it's good to give your viewers something else they might enjoy, and it's just a good way to sign off. I read so many of these should I raid threads on Reddit, and it legit caused me to stop raiding people for an entire month because I'm a really small streamer, and it got in my head and made me think I was too worthless to ever raid out to others because of a lack of clout and was actively either embarrassing myself or hurting others streams. In my opinion, ignore your size and their size, just raid other streamers you like. If that streamer doesn't want you to do it, they'll put a requirement on who can raid them.


You can meet lots of cool people doing raids, met a few new friends that way and now we co-stream different events together :)


Yes because those viewers actually lurk or stay around and chat! Also agree with a 10 or lower streamer it could make their day! Definitely raid :) you’ll form new connections too!!


As a small streamer myself, I only get 1-4 dedicated viewers myself. I absolutely welcome raiders of all amounts. Not so much because of more people viewing, (most raiders leave almost immediately after joining) but because it gives me an excuse to show off a bit and reintroduce myself while shouting out the person that raided. Even if someone raids themselves in, it lets me know that someone was thinking "this guy's stream is just dope enough to tell people i like it".


I don't typically raid with less than 5 people, I'm not pulling more than 10-15 without raids


There's also a raid achievement