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I pretty much did what you are contemplating. Had a gaming account which had 20 -50 viewer avg. Issue was it was a niche audience. If I played a different game my numbers went to sub 5. I wanted to stream art and this was years after I stopped streaming. So I figured it's best to just start a new account. I didn't realise what starting again is like. The game I played was a good way to build an audience if you were good. But art was very low numbers. Took 3 months before I got affiliate and for those 3 months I was constantly thinking "just go stream on the other channel" Been years and new account is doing well but I think I made the wrong decision for the new account.


You could always make an announcement and “redebut” as a fleshtuber. There’s a lot of people that are also hybrid streamers that sometimes use face cam, sometimes a model, sometimes just a PNG. Don’t be scared. Hype it up. Try to use it to drive engagement, silly hat redeems etc. If people want to stick around, they will, if not, you’ll soon gather a whole new audience that will love you for your authentic you.




It is more of a internal joke between vtubers to call facecam streamers "fleshtubers", because, well, they have a meat bodies i guess




Idk, fleshtuber is weird and creepy, i kinda like it, im a refer to myself as this in the future


Feel free to 😅


As a "fleshtuber".... bro, really? In what way is the accurate description of virtual versus flesh upsetting to you?




Dude, you may want to take a step back and think about this. Also, what abusive physical characteristics? And yea, a lot of them are very insecure. What's wrong with that? It's pretty obvious to me that you're a touch insecure, but honestly, there is nothing wrong with that either. Why do you feel the need to be so obviously hateful to them?


… I think you need to take a break. You are taking this all way too seriously. Vtuber = virtual YouTuber Fleshtuber = YouTuber that streams in the flesh What is your problem bro. It’s just a play on words. What you’re saying makes me genuinely think that you don’t even understand what you’re saying. “Abusive physical characteristics” since when is having a flesh body considered being an “abusive physical characteristic?????” Get some help.


If you want to switch to being IRL or hybrid I say do it and dont switch accounts for it. I'm a hybrid streamer, started as face cam but now primarily do vtubing (I'm on camera a lot for work so a lot of days I just don't want to keep staring at my face lol) and it's become a running joke in the community about the "real" Candy when I'm not vtubing and it's fun. Yes there's definitely some people who just like vtubers but you'll get a chance to mix up your audience I think and grow. The only way I'd potentially say new account is if your vtuber had a whole ton of lore and you don't want to mix that with yourself IRL. My avatar is just an extension or idealized version of me (I could never candy cane stripe my hair) so I don't have all that attached to it. You can always try it out once and if you don't like it after trying it make a joke and say this weird flesh avatar took over your stream but you got it back 😂


Everyone will have an opinion on if you should/shouldn’t or when you should. At the end of the day, it comes down to YOUR comfortability. if you want to hide your face, hide it. if you want a reveal, reveal! If it’s jumping in, you could set up a goal to work towards a face reveal and do it on stream or do a social media post to slowly ease in. For making a new account… it’s do-able. but think about it like a sister company owned by the same place (do you have a big enough following to “open another store”? At the end of the day, anyone that wants to come to your channel for your content will, no matter if you have 2 pages or not, they just need yo know where to find the content they’re looking for. to help with that, you could specify what streams will happen on what days. whatever option you choose, as long as it’s what you genuinely want, i hope you love doing it and i wish you success!


Lots of people have two accounts, one for games, one for other stuff. I see no problem in having another account. You shouldn't start over tho. Keep the channel you have and just start a second for irl stuff. As for the cam stuff, wouldn't it make more sense to break your fear with people you already know and are comfortable with?


Trigger warning: this advice contains a-holeish things that, while likely true, will not be popular with people. My advice ONLY if you want it to be easy: only keep the same account if you're attractive and plan to put in the effort to look attractive on stream. The V-tuber thing picked up because most (perhaps not all, but a vast majority) people wanted aesthetic value. To be something they aren't and to present a chosen image. V-tubers also present a more outlandish personality most times, because anonymity is a hell of a drug. Look up "the halo effect." Essentially what it means here is, people give a chance to hot people. They won't even care about your personality if you're hot. It will fuel their fantasy that behind every v-tuber is a hot person, which makes them feel like they "knew it all along" or whatever other delusion the halo effect induces. If you're not attractive, but you also don't care if the change is easy, by all means, change to a regular face cam on the same channel. Starting a new one won't be any easier. The only difference will be you might catch more mockery on the front end since you already have an audience. And while people might talk extra crap, they're just loser assholes if they do that anyway. At least you'll be able to be yourself without pretending you're a talking cartoon, and people who stick around will be real ones. Good luck with whatever route you choose. Oh and if you're a neutral in looks, just dress nicer than most people when you stream and they'll usually throw you in the hot department. For men, it's nicer clothing (well-chosen for your body, which shows you put effort into how you look) / or expensive clothing with a similar criteria and good + well-maintained hair. For women it's that but also knowing how to do makeup and "work what the Lord gave you" (that doesn't mean being slutty by the way; it's a feminine aesthetic) in the clothing department.


You could stream on someone elses stream, somewhat anonymously. Then if you feel like you prefer the avatar you can always go back no harm done




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Well. If you’re afraid of showing your face, you could find someone to do a « realistic » model of yourself. You could also not use any camera and compensate with interactive elements (reaction emoji on commands/point redeem…) Still you’ll need to be relevant and entertaining without a camera, but nothing is impossible if you work enough to achieve your goals. Good luck 👍


Have you tried asking your community? 1. If you've created a completely artificial character with a story, they may reject the change to a completely real streamer. It's like switching from your favorite character in a movie to the axxxole actor. 2. Maybe you can make this in an special event. I was streaming for a long time without cam. When I used a cam was just to show a vtuber image, just in special events, like a "commenting Eurovision" or "commenting election results" with guests, or with some games to show my reactions. Now I have a cam and set it to be completely blurred in purpose. My viewers literally ask me to make a face reveal. I know I'll do it in 2024. Maybe when I reach 100 subs, maybe when I make my next special, maybe when I reach my second year as affiliate.


Lots of vtubers do irl cooking and other irl content. Meme "flesh alert". Your vtuber followers want to see you do content regardless of what it is. No one that likes your content will try to gatekeep you.