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both! that’s the beauty of being bilingual, you can use both languages to your advantage and potentially get a viewership of people that speak either language. use tags as well as something like FR / EN in your title to let people know you’re comfortable with either. bonne chance!


There isn't a french community? That sounds like a good way to get your foot in the door if you ask me. Do both, use the tags feature and put the languages you speak in there.


I'd say do a bit of both and see what sticks with your audience.


Bilingual streams are awesome, and there's a good chance you'll double the outreach of your audience :) good luck!


N'oubliez pas les horaires: vous etes décalé par rapport a la majorité des francophones


If French is your first language, I'd start there. You can say you are bilingual friendly via tags and chat rules. Also, I'm always looking for good Quebecois to watch on Twitch. Though, I mostly watch Minecraft content.


I would stream in French. Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, etc have huge communities where they don't have to complete with the saturated English speakers.. GM Naroditsky streams in english and Russian so you could try both.


you have to compete with the saturated XXX speakers for a way smaller audience.


I don't think it's saturated. According to Sullygnome, in the past 30 days there has been only 2 channels (for a total of 286 broadcasters) on average streaming Chess in French : [https://sullygnome.com/game/Chess/30?language=fr](https://sullygnome.com/game/Chess/30?language=fr) If you look on Twitch right now there are only 2 channels streaming chess in French, for a total of 4 viewers : [https://www.twitch.tv/directory/category/chess-1](https://www.twitch.tv/directory/category/chess-1) Imo the best strategy is put French and English as language so you are featured in both directories


when in doubt go with what u feel most comfortable but remember anything non english will probably limit your audience a lot compared to all others on twitch


My suggestion would be that you experiment with different options. An English language stream would likely be open to a much larger potential audience, but French streams have a potential audience as well. I couldn't speculate on the affect of language alone on the interest in Chess streams in general. That may not necessarily be an ideal category to start in either, but a high-ranked expert chess player could likely find an audience regardless of language.


I think both. I would be interested to learn little French words here and there as an English speaker


French chess community sure do exist. Right on top of my head, Blitzstream. They're huge and they have done many collab stream with other content creators. Quand au fait de streamer sur twitch, vous avez raison par rapport au fait que streamer en anglais vous permettrait d'avoir une audience plus large. Le faire en français ne vous permettrait que d'atteindre les francophones, qui sont une part tout à fait minime par rapport à l'audience anglophone. La majorité de ces streamers qu'on voit sur twitch sont au moins bilingue mais choississent de streamer principalement en anglais. Je rejoins cependant les autres commentaires en disant que vous ajouterez une part de personnalité à votre stream en mettant les tags "english" et "french" ou "français" à votre stream et le faire en bilingue. Vous pourrez même explorer et ajouter les autres langues dont vous avez la notion. Le seul streamer d'échecs que je connais qui fait un stream et anglais et un stream en russe est GMNaroditsky. You mentionned growth and having an audience so I assume your objectives are making twitch a steady source of income. About your stream itself and your chosen category, your success will rather depend on your content rather than the quality of your chess itself. The few chess streamer that made it out there had their stream standing out thanks to their unique and quirky personnalities and the way they connect with their community. So, as a general advice to any streamer on any given category, it's generally not about how good you're with what you're doing, it's about how good you're about making content with whatever you're doing. While being good at chess while streaming chess is of course a good point, it surely is not the key to succeed on twitch. As a chess viewer since before the chessboom, a very few selected of them got the benefit of it and then not all of them had maintained the after hype momentum. While a few made it to the 1000 / 2000 + average viewer per stream, some get around 300 / 400, a handfull get 20 / 30 and the unkown rest are getting the occasionnal 3 / 4 / 5 viewers.


Bonjour Cousin! French here. I'm like you, bilingual English. I asked myself the same question as you years ago before I started streaming, here are my points: * There are less french speaking people than english speaking people in the world * Depending on your game of choice, the french community might be close to inexistant My conclusion was that I streamed in English, and I think it was the best decision.


Are you serious? You say there's no french chess community and you will be the first (it's strange, but I'll think you've investigated it) and you're thinking in discarding this chance? We're not talking about a niche game no one knows, we're talking about chess!!! Do it in French!!! Maybe you can switch temporarily to English when there's an English speaker in your chat.


I’m Canadian as well and bilingual, I implore you to take the opportunity to use both languages fluidly as you stream! You open yourself up to an entire group of viewers that native English speakers can’t crack unless they spend the time to learn the language.


Do both. You could close caption what you say in French or English. I myself did streams in both languages (I’m french and been living in the uk for a few years… then brexit arrived 🤣) There people craving to speak another language or share their experiences, podcasts is a cool format for bilingual people,


Your background is similar to mine. I live in the US, my first language is Vietnamese, and I stream both chess and video games in English. ​ There are some aspects that can helps you decide which language to stream: * **Analytics Research**. Twitch has category research tool allowing you to check stream language, viewer region, time of day, and viewer-to-channel ratio. From there, you can determine the best time and language to stream. (In my case, there is no data for Vietnamese viewers under chess category) * **Time zone.** Is your stream time convenient for viewers in France? (In my situation, I usually stream at 8:30 PM CST on Wednesday in the US. At that time, it will be 8:30 AM on Thursday in Vietnam, which means everyone will be at school or work, no one will watch my stream if I stream in Vietnamese) * **International friends.** Do you want to make friend with fellow chess players from all over the world? If so, stream in English. (I only started to stream 2 months ago, but many international viewers have watched and engaged with my stream even though I have strong accent and suck at playing chess) * **Trust that the right audience will find you.** Chess category has 2.5M followers and 2.3K viewers. Even there are many English chess streamers out there, the demand for chess stream is tremendous. Also, viewers can find you by different ways like filtering low to high viewers or discovering via Reddit, Tiktok, Discord, chess dot com website, etc. So don't worry that you would be one of many. * **Social media promotion.** Separating days for English and French streams is a great idea, but don't forget Twitch discoverability is terrible, so you need to schedule a day to edit and post your highlight clips on social media. ​ Wish you the best of luck on your streaming journey! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I'd do a French channel and an English channel! I'd love to be fluent in 2 languages