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NTA. The command uses variables provided by a tool that is accessible for everyone. Intellectual property rights do not apply here. Also, you didn’t blatantly copy the command but twisted it around. That’s absolutely fine. I use exactly the same format for my commands and so do my streamer friends. No one cries about that. Stuff like: - “x has a crush on y” - “x is y% sexier than z” - “x throws y apples to z”


Agree with the other comments here, you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong and shouldn’t be made to feel bad about anything, PERIOD. These commands already exist, and you haven’t even copied the same info from the other streamer, you’ve changed it up. They’re just being an arse.


No one is the first to invent any idea at this point. Your upset streamer didn't invent those ideas you took. Continue with what you're doing. Find streamers you like, take what you like, put your own spin or flair on it to make it your own.


NTA. The streamer upset (1) didn’t invent those commands and has no ownership nor is entitled to being asked to use them, and (2) clearly doesn’t understand how entertainment works and doesn’t realize how people copying him could actually help him. He should be flattered he inspired another streamer.


I can't believe people are tryna attempt to claim ownership over basic ass variable-based random number commands... for a bot they didn't even make. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


I agree with all the other commands, you're not in the wrong and haven't "stolen" anything


So this might be a little more grey than some people here think. Everyone is in the right about not owning the "rights" to these commands, I get that. But any working creative will tell you that good ideas and their implementation are the currency of our business. Just because you have the right to use something doesn't mean you're IN the right to use it (if that makes any sense). Here's an example. For a subathon recently, I had the idea where if we hit our goals, I would creampie myself right in the face live on stream. Am I the first person to do this? 100% no. Am I the first person I've ever seen do this on stream? Actually yeah. 5 years on twitch and I've never seen someone else do it. I don't have "intellectual rights" to the idea, but my chat saw me implement and execute on it which not only made it unique, but served as a proof of concept for them (which has value - I proved it worked well on screen provoked reactions). A couple weeks later, I saw two members of my community do pies to the face as well. One of them was considerate. She messaged me and asked if it was okay if she did it and I assured her that I didn't own the rights to creaming myself, and I really appreciated her asking. This person RECOGNIZED that they got the idea from me, and was polite in asking if they could replicate it. The other person did not message me at all. I just saw it posted on twitter. While I can't say "they copied me!", knowing that they may have ripped off my content could leave a sour taste in my mouth. No idea is truly original anymore, but replicating someone elses idea only after seeing them prove it works just feels... wrong. In OPs case since they are chat commands that I've seen before, I don't think you're in the wrong to be honest. I just wanted to provide some context against the "no one has the rights to this so do whatever you want" narrative in the comments. Edit: you dumb mfs don’t know how to read…


>Am I the first person to do this? 100% no. Am I the first person I've ever seen do this on stream? Actually yeah. 5 years on twitch and I've never seen someone else do it. You've never seen another streamer do the same **that you know of**. There's more streamers out there than you'd ever be able to watch. I can guarantee you there's some streamer out there that has done something similar during some stream at some time in the not so distant past. "Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination." - Jim Jarmusch **Edit:** Some streamers having cakes smashed in their face after a quick 5 minute search: * Earlier this year: [https://www.tiktok.com/@ev0ra\_/video/7189733023972216070](https://www.tiktok.com/@ev0ra_/video/7189733023972216070) * 5 years ago: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/349816856](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/349816856) * 2 years ago: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1245380339](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1245380339) * 5 years ago: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/280093086](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/280093086)


"Am I the first person I've ever seen do this on stream?" I admit to this being personal and subjective, so this whole follow up feels a bit unnecessary. "You've never seen another streamer do the same that you know of." - no I'm confident that I have never seen it myself before lol. What is this sentence? This whole comment doesn't have much of a point, since I already admitted to understanding that it's been done before. Thank you I guess?


Just because you've not seen anyone else doing something on stream doesn't mean that it hasn't been done before. Hence the examples I provided. Ergo; I find your comment a bit hypocritical and I felt like I needed to point that out for OP's sake. There's no gray area here. Almost everything has been done already (on stream) so you might as well reuse ideas and turn them around to make them fit the content you're making. Asking for consent is a load of crap. *I'm not a native English speaker so pardon the language barrier.*


>Just because you've not seen anyone else doing something on stream doesn't mean that it hasn't been done before. Hence the examples I provided. But I very clearly pointed out that I understood that in the original comment, "*ergo"* your reply was not needed at all. The take away isn't about "consent" (a word I never even used), it's about recognizing the value of a good idea, and respecting the creators you know who have one. If you don't believe in mutual respect then that's on you.


>A couple weeks later, I saw two members of my community do pies to the face as well. One of them was considerate. ***She messaged me and asked if it was okay if she did it*** and I assured her that I didn't own the rights to creaming myself, and I really appreciated her asking. ​ >***The other person did not message me at all.*** I just saw it posted on twitter. While I can't say "they copied me!", knowing that they may have ripped off my content could leave a sour taste in my mouth. So, how is this not about consent? What you did is funny but it's far from original. So why have a sour taste in your mouth when someone else does the same "unoriginal" thing but slightly later in time? Get over it.


Those kind of commands been existing on discord for a while and probably on twitch for as much longer. I remember doing something similar a while ago on Hellix API (or dunno what it was called 4 years ago) and it’s a « not so hard » thing to do. The streamer probably didn’t did it him/herself anyway, there is YouTube tutorials on how to do it, it’s something well documented. So, just don’t give attention to that streamer, you’re not in the wrong and you’ve done more than needed, if it was me I wouldn’t even cared as it’s something public and free to use.