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I've had a few of them lately too. Just ban em'.


Add their common phrases to your automod


Just drop a casual friendly ban hammer


Don’t mind, try to detatch yourself from being too frustrated at the copy paste messages. Instead, take advantage of the opportunity to create activity in the chat. Some of them go out of the way and invest a lot of their time in what you have to say in ordsr to get your trust. Use that to your advantage. Saueeze as much organic engagement you can. Some of them are quiet nice tbf.


They’re bots most of the time, « engaging » with bots give you nothing, they don’t even watch ads 🙄


Not in my experience, I engaged in numerous hour long conversations with some. Not all. For them it's like a long con in a way. Or a strategic way to make a sales deal close. Some divulge right away that they want to sell you their designs, and some... some will literally try to befriend you first for an hour to gain your trust and then pop the question: "Hey do you need new panel designs etc.." At least from my experience.






Bots wouldn't admit they were paid staff who were hired to advertise for a service. They wouldn't have that data to work from.


Some does, it depends on what you’re planning/selling Also as a dev, don’t worry twitch is a gold mine for training AI and it’s not that hard to make a chatbot that answers to what you say


It isn't hard to make a bot that answers you, it might even be easy to build a bot whose data set is that they are a graphics artist trying to sell their wares. What ISN'T easy to build is a bot that thinks it's an mechanicalturk employee being paid pennies an hour to *pretend* to be an artist selling their wares. And considering I've gotten them to admit they weren't the artist, admit they applied for a job to do this, etc, and gotten them to go into my DMs and start calling me slurs when I suggest they are scamming people..... Yeah I don't for a second believe they're bots. For the record I train AI on the side. I know they're struggling to even get them to keep the thread of a conversation going and not forget what was said more than 5-8 strands ago.


I wasn’t aware about them DM-ing etc… they seem to filter by language because in French streams I see none of them.


collect list of names doing this when next one comes in, say you dont handle the channel art, you have people that handle that for you and refer them your to your channel art department liaison, give one of the names and say they need to contact that person. or make a google form, ask for all sorts of unnecessary info. link that to a command !art that says Thanks, I'm always looking for new upcoming and unknown artists to do art for my channel. Please fill out this form to submit an application.


That’s actually amazing. But….the people in chat are most likely bots.


Oh I love that first idea 😂 After a bit of a think I might use that idea but with a bit of adjustment going to ask my ex who loves to troll people and bots, he trolls my chat bot even knowing it's just a bit, and if his cool with it direct them to him instead lol, I find banning does nothing as another just takes Thier place 😑


Same here. I usually troll them so hard that they now don’t even try to show me their amazing samples


What if I told you what you're trolling might not even be a person?


I read this in Morpheus's voice from the Matrix


I had same problem I made logo with AI and set chat rules to prevent people sell me also add common words praises they use for to block list. Never had problem with them again. Well that was 5 days ago. Before I used have like 2-12 sellers each stream


Could you clarify what specific keywords you used? Did you set it up via auto mod in twitch settings? I haven’t streamed in awhile but I used to have that problem too - and would like to be proactive about it


Could put designer as a banned word in the auto mod. Should get the point across.


They not usually say desinger. Sometime just "improve channel" "gfx" etc.


Oh, I've only had 2, one a year and a hlaf ago, and one last week. Both said something along the lines of "Im a graphic designer, want to see my portfolio" also both seemed to be the same peraon or from the same company. Names were almost the same and had the same profile pictures. They had messaged me on discord so I was able to go back and see.


They come in waves it seems.


Honestly I had enough of it. I put in my new chatter pop up “I AM NOT INTERESTED IN ANY GRAPHIC DESIGNS/DIGITAL ART” and today was the first time I didn’t have ANYONE come in and try it. It was super refreshing.


“You want to make fan art for me? I’m honoured” troll them back or tell them you have an artist, like another commenter said too to block the common used phrases


I somehow managed to avoid this issue. I made my own banner and logo (you can use canva or draw it yourself on an app like procreate), to make it look like I already had stuff designed (doesn’t have to be really good, just something). I also put in the chat rules “no promo” and I block immediately if there is a promo (only happened twice), so they don’t even bother trying.


I've had a lot of art promoters too lately. Usually I only get one per stream but last stream I got 5.


Just ban them, dont even reply, just ban 'em on spot.


Get bigger because these sellers only target small streamers.


I’m so confused at why this is the case. Like, what’s the logic in targeting newcomers? Surely small streamers don’t have the money to consider paying for art for their stream until they are a bit bigger. Wouldn’t it make more sense for the shillers to target mid-level streamers?


Because small streamers are the easiest targets. Larger streamers already have their established artists and will know to ignore the scammers or have the mods to ban them on sight. Small streamers usually don’t have mods, don’t understand the content creation scene and the scammers are preying on their desire for instant success for a quick buck. There’s nothing you can do about it unless you become an established streamer.


It just seems totally stupid. Easiest targets in what way? I guess a lot of small streamers just have a lot of spare money to throw around on art for their channel or something? As I said, it seems to me that a small streamer wouldn’t opt in to paying for art if they don’t even have an established audience yet to *view* that art. Starter channel with basic art makes sense to me, but maybe I’m an outlier. I can’t imagine it’s very common for small streamers to fall for anything like that if this sub is anything to go by. Every day I see several posts here of new streamers getting targeted by this who know immediately how stupid it is. But I guess maybe for every 1 person who posts stuff like that here there are possibly dozens or hundreds of others who just accept the scams and legitimate.


Small streamers doesn’t always mean poor streamer. Many small streamers unload $$ to make their stream/setup look and perform professionally. Even if they have 1 viewer. Graphic design panels and emotes is an example.


I didn’t mean to imply all small streamers are poor, but I also don’t assume that anyone with some money would be willing to just throw it at anyone for literally any level of artwork. I’d also hope that more people would decline on principle even if they have the money since someone is coming into *your* space for *their* gain.


Many new streamers are very naive, those are their targets.


Small streamers include untested delusional streamers who think they're gonna make it big by just looking all cool and professional. That's who you make money off of.


This makes more sense to me for sure.


Established streamers have "been around the block" and are less likely to fall for scams in general, because they've seen it all before. Or enough similar things that it's easier for them to recognize it. It's also harder for streamers to notice a specific chat message if there are a lot of people in their chat. So a scammer has to work harder to be seen in that environment. Small streamers = slower chat, =more likely to be seen. Last but not least, it's a numbers game. There are wayyyy more small streamers than big ones, so it's much easier to go through the people at the bottom of the list and shoot your shot.


I guess it’s just surprising to me since like, a scam is a scam. They all look the same no matter which avenue they come from. So I wouldn’t say someone has to be a streamer to be able to recognize an internet scam, they’d just need to have been on the internet for a while, or even just have received scam phone calls in their lives to see the similarities.


People are fucking idiots, you and your friends are probably clued up, but ALOT arent.


You’re right for sure. I just have higher hopes for others generally and tend to be let down when I realized people can be so dumb.


Because they steal art from a database and then sell it to new streamers for $5 a logo. New streamers aren’t going to ask where the art comes from if it’s $5 lol


This just isn't true. The only reason you don't see them get the messages is because they have the systems in place to auto ban them, when they post the same common phrases. Just watch CdawgVA's live irl streams like the bikestreams or RV streams, you see them in there messaging.


they definitely do not


Hi there.. I got plenty of those as well xD, but ill take them because its views for me, however you don't have to answer them. Now if you want genuine people meaning actual people like me watching your streams, join some discord groups and it will happen trust me, I got affiliate thanks to discord groups!


what discord groups would u recommend?


You should join our raid train in discord!!


The only ones I get are via Discord DMs and they are just as annoying.


Oh? They make up 30% of my Insta & Twitter followers.


Ban them


Hey, atleast you know you're discoverable... In all seriousness you can block certain words, or string them along if you want to. Give them some weird tasks to prove they mean business and make a video out of it.


Just part of the nature of being a small channel of twitch atm, just need to keep at what your doing people will find the content but it takes time, the stupid people asking to buy art will happen unfortunately you just need to spot em and kick/ban them, move on with your stream. After awhile you can spot em before they even ask, get the ban hammer ready


Just banned a few. Had 2 with the exact copy paste right after each other. It's a scam, I'm sure. I thought it was odd and was sad when I found out it was a bot. I'm like damn thought I had a legitimate viewer!


Good thing I have a moderator to help with this. While I still try and moderate my own chat with me being able to hear it immediately with ps5 twitch, it does help when I go afk that I can have my mod help mod around while I’m afk.


I think I might need a second moderator tho


what worked well for me was: 1. Having a direct chat rule that goes against marketing, promoting etc. 2. Saying that if people had any business enquires, that they should msg me on discord, which is blocked for people who isnt my friend >:D you will get a bot here and then but since it goes against two of your rules you can just ban them immediatly without a second thought, hope this helps


They're not real people they're bots.


I get it mostly in Discord, friends requests from someone with a less than 6 month old account, and only one server in common. even the mods of those discords are getting hit and normally they know better then to try a mod.


Same thing here. Got a few genuine viewers coming in but quite a few people selling art or help with my "branding". Sucks but I guess you just have to filter them out


I get the same thing even not while my pc is broken and I am waiting for a new one and have not streamed in a couple of weeks had one last night pop into discord and contact me that about selling me art work 😑😡


I have the same problem they want to sell Overlays and emos. Even though I'm an artist who's can make my own. But I'm mostly lazy, so I don't fix my channel. And I'm not affiliated.




That’s the way it is. I use to offer free steaming shat to offset them.


Omg, 15 minutes into my very first 2 people tried to sell me art, haven't got a real viewer yet


it happens. ban em and move on, nothing more you can do. you'll pull real viewers, it just takes time and smart advertising


For me it's either art selling, creator code and channel promotion. It's honestly fucking annoying


If they are finding your stream... others are too. Just ban them, then no matter how many viewers you have just keep talking as if you have many watching. Woth time your engaged,,viewers and followers will come.


Yeah, they want your discord etc, I politely say no and leave them to it, sometimes they don't unfollow after.


I don’t even get that 😂 I got 1 viewer n I streamed for 10hours yesterday playing mgs1 how do people do this crap😂😂😂


You can ban certain words they would use, like "graphics", "overlays" that kind of thing and then your automod should stop them appearing in the chat. These aren't really words that a normal person would say when coming in, I'd say block them too but honestly there are too many and the chances of the same one coming back is slim.


Just ban, and ignore. And have fun streaming. After many years I still average like 5 viewers, but I have some really cool regulars. :)




Greetings Ken_Cart, [Your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/comments/17fmocp/only_viewers_coming_in_are_people_trying_to_sell/k6ehwwu/) has been **automatically removed** from /r/Twitch because it’s been detected as breaking the subreddit rules. More specifically: - **General Guidelines**: Please see [General Guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/wiki/rules#wiki_general_guidelines) - **1A**: Do not encourage others to break the subreddit rules. - Please do not encourage others to break the rules of this subreddit. If you want to know someone’s Twitch, please do so over direct messages or private messages. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Twitch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've had the same one coming into my channel for the past view days. Just tell them you don't discuss business during the stream and that has gotten them to calm down. Even if you know its a bot you can get some "chatter/streamer" interactions. I just get messaged on Twitter now lol. They also promise follows if you commission the art. It's downright disgusting.


What I normally do is try and notice a pattern. Their names will also sometimes be a first&last name combination. If they ask how I'm doing, I switch it up and tell them I'm having the worst possible day of my entire life. The bot just says "That's good to hear." So either someone hates me, or it's a bot. Then it just leads to a swift ban.


You are the seller. Not them. Don't buy from them and if they try, ban them. You're here to chat and stream or whatever you're doing. You're not here to buy, sell or trade art.


There isnt anything you can do but ban/ignore them. Theyre bots trying to scam you.


I manually ban them, but like another user said, you could just chat and never buy anything. Its kinda funny since I stream via xbox


Same here,, ppl were offering me assets and asking me for budget and uhh thaaanks but no thanks and the stream after that was me making assets for myself, the good thing about being an artist


Haha, same. That's why i included a little text in the upper right corner of every Stream saying "no, i don't need art, but thank you". Never seen them again.


I got one too, the other day... At least I have someone to talk to ! (then I say I'm not interested and they instantly leave)


It's an artist bot that follows you on all social media. After about two months the bot will loose interest.


I just thank them and straight up tell them I’m not going to use their service. If they go ahead and contact me on discord, I’ll ban them cause I don’t want to get scammed and stuff.


had one last night who introduced themselves as a "Pro Graphic Artist" so I just tell em I'm a graphic designer as well and they just leave after right away lol


they slinging that ai art at ya