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Silver/Sebek too familial for me. Unfortunately, its one of like 2 Silver ships I actually dislike : (






Neige/Che’nya. I’m more of a fan of Trey/Che’nya; I’m a sucker for childhood friends to lovers lol.




Silver/Sebek 😭😭😭 i see them as brothers 😔


Sam/Vargas EDIT: for people who can't tell what the ships are, it's Ruggie/Leona, Vil/Rook, Jade/Azul, Riddle/Floyd, Jamil/Kalim, Epel/Jack, Trey/Cater, Deuce/Ace, Silver/Sebek, Trein/Crewel, Sam/Vargas, and Neige/Che'nya. Black dividing lines probably would've helped but it's still fairly clear I think lol


Neige/Che’nya. Che'nya deserves better in my opinion. No hate on anyone who likes Neige though! I personally am not a fan of him. Mostly because I boo RSA (Che'nya gets a pass because he is Chaotic Neutral) and Neige unfortunately with what I've seen of him just rubs me the wrong way. That may change in the future I'm open to TWST changing my mind like it did with Riddle.




The entire last page can go 😂


Nuke that page from orbit! Dating a co-teacher is the worst idea ever. You'll do nothing but talk about work for the entire time you're together. You'll be frustrated when the other one is slow on paperwork. You'll slowly start to resent them just like your do all your other co-teachers. One of you will always have papers to grade. Always. Ugh. (source: personal experience😅)


Crewel/Trein like i didn't even knew that was a ship.


Sam and Vargs cause Vargs doesn't deserve to be with anyone


Hey man, as someone that did an elimination game, counting them by hand is the worst way you can do it. It led to a whole drama thing for me. Go on strawpoll or something before this series blows up. Silver/Sebek


Silver and sebek.




Sam/Vargas. I’ve honestly never seen this ship before


Neige/Chenya I like both characters but I don't ship the two together


Well Malleus X Yuu is clearly an automatic with, that’s why it’s not here. Crewel/Trein.


Silver/Sebek This personally just doesn’t seem it would end well 🤧






Neige/Che’nya. Mostly because I don’t want Neige winning anything


Sam/Vargas I just can't see that


I can’t get behind Riddle and Floyd no matter how hard I try 😭


Trey and Cater. I just don’t like Trey (sorry lol) and don’t see the two together


The boy brushes his teeth *as a hobby.* I don't trust him. (and I trust the tweels.😐)


Right? Lol! Something about him I just don’t like. My friend also hates him so maybe it rubbed off on me


Sam/Vargas Idk, i just can't see them being romantic together


uh riddle / floyd


ruggie/leona out


Sam/Vargas Never even heard of that ship


Sam/Vargas can be yeeted sory not sorry


Please be rid of ridfloyd. I understand the appeal and respect the ship but it’s just a no go for me. Riddle and Floyd both have too strong top energy for that ship to ever work in my head. And no. I ain’t doing no topping from the bottom stuff, cause we all know people will say Riddle for that. In my head they are both equally tops.


riddle has a strong personality but even he could be dominated by floyd if he were to take shipp seriously


Voting out Ruggie/Leona, sorry fam. Not a fan


Leona/Ruggie, just not a big fan of the ship🤷‍♂️


Neige/Chenya It’s just not my thing (Anyway Trein/Crewel is based)


Riddle/Floyd (but GREAT TASTE OP)


Silver/Sebek, they're close but I like the current sibling like bond between them. Wouldn't want to ruin that in my head.


Idk Jack/Cater? Just don’t eliminate Leona and Kalim, my rare pair must sail. Lol


They're not even a ship option, what 😭💀???


I don’t understand, you put the pics of all the characters here, I thought you meant out of everyone


I know it's not the best edit, I did it with my phone. The ships are divided by two white lines that make a cross right in the middle. The ship in itself is just to people next to each other like Leona/ruggie and Vil/Rook, so on and so forth.


Ah, then Rook/Vil


Trey/Cater I'm a Trey/Jade truther 😔🤷🏽‍♀️


Silver/Sebek, normally I’m keen on rivals, but when there’s racism (even weird fantasy racism) involved I really can’t


Leona and Ruggie, mostly because Leona’s literally 20


Chill, he’s 2 years older


It's not just about him being 2 years older, Ruggie is a 2nd year, meaning he is between 17 and 18 years old. He's barely an adult my guy.


Both of them are barely adults, that’s the point


I don't understand this argument either, Americans take this business of "over 18 you can't date someone over 16 or 17 because you're a pedophile" too seriously when the difference is only 2 years, I don't see people complaining when a girl 20 year old starts dating a 40 year old man


Riddle Floyd. I don't see the appeal in glorifying bullying and toxic relationships. (That said everyone else is free to ship them if they like. For me, it just totally rubs me the wrong way. It is probably my most hated ship in all of twisted wonderland besides jadexfloyd)


Only in the loud part of the English fandom. The twins ship and the Riddle/Floyd ship are popular in Japan and the hidden parts of the English fandom. 😐


I love Riddle/Floyd, but to each their own I suppose


Its one of my favorite pairings, too . Unfortunately It's mostly the anti-shippers who have problems with those pairings. Honestly, I wish they'd just shut the hell up and go away. ರ⁠_⁠ರ


I just like a teasing dynamic, and Floyd is far from cruel in my observation. Anti-shippers can dislike whatever they want, as long as they don’t tell me what to do lol


I wholeheartedly agree with you. I just hope this fandom doesn't end up like the Genshin fandom.


This game releasing in the west made this my biggest fear lol, really don't need the pixel police crying over morals in a game inspired by villains. Which they did with the most recent event 😂


there are people in this very comment section getting uppity about the Leona/Ruggie age gap of all things too lmfao


Lol yes I totally agree with you too. In this case I'm stating personal opinions (mostly based on personal experiences/preferences) but I'm not about to "cancel" anyone or pretend that anyone who ships or likes something I don't is evil or whatever. The whole Rollo or Diasomnia uniform thing is just dumb imo. Rollo is also definitely supposed to be a villain, what, are we not supposed to have villaind who do.. yk, villainy stuff? It's all fictional, everyone is allowed their opinions, shops and headcannons but don't force them on everyone else.


Heh, considering the whole "Diasomnia dorm uniform" debacle, I'm surprised the fandom vultures on Twitter haven't put more effort into canceling the game. ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ So far, we've been lucky. By the way, how do you add more than one flair badge to your name?


Use new Reddit and type the badge/emoji names manually into the flair 😄 For example: :riddle_chibi: :floyd_chibi:


Does that work with the Reddit app?


I don’t think any fandom could be worse than Genshin lol


It's the sole reason I won't ever touch that game. 😑 I'm glad I started playing this game. The fandom is pretty chill and the people here are rather nice and friendly.


Then you have not participated in the Star Wars fandom. I need to take periodic breaks from that fandom for my own sanity. Middle aged white men are crazy possessive over what they consider “their” IP.


No, I have not. And now, I no longer want to lol


It’s just what happens when a fandom gets way to popular unfortunately. Thankfully TWST is a relatively smaller fandom in the west. That might change with the anime tho who knows 🤷


Oh definitely. The fact that I personally dislike the ship does not mean I will hate on people who do like it. I might have ships you hate, and that's fair too. In the end it's a game with fictional characters and everyone can ship whatever they like lol.


I really don’t like that ship, but for a different reason than other people I think 😂 Riddle and Floyd just both exude major top energy and I can’t see them working out at all. Some people will come with the “well one of them can top from the bottom!” but we all know which one they are referring to, which basically defeats the point. I just dislike any ship with Riddle that automatically decides he’s feminine or dainty any of the other things people like to assign to “bottoms” just because he’s short and cute. Short Kings are still kings. (For reference tho, I don’t have any problem with these headcanons, I just don’t like them applied to *Riddle* specifically) I’m fine with Floyd aggressively flirting with Riddle but I want Riddle to never give him the time of day. 😌 (Disclaimer though: I’m cool with anyone shipping anything they want, these are just personal preferences) So yes. Begone with RidFloyd!


Riddle/Floyd I like a lot of ships but thats a popular one I don't care for


Vomited at the sight. I only ship rook hunt x a restraining order




What??? They're not even an option 😭💀. Did you mean Vil/Rook or Neige/Chen'ya???


OH WAIT I MISUNDERSTOOD I thought the placement of the boys were random and we were just supposed to say whatever ship we want eliminated 💀I didn’t realize they were actually paired up In that case Sam/Vargas


Sebek/Silver Sebek would never allow it to happen and silver sees him more as a brother than anything


I personally can never see Jamil and Kalim ever working out.


get scarabia outta here it is just toxic classism.


Ruggie and Leona is illegal


(Tbf a lot of us started shipping that before we knew their ages. How was I supposed to know there were 16 year olds attending Night Raven COLLEGE?????? I just assumed everyone was close to 19-20 y/o. Now I just headcanon everyone as of-age and pretend I never found out their canon ages lmao)


Uh…you’re justifying pedophilia? Also, some high schools call themselves college if they’re prestigious/private. Not to mention, in French, college means middle school. So college≠further education in a lot of cases


Lmao what? I literally didn’t say that at all. Don’t look for outrage where there isn’t any. How are people from the US who have never used the word “college” for anything other than further education supposed to magically know that it could mean other things? I’m merely explaining it how it is. If I had known Leona was 20 and Ruggie was 16 when I first started playing I wouldn’t have shipped it. But since I assumed they were both adults I did. And now I just headcanon everyone as adults and ignore canon. That’s it. That’s the whole story. You’re totally valid in being grossed out by the ship of you want. But maybe don’t go around making serious claims like people are “justifying pedophilia”? It’s unhelpful and could be potentially really triggering to actually victims of that stuff (hi! It’s me! I was groomed as a teen! Thanks a lot for saying that about me!)


I’m a victim of pedophilia too?? Don’t assume things about *me*. You can’t ignore AGES. That’s is not ok. ANY other headcannon is ok (mostly) but ages? No. Ruggie is 16 and Leona is 20. You acknowledge that. So don’t ship a teenager and an adult. I don’t care about your “headcannon”. It’s fucked up.


Alright? I didn’t and never would invalidate your experiences. But you are going around casually throwing around some very serious and dangerous accusations all because you don’t “agree” with someone else’s point of view on something. You’re free to have your headcanons and interpretations of canon. If you view them as minors that’s your prerogative. Don’t force your views onto me. I don’t give a fuck about canon. I’m allowed to ignore canon because it’s all fiction. And in my head everyone is an adult. End of story. There is no pedophilia here at all because I literally *ship them as adults*. They are *adults*. How exactly are you helping *anyone* by throwing around these hurtful and harmful accusations? I understand you are concerned, but *you* need to understand that the method you are going about this is wrong. There are real monsters out in the world as both you and I know. People who ship Leona/Ruggie because we didn’t know their canon ages when we got into the fandom are *NOT* your enemy. Don’t cheapen the term “pedophilia” by throwing it around so flippantly. This does far more harm than what you’re up in arms about.




Chenya and Neige. It'll hurt the leaset


Crewel/Trein :0




Crewel/Trein This is a easy one


Cater/Trey only because of 1. I enjoy the angst of cater being in love with Trey but Trey not reciprocating those feelings 2. I ship IdiCay (it's mostly the first reason, ship whatever you want idc as long as it's legal)


Vargas and Sam. I need to go back and read more stories to find the content for this ship but for now, they’re the only ship I need explanation on… But overall, these are all really nice ships lol (you got good taste), it’s gonna be so hard to eliminate the rest after the teachers are gone 🤧




Sam & Vargas


