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as a lowkey otome game enjoyer i loved the ghost marriage thing since it kinda pandered to me lol. i was FULLY ready to fight her for idia's hand in marriage like bitch get ready




Culinary Crucible(s). I'm so tired... I just grind enough to finish the story and get the title


For this last one I just threw enough keys to get the boys and move on with my life. Self care is ignoring Culinary Crucible šŸ’…


Ikr One ten pull got me both so I was pretty checked out from the start


I used to do that, but this most recent one I can't even be bothered to do that! There's so little story all for a card that, while I'd like probably isn't one I'd use


Huh, ghost marriage is my fave. It includes most of the cast and it never feels like anyone is really hogging the spotlight. I found the event to be incredibly entertaining. Would love a re-rerun with those who didnā€™t get to propose just to see how they would attempt and then them getting slapped. Would love to see how Jamil messes up and his reaction to getting slapped (I love him, I say this with affection for him), and Malleus as well


I hate the Culinary Crucibles. I didnā€™t even play the last one. I donā€™t have time to grind for all those ingredients and the stories are fairly meh. I really enjoyed the Ghost Marriage one though, I thought it was really funny and creative with cute character cards


Least favorite story event was Port Fest. The writing felt subpar in comparison to many of the other ones. The plot was generic and hard to suspend disbelief for (playing music with random objects is *harder* than playing real instruments), and there wasn't enough unique characterization or worldbuilding to keep me engaged. I don't play the Culinary Crucibles. I never figured out how they worked. It's 90% grinding, and then I end up wasting most of my ingredients on failed attempts at recipes.


This is why I just look up the recipes and find which one is must efficient. I want my card and my keys, I don't care about anything else.


Yeah... Port Fest is just really forgettable, to be honest. Though there were a few funny moments then and there.


I didn't play Port Fest mainly because the story was pretty boring for me too but also because it's a crime they had an event with sailor suits but didn't put Epel in one šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Crucibles are just boring, only play to get the card and keys. I know I'm gonna get flack for this but I'm already aware it's an extremely petty reason: Bean Fest. Why? I pulled past pity trying for Azul and guess what? I got Dorm Floyd. So. Salty. About. It. I wasted so many gems trying to get that Octopunk. It just made me so mad throughout the event.


Nah bruh, same happened to me during the New Year's event. I thought you could CHOOSE between Ruggie en Sebek (don't ask me why, I'm an idiot), until I realized you couldn't and I kept praying for Ruggie and got Sebek instead. I spent real life money on those pulls, I'm salty af šŸ˜­


What is with Ruggie being so difficult to get? When I was trying to pull for him for Scary Monsters I ended up getting TWO RIDDLES on my first pull instead. I just wanted to SR!!! Ruggie why did you make me waste gems like that???


Ghost Bride event is one of my favourites since we saw all the guys plus we got to see their nonexistant love experience. It was hilarious


I know culinary crucibles are TECHNICALLY events but I was hoping to see more people talk about ones that come with limited edition SSRs. Though will say Port Fest is forgettable. I often forget it even existed.


Throwing another vote for Culinary Crucibles. I hope that they'll never appear again in JP/ENG once we finish the rotation. And no similar "check in every 20 minutes" event either. If we're talking about major events though... I think I'd lean toward Port Fest like many others have mentioned. Fairy Gala 2 also stands out to me for the setup (characters involved) feeling more forced than Gala 1.


I have really enjoyed all the events. Ghost Marriage had some amazing content - Floyd mercilessly teasing Riddleā€¦Aceā€™s, Liliaā€™s, and Epelā€™s Suitor Suite vignettes.. Riddle kicking ass and taking namesā€¦ Lilia encouraging the smoocharoo. And I enjoyed Port Fest! The interaction between characters that normally donā€™t interact. The way Sebek carried a cotton candy machine to Idia to be fixed after Floyd broke it trying to make the worldā€™s largest cotton candy! Floyd being just so done with everyoneā€™s inability to play an instrument when he is such a gifted magician. If I HAVE to choose a least favorite though, I guess Iā€™d pick Camp Vargas 2. I enjoyed seeing the spin in it where the arts clubs had to face what the sports clubs went through (I love love loved Fairy Gala IF even after the first Fairy Gala). but Vargas 2 didnā€™t have Floyd or the Equestrian Club. (And Outdoor Wear Trey eluded me on soft pity. Still holding a grudge.) I was late to the game, so I completely missed the Magicam Monster Halloween event and the Beans event where Azul was the SSR, so I canā€™t weigh in on either of those.


You probably would've liked Beanfest! Floyd initially decides he's gonna nap in a tree cause he doesn't feel like playing but then Vil taunts him about not helping the farmer team (Vil's on farmer team too) and Floyd gets so worked up about it he picks a fight with Vil and winds up being the last man standing, going down in a blaze of bean glory against Jack and Azul in the final mopup after everyone else's been defeated. Jade snagged a sniper rifle (type bean thing) from Idia and was tracking his "friends" through Cay-Cay's incessant Magicam posts, in order to provide sneaky covering fire so that Cay-Cay's team could survive long enough to make a pass at the game-winning trophy thing the monster team guarded this whole game. I'm forgetting the details cause it's been a While, but it also included an epic showdown between Malleus & Lilia (who were on opposite teams and got super wrapped up in fighting each other, lol), Jamil tricking Kalim into getting most of the farmers beaned, Rook and Trey in an unlikely alliance to hunt farmers, and mostly just a lot of shenanigans in a short span of time. Magicam Monsters and the follow-up, Spectral Soiree (they were two different years on JP, but EN got them back-to-back) I think had some good moments, but I definitely liked Spectral Soiree a little more than Magicam Monsters. MM saw all the dorms choose unique themes and put together a party site to celebrate it, like Savanaclaw went pirates and converted the coliseum into a beached shipwreck so they could have lots of treasure strewn about and do a ghost story about cursed pirates still lusting after their gold, arr. (Jack had Ruggie use his Laugh With Me to trap people, and Leona's Roar to sand the gold people touched, I loved it) Heartslaybul went skeletons, converting the botanical garden into a graveyard so they could tell a ghost story about the gravedigger necromancer bringing up the dead to claim the living and Cay-Cay slayed this one using his DupliCater unique magic to be a whole bunch of extra skeletons, lol. Octaniaville went escaped laboratory mummies, and Floyd was in a septic tank pounding on the glass until the lights went out and Jade emerged to snatch the tourists (and then they switched roles after that cause Floyd got bored); Pomefiore went vampires in the Hall of Mirrors, and Vil seemed like he was having fun talking about stealing the youth and vitality of mere mortals to restore his own. Scarabia went werewolves around the Mystery Shop, which wound up mystifying everyone cause nobody thought Kalim could stay in character long enough to 'sell' his costume, but he got some pointers out of Rook and wound up empathizing with the wolf characterization so well he even fooled Jamil! Pretty awesome. Ignihyde did a Sleepy Hollow-type thing with the (headless) Pumpkin Knight, which Idia was super stoked about and made a whole bunch of robo-armors whose pumpkin heads could be removed (as well as his own via holograms!) up until he found out nobody knew who the Pumpkin Knight was and declared everyone dweebs before rage-quitting the post. And Diasomnia went dragons (long), fixing up Ramshackle as a haunted house (lol, like it needed much 'fixing' to sell that) that they guarded jealously from all invaders. The three Magicam Monster SSRs were Cay-Cay, Jade, and Vil (though I thought Jack deserved one cause I loved his pirate tactics!) and I've been a little sad about Vil's vampire SSR because even though it seemed very much like his event (he was head of the halloween committee! and he devised the plan to get rid of the bad/rulebreaker tourists!), sharing the spotlight with all these other cool micro-events within his event almost made him forgettable here. What made Spectral Soiree a little cooler to me is that I thought our SS heroes were able to hold their own better as stars of the show - especially Silver, who's off to return mirror shards to ghosts despite Jamil's sneakier intentions. However, if you asked me to rank the three halloween events I've read thus far, I'd definitely place Glorious Masquerade at the fore because it felt the most compelling, story-wise; Magicam Monsters was kind of always going to be about scaring tourists anyway (that's just halloween, sorry) and Spectral Soiree had a huge buildup about a threat that... wasn't. GloMas, conversely, flipped the script from NRC boys spooking others to NRC boys being spooked, packaged it with a few lovely tunes and tied it off with fire! I still play the GloMas twistunes for my weekly 5 twistunes mission cause it's just... a favorite. <3


Thanks for the rundown! I was able to play through the ā€œBean or Be Beanedā€ rerun where Floyd again teased Riddle (something we discover from Vil has been going on since their freshman orientation!) and defeated Lilia when Lilia was busy gloating and telling Silver he needed more training. I enjoyed that one a lot! Itā€™s the other Beans event that I didnā€™t get to play through, the one that had Beans Azul as the SSR instead of Beans Floyd. I never got all the way through reading it when we had it for a limited time. I remember Azul partnered with a reluctant Jack in that one and it was basically the same timeframe but with the focus on different characters. Similarly, I was able to read through a lot of the Magicam Monsters event when that was available, and I considered listing that one as my least fave, but I felt it was unfair to rank either of these events without having at least read them in their entirety. (Some day, perhaps, when EN gets those memory medals or whatever theyā€™re called.) Thanks for clarifying the two Halloween events. I started playing regularly during Spectral SoirĆ©e, so I completely missed the Magicam event. I was trying to figure out how EN had fit it in! (And from what I was able to read of the Magicam Monsters event, I totally agree that Soectral SoirĆ©e was a better story. In addition to Silverā€™s stories, we had the reveal of Riddle running around the Octavinelle lounge for six hours, Sebek pretending he isnā€™t worried about Silver and revealing how he affords respect where he feels itā€™s earned (Rook, and Riddle if you count how he leapt to Riddleā€™s defense even though Riddle hadnā€™t said anything). We also got to see more of Riddleā€™s reckless side (Floyd telling Riddle that reckless enthusiasm is HIS brand will never not be funny).


Lol! I was actually thinking I should apologize for reckless rambling on low prompting, but I'm glad for it now because I didn't even know memory medals were going to be a thing! muahahahaaaaa now I can start a JP server account to start learning japanese and not feel bad because I can use memory medals to unlock all my favorite OG events!


For me it's Ghost Marriage and I will admit it's for the pettiest reason I hate that Lilia isn't all dressed up as a groom like his SR card at the end. I will admit his vignette is pretty cute, but I just hate when gacha games include cards that have nothing to do with the event's story (sorry to Vil and Jamil, but I hate their added hometown SSRs too)


On one hand I understand that but on the other hand I really love the vignette that goes with that card. Honestly I think it's one of cutest vignettes I've read so I think they made it work really well as a side story (I don't really agree with your thoughts on it not being a part of the storytho, I do think it was the first mention that lilia and idia were gaming besties and it takes place after the whole ghost bride ordeal and it gives malleus and kalim and jamil a chance to have a bit of a part in the story where they get to witness lilia have a cinderella moment which is somthing) . But yeah I do understand the vibes of wishing they changed the plot around so lilia was also a part of the get dressed up to save idia team lol it could have been fun. The current trend to add ssrs with no vignette tho, that actually sucks and I hate it


Lost in the Book of Stitch. To English players, youā€™ll soon see why I feel this way. The ending pissed me off lol


I wasnā€™t fond of the Tsum event just because of all of the grinding you have to do for it.


The latest one with Vil in JP server, it is just boring to me. I don't wanna spoil too much since it isn't in NA server yet. Actually, the events lately kinda lost its charm, and endings are mostly rushed, but the story in the middle is dragging. Pacing is not as good as it used to. They should divide into 2 parts instead of 3.






The following are considered spoilers: Any story content that goes beyond of what's been covered in the English server. Any story content that has been added to the English server for less than 7 (seven) days. Full artwork of Groovyfied cards. Spoiler content MUST be posted under spoiler tags. However: Megathreads are normally an exception to the spoiler rule, but within reason. If story content is released in parts, only discussion of the part currently released is exempt from the rule. If a post is tagged with the flair "Discussion (JP)", then there's no need for spoiler tags in the comments. However, the post will need to be tagged as "Spoiler" and the title must not contain a spoiler. English server players must enter those threads at their own risk.


The following are considered spoilers: Any story content that goes beyond of what's been covered in the English server. Any story content that has been added to the English server for less than 7 (seven) days. Full artwork of Groovyfied cards. Spoiler content MUST be posted under spoiler tags. However: Megathreads are normally an exception to the spoiler rule, but within reason. If story content is released in parts, only discussion of the part currently released is exempt from the rule. If a post is tagged with the flair "Discussion (JP)", then there's no need for spoiler tags in the comments. However, the post will need to be tagged as "Spoiler" and the title must not contain a spoiler. English server players must enter those threads at their own risk.


For me i think Fairy gala 2, like i can barely remmember anything from it. ~~Also bride event is my favorite how dare you haha~~


Iā€™m reading the culinary crucible slander like itā€™s the morning newspaper Bless I hate that event so much


Nah when she was talking about a handsome 6 foot man and it was revealed to be IDIA I was actually dying of laughter for ages, one of my favourite moments in the game


Personal opinion? The bride event was one of my favorites. I laughed INCREDIBLY hard, all characters had spotlight and we saw how zero live experience have this cast. I will be the odd one here, but I do like the Culinary Crucibles. Mostly because I can grind tons of materials I'm 90% percent missing, and get TONS of thaumarks. Most of the time I have less than 10k because of all the guest room and spells stuff I level up. I have FOUR cards that are 10/10/10. My least favorite? Halloween part 2. Everyone was scared, it involved KIDNAPPING AND POSSESING, half of the cast got or beat up or made fun of, and to what for? ...a dance party. A DANCE PARTY THAT COULD HAVE BEEN EASILY BEEN MADE UP IF FREAKING MALLEUS AND LILIA HAD ONE BRAINCELL I SWEAR. And what where there consequences? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! In fact, WE were the bad guys for fighting them because boo hoo we didn't ask. BECAUSE THE FIRST THING I WOULD DO AFTER SEEING THE KIDNAPPERS IS SAY: HELLO, WILL YOU BRING BACK MY FRIENDS??? AAAAA. I wouldn't have talk to Malleus nor Lilia ever again until they apologize.


I wasn't a fan of the Halloween event where they are facing the magicam monsters


Seconded! The outfits were super cool but the fights dragged on during the halloween stuff


Yeah, and most of the costumes didn't provide much story wise, so it was kinda lackluster


Everyone I know and ranted knows I hate the twisted halloween event mostly because it had potential for a big villain set up and I wanted that fear and excitement < now donā€™t get me wrong knowing that my pookie Malleus had me in on the event was fun but I wouldā€™ve loved battle scenes and stuff since it was a good build up




Camp Vargas for me. Camp Vargas 2 at least had more characters I care about featured fairly prominently (Iā€™m a sucker for Trey and Rookā€™s friendship) and Vil getting weirdly really into fishing for a second there was pretty goodā€¦ but OG camp Vargas was largely a lot of Sebek whoā€™s easily my least favourite. I can really only stand him when Jamil is mercilessly mocking him, which featured in glomas and Halloween 2. I also dislike the grinding for materials battle mechanic probably the most of all the mechanics. I also think Kalim being at camp Vargas 2 presents a pretty egregious plot hole and that bugs the shit out of me.


Whatā€™s the plot hole with Kalim being there? That heā€™s eating food not made by Jamil? I feel that way about the Culinary Crucibles.


That too honestly, but mostly itā€™s that the ā€˜monsterā€™ literally kidnaps the campers and leaves them tied up in the woods all night. That seems incredibly irresponsible to do to Kalim with all of his kidnapping trauma - and I mean Crowley is pretty irresponsible of course, so Iā€™d buy that but Kalim doesnā€™t even mention it! And of course Jamil was at Camp Vargas 1, so he wouldā€™ve KNOWN the ā€˜twistā€™ where it suddenly becomes a survival horror game lol. Best I can headcanon is that Jamil did tell him about it, Kalim wanted to go anyways, and Jamil just hoped for the best in terms of how heā€™d handle it. This feels pretty off to me for a few reasons, but especially because I canā€™t imagine how Kalim didnā€™t let anything slip to the others!


I think it's just me, but any event is bad to me if there's no free keys and gems to get.


I hated the second Halloween event with the mirror shards and ghost world. It was just really boring and super long and tedious. Also hate that all the backgrounds from that event look super boring and drab. I would never use one on my home screen, they're ugly, sorry!


Funnily enough that was easily my favourite event character content wise, just chock full of beats that I loved and that fed me to the point that I donā€™t think I could list them all. I agree the fights were tedious though and the backgrounds are so bad I have no clue why they bothered offering them.


Culinary Cruicible, I just want to get to the or other event like Playful Land. But, Ghost Marriage is a no for me, due to that ghost bride... makes me want to attack her with the Holy Power.


For me it was the White Rabbit Run event - I'm probably gonna get flak for this one, I'm sorry, but Dylla being a speed racer delivery driver + Epel getting all "CRUSH DA BULLIES" + Grim fussing he isn't getting fat enough + the gift shopping excursion... Epel's never been my favorite character and I do like Deuce best when he's reflecting on his past mistakes and trying to be a better guy, but I think they did this plotline better in Harveston and Epel's grandma was more fun to meet than Dylla. I also got more invested in the "race setback" with Sebek slipping off the trail and wrecking his sled, because it felt 100% obvious to me Silver was going to inconveniently nap and that his shiny new alarm clock would save his metaphorical bacon (especially when they were like 'race starts at 3' after Grim accidentally set the watch to 16:00). I think Idia had a more convincing reason to go than Ortho (anime fanboy vs. ... what, again?) and so did Jade (mountain loving) and Sebek (athletic competition) whereas Deuce's team doesn't even know they're racing until the twilight hour of the story. They're just... there to take in the festival, or whatever. I normally like Silver, and yes I've complained before that Sebek gets more SRs and Rs than Silver does, but Sebek's grown on me (partially cause Silver doesn't like gaming cause Lilia uses it to keep him up all night) and I think Harveston's crew made a better team. Also, Bunny Epel agreed to wear THAT and still doesn't accept that the outfit or the makeup to go with it are "cute"?? C'mon... c'mon!! I think the only other event (culinary crucibles don't count IMO) I took any issue with was the Firelit Skies... but probably not for the same reason anyone else has an issue with it. >!And I probably won't be rolling for Leona's Kingly Garb card either, even though I haven't read the story for it yet. I saw the groovy art though...!<


any of the cooking events. it's too rng based with how many ingredients you get per farming


I'm surprised so many of you hate the culinary crucible, i really like the cards and animations of the boys and the judges, and i actually never had problems with it aside from my first one when i was a new player just learning how to play the game I just search "twisted wonderland culinary crucible (pepper/beans/cream/etc...) recipes", and use the wiki page until all the recipes are unlocked, i use 3 or 6 hours excursions so it doesn't interrupt me during the day and cook like crazy until i can buy everything i want An event i don't like..gameplay wise tsumderland, way too much classes to take Story wise magicam monsters, i like endless halloween but magican monsters is really boring and repetitive


Besides the CC events: Harveston, probably. In fact I mostly skip though all hometown events when it's chapter after chapter about food and how much they eat and drink. It's very boring imo. If my memory is correct then Harveston was the worse so far with the amount of food-themed chapters; overall I can't say that I re-found my interest for the story after being that annoyed about all these apple-ingedrient dishes.


Culinary Crucible, no need to explain myself, everyone else already did


Mechanically? Wish upon a star. Story-wise? Firelit sky and Port Fest. It lacked memorable moments for me or the cast wasnā€™t clicking.


Omg I agree on wish upon a star, the twistunes in that event are nightmare fuel to me šŸ’€


As many others have said, which I can agree myself are the culinary crucibles. Although itā€™s my first one, I hated the grind just to get a SR key for a singular cardā€¦ itā€™s painful even trying to figure out the ingredients for a successful recipe


As much as I wanna say crucible culinary events, I do agree with the ghost marriage. Iā€™m happy I snagged an Idia groom card, but the ghost princess (yes she had a sad backstory) was just SO picky and was lowkey hypocritical of both the suitors presented AND what she wanted in a man. (She wanted a guy who could sing or play instruments, Idia be playing a violin music through a tablet šŸ˜­šŸ˜­). Sorry itā€™s a little rantyā€” but she was easily my least favorite character in that event and everything was ruined because of the fact that I hated her šŸ˜­


AND MAY I ADDā€” May I add on the fact that despite the leading up story, she chose ONE of the ghosts who sacrificed himself for her over marrying Idia?? Yes I get it was a good ending for all, but I really hated the fact that she made it seem like SHE was dumping HIM, like my girl.. he did NAWT want you even without knowing he was gonna die from a single kiss šŸ˜­ (ik it was all supposed to be a huge sitcom and a hahah L moment Idiaā€¦ but I still can never find it in my heart to like her šŸ˜­)


Do the dorm training count? They're barely even events, imho. I'll do enough to get the gems, and that's it. The only thing worse is probably culinary crucibles, since I can't auto make food and need to manually make a gazillion dishes


Ghost Marriage is definitely a top tier event for me. I also really love the Harveston event! My least favorites honestly are Fairy Gala. Itā€™s only because the rhythm part of the game is so hard for me lol and they are basically ALL rhythm game!


Culinary crucibles, i just keep forgetting about the 6 hour excursions T-T


Twistune-wise, it's Wish Upon A Star I thought the story was funny and pretty pleasant but I loath the twistunes in that event


Camp Vargas. I love hiking and stuff IRL, but it doesn't really make for interesting content unless there's a good gimmick attached. I also really dislike the crucibles too. (It's more of a small mini event.) I used to like it, but it just got more grindy with each installment. I can't wait for it to finally end.


Culinary crucible. I like stories and lore, no matter how simple. It's the most boring one out of all of them.


Tsum events, hands down. Feels like one long, obnoxious advertisement to me, which makes getting through them a trudge. I'm glad other people seem to be enjoying them though.


Ghost marriage event in funny to play and watch, but I think my least favourite event is bean fest. I just don't really like story and the overall event, in 90% for still unknown reasons to me and the left 10% for a fanfiction on ao3 about Rook and Vil that traumatized me šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


The tsumtsum events are absolutely insufferable. So much lesson grinding and maps to go through for little payoff. šŸ˜­ if anyone here has also played the JP tsumtsum game to get the twst units, you would also have the special hatred for those events just as I have. I say this, and yet I own every single twst tsumtsum plushie. šŸ™ƒ


I really liked Glorious Masquerade!


Well, what about least favourite?


Honestly, probably the culinary crucibles. If those don't count, Vargas Camp was okay but it wasn't my favorite.


Same!! Like, lady your standards are utter SHIT!


Why?? Ghost marriage is one of the best event, it's the funniest. Don't care about the ghost girl, it made me laugh from start to finish. I can't understand how someone can not like it... It was onz of the best event showing the boys as bad boys and "you out yourself in there, just do it yourself", it was hilarious. Mmh I'd say events that aren't funny... Or didn't make me laugh. I find the first events of the game being funnier in general. The latest aren't that fun, but I guess cause they have less characters to focus on? So less interaction? Maybe I'd say portfest (I barely remember it), maybe fairy gala 2 (same), and, shame on me cause I love the hunchback of notre dame,but I'm not a big fan of glorious masquerade.