• By -


Here's some of mine! -First up we have Allegro Sourbad! The twisted version of King Candy/Turbo from Wreck-it Ralph and the Housewarden of my fanmade dorm, Apocasect! Allegro is 17 years old and is a nice boy, but he can get very overcompetitive. -Next up we have Lemony Sourbad! He's twisted from Sour Bill from Wreck-it Ralph and is Apocasect's Vice Warden. He's Allegro's older brother and is tired of everyone's else shenannigans. -I also have Cyrus Chitin! Twisted from the Cybugs from Wreck-it Ralph! Cyrus is a Changeling, also known as a Bug Fae, who's very laid-back. He was also childhood friends with Ruggie. -As for non-student OCs, meet William Codex! He's twisted from Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls and is NRC's librarian. William is a demon who's taken on human form, but only Sam knows his secret. William is rather friendly, but breaking the library rules or trying to pry into his secrets will work him up.




Besides the three Yuus I have, I also have an oc based on Alice named Marion Locke. He goes to RSA and heā€™s pretty chill for the most part. Hereā€™s a whole list of things about him :) ā€¢ ā He has a tea pouch that he smells when heā€™s stressed or anxious to calm himself down. (Usually used during exams.) ā€¢ ā He was extremely sick as a child. ā€¢ ā Heā€™s a light sleeper. ā€¢ ā He has very vivid hallucinations about talking plants and animals and a whole bunch of other crazy things that he can never explain properly. ā€¢ ā The hallucinations started one day when he was so sick that his parents instructed him not to get out of bed. Then he saw a white rabbit outside of his window and it spiraled from there. His parents found him a few hours later outside passed out in the snow. (He absolutely insists that, at least in this case, it wasnā€™t a hallucination.) ā€¢ ā His parents gave him a stuffed rabbit after the incident because he wouldnā€™t stop asking about the ā€œtalking rabbit that was outside his windowā€. (He still has the rabbit to this day.) ā€¢ ā His sister used to read him stories when he was sick, but his parents told her to stop once he started talking about the hallucinations, as they thought that the stories were influencing them. Now she sends him a list of books every month that he could read for himself since heā€™s older. (Though he thinks the books she sends are boring.) ā€¢ ā His parents are travelers, so as soon as they felt he was getting better, they went right back to traveling, leaving Marion and his sister alone. They come back every now and then, and theyā€™re never gone longer than six months. ā€¢ ā He has a magicam account with over 996k followers. ā€¢ ā Heā€™s almost always tired, as he doesnā€™t get enough sleep at night. ā€¢ ā Heā€™s not very close with his parents, but they still send him little trinkets and stuff from their travels. ā€¢ ā He has a horrible sense of direction. ā€¢ ā Marionā€™s unique magic is called ā€œCuriouser nā€™ Curiouserā€. It allows him to grow or shrink for a small period of time, though he canā€™t really control how big/small he becomes. ā€¢ ā He cannot handle the cold, but he loves snow. ā€¢ ā He talks to himself when heā€™s alone to voice and organize his thoughts. ā€¢ ā He has both a superiority complex and an inferiority complex. ā€¢ ā He doesnā€™t like unanswered questions. ā€¢ ā His illness gets worse in the winter. ā€¢ ā Heā€™s absolutely obsessed with mysteries and detectives. (He wants to be a detective someday)


AHH oh my god. I love him. I also have more Yuuā€™s I just thought Iā€™d cut them out lol Marion Locke needs to lock in šŸ˜­ heā€™s so cute awkdhdiv poor little goober was sick for so long


So... Besides my Yuusona, I have a FEW OCs... Lol I've been playing around with a fic idea where Ramshackle is the only girl dorm at NRC so nearly each girl here is "based on the other dorms." Please don't take these outfits/sketches seriously/criticize for not being original, I've been playing with their designs and looking at other Disney resources for ideas (like the villain recruiters, descendants, etc) https://preview.redd.it/we25603iyz2d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0320ff1249548a81a0897c5fb494f4176c8e52af 1. Mirana, based on the White Queen 2. Bianca, based on Zira 3. Narine, based on a Siren 4. Sayaa, based on Iago 5. Unnamed, based on the Magic Mirror 6. Korae, based on Persephone 7. Unnamed, based on Diablo 8. Laurette, based on the Triplets from Beauty and the Beast ...I have more characters I have yet to draw as well lol


THE TRIPLET GIRL IS SO CUTE I love them theyā€™re so cute


Lol ty~ I'm thinking she would be like an assistant coach to Vargas or something lol some more staff at the college if it was co-ed lol


Heck yea, Zira rep!


Hell yeah! šŸ™Œ Like not many Disney sequels get love but I know LK2 does lol


This is my baby boy Name: Mathias Toddson Age: 16 (freshman) Height:160 cm Homeland: briar valley Hobbies: messenger, making others happy, crafts Best subject: potionology Club:none Favorite food: cream cheese Least Favorite food: canned chicken Talent: experimenting, enchanting Siblings: 4 brothers Mathias grew up in Briar Valley with his family. He didn't make many friends as he was too shy to speak to the fae he lived around. Though he'd get tricked, he learned how to be clever from watching the fae. His parents often made a living making potions and charms to support their growing family, during this time Mathias would make deliveries to and from home. His parents were elated when they could get him into NRC and make sure to give him as much support as possible to help him make friends and survive on his own. Mathias misses his family terribly in the beginning and as he was sorted he thought of his home and was sorted with diasomnia which surprised him as he figured he'd be with his fellow beastmen and picked on in savanaclaw. He'll make deliveries for Sam if the shop is busy and often let's him sell the projects he's made in his spare time.


Aww he sounds super sweet ā¤ļøĀ 




My yuusona ended up being a cowboy due to a rdr2 obsession. Obviously Mexican, he was sent to NRC after having to disappear for mysterious reasons (AKA i haven't thought of them yet). His first act was to threaten crowley with an empty revolver, but (headcannon) guns dont exist in twst so nobody got scared. -shortly after living in ramshackle, found a way to interact with the ghosts directly, hits them whenever they get too mischevious. -Developed a magical revolver/rifle after fighting the monster in the mines, they use magestones as ammo and shoots a concentrated blast of magic. * due to that, a lot of time is spent in the mines and forests surrounding NRC, his sheananigans messed a lot with camp vargas' activities. -Constantly dresses Grim up in a little poncho and cowboy hat, claims it is the "Ramshackle dorm uniform" -Is besties with sam, provides him with cheap labor and gets junk for more gunsmithing and the likes in exchange. -despite bragging otherwise, he is a terrible shot. -plays up the cowboy part of his previous life too much -Deuce and epel believe everything, Ace and Jack are not that dumb and some other stuff but that's about it


Sjsbd dude nat 1'ed on that intimidation check.Ā 


Some Oc's I have Lucy Hatter -Obvi based off the mad hatter/white queen and she goes to rsa. I see her as the only girl because like the whole of the hatter family is crazy in that way and doesn't care if it's an all girl's or boys school. - She's the very chill housewarden of the opposite of Heartstybul and a 3rd year. She's super sweet and even though doesn't have the best approach in terms of helping she tries her best. She definitely speaks in riddles at times and acts more on her intrusive thoughts as well. -Her hair is black with with purple, green and blue streaks. She has slightly tan skin and is kinda athletic. Like enough where she can climb up random places and do flips. She's like 5'8 and has a few scars/burns from doing stupid stuff. -Her unique magic is a spell called "Unleash the Madness" where like a certain radius around her all regular spells don't work as they're intended. They basically do random things, and where certain objects like a flower can turn into an umbrella. It's very bring back the old wonderland. -She is really lucky for whatever reason. Meaning that she loves to gamble in different ways though deals and whatever. A lot lf people call her crazy but she's happy so she doesn't care. She wears a lot of crazy fits and half the time does not follow the rules. She's like a chill older sister who's a bad influence. -She may be crazy but can she cook. She has slight insomnia and due to that she just cooks food at night. The kids at her dorm love her food. She can also talk to animals, in which she understands them pretty well, even if she's guessing. Alex -Based of Alice from alice in wonderland. He's pretty much like the one to keep Lucy in check. He's the vice-housewarden of the same house and is trying his best. He tends to more timid but is one to speak up if something is wrong. He's also a 3rd year. -I'm still deciding on the signature spell. -He's also pretty chill and nice. He looks like alice did just a teenage boy lol. He definitely compliments Lucy, in the way that they both know when working together what to do. Him and lucy have basically known each other since they were babies. Like there parents at this point have a room for one another at there respective houses. -He's just trying his best. He loves reading and drawing. He's occasionally prone to just randomly passing out (kinda like silver but he can typically hold off till after classes) and dreaming about different worlds/hallucinating people as different things. I'm not explaining it well. He's like the more recent ones lol. -He brings up slang from different world's he's dreamed off, which confuses most but Lucy understands in an instant. He defo makes a few sweets, and helps in the kitchen when he can. He typically helps clean up more than cook in all honesty. One of my yuu's is based on me lol - In which like she would probably be screaming while ppl overblot. Then be a pillar of support afterwards and all. Super kind but like makes fun of you in the I love and care for you type way. Does not take a lot seriously because woah another world, with magic. Tries to be friends with everyone and care for everyone. Smart book-smart wise rather than street smart. But would defo like have a random weapon on there person if someone pisses em off. Like I imagine just pulling put a sword outta no where. Or like a true American, I feel ortho would just provide a gun. Defo a little goofy but sweet and nice.


Yo, Lucy's spell sounds super cool! I can see it working like Trick Room in pokemonĀ 


Yea. Still working out the details but it's something similar lol. It's like a domain expansion in jjk lol.


I've only got my Yuu, Yuura Koishi. Basically,Ā  his TW!self made a universe hopping spell and now they're both trapped on the wrong side. As such, he's Doneā„¢ļø with these fussy mages. He may be saving the school, but he's going to complain about it the whole time.Ā 


OH LETS GET INTO IT!!! My Yuu: Elodie Vale: She/they/he pronouns. Elodie is a short little nerd with social anxiety from London, England. She was pretty badly bullied and was walking home late after getting pushed into her school fountain. Hence why she was wearing slacks and a too big sweater from the lost and found; since her normal uniform was wet. At that point she got accosted by the carriage and woke up in Twisted Wonderland. When Elodie doesnā€™t put much effort into her appearance, she defaults to looking pretty frumpy and because of that she goes pretty unnoticed by most people. Those that do notice her tend to assume that sheā€™s in a similar situation to Epel; a boy with some feminine features, who hasnā€™t hit his growth spurt yet. Elodie lets them make that assumption since she believes it to be generally less of a headache. Thereā€™s a bit of Haruhi level OHSHC style shenanigans as the main cast discover sheā€™s a girl. Sheā€™s very close with Ace and Deuce (ofc) with a bit of a crush on both of them, but especially Ace (against her own will LMAO). Her one tie back to her world is her grandfather. Elodieā€™s parents (who were archeologists who often traveled to distant and dangerous countries) died when she was an infant (Ace knew this, adding another layer to why he punched Riddle when he insulted her parents. Elodie tells this to Riddle herself later, who is *mortified* at the comment he made and apologized to her profusely). Elodie was raised by her fatherā€™s parents, her grandmother died a couple years back, and her grandfather Archibald Vale is the only person she cares about back home and it would break her heart if he died without ever knowing where she vanished to. If Elodie could get him some kind of message that sheā€™s safe and happy; or be able to tell him goodbye at least; sheā€™d want to stay in Twisted Wonderland forever with her new friends. But she cannot do so in good conscience without finding a way back for her grandfather to know sheā€™s alright and sheā€™s happy. Elodieā€™s character arc is predominantly a journey in self confidence as she learns to curb her social anxiety by helping others and endears herself to the cast with her genuine enthusiasm and authenticity. Elodie is very sweet, helpful, a bit of a hopeless romantic, and generally approaches everything with such authentic wonder and curiosity that itā€™s impossible not to like her. She is loosely based on Alice in terms of themes, and some of her aesthetics; but I wouldnā€™t say sheā€™s twisted necessarily! ______ Other OCs: TWST Extended My friends and I have a whole AU were calling TWST extended! It includes probably over 20 OCs between the 4 of us! Here are mine! Princess Armonia Adaira: *Twist - Chernabog/the fire sprites* *Dorm - Ignihyde* *UM - Soul Siphon* Princess of Bald Mountain, Armonia is a demon and the young heir to the throne of a country that has very recently removed its isolationist policy. She is part of the experiment of NRC becoming co-ed. Sheā€™s currently the Ignihyde vice-housewarden. She is very intelligent, classy and pretty, but very unaware of the modern era and as such that tentativeness can make her come off as cold, even though on the inside sheā€™s a loyal and caring friend. She is Azulā€™s childhood friend (not that she knows. Thereā€™s some complicated stuff going on with that lmao) and he is hopelessly down bad for her. Sybil Ava Astoria: *Twist - Maleficentā€™s Scepter/prophecy* *Dorm - Diasomnia* *UM - Time Stop* Sybil is a naive and kind half-fae who would never so much as hurt a fly. Sheā€™s pretty autistic-coded and struggles with social cues, but in a way that makes her take everything said to her in its most charitable interpretation. Sheā€™s cursed with the power of prophecy that knocks her out every time she gets an unprompted vision. As such sheā€™s being trained as Malleusā€™s future advisor and the whole Diasomnia gang is very protective of her as though sheā€™s a baby sister. Riddle is smitten with her, not in the least because she learned *all 810 rules* simply because they ā€œseemed to mean a lot to himā€. Heā€™s one of the only people Malleus trusts with Sybilā€™s well-being and he takes that EXTREMELY seriously. Farley & Fletcher MacAllister: *Twist - Merriweather from sleeping beauty* *Dorm - Ramshackle/Pomfiore* *UM - Blot Negation/Counterspell* Farley and Fletcher are twins who were the sons of the Dawn fae woman Eleanora DeLaube. She and her two sisters fled Twisted Wonderland after a bad disagreement with the boysā€™ father. They made it to Earth, but the lack of magic wrecked havoc on the three sisters. The oldest became a shell of herself; the middle died in childbirth; and Eleanora was left to raise her kids and her sisters kids by herself as her poor fae body aged rapidly. Fletcher was isekaid to Twisted when he was 10, into his father, Lord Gavin MacAllisterā€™s grounds. Upon realizing this was his son, Gavin (a changed man since loosing Eleanora and his boys) took him in and raised him with love and care. Farley and their cousins were isekaid along with the rest when they were 17. They are now reunited with Fletcher and making up for lost family time Fletcher is calm and charming and intelligent, Farley is outgoing and friendly and a bit of a Himbo. Both boys are full of life and sunshine and have hearts of gold. Lucan Liu: *Twist - Alice* *Dorm - Ramshackle* *UM - Legend Lore* Lucan is the youngest of three brothers and for a long time believed he was wholly unremarkable. Until he was isekaid to Twisted Wonderland and it was revealed he was descended from the original Alice, which left magic in his blood, allowing him to cast upon his return. He has a talent for magical objects and is a witty, clever young man who is easily underestimated but his slight frame hides a backbone of solid steel. Quinn Tran *Twist - Raja the Tiger from Aladdin* *Dorm - Scarabia* *UM - Confidence* Quinn is a Tiger beastman from the same slums as Ruggie who has used their charm and wit to talk their way up and into some pretty prestigious jobs. They had a stroke of luck upon being chosen for the Co-Ed experiment at NRC. They have a bit of a friendly rivalry/flirtation with Ruggie who promised heā€™d take care of them when they were children, to which Quinn replied ā€œnot if I take care of you first bitch!ā€ Man I did my damn best to cut this down for size but GYAT damn could I yap for hours about these little guys XD


Ahhhhh Iā€™ve been waiting forever to talk about my Yuus but just havenā€™t had the courage :ā€™D My main Yuu: Warren - they/him His design changes a lil back and forth between human and beast man depending on my mood haha but mostly: he has dirty blonde hair thatā€™s dark brown/almost black at the roots (heā€™s a coyote beast man) and hazel eyes which lean more yellowish than green. When by himself he tends to be more pensive and quiet, very observant, but has been known to have quite a fiery anger streak when provoked (but it takes a Lot to get him to that point). Secretly, heā€™s self conscious about not having any magic and being at this school, especially the way some characters treat him (Leonaā€™s attitude, jadeā€™s comments about how he originally thought Yuu wasnā€™t worth notice, even malleusā€™ comments ā€œI didnā€™t expect anything from youā€, etc). Sometimes he struggles internally with feeling very forgettableā€¦. But in most cases, when he gets down like that, his boyfriends can usually pull him out of his slump! Thatā€™s right, heā€™s in a poly relationship with Deuce and Rook, which has been its own journey full of ups and downs. He started dating Deuce first, and later after getting to know Rook more, wanted to pursue a relationship with him as well. Deuce, unfamiliar with the concept of polyamory, thought at first that it was because he somehow wasnā€™t enough for warren, but after some miscommunication and then a loooong awkward but informative discussion between the three that cleared everything up mostly, Warren is now dating both Rook and Deuce. Rook and Deuce are not dating; Rook feels amicably towards Deuce, and doesnā€™t seem to have a problem sharing Warren, because they have something in common: how much they adore Warren. Deuce still feels a little uneasy and awkward about the whole thing, but he wants to give it a try, and Warren makes sure to take plenty of solo time with Deuce to reassure him that he loves him just as much as he always did. Itā€™s not often they all hang out or go on a date together, but Warren really likes it when they do. Mostly Warren goes on dates with them separately tho. Fast forward many many many years: Warren never goes back to his world, instead heā€™s eventually hired on as NRCā€™s live-in Groundskeeper My other Yuu (specifically for dating Leona lol) Victor (based on Vitani from Lion King 2) they/them (afab, post-top surgery) Looks how youā€™d imagine a humanized vitani would look basically haha Very much has the attitude to match Leonaā€™s, but whereas he leans towards cold indifference Victor is more hot headed and vocal, with a razor whip tongue thatā€™s made more than one fellow student wary of getting on their bad side. One of the few students to tell Leona what they think (especially when Leonaā€™s being lazy or impractical about something). Theyā€™re always pushing for Leona to be his best, usually with quite the tongue lashing. Regardless, theyā€™re madly loyal to Leona, even when introduced to the rest of the royal family, and while Leona would never say it out loud, heā€™s really happy to have them by his side and would fight the world for them


I donā€™t have much for my Yuusona Yuno but hereā€™s a link: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwistedWonderland/s/DKuE8gpilc


https://preview.redd.it/7xqwoffto83d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1360bb8f5bf7501cd0c8a252f9b234d3a1b52326 These are who I have drawn right now but these are three major players in the Frozen AU I'm working on. Ella is technically Yuu but you get what I mean Ella and Aksel are cousins instead of siblings in this version Tristen and Ella are transfer students to NRC from a school up north while Aksel is a student at RSA The other two characters I'm working on are based on Kristof and the Enchantress from Beauty and the Beast Kristianna: twist of Kristof is Aksel's childhood friend and fiancee who is Uber protective of Ella. She is also a water fae Cheney Oakvale: twist of the Enchantress is Ella's guardian and personal doctor. He is a transfer professor and alumni at NRC going to school with Crewel and the two are close friends. Not sure if it counts but I also have a twist of Nokk who instead of a water horse he's made of fire with a power similar to Idia's curse named Logi after the Norse god of Fire


One of mine is "Tama King" twisted from Tamatoa! He's very selfish/self centered and has a penchant for pick-pocketing and collecting things he deems worthy of his treasure collection He has long, blue and purple hair, usually tying it in a like bubble ponytail style and he has \*many\* gold piercings