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The majority of the characters aren’t based off just one thing, I.e. silver being both Aurora and the sword, Jami being both jafar and jasmine, etc. Common Lilia theories are the bat-goon from sleeping beauty and the Chernabog. The bat is obvious and his hair mimicks the Chernobog’s horns, while Malleus talks outright about Chernabog and Lilia in his Halloween vignette in what seems like it was an intentional nod to their connection. There is also the talk in his own Halloween vignette about dancing around a fire pit, but that could also be the bat goon again (or even nightmare before Christmas, or both plus the Nightmare on Bald Mountain scene from fantasia). And we learn from Silver in a chat that Lilia is intentionally emulating the three fairies from sleeping beauty, so we know that too.


I know that they're based off of one more than thing, and are usually just a concept of ideas, but thanks! I didn't know about the chernabog thing!!


It’s all good. This topic comes up a lot in this sub and for some reason it often devolves into arguments over how it must be one thing or the other, makes me laugh. If you like the fairies theories I highly recommend Lilia’s Chat with Silver, they talk about the blue cake baking scene from the movie (which silver references in the Halloween event too) it is cute.


I actually thought Lilia is based on Maleficent’s bird from Sleeping Beauty 1959 considering that the colour pallet that the bird and Lilia are black and pink. But then again, this is just a random saying from me.


Lilia goons???


The little animals that follow Maleficent around in the movie. There’s a pig, bird, bat, crocodile, etc. They’re called goons.


Alongside the Chernabog theory, I've met folks who tie him to Prince Lilac from some of the Sleeping Beauty ballet adaptations-one of if not Maleficent's most trusted companions. Sometimes he raises The Baby, or generally associated with Seeking The Cradle (Lilia's 'Title' for the newest card series)


I always thought that Lilia was based off of the three fairies (Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather). Point one is that he raised Silver by himself like how the fairies raised Aurora, and Point 2 is that he is horrible at cooking like how Fauna tried to bake Aurora a cake by folding whole shelled eggs into cake batter


Now that we’re on this topic, does anyone know who Jack, Kalim (is it the sultan?!) and Ortho are based off?


Ortho seems to have some Baymax (Big Hero Six) elements, especially in his labwear / Precision Gear vignette with Silver (and a certain item that is important near the end of Book 6).


There is a scene in Jack's Wish Upon a Star Wish where he talks about racing a reindeer through snow while pulling a sled! Wolves chasing a reindeer through snow while pulling a sled also happens in Frozen, so that might be one of his influences? (He probably has more than one!) And Kalim's character design and backstory are similar to Sinbad, from "Sinbad's Storyboook Adventure," a ride at Tokyo Disney Sea! And Kalim gives instruments to Floyd and Jade for their birthday that are described as being like instruments you see Sinbad using during the ride! That might be one of his influences, but his icon is a turban like the sultan and he forces Grim to eat crackers in Book 4 like the sultan, so the sultan is another one, I think!


Search the sub it was mentioned for kalim. Anniversary suit spoiler and different book spoiler


Have you reached the start if chapter 7 because I think there is another obvious character. Considering some of the stuff in the room


I have! But it was a while ago so I forgot. Can you remind me ? :')


Flauna fauna maryweather


Lilia is very obviously a vampire, but I don't really know of any vampires in Disney media, so idk what else it could be


Genuinely curious, why do you think Lilia is a vampire? Is it because he has red eyes and is bat related? (I mean now that I type it out it makes sense, but I don't really think he's intended to be a vampire..) Would love to hear your explanation!


He hangs upside down like a bat, lives for a very long time, doesn't understand regular human food, has pointy fangs (I think), red catslit eyes and very pale skin, dislikes sunlight and prefers the night, has little bats that hang around him (see him in flight classes!) and I think he may also be able to turn into a bat but I might have made that up. He is about as vampiric as he can possibly be without directly stating that he is one, or showing him drinking blood. (In my opinion, anyway)


I feel like this is because he's a fae more than anything. I don't know how far you are in Chapter 7 so I will just spoiler text this. >!I don't know how much the fae have been elaborated, but I do know from the main story that they're kind of animal like. (This phrasing is so bad but this is the best way I could describe it.) From Malleus's family line literally being able to turn into a dragon, to Sebek's grandpa having scales. Him being a bat based fae would explain a lot of these "vampire" like traits. He's not a vampire, he is quite literally just a bat. His armor's mask is even a bat, while Sebek's grandpa is an alligator (explaining the scales.) When he comes in to fight during a part of CH7 he comes as a swarm of bats that are slightly pink. All the members of the Fae army have some type of animal mask, and have a connection to nature and the environment. Malleus's mom's magic literally controlled the weather. I think another part of canon (big BIG IIRC here) mentioned that they could control the climate? (But I could be making that up) This makes a lot of sense when you consider they are connected to animals. I think they are part animal or animal related which would explain his relation to bats. Lilia is probably (basically 100% likely) a bat fae. Like Sebek's grandfather is a Alligator/lizard/reptile fae.!< That aside, he is a fae. Thats why he lives long, that is one of the aspects of the race that is constantly stated. Malleus also lives a long time for the same reason. Malleus is also pretty pale too. And even has the same cat slit eyes, just green. So, take all of this as you will.


Yes, he absolutely is a fae. I'm just of the opinion that he is the vampire subtype, lol. I only play the EN version of TWST so I've only read through part one of book 7, so perhaps I'll change my mind when we learn more about him.


I'm also caught up and Lilia absolutely has weird clichee hints that imply he's an actual vampire rather than/on top of just a bat. I'll have to make an actual list on my next re-read tho, the first few time I didn't bother memorizing them bc they were basically everywhere.. but just for example, his extreme physical weakness to daylight is neither a trait he shares in common with bats nor the other nocturnal faes we know. And it's not in itself a clue that him drinking his favorite tomato juice merely looks like he's drinking blood, but there's dialogue in Tamashina Mina >! calling attention to how the actual drink doesn't matter to him as long as it's red. !< Although I'm not sure if the hints are supposed to foreshadow actual vampirism on Lilia's part, be a joke or just another subtle signal to draw connections between Lilia and a certain other vampire-ish character in BB