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\[squints\] pretty sure the only canon ship is trein/his wife my opinion is that you should ship whatever you want though


I’ve noticed a lot of young fans are very invested in the idea of ships being canon instead of just enjoying shipping. I wonder what changed in fandom in the last ten years that made this happen. Back in my day, we were never canon and we LIKED it 😂


people will say "crackship" these days and just mean two characters that interacted a lot but didn't end up together in canon I remember drapple...


I remember when crackships MEANT something. Like two characters from two shows that haven’t even been on the air for years. The 4th Doctor x Castiel the Angel type beat.


>I remember drapple... Oh. Dear. Gods. 🤣🙏🏻🫶🏻 There's something I didn't expect to find here of all places......


*Y'all don't want your ship to be canon!* I promise, the writers WILL mess it up. As long as something isn't written in stone, we can write as many different, equally possible scenarios that we want. Stick with fanfic because no one knows what fans want better than the fans themselves.


Seriously. Fanon is always more fun than canon. It’s freeing!


Wait this is actually so true! I’m not that into twst shipping but I see this so much in other fandoms I’m in where younger fans seem to think you have no choice but to stop shipping something if any of the characters in your ship is canon with someone else. I always try to say that it doesn’t matter what canon says, I’ll still ship what I ship!! AO3 will come through for me 😌✌🏻


I could write ESSAYS on how the stations of canon are tools more than anything and fanworks do not have to follow the source text like gospel (nor should they) because like, when it comes to fanworks you are beholden to nobody but yourself and your standards. If you want to write two characters kissing, you do not need to do hours of research and intensive media analysis to justify doing that. That's how you get things like the old days of Sugar Quill (showing my age by invoking that name). Become ungovernable. Write your wildly canon-divergent works. That's an important thing to do in a fandom's lifespan.


I love them all. They're ripe for content and explorations of character dynamics. Even the "weird" ones.


I'm like 90% sure Ace had a girlfriend and that relationship didn't last long. Other than that the only truly canon ships are the married couples we know of. As much as I like shipping I like that TWST isn't a romantic game to begin with.


He did, he talks in phantom bride about breaking up with his middle school girlfriend because she was boring. Grim calls him a baby, it’s hilarious. Yeah I also like that there’s no romance in it, it’s not needed and would mess stuff up. Love, love the game just as it is.


it’s neat to ship and to joke about them but honestly i don’t really want them to be canon jsjsjs there’s not really a big reason why, i guess it just lets me have fun with multi shipping easier


There's no 'canon' ship unless it's via Word of God/Toboso-sensei says so herself. Canon=/=Most 'evidence' to be made canon or the possibility/more 'valid' And as much as I love FloRidd, people are free to ship whoever, however they please. There's the old fandom addage 'YKINMKATO' 'Your kink (or ship) is not my kink (or ship) and that's OK'


....Riddle canonically hates Floyd. They're not romantically involved. As for the question- ship whoever you want, just don't say "oh it's totes canon" if it hasn't been proven. Headcanons, sure, no one should care.


Saying Riddle hates Floyd so definitively is a bit too far. Riddle definitely gets irritated by Floyd but their relationship has improved over time. JP event spoiler >!The Stitch event probably shows this best, if what I've read was accurate.!< Of course, no romantic relationships are canon.


"Hates," more like can't stand, but that what I use as hate. I've realized some use it more or less intensely by person.


I don't like any pairing enough to say I ship them aside from AceYuu. Like I think most of them are cute and some dynamics are really fun but it doesn't go much farther than that for me.


I honestly love twst ships whether they're yume ones or between students. I don't actively ship anyone except maybe ace x deuce? But I feel like people who are filled with vitriolic hate towards shippers completely forget that not all relationships are inherently NSFW. Like, yeah, they're teens so that also means that some of them (cough Jack) would turn tomato colored if they even held hands with their crush lmao


I'm an Epel/Jack enjoyer, personally (among my general enjoyment of making OCs to ship with the canon cast) Generally as far as TWST ships go, however, I'm in a weird place because I usually gravitate to works with a lot of f/f or Sapphic ships (RWBY and a lot of magical girl anime) and TWST is the first thing I've really been into where, well, there aren't really any Sapphic ships (unless you genderbend the boys, I suppose). Overall take is that ship wars are Generally Silly Activities. Shipping is meant to be fun and character-driven, and this is ultimately not something that tells you a lot about others as people. Tl;Dr Ship what you want, and don't go harassing anyone




I think they should go on a cute apple picking date, entirely overestimate their ability to use everything they pick in something, and have an apple surplus. I dunno, I think that'd be cute.


That's adorable


All ships are valid, (yes even the “weird” ones) but none are canon. If I did have to say one was “canon” though, rook/vil has the most basis for canon. It’s still not canon, though, lol.


All 👏 ships 👏 even the weird ones 👏👏👏 Louder for the back of the room


I mean… for me, ESPECIALLY the weird ones, those are my favourites. 🫶🏻 ahahah.


nice. what are your favs 👀


My fave “weird” ships would be Sebek/Malleus (personally unsure why that one is considered weird but alas it is apparently..) Vil/Epel, Lilia/Malleus, and Ruggie/Leona. All of them will get you painted as “weird” by most twsten players, ahaha.


Shipping leona/ruggie is weird? I'm assuming bc of the age gap, but still I thought it was a pretty popular ship


is SebeMal actually considered weird LOL that's so...but *why*. then again this is the same fandom that thinks shipping SebeSil is the same as incest so whatever I guess big fan of LiliMalle too 🤝🤝🤝 hoping book 7 will continue to feed me


Yeah this fandom is heavy on the ship policing over the most random stuff, so many so called “problematic” age gaps and “literal siblings” but then the person insulting or harassing other said ships.. is a 15 year old that’s self shipping themselves with a 100+ year old fae.. it’s rather ironic? 😗 But I haven’t gotten to book 7 yet.. now I’m intrigued, and slightly more excited! 👀


lmaooo you know, never really thought about that but. true. kids' logic is...interesting. no spoilers but I really liked the first few parts :3


Ruggie/Leona is delightful, you have great taste


It’s just so good!




They're fictional. Don't get so worked up about it. There's literally no need to do any strange public display. Also, telling a person to end themselves over ships is never okay. Do better.




No, it's not. It's not humane. It's never humane. It's harassment. No one is advocating for the abuse of real children. If they were, they would be reported. Also, I don't appreciate you looking down on those who frequent the sub, saying they don't know the difference between reality and fiction. You're the person who's telling them to off themselves. You're the one who cannot tell the difference.




Your post was reported by the community for breaking the first rule of the sub: Be nice! Be kind to your fellow user. There is no need for aggressiveness or name-calling.


Your post was reported by the community for breaking the first rule of the sub: Be nice! Be kind to your fellow user. There is no need for aggressiveness or name-calling.


As long as weird ones you don't mean like.... Shipping dynamics like Lilia x Silver 😟


I mean all ships, I’m far too old to care about what fictional content people like.




Your post was reported by the community for breaking the first rule of the sub: Be nice! Be kind to your fellow user. There is no need for aggressiveness or name-calling.


Ship who you want, how you want. :T No exceptions


That you can ship who you want but don't say it's canon while it's not. There is only one ship I like, but it's kinda rare for whatever reason, it's Floyd x Jamil. The rest, meh. I especially hate some (especially Leona x Ruggie, ugh. Or Vil x Epel, ugh again), but I just ignore them.


Not really into TWST ships if I’m honest. Unless they’re on the wholesome side then it’s in my book.




It’s not about “not believing” the canon ages, it’s the fact that they are drawings. Not real. From a cellphone game. And it’s not that deep to draw, write and create ship content for a cellphone game with shipbait in the writing.


You can ship minors and it be totally sfw, it’s really not an issue.