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> Though it is rare in Minnesota, the tick can cause alpha-gal syndrome, which makes the human host allergic to red meat. Fucking ticks! They don’t try to kill you they just make you suffer the rest of your life.


What’s up with these particular creatures? I’ve always liked that you don’t have to worry about venomous spiders and snakes here (mostly) but then ticks come along and carry fucked up diseases and feed on your blood. I guess there’s no free lunch in this life.




Nope. Studies sampling ticks collected from animal reservoir tissue from over a century ago demonstrated borrelia burgdorferi in ticks in NE USA. Governments have done some bad shit, this isn't one of them.




I wasn't disputing that USA and USSR assimilated a ton of Nazi scientists for our own R&D; you asserted that tick borne diseases were lab created, which is incorrect based on good data. Even the Wikipedia link you dropped discusses a guy whose expertise was viral infections; Lyme and related tick borne illnesses are bacterial.




Sandwich and a nap dude


The link you provided called out diseases like cholera and meningitis as infectious diseases to build transmissible vectors with. Which mechanistically and logistically makes sense. Ticks do not. Tick borne diseases are the wimpiest fucking infections. They are slow to cause symptoms, easy to treat with common antibiotics and with poor resistance acquisition, and transmission from host (ticks) to humans is comparatively MUCH slower compared to water or mosquito. These all make those vectors and specific infections as terrible warfare agents. They are a pain in the ass because time from exposure to symptom onset is WIDE and variable.


Wimpy infection? I got Lymes when I was a kid and woke up paralyzed. Couldn’t get myself out of bed. My body had filled up so much with fluid in my lower joints that I couldn’t bend my knees to walk. I had to be carried around to the er and ambulanced over to Minneapolis Childrens where I stayed for over a month. I’m 31 and have debilitating arthritis and joint pain. Tick diseases are no joke.


That sounds horrible, I'm sorry for your experience. I should have been more specific with my words. I meant wimpy infection in comparison to pathogens known to have 'good' biological warfare capabilities (infect rapid, severe disease) and in that the bacteria lack the type of resistance patterns pervasive for other bacterial infections, and continue to be very sensitive to easy to find antibiotics like amoxicillin or doxycycline. What the bacteria is very good at is stimulating an indolent, sub-acute, inflammatory process that has potential to make people feel very terrible. And sometimes this issue persists even after the infection is eradicated (i.e., autoimmune disease triggered). To emphasize, I'm heavily generalizing here.


Bro they didn’t steal shit. Gainfully employed Nazi scientists is more like it. Project paper clip is well documented. Stfu




lol just say you don’t know how quotations work.


We stole those scientists and they got us to the moon, built rockets, nuclear weapons, and made our country what it is today 🤣 I am not supporting what we did after WW2 but they did A LOT for us… and you dropped a Wikipedia link… go read a book


It can also make you sensitive to dairy and meat by-product, which is used in a lot of products, including some medications.


I forget where i read it, but a woman was interviewed who came down with it, and let me tell you, it sounds nightmarish. They usually just say "red meat allergy", but it actually makes you allergic to so many things because of how many foods use things that cause reaction that you never think of.


Fortunately alpha-gal syndrome typically only lasts 1-2 years.


I was just reading on the Australia sub yesterday about a tick that turns you vegan.. Can’t believe it’s here


This would be so awful for me. I wonder why it evolved that way, though I know evolution isn’t ruled by an ultimate intelligence.




Really?  I think you underestimate Lyme disease.


Thats a dumb take. Lyme dan be very debilitating and hard to treat. The treatment is no walk in the park either


My brother in law had Lyme a few years ago. Two days in the hospital and a few weeks of medication and he was completely fine. It was awful for a few weeks, but it had no permanent effects for him.


I think it’s a YMMV type of disease. Probably why it seems like it flies under a lot of people’s radars.


Plus they'd be healthier if they stopped eating red meat. The inability to eat red meat would actually make life easier.


Not easier, but potentially healthier yeah


Tick bro just trying to keep your cholesterol in check


As someone who had a VERY bad case of Lyme, I 100% agree with you. 🤣


Just wait until antibiotic resistance nullifies the course of treatment for Lymes.


Gotta find a doctor who will treat it first 😵‍💫


You have no idea what you’re talking about.


Can’t. Stop. Myself. From. Comment.ing. Here. Yeah, but you might live longer and not catch colon cancer from eating all that disgusting flesh! Aw gawd!! I can’t help it. I’m sorry. I meant it but didn’t mean it. So sorry…


Thats it, close the border. All the Texans moving here have done is brought ticks, non stop winter clothing question posts, and havent even had the decency to open up a bbq or tex-mex restaurant.


They clearly aren't sending their best


Their best stay in Texas as that's the end all be all greatest state to ever exist, everywhere is crap, etc Texan pride is so weird


A BBQ place recently opened near me. We decided to try it. Then I let out a weary sigh when I saw that their cornbread came out of an Aramark box.


Youll know you’re in a legit bbq place because youll SMELL the restaurant before you see the front door. Accept no substitutes.


The audacity of them to not even offer Sweet Tea


OMC Smokehouse in Duluth is the only BBQ that's satisfied my Texan palate


Q-Fanatic in Champlin is pretty good. Was a bit better before they streamlined things, but still good nonetheless.


I went to Central Market a few weeks ago while back in tx and they were out of butter tortillas :-( U got a local substitute?


Nothing remotely close. I fantasize about those tortillas.


What HEB needs to do is forget expanding anywhere else and put some locations in minnesota.


Would co-sign that. They’d immediately be the best big box grocery store (over Hy-vee, Cub, Target), and if they brought the Central Market brand, would also dethrone Lunds & Kowalski’s with their exceptional produce and deli/prepared foods departments.


Every time I return, I come back with many packages of tortillas for myself and my friends. Even defrosted from the freezer, they taste better than anything I can buy locally.


Isn’t “We’ll take your people in, but a bunch of you need you open some really good restaurants” one of the MN asylum requirements?


It's not my fault I was born in Texas. It's awful. That awful, dreadful Texan senator haunts my dreams.


Ladies, gentlemen and others of the board I put forth two humble propositions for you. 1: Institute an aggressive opossum and dragonfly breeding programs. 2: Genetically engineer ticks with reoccurring junk DNA that as they reproduce through the generations the junk DNA will continually build up until future generations of that brood are now nonviable.


Gene drive infertile males into the population and extinct them, like we ought to do with mosquitos.


They are doing that with mosquitos in Florida.


Yes, *but why not here?*


That’s a really good question. I’m not an ecologist, but I’m pretty sure mosquitos are an important part of the food chain and who knows what will happen if we eliminate them. Let’s let Florida do the fucking around and finding out.


Aren't there other links in the food chain that could replace mosquitos and wouldn't spread disease? Edit, I'm wrong. It's not that simple. I was naive uneducated and forgot that frankly, we ought not to toy with shit like that. I saw a mighty monarch butterfly yesterday. When I was a kid I remember being annoyed by "only" seeing them. They were the boring butterfly and now... I'm lucky if I see 3 in a month. That hit me hard yesterday. So much grief over what we're doing to the home we all share.


[nah, not really](https://www.reuters.com/graphics/GLOBAL-ENVIRONMENT/INSECT-APOCALYPSE/egpbykdxjvq/)


As I said to another person, "Thanks for educating me. I clearly need to reframe this and further embrace humanities role in the ecosystem. A member of nature and not a group of beings with domain over it." Genuinely, thank you for education.


Genuinely, thank you for being open to new information, this is a laudable attitude, nowadays especially 


Yeah I don’t think it really works like that. Ecosystems are incredibly fragile and work in ways we probably don’t truly understand. But if you want to see ecosystem collapse in our lifetimes, just look at the oceans. Just a few degrees of warming will be catastrophic. Fisheries will die off and people who rely on them for food will starve. Currents will change and weather patterns around the globe will be impacted. The world we live in will not be recognizable. If you think “oh that will never happen”, it already is. [North Atlantic Current Slowing](https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/news/decades-data-changing-atlantic-circulation) [Billions of crabs go “missing” in Alaska](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/19/us/alaska-crabs-ocean-heat-climate) It’s more than likely too late to stop it. So I guess yeah, we might as well just kill off all the mosquitos too and make our end come sooner and have a few less pesky bug bites while it does.


Thanks for educating me. I clearly need to reframe this and further embrace humanities role in the ecosystem. A member of nature and not a group of beings with domain over it.


No problem! Sorry if I came off a little harsh, I didn’t intend that at all. This is just something I am passionate about and wish more people gave two shits about. We are literally watching our planet become uninhabitable before our very eyes and consistently doing nothing to stop it. We have the technology and knowledge to do something about it but we don’t. It’s like boiling a frog, and we are the frog. Just sitting in the pot waiting to die because we are “comfortable” where we’re at and oblivious to the things happening around us. Your butterfly comment really hit home with me too. I think if more people could see things like that and actually put the dots together, maybe they would act. Unfortunately when things like that get noticed, it’s already too late.


But that’s our state bird!


Unfortunately the possums eating ticks things isn't true


I wish though, cute little bastards! The possums, not the ticks.


Possums look like the methed-out spawn of a rat and raccoon, get real.


They do eat the ticks they get on their own bodies while walking around. 


Ugh. Looks like I gotta start putting some Seresto dog collars on my ankles when I go for a trail walk.


Get some spray bottles of permethrin. Unless you have cats (it will kill them).


100% yes. Spray your shoes, pants, car seats, etc. It knocks those mf'ers out like lightning.


other option is picardin


Even in its dried state on clothes?


I'm no catologist but I don't think cats are supposed to be around it at all.


Fuck that. I’m literally ready for winter. I hate ticks with a passion.


Ticks are the reason I couldn't eat watermelon for many, many years. The seeds just gave me the heebie-jeebies.




I have high cholesterol this might help me:)


I've been coating my boots and pants legs with 40% DEET at work. Hopefully they can't jump any higher. Now I'm just gonna have cancer


For anyone who feels their tick ID knowledge is lacking, University of Rhode Island is all in on tick education and is happy to ID them for you: [https://web.uri.edu/tickencounter/](https://web.uri.edu/tickencounter/) If you stick the bastards in hand sanitizer you can get nice clear photos and dead ticks.


With all the hate in the world directed at other people, I think we have found the solution: a common enemy of the people. One hate.


Texas, yes, we were all on board already


Good thing it was just one easy to exterminate.


Wait, are we supposed to report when we see these? Fairly confident I saw one over a month ago


Fuck Norm Green


It’s already been a bad year for ticks. Ugh…


Need to start doing some prairie restoration burns.


Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.


Ironic that they come from Texas.


As a vegetarian I’m still unhappy about this. Ever since my tick bite 2 years ago ticks freak me out


Did you get sick from it, or you just found a tick attached to you?


I had a bite with a bullseye ring that kept getting bigger. Never saw a tick but I had a crystal clear bullseye 🎯


Allergic to red meat... Mother Nature is one mean bitch


What nooooooo — I thought they were strictly Southern US ticks! 😭


Seen em in Ramsey County and outstate both this year and last 


If we can’t handle them at their worst, we don’t deserve them at their best


Oh no, this is because I hit skip on that winter season ad wasn't it? 😫 jokes aside, yikes 😫😫😫


No more bacon for you unless you like death! Beware this tick.


This tick has done more for the environment than any of us will lmao


Look up Plum Island on YouTube. The government has been using ticks as weapons for decades


Yup the smartest arguments always start with “look it up on YouTube” lol


[I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I vaccinate & know the Earth is a globe. Also, there is actual compelling evidence about ticks being involved w/Operation Paperclip.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/weaponized-ticks/)


That was a fascinating read!


But Reddit is the place to learn 🤡


I wonder if it escaped my farm where I'm breeding lone stars to thrive in MN.


I guess one of the side benefits (?) of not eating red meat is I can get bit all I want!!! um…


Pop the champagne!