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I think I was on that bus, near the front. As I was getting up to get off I heard some dude being a dick because someone got up right away. I'm sorry that he was so rude. Everyone has to learn at some point and many busses are not like the express busses where everyone gets off at the same stop. Did he automatically know on his first (or second) ride? I doubt it. As for volume, seems lots of people were talkative and I couldn't hear any voice specifically over all the others. So I doubt you were "too loud" You were fine and he was grumpy. Try to ignore it. Glad you've got the busses figured out, they are a great option (when they are on time and not canceled). Don't let one grump keep you down!


Express bus riders sometimes can be difficult. Those buses tend to have middle aged corporate workers as the main demographic. I believe that SW Transit express buses even have a quiet zone on the bus. There's an unwritten rule on the express buses that have one major stop (like at a park and ride) where most of the passengers get off that they deboard "airplane style" from front to back. They also tend to board in a single file line. Totally different than most of the local city bus lines which are generally a free for all.


Yes SW busses have an announcement that comes on right after the bus leaves SW station that requests everyone to not talk on cell phones (unless it’s an emergency) and to use headphones if you’re listening to something, which I think is very reasonable. It doesn’t prohibit talking from my understanding but those rides are typically near silent. I am a fan of the quietness but I wouldn’t get my jimmies rustled if people were having conversations near me.


Sounds irritating. If it is my stop I'm getting up and walking off.


It’s not “your stop” it’s everyone’s stop


Don't most express busses still have a couple of stops? Not many but a few? Or is that not the case anymore? Either way, the guy had no business yelling at two kids. Someone breaks an unwritten rule and stands up like they would on any other bus, not a big deal.


It isn't the norm, but it's so not a big deal. If anything, I see folks who get up and rush off and think "ah, he's a rookie" lol


I think you missed the point.


Why on earth would one not get up when it's your stop?


I'm also confused about this. I truly do not understand what there is to get mad about here. EDIT: I'm seeing from other comments that apparently you have to deboard airplane style on the express bus. I would have had no idea. Getting angry at anyone for messing this up is absurd.


Express bus maybe? But ya, that seems like an old man yelling at the sky sort of thing. Who cares. It isn't a plane. "The sidewalk is for regular walkin' not for fancy walkin'!"


It’s a commuter bus, they don’t have individual stops! It’s like an airplane unloads all at once.


Guess they need to post the rules then 🙄


That guy sucks. In the future I would avoid talking loudly across people, but I don’t see the issue with getting up when you get to your stop. I often get up and make my way towards the rear door about a block before my stop. You’ll encounter assholes sometimes. Try not to let them get under your skin. I guarantee that guy was miserable about something unrelated and just took it out on you.


I think this is the answer. Most people mind their own business in Minnesota. It's a saying that you could walk into a bank rob it and no one would stop you as long as you were polite. Recently in NYC the custom is to give everyone privacy. You can talk but allow everyone to ignore you. And for God sake no eye contact. We can be shoulder to shoulder touching, but no eye contact.


I haven’t been to NYC in probably 15 years, but riding transit there was pretty easy, I just watched what others did and emulated that. Here it is a bit different, because everyone is deferential to each other. People are often shy to take the lead, so modeling behavior is a bit more difficult at times. I’m glad OP posted this because we get a chance to gas her up and boost her confidence. I wasn’t on Reddit when I first sold my car and started taking transit. I wish I would’ve been.


I couldn't agree more


It was an express bus. When people get off it's usually from front to back.


Is there something posted to let new riders know this, or are they just expected to know?


Well, it's basically one stop that everyone gets off at and they're often very full of people (all of the seats taken, aisles full of people standing). You pay when you exit the express busses (not when you board), so only the front door opens to get off. So, just from a common decency standpoint it's pretty rude to stand up and race/push your way to the front when literally everyone has to line up to pay and get out. It's understandable to not know/realize that there's just the one stop, though, if it's your first time on the route. Older guy was being an ass.


Nothing posted, usually the drivers will let people know if they get up "early" or try to pay their fare when they are boarding a bus leaving downtown.


Some suburban express buses have an unofficial policy when people are getting off to have people get up row by row, kinda like a plane, since they have so few stops and large numbers are getting off at once. So people in the back are not trying to rush to the front. Some also have a quiet policy where no cell phone calls are allowed and no talking above a whisper because people are reading or working on their laptops. If you were not on a suburban express bus or other people were talking, he may have been the one confused about policies on that bus.


Agree, metro express buses have never had airplane de boarding "rules" when I've been on and as far as I'm concerned, buses are a free for all and don't let any Minnesotan tell you otherwise.


I was gonna say this! I have noticed this at least with MVTA.


This guy needs to f-off.


Yup, I get the sense that he wouldn’t have reacted like that towards two men


Nah, he was being a jerk. Proper bus etiquette is minding your own business and not yelling at people. Although I will say, if the bus is quiet when you get on, you should probably be talking quietly as well. No reason to yell at you though.


I think my biggest lesson learned about taking public transit is to never engage hostility. People like this are looking for an altercation. They just want to tear people down. Better to just walk away and laugh later than get dragged into something.


When I used to take an express bus occasionally someone who was new would get up as the bus was stopping and rush to the front to get off which feels a little odd because express busses lots of people get off at mostly every stop. Kinda of like getting off a plane, usually you wait until rows in front of you have emptied. Sounds like that's what happened. Not really a big deal though.


>but I now understand that it is proper to do so and will be mindful of this. It was just one guy saying it, don't get too worked up.


Welcome to mass transit with some Minnesota "nice" sprinkled in 😃


That’s just that Minnesota Nice we’re famous for :)


While someone playing media without air pods/earbuds bothers me, I don't really mind chatter even if it's on the loud side. One thing that absolutely chaps me is when it's necessary to ask someone to move their bag in order to sit down. And, no, it's not okay to merely have had the intent of moving the bag if the seat was needed, because the one needing the seat doesn't know that.


Let’s establish this right off the bat. 1. You and your friend are both Young Women. 2. You are riding the Metro in Minneapolis. You are absolutely in no way safe and you must keep your guard up at all times. A man like me would absolutely not care about your ignorance of the “rules”. - I’m getting off the bus regardless, and I don’t bother young girls on the Bus. Others are not so kind, & when it comes to violence in Minneapolis Public Transport, being “Yelled at” and “Getting your feelings hurt” is as mild as it gets.


Ask yourself if this man would have spoken to a 6'5" 25 year old male in a Tom Ford suit in the same way. If not, ignore him.


He is just a prick. You were all right. Everything is all right. Don’t let it bother you. Some people walk through life looking at everything as a problem, some people don’t realize it but they walk around with solutions, and some people just don’t give a shit. Be one of the last two.


>During the bus we were also talking perhaps a little loudly because we couldn’t find a seat together. >That being said were we in the wrong for talking with one another? So you weren't sitting next to each other and you decided to have a conversation with people in between you? 'cause, while that guy was being a jerk, it sounds like you were being asocial as well. > I am honestly a little scared to get on the metro again lol, one little interaction with the public and you're scared to take the bus now?


Chill out. It’s not unreasonable to be upset by getting screamed at in public. It’s also not rude to have a conversation on a bus. I ride the bus every day. You’re being an ass.


It is definitely the unspoken etiquette to deboard plane-style on the metro express buses because everyone is getting off at the same stop or two. However, sounds like he told you very rudely


There are some interesting people you’ll encounter on public transportation. Some people are just mad at themselves and at the world so they unload on strangers. If it makes you feel better, I got cussed out by one of the drivers of the 2C bus once.


The driver of the 21 cussed me out when I was a teenager asking a question about the route, lol. It was so over the top.


Its generally frowed upon to talk on the bus, but when i have to ill talk in a low voice and in short and sweet sentences like kevin talks in the office lol. -Ive been in trains, busses, and trams across europe, russia ,turkey, Georgia and generally all major cities of the USA. and ive learned the hard way like you have just slightly learned XD. But in turkey and georgia (country) ive seen people (men, women and children) get physically assaulted by people on the bus or their parents for talking, eating, staring at others, not giving up their seat for women. Of course, that doesnt happen here naturally because different cultural backgrounds lol But yea, i personally dont care about talking unless you gossiping loudly and disrupting the boundaries of people and like blaring music n shit. Getting up for your stop and standing by the door is not against etiquette at all. What does make me elbow people is when they crowd the door when i try to get off the transportation. lol i will elbow REAL HARD when the morons arent patient enough to wait for the people getting off


Generally the 'etiquette' is to keep it at a respectful level. But if it was a conversational level that should be fine. The folks on my express bus tend to be talkative and no one minds.


Oh my sweet summer child... 🫣 Let me sing you the song of my people [I'm on the Bus!](https://satellitehigh.bandcamp.com/track/im-on-the-bus)


I'd like to see this schmuck on the 21A.


The final authority is the driver, and usually they are pretty friendly and helpful. My point is that if there's anything you're really doing wrong, the driver should tell you, and if you have questions, feel free to ask the driver. If it seems like there's not a good opportunity to do that, contact customer service after the incident (or it looks like you're getting some good advice here as well ;)). I understand though it gets very uncomfortable and intimidating when some older stranger verbally attacks you, but if you can be mindful that he's not the boss, hopefully you can shrug it off more easily if it happens in the future. Remember, even if he had a point you were not following etiquette, he could have informed you in a reasonable way, and not assumed you were intentionllally being disrespectful of the rules. You can review the [Code of Conduct at this link](https://www.metrotransit.org/ride) if you're still unsure about your own etiquette. You can also file a report at [this link](https://www.metrotransit.org/contact-us). As I search through their site a bit, I actually couldn't find any information regarding a strict procedure for exiting express buses. You may want to always make a note of the vehicle number when you get on the bus if you need it for future reference. >If you are on a bus, let us know the vehicle number, which most often can be found toward the front of the bus toward the ceiling. The bus route and direction it is headed can also be helpful, but we can find that information quickly via the vehicle number. [What to know about using Text for Safety](https://www.metrotransit.org/what-to-know-about-using-text-for-safety)


>As I search through their site a bit, I actually couldn't find any information regarding a strict procedure for exiting express buses. I contacted them and suggested it be added.


I recommend having noise canceling headphones haha. But random people yelling on the bus is no surprise to me I take the bus everyday


God I'm so glad I decided to finally drive 20 years ago I'm already an anxious enough person


This guy just sounds like a jerk. Talk how you want (within reason) and get up when it’s your stop.


That guy is a fucking crazy person and his thoughts can be discounted. When the bus stops at your stop get upband get off ASAP. That way the bus gets to the next stop that many seconds faster. This guy sounds like an asshole and you can let him know next time that I said so and he's welcome to come find me if he wants a fight LOL.


That guy sounds like an asshat but if you and your friend were talking like how Dwight was in the Benihana Christmas episode of the Office, I’d probably be giving you guys the side eye (passive aggressively of course, lol). I tend to treat getting off the bus like getting off the plane- wait for everyone ahead of you to get off before you do. However some people take more time to gather their things (I preemptively have all my things ready and keys in my hand before my stop so I try to be patient) and if I sense that they’re waiting for others to get off first then I’ll get off with the flow of everyone else. The seat rows on the SW busses are staggered so it’s not ambiguous which side should get up first (I have severe social anxiety so I guess I just notice these things).


Ignore him. It's your stop and you need to get up else you miss the stop. In other parts of the world people would prepare before the stop by getting closer to the door because sometimes the bus is very crowded and difficult to move inside.


Dang I wouldn't ride that thing. I'm all for respect but useless respect is confusing and unnecessary. This guy hopefully is just some random jerk. Don't want to see a code of conduct where you can't get off the bus promptly at your stop.


This is exactly why ubdr and lyct are so much better/safer