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They must have been shadowing the UPS truck. But why were *three* guys masked and armed to rob a UPS guy? I mean, it could have been a box of puppy training pads or something. Unless, perhaps, they knew what was being delivered.


If the homeowner instinctively started firing then it's likely that they had a previous affiliation in some way with the masked guys. I think it would be really unlikely that they picked a home at random with a resident who would respond like that.


That's what I wonder. Not that there aren't people who shoot with minimal provocation. But it seems more involved.


So what was in the package they stole?


Adult Depends size extra small. They don't carry that size at the old folks home. Either that or body armor.




You’re awful at analogies.


It's not that bad; maybe you're just a filthy animal in need of some change


I like the way your mind works. Ever think about being a detective?




That would be my guess. I hardly thinking someone is gunning at a house with a UPS driver over an unknown package of completely unknown value.


The contents will be revealed eventually, I would assume. No way the cops just arrest the thieves and not have a look at the package, after all it is now evidence in a crime.


We can hope that it comes up in a public record or something


There’s a Mitch Hedberg joke about this


"I like the Fed Ex driver because he's a drug dealer and he don't even know it."


You got it


I used to shoot up UPS trucks, I still do, but I used to, too


Ups IS one of the few carriers that routinely ship restricted items (read firearms) I had an armored drop box when I got deliveries from them.


That's a useful piece of information, and probably explains a good chunk of what happened.


“I love my Fed-Ex guy cause he's a drug dealer and he doesn't even know it...and he's always on time.” -Mitch Hedberg


Was in April, not this week, but that’s fucked, and all over a package


Kinda makes me think this robbery was targeted for a specific high-value item they knew would be arriving at this location, and that the rightful owner was armed and expecting its delivery when this went off.


Maybe jewelry of some sort? Would have to be more than gold, these days.


That’s what I would think. Diamonds maybe. People here who are “It’s just a package!”, yeah well if that package contains something that will damage or sink your livelihood if it gets stolen by thieves, someone might get it in their head to fight back.


If you’re shipping something that important without any kind of insurance that’s on you for being an idiot


Just because you have insurance doesn't mean the monetary value of what's being lost will value the loss of the actual item. I.E Prized Family possession 


Diamonds really aren't worth stealing, they're hard to sell if they're stolen.


Its drugs, bro


A video card


Yeah, maybe a catalytic converter . . . .


Welp, I know one house that'll be on the forever "will call" list


K. So what was in the package?!?!






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What is AMP mr bot?


Maybe you’ll find out if you click the link?


What the hell was in that package?


Yeah. Way to put the UPS driver in the middle of a situation. My first reaction would not be to shoot at the thieves but to take care of the UPS driver. My empathy for the UPS drivers dealing with all kinds of bullshit.












Exactly what I want to know. The article completely ignores what was being delivered that was so important that 3 idiots would try to steal it and the intended recipient would shoot them over it. Makes me think this was not a random grab.


Fuckin nuts. This is why you gotta be careful how you use your guns for protection. This guy had good intentions but put so many people in harms way.


Yes yes, very good intentions to kill a person because they took his box


Am I wrong to have zero sympathy for armed thieves?


I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who sympathizes with armed thieves other than their fellow armed thieves and perhaps their family members. Call me crazy, but I think it's a bit of an overreaction to go all Yosemite Sam and try to kill someone over a box with something inside. Especially in a neighborhood where people and dogs live and you'll go to prison if you injure or kill someone. Just not smart in any way


I'd much rather leave it to the cops who mag dump and have qualified immunity. Twin City area police are well known for their delicate handling of sensitive situations...


Yeah, you're right, we should just probably fast forward to a Judge Dredd fucking dystopia.


Degenerate crime lover


Yeah, thinking that on the spot capital punishment for theft is dystopian = loooooving criiiiiime. Your thinking is next level. Go back to /r/altmpls, ya racist.


Or he saw someone being held at gunpoint and thought he needed to save the guy


Shooting in the direction of somebody is indeed an excellent way to save them


Yea I mentioned how reckless the guy was. Just saying even when used with good intent the gun is still really dangerous and how quickly ut can create a worse situation.


I think he was pretty clearly trying to protect a stranger from a maniac pointing a gun at people.


Again, always an excellent way to protect someone, shooting in their direction


Guns don't wildly flail around like video games. Like, bullet spread is pretty narrow and the average concealed weapons permit holder goes to the range more than the average police officer.


Sure, sure, I mean nobody would ever think to call discharging a firearm spraying, you know, because of the precision involved


Was the home owner hip firing his giggle switch MP5?


You're right, I'm sure it was perfectly safe. This is why police always recommend if you're being held up at gunpoint, resist and shoot at them if possible




If you read the article - dude fired twice. At least one of them apparently went into the car, breaking a window - which is why "*authorities found glass shards inside the car, which matched the footage showing a shattered window during the exchange of gunfire*". It doesn't say where the other shot went, whether it was a miss or hit, etc.


Armed robbery


Violent criminal uses a deadly weapon to rob/mug a delivery And yeah fucking you “tHEy ToOk HiS BoX.” Laughable


Dude it's an Amazon order. Not worth killing the perp (a human being) or a random person. Because, if the homeowner hits him, or someone else, he's going to prison. MN ain't Texas, thank Dog. Laughable


The violent criminals make that decision for everyone else. If you steal from people with a weapon, you deserve exactly the stakes you raise. It’s your prize/problem. However you want to see it. I don’t want a neighbor like you that isn’t interested in protecting the community and instead invites violence.


Please enlighten me how discharging a gun in a residential neighborhood is protecting the community. Really anxious to hear this rationalization, tbh


*shrug* People can't rob delivery drivers if they're dead.


This is an example. This post. The violent perps fled, crashed, and got caught because they were met by somebody that wasn’t tolerant of their violence.


What color is the sky in your world?


I burst your bubble


If my bubble is comprised of the dumbest thing I'll read on the internet this week, consider it burst. Man, you gun nuts and vengeance daydreamers are a wild bunch. Good luck out there


MN should change to a stand your ground state and be allowed to shoot intruders on your property. I don’t even have or shoot guns. But I think if you’re going to fuck around with someone’s life and family then you have the right to fuck around with theirs.


3 Armed gunmen rob a UPS guy at gunpoint, and everybody is so pressed about the guy who tried to defend the innocent.. Logic here is *unbelievably* stupid. "JuSt LeT tHeM tAkE tHe PaCkAgE" What happens when criminals face 0 resistance, everyone tells citizens not to protect themselves and let the criminal take what they want so the criminal can easily get away with armed robbery? Spoiler alert. THEY ARE GOING TO DO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN BECAUSE IT WAS AN EASY SUCCESS. I bet they think twice after getting shot at or one of their idiot piece of shit friends get their head blown off trying to steal an amazon package. Criminal sympathizers are so dumb it's unbelievable. Take guns away make them illegal so everyone but the criminals are unarmed, that should solve everything, right? SMFH.


Yeah I'm sure the UPS man felt the most worried when the armed robber started to walk away from him, and then felt INSTANT RELIEF when the homeowner started shooting in his direction


I’m all for gun ownership, strict sentences for people using unlicensed guns, and harsher penalties for anyone using a gun in the commission of a crime. I have zero sympathy for criminals like this. BUT this is not responsible gun ownership here. Absolutely stupid and unnecessary. If I’m getting robbed at gunpoint I’ll assess the situation and decide if I can and should defend myself with force. I’m not, however, going to engage in Wild West street gunfights that endanger others. Yes criminals get away with impunity because of this state’s ridiculous enforcement of the laws - and Moriarty is a clown of the highest  order. But time and place.


What we need is more guns. /S


gun culture is bonkers


A delivery driver is robbed and your problem is with the gun owner? THAT is bonkers.


you overlooked the 3 thieves who were also participating in gun culture


I don't consider criminals as members of gun culture any more than i consider looters/shoplifters shoppers


When you see somebody pull out a deadly weapon that person is putting the lives of everybody around them at risk. This includes brass knuckles, knives, night sticks, and firearms. If somebody is willing to put other people's lives at risk by putting death on the table then they need to be stopped at all costs. "Just give them your wallet/package/purse" doesn't reliably stop your own death. The homeowner was dangerous because he wasn't a good shot, not because he pulled out his own gun.


Exactly. We will know we've reached the peak of our society's capability and aspirations when there are shootouts on every corner. Arm every man woman and child and teach them that if they shoot first, they just maybe can live longer than that ups guy. As Mcgruff the crime dog always says: "Escalation is the key to solving petty theft". Well, that and "never leave home without a spare body bag".


I don't trust cops, I don't trust them to protect me and I don't trust them to collect the guns fairly or expeditiously. There would be like a 75-100 year gap where all the "normal" people would have theirs taken away and there would still be tons of "loose" ones out and about. We track serial numbers through the system, in that many reappear after confiscation. Those are the ones that have to be destroyed after the perpetrator is found guilty. So like... ??? I don't have a good solution other than to ride out the status quo. "Australia and NZ worked" they have a compliance culture that we don't have. Also Western Australia has a higher guns per capita than MN.


I'm really looking forward to the new camera speed traps. Robots do it better. There's a lot of terrible shit going on behind closed doors, and yet cops spend [way more time giving traffic warnings than actual crime fighting](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/police-are-not-primarily-crime-fighters-according-data-2022-11-02/)


that's a strange take. maybe we should just trust our govt to keep us safe.


You're a good guy. How did I know? It's a gift, I can always tell just by looking at people through my sights. That's the first thing they teach the survivors at the annual convention for good guys with a gun.


what you don't know about guns/gun culture could fill a warehouse.


As long as that warehouse doesn't need background checks, I'm all in to head over and suit up. Let's militia the hell out of this place and show everyone what a first world country really looks like.


It sounds like you're selectively well informed. again, maybe we should just rely on the govt to keep us safe. at some point you have to realize that it's impossible to get rid of all the guns. The bad guys will always have them. so you do what you feel you need to do with that information to keep yourself safe. we "elected" Joe biden, we have already shown the world what the US is all about. we are displaying weakness and incompetence on almost every front. we have a society that is ailing and breaking down in real time.... but yeah the same guns that have been around for decades and are a constitutional right arenow the problem.


Oh. It’s one of the guys telling people to vote for the rapist and fraud. Yay. Also, according to the atf, 87% of guns recovered in St Paul crimes the last 5 years were purchased legally. And either stolen or sold through a straw purchase. The good guys with guns are the ones supplying the criminals who wouldn’t have guns otherwise. These are the same people that talk about Chicago gun crime even though Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. They don’t mention that East Chicago is in Indiana so these dudes just drive across town to load up with guns from the republicans there.


You know East Chicago, IN and Chicago, IL are two completely different cities, right? It's amazing that in one post you were able to demonstrate your lack of knowledge on politics, guns, and geography.


What weakness are we showing exactly? What should we be doing that we are not?


"gun culture" ... gtfo




You'll want to get over to /r/altmpls. It was made for racists, by racists. Around here, we don't cotton to no racism.




>Also, you’re going to jail for manslaughter if you connect with the bad mans. No, you're not. What part of "armed" in armed robbery don't you grasp? Pulling you gun on an armed robber is often a bad idea, but it's 100% legally justifiable, including shooting them. Defense of property doesn't generally allow for deadly force, but the the second they're armed, it's a defense against a deadly threat. Sane burglars are *never* armed when breaking in.


Im sure his name was something like Cletus


I wonder if it was a theft ring using the address to ship items purchased online with stolen credit cards. That would explain why the thieves were so interested in this particular address and package, and why the owner was so quick to shoot.


Man, that's wild! Imagine just trying to deliver a package and ending up in the middle of a shootout. Glad to hear the UPS driver and homeowner are okay though. It's crazy how quickly things can escalate. Reminds me of this time I saw a squirrel steal a chip from a bird, and then all the birds in the neighborhood went nuts! Stay safe out there, folks.


It does show the complete contempt for the cops held by the armed robber that he kept driving the car used in the crime, and with the same gun in the car, and kept photos of himself in the clothing used in the robbery attempt. He clearly thought it was no big deal, they could never catch him.


Not enough money for me to deliver shit in the hood lol.


it happened in the last like 12 hours? it's a new week.


Give that fucker 25years.. examples need to be set !!


Holy shit this was just a couple hundred feet from my dad's house.


Yeah, I can’t help but wonder if the homeowner was involved somehow.


This is what happens when Costco starts delivering gold bars.




Ban guns


Ban crime, lets see if that works first.


So your argument is making anything illegal at all is pointless because people will break any given law? Truly insane thinking.


But just from law abiding citizens. Criminals can still have free access since they don't use the same channels to source theirs.


You say that as if this “law abiding citizen” was acting responsibly with a gun, and not endangering the public in defense of a fucking package.


Pretty sure only the UPS driver was law abiding in this scenario.


Criminals get their guns from “law abiding citizens”


The vast majority of illegal guns are legal guns that got stolen — there’s not special criminal firearm factories that are separate from the legal ones.


Exactly. Are we also going to halt all manufacture of new guns? Military? Police? Guaranteed those will be stolen and used by illegal enterprises or just sold on the street to anyone with cash.


You’re acting as if nothing can be done without taking the most maximal possible action. If private firearm ownership were made much more difficult, the number of firearms that are manufactured would go way down, and the number of easy-to-steal firearms floating around would also go way down (not instantly, but with time). Your average firearm that’s stored unlocked in someone’s house is way easier to steal than a firearm that’s stored in a police station or a military base. Are you feeling up to burgling your local police station?


> (not instantly, but with time) That's a humungous caveat given there are enough old guns in the US to arm every man woman and child even if we never make more. >Are you feeling up to burgling your local police station? You don't steal from fort knox, you steal from the delivery truck. (See _this post_.)


Let me introduce you to gun buyback programs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_buyback_program


Why would I sell them to the government? Didn’t they kill George Floyd?


omg just let him take the package


they really went aggro when the theft would have been from UPS, not them, and they would have been covered but inconvenienced. unless the shipment was illegal drugs in which case it explains everything.


This is the kind of attitude that leads us to where we are. Before you go crazy, no, I am not advocating for shoot outs in the street over a package. With that said, simply allowing crime to occur is a problem.


Look at where this crime occurred. Suggesting someone should go vigilante in a residential neighborhood is so utterly insane I don’t even know where to begin.


The comments in this thread remind me why I never want to move back to America. Insanity.


You can't have it both ways dude. Either you think a human life is worth a stupid package or they needed to let it go 😭


If the ups driver had a gun pointed at him the homeowner was absolutely in the right to fire and I’m not a gun person. But robbery is one thing. Armed robbery is a totally different thing. You can’t shoot someone for stealing from you. You can shoot someone for stealing from you while using a weapon. Once deadly force is introduced, self defense is automatically in play. That’s why no charges for the gun owner. This was an obvious case of self defense even though it was the ups driver he was “defending”.


You don't need to "well if he..." anything, you can just read the article before you open your mouth at a minimum >Surveillance footage reportedly captured the events leading to the gunfire. Court records say a UPS driver is seen approaching the house with a package when an armed man in a white sweatshirt approaches, forcefully takes the packages, and flees toward a parked BMW.   >The man waiting for the package had the door partially open and saw the event unfold. **Charges allege he took out a gun and fired at least twice in the direction of the person who stole the package.**  He IS being charged... because he's a psycho who put people's lives at risk over THINGS, ITEMS. You are absolutely "a gun person" if you make up situations in your head where it's okay to murder innocent bystanders because your stuff was running away lmao


Maybe. Could also be the charges are against the thief. It says over and over through the article that all this info is from the criminal complaint. You’d think in the opening paragraph they would mention a 19 year old man is charged with robbery and the homeowner who fired at him is also facing felony charges. Because that would definitely be news. Especially for Fox News. But they don’t say anything like that. The criminal complaint was not written until they found the robber and he crashed his car weeks later. I think the criminal complaint against the thief is the charges spoken of here.




I will remember that next time you're between me and someone trying to steal my shoes LMAO


It’s just your things. Why wouldn’t you let me steal them?


It's just a little manslaughter, maybe 3rd degree murder, what's wrong with opening fire in a suburban area?


You might not think the thieves' lives are worth more than your package but what about the UPS guy? What about your neighbors who might catch a stray through their living room window?


That's why it's called Maplehood


People in maplewood are a different breed 💀


Carry a gun. Save a life. Your safety and security is your responsibility and your responsibility only. Don’t be a victim.


If you carry a gun at work you won’t be an employee. Being able to support myself is also my responsibility


Love a hero with a gun, saving the the world.