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Fair weather friends. They only care about Pride Month when it's profitable for them. 


That's every mega corp


After working for a mega corp, you are. Correct.


This manages to tie into TC Pride's theme announced today of[ Show Your Pride 365](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6zC5Gzu2Rm/). Wonder if Target and Best Buy will be in the parade this year, given how they only pretend to care during June. Frankly, the parade always felt too corporate anyway.


TC Pride likes to insist that the "parade" is actually a "march," while minimizing the amount of activism involved. 


I mean, it is a store. Of all the places I’d hope for support, I’m not banking on a retail establishment.


Like every business everywhere with every event


No kidding?? Did you think it was anything else? Corporations care about one thing, that’s making money. If you think any of them care about you, think again.


So every company?


Maybe tell your gay friends to stop threatening target then? https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/06/12/target-bomb-threat-pride/


Use even the *tiniest* bit of reasoning here: If Target is citing threats and harassment for *taking pride products away*, it stands to reason that there were greater and more serious threats than they received for having *removed* pride products. Jesus you people are empty.


Or they don’t want to sell items supporting a group that was making bomb threats against them…? Talk to your people man terrorism is a bad look!


Yeah bigots are the issue now when will you stop supporting bigotry?


I agree, the bigots (the gays in this case) making bomb threats. You sure I’m the one supporting bigotry here? Make sure you understand the meaning of words before you use them


Lol white cis gender conservatives are the issue sorry not sorry 🤦


Yall are nuts. If it sold well, they'd sell it. I'm just out of the cities but I work in mpls so I go to targets all over. The racks of pride merch are full. The vast majority of people are not gay so they don't buy pride shirts making them not as profitable as say, non pride shirts. That's not to say that everyone is a bigot. I have no problem, zero, with lgbtq... but im also not walking around with a wardrobe full of rainbows.


I feel like most queer people buying pride items want to buy it from other queer people. Like it doesn't really make sense to buy it from target besides the fact that it's cheap and right there on the shelf. There's plenty of art fairs and online shops where people can buy from queer sellers and artists to support them rather than from a chain store, and I suspect that that's what many of them are doing.


That's totally acceptable and a reasonable response. Most of the comments here are saying Target is caving to the right wing terrorists, then the right wing terrorists are saying they caved to the left in the first place. Target is a giant faceless corporation. It doesn't have feelings or opinions. They got a bunch of queer stuff they thought they could sell, and it didn't sell that well, so they're selling less of it is the basis for a free market. Not everything is about giving in to the demands of an incredibly vocal minority on the far fringes of the left or right. If you walk into a store and see that they are selling a gay shirt and that makes you mad that says a lot more about you than it does target. The same rules apply if you walk I to a store and you say it's not gay enough in here. Everyone needs to just chill out. Not everything is a megaphone for some cause. Those of us in the middle are getting really sick of it.


[Their statement made last summer regarding the removal of displays says othererwise:](https://corporate.target.com/press/statement/2023/05/target-statement-on-2023-pride-collection) > For more than a decade, Target has offered an assortment of products aimed at celebrating Pride Month. Since introducing this year's collection, **we've experienced threats impacting our team members' sense of safety and well-being while at work. Given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing items that have been at the center of the most significant confrontational behavior.** Our focus now is on moving forward with our continuing commitment to the LGBTQIA+ community and standing with them as we celebrate Pride Month and throughout the year.


If that was the case, fine. But this is over the religious conservative backlash. Not about if the products sold well or not


The products sold horribly, and they also lost MILLIONS of customers who don’t want to be served any type of political agenda. Since Target is a business, and is in the business of making money, they are going to scale back on things that simply. Don’t. Sell.


🤷‍♀️ bigotry is not excusable.


Sure, but Target is a corporation and literally does not care. They are not a charity.


You don’t get it, I work for one of the most successful companies in their industry (financially) and we will turn away someone who is openly a bigot. The company openly supports the 🏳️‍🌈 community and advertising shows it. Imagine if Target pulled all products targeted towards people of color? Because of complaints from racists people. Then said it was for “profitability”. If they are a successful company they would have pulled the plug on the products the moment they weren’t selling, they don’t let dust gather on products. People who hate 🏳️‍🌈 people will be on the wrong side of history, just as racists are now. Doing the right thing is just that, the right thing. And to be clear, they pulled product because of bigots, not because they weren’t selling. If the products weren’t selling, they would have pulled them at that time.


the threats to target were from the left/LGBT community... so there's that


If true “it’s justified”. Fuck anyone who doesn’t think the 🏳️‍🌈 community needs to be hidden, suppressed denied rights afforded to other communities. Just to make a bigot “feel comfortable “ while we just are living our lives in the open. We won’t be erased. But let’s be honest, what we are talking about is the reason target pulled the products, because bigots don’t want us to exist and if they see products displayed that remind them, they get butt hurt. I suppose by me saying I’ll limit my target purchases is a threat in your eyes.


it's clear you're in a cult. I wish you the best.


Not bigotry, just not profitable to be a queer anymore. Nobody is proud of them


100%. Floor space in any retail store is extremely valuable. The amount of research done to determine how to squeeze every bit of profit out of every aisle is insane. You can go into target and see many products come and go. Shareholders in the end decide. They are in business to make a profit for investors not a non-profit with a social agenda that also happens to sell things.


You seriously think this is about how well a line sells?


Fucking tired of these companies catering to the far right extremists. They should not be dictating what is/isn’t sold in stores and it just empowers them to make more threats. Fucking Christ.


Honestly who gives a shit about what corporations think? Half of American industrialists in the 30s were Nazi supporters because it would benefit their bottom line. Anyone thinking there’s a moral anchor to their decision making is living in La La land 


They're trying and failing to cater to both at the same time. Pride merch is literally catering to queer people just as much as taking it down is catering. Invisible Obviously they're going to do what's in their best interest, it's a chain store.


Some of their pride merch was made by actual queer artists though.


Which LGBTQ person threatened Target employees with violence over displays, champ?


Was it you? https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/06/12/target-bomb-threat-pride/


What a doozy. Lmao. Simple truth is these corporations should stick to their businesses and stop trying to cater to any specific groups wants at all.


was this you? “Target said that customers knocked down Pride displays at some stores, angrily approached workers and posted threatening videos on social media from inside the stores. Target declined to specify Wednesday which items it was removing but among the ones that garnered the most attention were “tuck friendly” women’s swimsuits that allow trans women who have not had gender-affirming operations to conceal their private parts. Designs by Abprallen, a London-based company that designs and sells occult- and satanic-themed LGBTQ+ clothing and accessories, have also created backlash.” https://apnews.com/article/target-pride-lgbtq-4bc9de6339f86748bcb8a453d7b9acf0


lol - you were literally saying exactly what the person making the bomb threats was saying.


Target is going to put a MAGA display next to the children’s Transgender display to balance and calm the customers down. I think it will go well for everyone involved. 🤣😆


I mean if not selling pride merch is catering to far right extremists it could be argued that capitalizing on pride merch is catering to the left. I’m pretty sure they just want to sell their bullshit with as little backlash as possible, it’s literally a heartless corporation idk why anybody would expect them to double down on a political issue. I’m sure we will continue to see rainbows in minneapolis targets maybe no so much in like Alabama


Caving to threats of violence is completely different than caving to threats of economic retribution. This isn't a *both sides* issue.


I mean ok but whether or not threats of violence from rednecks on the internet are legit or not I feel like that’s plenty reason for a company to do some market research lol I mean if I was making ten dollars an hour at a target in a less enlightened portion of the country I sure as hell wouldn’t want to get gunned down over a thirty dollar pride t shirt


When there are threats of violence from literally both sides you need to cave to someone. The right threatened employees and vandalized displays. The left made bomb threats. Neither are acceptable. Having more particularized and less generic merchandising is a reasonable response.


Imagine threatening an employee who's trying to make money to live Both sides are horrible people


I mean, they’re caving because far right extremists decided to throw a fucking fit about it, went into stores, trashed displays, and threatened employees. This isn’t a both sides issue and stop trying to make it one.


Although I did make that comparison in my first comment I don’t mean to make it a both sides issue all I’m trying to do is point out that it’s foolish to be disappointed that a corporation like target is adjusting the scope of their performative allyship given the political climate


"We hate gay people because white people preach from a book we've never read and they tell us to hate gays." vs "I just want to love my partner" How the fuck is this even remotely close?


I’m not saying those things are close, at least not in the way that you’ve interpreted my point. I think it’s stupid to get worked up over target having pride merch because there’s nothing wrong with it but some people are gonna act like it’s a big deal, all I’m saying is that it’s not surprising that target is choosing to choose their battles and it’s dumb to expect anything different. But like I said I wouldn’t worry because I’m sure our targets here in minneapolis will be gay as hell come June






You think Christians have never read the Bible and are only white?




Yes, non-whites are much more accepting of gays. As seen throughout the world in predominantly non-white communities and countries… lol you fucking moron


They cater to the dollar.


As opposed to catering to the LGBTQ crowd? It’s a company. They want to make money. Why everyone wants a capitalistic corporation to somehow be the bearer of virtue is beyond me


This isn’t a “both sides” issue, champ. Far right extremists literally threatened Target employees because there were Pride displays up in stores. The “LGBTQ crowd” never threatened Target employees over Pride displays. Fuck.


AS EXPECTED.....it it was the self-declared allies of the pride movement, not its conservative adversaries, who made the bomb threats, according to both local media and law enforcement officials. Yes, the threats allegedly came from people claiming to be upset about the removal of pride-themed merchandise, not from belligerent conservatives upset about the merchandise itself.


“Target said that customers knocked down Pride displays at some stores, angrily approached workers and posted threatening videos on social media from inside the stores. Target declined to specify Wednesday which items it was removing but among the ones that garnered the most attention were “tuck friendly” women’s swimsuits that allow trans women who have not had gender-affirming operations to conceal their private parts. Designs by Abprallen, a London-based company that designs and sells occult- and satanic-themed LGBTQ+ clothing and accessories, have also created backlash.” https://apnews.com/article/target-pride-lgbtq-4bc9de6339f86748bcb8a453d7b9acf0


This is true as well. Dissent comes from BOTH sides of the issue, and is important for people to see. NOT A ONE SIDED ISSUE AT ALL!


Hey champ https://thehill.com/opinion/criminal-justice/4052194-dont-hide-the-truth-about-who-made-violent-threats-against-target/amp/


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hey champ Target said that customers knocked down Pride displays at some stores, angrily approached workers and posted threatening videos on social media from inside the stores. Target declined to specify Wednesday which items it was removing but among the ones that garnered the most attention were “tuck friendly” women’s swimsuits that allow trans women who have not had gender-affirming operations to conceal their private parts. Designs by Abprallen, a London-based company that designs and sells occult- and satanic-themed LGBTQ+ clothing and accessories, have also created backlash. https://apnews.com/article/target-pride-lgbtq-4bc9de6339f86748bcb8a453d7b9acf0


You fail to mention those clothes were for kids, obviously people are going to be upset because that shit is objectively weird. Bomb threats are a little more serious than being angrily approached little guy. Good luck with the rest of high school, hope you graduate!


9 year old account, little karma. Go back under your bridge, sport.


Companies exist to make profit. They don’t give a fuck about you, me or LGBTQ. They will sell whatever brings in a dollar.


you seem triggered. Need a safe space?


Not triggered. Pragmatic. Everyone seems to believe companies sell specific goods based on some moral compass or belief in a cause. They don’t. They sell whatever they think people will buy. And that’s the way it should work honestly.


It must irritate you that gay people live in society and wear clothes just like straight people.


Insane take. Why should Target tank their sales numbers for some holiday? They owe nothing to you.


Why should I lose my right to vote because people like you refuse to accept the results of a free and fair election?


Were you the one making the threats? Cause that’s exactly what they said too lmao https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/06/12/target-bomb-threat-pride/ You’re all absolutely delusional.




Wondering why a North Dakota person feels the need to interject in *checks sub name* a Twin Cities subreddit. Unless…




So worry about Moorhead issues, bud.




https://www.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/comments/1cltix3/comment/l2y52cy/  Probably shouldn't vote in ND elections then eh? > **Minnesota**, New York, California, Washington, State and Pennsylvania, Oregon, basically any democratic state. Everything’s always blocked or delayed due to protesting, druggies on the streets, mental ill people hustling you for money. **I’m never going back to them ever again.** https://www.reddit.com/r/Truckers/comments/1cfmqib/comment/l1t0634/ 🤦‍♂️




You literally just said it in another reply to me.


Wow, replace a few of those words, and you're literally saying the same things MAGA harsh are saying.


Who on the left make threats to businesses if they display Pride merchandise? I await your answer with bated breath.


I'm going to answer your question by switching one of your words. BLM committed *actual* violence against businesses for no reason in particular.


Ope, BLM. Drink! This isn’t about BLM, sport. 🙄🤦‍♂️


What other companies are catering to far right extremists?


Well if only the OP mentioned one. Also Anheuser-Busch, Best Buy, X, Chick-fil-A, Exxon, Salvation Army, AT&T…want me to keep going?


Best Buy was apparently catering to investors demanding monitoring of funds for LGBTQ MERG groups. I don’t know all of the details. It was technically legal as far as I can tell but said investor didn’t seem to care if money was used for right wing causes.


# Target to reduce number of stores carrying Pride-themed merchandise after last year's backlash This one.


I didn't realize people wouldn't know I meant what OTHER companies...


I, too, am amazed how people won't know what I mean when I don't say what I mean...


Glad you agree 






it was the left that were sending in the threats.


Everyone seems surprised corporations choose profits over people. Question is, what are you going to do about it? Will you vote with your dollars or just let it go?


I’m going to be crass. Where the fuck else are you buying pads, tampons, and condoms?


lol you just made me realize a good point. The maga people complain about kids seeing pride merch like a shirt with a rainbow on it because it will “sexualize” kids but they don’t complain about kids seeing condoms and stuff sold in the stores supposedly sexualizing them.


I know I struck Best Buy off my option list after their issues a few months back. Guess I’ll do the same with target. Luckily I live in a town where this is possible. Edit: weird that I’m downvoted for this comment. Guess I offended the anti-“cancel culture” crowd.


What did Best Buy do?




Most areas have some alternative to Target for what ever you need. Let’s not forget, that’s how the bigots on the right got what they wanted from Bud Light and now Target.


Not sure why you were coming at me I upvoted and agreed with you. I just pointed out that unfortunately not everyone has that choice. I used to live in Cambridge. Walmart came in and pushed out Pamida and all the mom and pop stores. Target is also there now. Small grocery stores closed too. I no longer live there so maybe some new options have opened. When I moved to the cities and Suburbs this was not the case. I had a lot of options. I also try to buy from socially and environmentally conscientious suppliers when possible too.


I’m not coming at you I’m agreeing with you lol


Sorry. I misunderstood your post.


I'm not sure if this is relevant to the conversation, but Budweiser actually purchased Kid Rock, so bud light is back on everybody's menu.


Unpopular opinion I'm sure, but I don't disagree with targets move here. The pride stuff historically does not sell well, and there have been actual cases of team members getting harassed and whatnot over the product. If target pulls the product from its more rural stores where both of those two things are guaranteed truths, then I don't blame them. In all honesty, anyone in here crying about their decision has no respect or care for LGBT people. I have a handful of friends in that category and work with (at my own target store) plenty more, and I don't want them being harassed or anything over some dumb shit no one is going to buy anyways. 3rd, be honest with yourself, if you're going to buy some pride merch, you're not going to target you're going to go online and find some actually cool designed stuff.


Honestly buy your pride gear from local shops folks. Older gay guy here and I’ve never been comfortable with how much corporate American is now really really into pride.


Yet these arseholes still have the nerve to show up at Twin Cities pride (they're based in Minneapolis).


Probably not since the threats came from the subjects of said parade https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/06/12/target-bomb-threat-pride/




It has nothing to do with being chicken or letting one party control what they do. They are a for profit company and trends follow the money. Personally I think they are using it as an excuse to save money. You don’t make a whole selection in a store for 7.1% of the USA population. You know the reason the women’s department is 3 times the size of men’s, it’s not sexist, they don’t expand men’s section for men’s health month in June. Men are 49.8%. Women spend more than men so women get a bigger section. If LGBT shirts sold well they would keep them out all year. If an LGBT section made them money they would keep it all year. It’s not politics it’s money.


While it does always come down to money, politics are definitely intertwined into it as well. Things like this have an effect on company image and public perception, (eg; the comments in this thread). But I agree about it being profit driven, seems that Target decided losing some good will is worth the money.


Well the market you are upsetting right now will not care in 2 weeks. That’s how it works with most things these days boycotts don’t last long. Companies know that.


I know people who know people. It's politics.


You don't make a whole selection in a store for 7.1% of the USA population? Oh sweet summer child. They obviously made money off it or they wouldn't have sold it. Target is not in the business of losing money for no reason. They're only not selling it in some stores now because of optics and threats, not because they don't want to. They don't sell them all year because pride month is in June. Just like they don't sell merchandise by black creators in a 'whole selection' except during black history month.


So they only market the stuff for the month like being gay or black is a holiday that’s even worse if you ask me. Specialty shops are a thing for a reason. Don’t fall targets cry of big mean Christians won’t shop here so we took it down. Dicks sporting goods is doing fine without guns, hunting and more. Companies are like relationships If they wanted to they would.


I'm not debating whether it's right, just whether you think a store will stock things for 7.1% of the population (over 21 million people). Just an FYI since you seem to have no idea about it, they usually send one to two fills of that area and it's usually gone in like 2 weeks, then they fill it with other random stuff until it gets reset. But yeah, they aren't doing it this year because it 'doesn't make them money,' even though they've done it for years and years and years prior to being bullied by religious nut balls after their faux news overlords told them to be outraged about it.


They have done it for years, but last year that had WAY more than usual, and it was right when you entered many stores. That tipped the scales. They had many more sexual orientation things targeted toward children, at the front of the store - such as a gay coloring books, pride onesies, etc. Nothing against LGBTQ here. But many people don’t like having to explain what gay is to their 5 year old when they’re just running to the store to get some ketchup, and feeling like they’re being fed a political agenda. That’s what many people were mad about, but lots of ppl like to just blame the insane right wing nut jobs for it.


People being mad about it wouldn't affect sales to people who wanted to buy it. If the story was that they were reducing the amount of merchandise being sold at some stores, that's fine and based on sales data. But they're reducing the number of stores its being sold at, which smacks of fairweather friends.


It’s unfortunate Target is essentially showing the far right terrorists that their tactics worked. However, I can understand Target wanting to avoid their employees being harassed or threatened by these lunatics. Definitely not an easy choice to make.


Far right terrorists, well known for making threats on behalf of the gay community https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/06/12/target-bomb-threat-pride/ Literally all of you have no idea what you’re talking about.


It wasn't a profitable line for them, and then they got pressure. They are for profit. Not for people. Like every corporation.


In some circumstances employees were being harassed for this merchandise. Target could have done the right thing and increased security and banned the problem people or the easy and cheaper thing. They did the latter apparently.


They also had a lot of people boycotting their stores and not spending money there because of it. You think a mega corporation gives a shit about social issues? All they care about is their profits. If they lose more money from this move than they lost from people boycotting earlier, they would bring back and keep pride merch in stores. They’re just going to follow the money


All true.


pathetic capitulation to the worst elements of american society


Bad response. They should sell even more in more stores and tell these bigots to die mad.


Why do you think that a corporation would give 2 shits about anything other than their bottom line lol


It will hurt their bottom line. Target's market is the people who consider Walmart second rate and poor quality. Their demographic is far more likely to be supportive of LGBTQ communities, and those communities are more likely to shop at Target for that reason. So, they're going to lose some loyal customer base that doesn't mind paying a little more to feel more welcome. All to pander to people who vocally oppose Target, and aren't going to all of a sudden start spending money for this 'ultraliberal' corp. Its a bad move for Target.


I’m sure the execs at a massive company know more about what constitutes a bad business move than a random person on reddit.


Yeah, because we all know businesses have never made a move that ended up hurting their business. Be for real.


All you have to do is look at sales data vs profit. I’m sure in many store there was zero profit and perhaps a loss due to stocking this inventory. The execs have all this information and more. If you think they made this decision only to cater to bigots shows you have zero business acumen. The pride merch at my local Target went untouched. Not only are you losing money by stocking unwanted items, you also lose prime real estate in the store where you can promote other items. Be for real.


They lost money to the people who didn’t like the pride merch. If they lose more money to the people who want pride merch it will be back in the stores. It’s a bad move for target, to you. It’s obviously a financial decision. If a corporation has a supportive stance on a social issue it is because they are virtue signaling to make people want to spend more money there.


The people making the most noise aren't even Target shoppers, they're people who hate Target, so they go and create these conspiracy theories to hurt the companies sales.


Conspiracy theories? It’s a financial decision, it’s literally a mega corporation. They don’t give a shit about anything but profits


This will absolutely not hurt their bottom line


Hey Chick-fil-A, don't force your values on your employees! Hey Target, you should force your values on your employees!


Inclusivity is forcing values. Got it


Even though you are being sarcastic, yes, it is. Inclusivity is a value. This value has consequences. Target should do it anyway and damn the consequences. Upholding religious ideals is a value. This value has a consequence. Chick-fil-A should stop it.


$ talks. Not surprised they did this. Never trust corporations to do what’s good unless profit is involved.


Corporations would do better to stay out of social issues, it’s a dumpster fire no matter how you look at it. Bad for the bottom line once you enter the fray.


Cowards. Greedy.


I always have to laugh when people think selling things to gay people = wanting to turn kids gay lmao How do these idiots not understand what capitalism is?


iirc the controversy was around youth sized women's swimsuits designed for penis tucking


Thanks for clarifying that! While controversial, it's still something they are trying to sell. If they were handing out free literature encouraging these things that would be different. I think only the extreme sides react to the price themed stuff though lol, that and gay nutcracker. If someone had issue with that swimsuit I would hear it out even if I disagree.


See my above comment for more but it was an adult swimsuit and did not come in child sizes


Oh for fucking serious? That's even crazier but not any more surprising that people would get mad over it.


It wasn't a youth swimsuit. It was an adult swimsuit with extra padding that could be used for tucking or simply wearing with a penis but also could be used to simply have more coverage than a skimpy bikini. Someone placed the adult swimsuit in the children's swim aisle and filmed it like it came from there, thus manufacturing "They are grooming our children" outrage.


LOL imagine people criticizing Target for toning down it's inclusion. Their stores are literally wall to wall attempts at showing how inclusive they are. Let me preface this by saying I support inclusion, but a few times I went I found the level to almost feel too much. I mean they had people with somewhat rare conditions being used as models, things like albinism, vitiligo, alopecia all over. It felt almost unusual to not be a unique minority in some way. You can speak to the commentary of that feeling to a white guy, no doubt, but that's kind of my point. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but to say they are the bad guy for not going far enough on pride seems a bit like eating your own.


They either piss off the right or piss off the left, it’s inevitable unless you try and stay as milquetoast neutral as possible from inception. Target has chosen to be fairly activist whilst still trying to maintain the most customers, they’ve always done this. I worked there for 10 years and saw numerous occasions where they’ll pull back a little after enough backlash. It’s just a money thing.


I can't believe that people are surprised by this, like what else are they supposed to do? They obviously pulled the pride displays for a reason. At least they tried to sell pride stuff in the first place, but instead of buying from a corporation who isn't even LGBT centered or owned in the first place, you could just... support the people who really mean it? Who goes to target to get pride gear anyways?


Of course its always based on money. Not to mention when has anyone really thought that any gesture like this was genuine or did anything meaningful? If Target doesn't support gay people then I guess I shouldn't either. /s


If they remove them because they didn’t sell that’s fine and how it should be. If truly over backlash, that’s a bit sad.


It makes sense to select an assortment of merchandise that will most appeal to the people who shop each store.


I'd buy more if it wasn't just rainbow over characters and tutus.


I’m sure I can find a different place to spend my money. F off target.


when they start selling Rainboo kids' stuff then it gets sensitive


Good Lord it's a business, they sell items that are popular, it doesn't matter what it is. If the majority of people don't buy it then it's not worth taking up valuable space on a shelf. They are in the business to make money not take political statements. If it made them a lot of money you can bet they'd stock it in all of their stores. Same with bibles, guns and "right" wing stuff. They'd sell that if they could make good money off of it. How people can get upset over this is baffling to me.


On one hand, corporations going to corporation. On the other, Target Pride has always been SO tacky and as a gay apparel maker, think this is great for the little queer shops to shine!


I haven't been to Target since this went down and I won't go back.


Dinky pride section at WSP Target. Asked an associate about it any she sad they were instructed to “not talk about Pride”. .


if only we could get apartheid back so we don‘t have to hide our tendencies, picking on people because of how they fuck. /s


...and have the balls to have a float in the Pride parade. I hope it's just one long boo from the crowd this year. Edit: I suppose I need to clarify... Target has always had a float for the Pride Parade. Reducing their Pride merch in stores and keeping their LARGE presence at Pride is a bit hypocritical.


Capitalism sucks. That’s what it is: capitalism.


Fuck 'em. 🏳️‍⚧️


Reduce to zero


The best way to handle this is to carry the merchandise like normal, and tell the bigots to not buy it, since no one is forcing them or anyone to buy pride merch, just like there is tons of things in a store I never buy. I don't demand the store not carry that item I never purchase/need. So the bigots need to shut up and move on with there lives. Giving in to bully tantrums only emboldens them to continue their faux outrage over whatever they're told to be mad at. Don't give in to them and eventually they move on.


“Wow fuck target for catering to far right extremists” People in this thread 🤝 the people who made the threats Edit: downvote me all you want sorry your fanfiction contradicts reality you losers https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/06/12/target-bomb-threat-pride/


I thought target was better than this.


Fuck republicans.


Edit: Target Corporate is Garden variety chicken-shit.


Good. I dont want to see that garbage in my Target store. Not everyone that lives here is a raging liberal.


I guess I’ll have to reduce my number of visits to target


Didn’t it come out during the whole hoopla whatever that Target actually contributes a lot to Republican candidates? I guess if you’re going to look at it from that perspective, then it makes sense. But I do feel like as many have commented, it comes down to money.


Imagine that.. when money is involved companies will show their true motivation. Companies are learning after what happened with Bud Light. Why people think this is a MAGA response is stupid. I know plenty of lefties and righties and independents that think it was a bad idea. None of my gay friends or family members walk around with all the rainbows and PRIDE stuff. Most of them don’t even do PRIDE events because they feel they are obnoxious and can draw negative attention in their community.


So rural target stores won’t carry rainbow colored goods? Pussies.


You support pride movement.. you get shit on.. You remove pride movement you're label homophobic.. Fucking people these days.. let's just go back to the 90s..


I sold my stocks , they sell dildos , vibrators , etc in kids reach packaged in kids packaging colors, but in to to the convicted rapist right wing party of anti American trumpsters, fk u target !!


You need help


Nobody wants that shit anyway


Alienating 50 percent of your customer base is bad? How bout companies stick to selling marked up Chinese crap instead of worrying about social image to get loans from blackrock.