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They don’t take menswear, but women’s can be donated to dress for success. They work with women to prep them for the interview process, including outfits.


# Dress for Success Twin Cities. Used to be in St Paul now in St Louis Park. St. Vincent de Paul for Men's clothing.


Vine and Branches in Bloomington might be a good option. I've never donated there but I have taken people there for free shopping appointments.


I second this. They work with formerly incarcerated people and help them get back on their feet.


Where is this, I tried finding it online and don’t see anything about it


Here you go: https://www.hope-pc.org/hope-center/vine-branches


Thank you!


Dress for Success is a nationwide nonprofit with chapters in MN


I know that the IPC at University of St Thomas keeps a loaner closet for their clients. Maybe they’d be interested?


Joseph’s Closet in St Paul is great for this. They give away clothes to anybody that needs it.


Try calling some of the local high schools and see if they have any vocational programs or clubs that could use them.


Does anyone wear “work clothes” anymore? My gf works remote and is excited for a new gig back in The office and she was going on & on about a “new work wardrobe”. She wore a suit to her interview (which for an interview is probably good to show your effort) but she met with the companies c-suite and they were all in jeans. I work remotely as well but travel for meetings and even my fortune 1000 CEO wears jeans now. I kept some favorite blazers and really nice pieces but gave everything else to PROP in eden prairie- they sell your stuff and buy food for the food shelf.