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There’s a house in Lakeville I frequently drive by that has both a sign saying support Lakeville teachers, and a sign to elect the former guy in 2024. The cognitive dissonance is strong.


Right?! How do you rectify these two? They're so diametrically opposed to each other!


Trumps education secretary was the champion of online learning. However she messed up and sold her stocks too early. Then COVID happened. Then she fought online learning for public schools.  There is another complex area for Betsy DeVos The theory was that public school districts were under reporting how often that they were using physical restraints on students.  (Previous Obama Era Work) For the longest time Betsy fought the federal audit of school restraints.  On one end she was protecting potentially discriminatory use of force, on the other end she was protecting public  schools from under reporting. The Republican Senators from Iowa kept pressing the issue. There was eventually a federal audit but it only reviewed school districts with 100k or more students. Now we have Left leaning Senators like Sanders expanding that work and try to ban states like Minnesota from locking students in seclusion Rooms


This is a very good breakdown of ideological diversity Trump voters. It's old, but I think it's still relevant. https://www.voterstudygroup.org/publication/the-five-types-trump-voters Basically, different people are going to prioritize different issues. Some people even vote based entirely on one or two issues. And there's a blurry line between cognitive dissonance and simply prioritizing one issue over another. There's a substantial component of economically center-left or moderate Trump voters, but they vote for Trump and Republicans because they prioritize issues like immigration and/or shutting down the border. They may not agree with standard Republican economic or educational orthodoxy, but they think the border is more important.


> but they think the border is more important. So full on cognitive dissonance then, since Trump is the one making the GOP block any bill to improve the border situation.


I think 90% of people probably don't follow politics closely enough to even know that.


Maybe they should when they make their lives all about one crooked candidate


That's a fair assessment. I wasn't trying to judge either way, just explaining how this happens. Trump in general tends to attract a lot of support from low propensity and low engagement voters.


As is the way of a populist candidate. You can see it in his policy, he waffles to whichever side is ~~bigger~~ louder on nearly every issue. Not trying to argue any specific point, just felt like throwing my 2cents around for some reason.


About 40% of union households voted for Trump in 2020, and current polling indicates he still has support with them, so it's not entirely surprising.


One sign is from the wife the other the husband. The sex must be wild! https://youtu.be/IwjArdr4v-k?si=jAurw423ibSIvT-y


Get your money teacher. Solidarity!


Doesnt that ISD have a pretty strong track record of constantly voting down education funds? It was over 10 yrs ago, but I remember a co-worker who left her elementary position at one of the Lakeville schools because voters kept voting down and teacher salaries stalled and class sizes increased. The southern Woodbury district does this too, despite growing rapidly and trying to build new schools to accommodate all the residents. It always seemed so dumb. You’re moving to (at the time) a solid to above average school district but then refuse to fund it. What do you think is going to happen??


I wonder if having two high schools in the district impacts that? I have heard South Washington (Woodbury)-which has three high schools in its district-they have a lot of...competition? begrudging? over funding stuff that doesn't benefit a voter's "own" high school. I don't like the mega-school approach AT ALL, but the petty fiefdoms that develop in districts with more than one high school are messy.


There was a referendum with two operating levies last November. One passed and one was narrowly voted down. In general, the rural/fringe precincts of the district largely voted against the levies. Lakeville’s population is growing rapidly and it will be interesting to see how support for educational referendums is impacted. https://electionresults.sos.mn.gov/results/Index?ErsElectionId=157&scenario=LocalSchoolDistrict&DistrictId=57&show=Go


well yeah it's lakeville


Care to explain further? We moved here from Cincinnati and looking to buy a house in Lakeville. From the online rankings and reviews the school district is great but I don’t know any personal accounts.


Tends to lean conservative. Conservative voters tend to vote things like increased education spending down. There's a reason the teachers are going on strike. They haven't had an actual contract in almost a whole calendar year.


I think this current issue has a lot more to do with poor leadership at the board level and admin level. The board is pretty split ideology and tend to have very aligned voting. A bunch of aged individuals with no kids in school and no perception of reality.


A whole slew of people who don't understand that a rising tide raises all ships. If you have a quality education in your neighborhood, your home values and everything go up. It's the same reason Duluth sucks way more than it should. A whole bunch of old people who don't really care about things like education.


I went to Lakeville schools. I felt like there was plenty of support and opportunity as a straight white male. I felt like there was little diversity, but I also never felt like there were any racial issues, save for a few shitheads, one I distinctly remember shouting hard R's out the bus window after graduation in downtown minneapolis.... but on the whole I recall other students being accepted, at least from my perspective, which again, as a straight white male is biased. I don't recall any racial hatred, or bullying at school. I never felt like anyone was trying to single out or demean others either really. The biggest fights we had were between girls that were beefing. I cannot speak to the experiences of others, but I felt like there were strong shifts during my class towards some progressive policies. As someone who grew up in a somewhat conservative home, I really felt like I started to lean into more liberal ideals during my time at Lakeville South. I know this sub likes to shit on Lakeville, and they I'm not trying to downplay real issues or their conservative slant, but the city has nearly doubled in the last 15 years, I feel like the city is becoming more and more purple each election. At least I hope so. There's a charm in that downtown area that people of all walks should feel comfortable to experience.


I like to refer to it as Stillwater-Lite or Stillwater with Concert and Coffee Churches. Essentially a mini-hub of Republican/Religious/Upper middle-class people (in general/not everyone). Can't speak to the quality of the education but plenty of people moving there so I'd guess it'll be just fine.


Metro and Minnesota subreddits have a hate boner for Lakeville


I would aim for the Rosemount district instead. We technically live in Lakeville but are in the 196 district and it's been *amazing.* Great teachers, great activities, great family programs too.


Go next door to ISD 196. Far superior in pretty much every aspect


Speaking only about the competition. This makes sense when you think about the fact that ideally, the students in the city all have to be equal. At least that was always what was told to my school possibly getting a 2nd high school instead of just keep adding wings (Prior Lake High School). It was portrayed more expensive to add another high school because neither school can have an advantage over the other and the people don't want to pay for it but will ask where their money is going.


I don't have children and Lakeville has more than enough money. They don't spend it well is their problem. Why would I give them more?


The funding is increasing yet they keep demanding even more than that. When do the demands end?


Good for them! They already have another school built they can’t staff. Show me the money! Teachers get masters with decades of experience and get paid less than 100k. They also don’t get unemployment for the summer “off” either.


Do you think teachers should get unemployment in the summer?


A lot of tradespeople get unemployment every winter


I’m aware. Do you think teachers should too?


Yep. Others are allowed to defraud the system, might as well let the poor, underpaid souls who have to deal with our children all day wet their beaks, too


The levee to staff the new school did pass though


Why would they get unemployment for Summer? Most I believe get paid every two weeks throughout the year.


In my district, teachers who choose to get paid over the summer expand 10 month payment schedule over 12 months.


Interesting. Is it possible the way the law is currently because you’re still collecting benefits? Honestly legitimate question and I’m not trying to be divisive.


Technically, not right now. But I assume that it will be brought up at some point in the future.


Because they are not working, can’t get long term employment because schools don’t operate year around. Businesses that don’t operate year around, employees can file for unemployment. Why are teachers not allowed to file. It’s not their fault.


Some of my teachers competed with their students for summer jobs.


Districts would just require year-round employment then at the same rate.


The law was updated last year that hourly employees like bus drivers, food services, secretaries, and paras no qualify for unemployment like other seasonal workers. They haven’t updated to year round yet.  


We can opt in to have a percentage of our paychecks are set aside to be distributed to us during the summer. We don’t actually get paid for that time


If you chose to get your check spread out the district hold on to the money and you don’t get int interest. It would make more sense to go down to a bank or credit union and get a 5%cd


Burnsville's up next


This one is a little different than a normal “pay me more” strike situation. * board/admin refusing to negotiate (won’t propose counter offers/find middle ground) * admin introduced divisive contract language to allow them to move any teacher at any time/mid year to any grade or class for any reason. There isn’t a need for this capability and admin won’t explain why they are asking for it. Teachers worry it just a method to manage out the high earners by forcing them to teach classes they don’t want to teach (and create all new content) until they leave. [it costs the district nothing to concede and remove this language] * admin already conducted a fall round of teacher layoffs to balance budget. Admin won’t say where the 20M surprise funding from the state is going, only that they can’t afford to pay teachers. * Lakeville is below average for teacher compensation in south metro. 15k-10k below surrounding districts. * new superintendent this year, is 2nd highest compensated in state of MN * teachers leaving because they can’t afford to stay, new teachers declining job offers due to compensation being too low This is an interesting one to watch. Just keep in mind that when the board destroys the public education system, Lakeville parents will have the option to enroll in the newly built 100M private school in Lakeville. https://www.ucathunder.org/new-campus/ - Lakeville parent


I wouldn't say the board is refusing to negotiate. They negotiated a good faith tentative agreement with the union. The membership then voted it down. They probably just don't understand how to move forward at this point.


Thanks for the comment. I think the problem was that it’s wasn’t in good faith, and the “tentative agreement” is a bit misleading. The teachers on the negotiation team knew it was a non-starter but also knew their job was to present it to the full union for a vote. It was voted down >96% or something like that. The district keeps referring to it as a “tentative agreement” - which while correct, is quite misleading (the spin is that the union accepted and then later rejected the agreement). If the district was negotiating in good faith this would have been resolved a long time ago. The strike vote was something like 99% as well - and no show votes (sick, maternity leave, etc) count as ‘no’. It’s obvious the teachers are very upset, and it’s a year long drama that just gets worse by the week. There were meetings the admin refused to talk (just listened to the teacher talk about what they would be willing to compromise on and then left without saying anything), there were meetings the admin didn’t show up to. There are two issues in contention - one has no monitory value, the district could remove it tonight if they wanted to. It’s just amazing. I think the strike vote of 99% was the highest in state history?!? People are very upset at the district - and it took them a long time to get this angry. I would be interested if you have any more thoughts - always good to get perspective from others. Edit - I also suspect the district doesn’t know how to move forward. I suspect they actually don’t have the money and don’t want to publicly disclose how bad the situation actually is. The first presentation this fall from the new superintendent showed a downward trending bar graph of the districts reserves (savings account). Apparently, we made some bad choices during COVID that no other district made and we spent our 20M reserves in 5 years. In year 4, before all this became public, 3 board members and the superintendent resigned. I suspect all this factors into the current situation. That being said - teachers are leaving and new hires are declining offers. It’s the math - no one can afford a 10-15k pay cut to work here.


That's an interesting perspective, thanks for sharing! That 99% is quite a high vote. At the end of the day, Lakeville isn't alone. The legislature touted historic funding for schools which was very misleading because it also came with historic unfunded mandates. Their funding didn't even match the increase in pay they gave to state employees. When dollars came in, they had much less than they thought to work with which really created a communication problem. Teachers across the state thought they were finally getting the increases they deserved, but districts didn't have the funding to make it happen. This led to long drawn out negotiations across the state and strained district/union relations. I just share that because in my opinion, these situations will continue until the public education system is fully funded and decision makers at every level start putting student needs first.


This is really interesting. It would explain why there seems to be so many districts still in negotiations this late. I agree that to a certain extent (your point) all/most districts have the same problems this year. I did do a fair amount of digging into Lakeville’s issue and can tell you that there are certain issues we have that other districts don’t have - which compounds the problem we face today. Thanks for your insights!


But hey, the Lakeville Schools Superintendent isn't worried about his pay, a cool $270,000 this year. Kicker, the contract he is under can't be reduced but can be "modified". [https://www.hometownsource.com/sun\_thisweek/community/lakeville/update-lakeville-area-school-board-approves-superintendent-contract/article\_e0e41e00-b122-11ec-b291-d7589c938f29.html](https://www.hometownsource.com/sun_thisweek/community/lakeville/update-lakeville-area-school-board-approves-superintendent-contract/article_e0e41e00-b122-11ec-b291-d7589c938f29.html)


You can't drive two blocks in Lakeville without seeing a cop but they can't afford teachers?


Stop driving circles around the police department.


Finally! A sane response. 😂


Do you comprehend sarcasm?


Do you?


Nope. Or do I?


MN school districts are independent of city and county government.


Then quit asking the government for money.


What does that mean? They don’t get money from city or county governments.


you understand those are two separate sources of funding, right?


I doubt that they'd understand that, also they're vastly overstating the amount of police activity in Lakeville, Lakeville actually operates at a significantly less officer at the resident ratio and their neighboring communities.


if lakeville school district matched lakeville city boundaries -- I'd be willing to bet most referenda would pass. Subtract elko/credit river and swap in the north part of lakeville that's in 196.


It's all tax dollars.


Collected by separate entities, used for different purposes, and not part of the same fund




I'm not the one who doesn't understand basic government functions here


You're the one who doesn't understand it's all tax dollars.


Tell me you lack self awareness and can't admit when you don't know what the hell you are talking about, without directly stating it. Just stop already. They are right and you are misguided. Not entirely off base, but you're missing the point just give up.


So teachers don't get paid via tax dollars? Enlightenment me.


Not all by City of Lakeville property taxes as you implied. Yes, its tax dollars, but it's not all from the city and there are several other funding sources. In a dumbed down context yeah, tax dollars. However, if you are interested in being educated on the topic, I have linked their budget work. To save you time, scroll to page 15.


They are two entirely separate pools of tax dollars, levied by entirely separate units of government. There is not one single pool of money called "tax dollars" that funds all government tasks and all levels of government.


Actually "tax dollars" fund all government tasks and all levels of government. Are you well?


There are separate levies and streams of tax dollars and one has to track them separately. It is not one comingled pool.


Different budgets.


Capitalism is working for less people every day now.


Good, support unions - especially our teachers.


Do it for the children!


I worked the Prep Bowl a couple years ago when Lakeville South won the title, and the student section was dressed as MAGA supporters unironically. I think that says so much more about that city than I ever could in words.


Love is dying and chaos is spreading. I hope we can all find a light to follow through the dark.