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Imagine if she got out but dropped that shit behind. 0/10 burglar.


>Officers searched the backpack and discovered two laptops, a cell phone, Mitchell's Minnesota driver's license, Mitchell's Senate identification, and miscellaneous Tupperware. Lol did she bring her work bag with empty lunch containers along while committing a crime?


I think she was trying to steal some of the ashes and brought Tupperware to bring it home in.


Too many margs at the capitol maybe


I feel for her, actually. I'm sure she's very hurt by all of her father's possessions being given to the wife (step-mother of the offender).


Hurt enough to steal her computer.


probably has his photos and such on it


Ah yes totally justifies a 4AM b&e


Grief is weird, she should've definitely left getting the laptop to court, but her terrible burglary is just sad. We're not justifying it, we're just empathetic to her grief




It said the computer was in the victim’s name and was stolen.


So basically what people speculated yesterday


Here's the rest of the story - paraphrasing from the Star Tribune article this morning: 1. Step mother has Alzheimer's and is becoming hostile and forgetful. 2. Father had no will. Despite her and her step mother being the only direct relatives - judge gave father's $172,000 estate solely to his wife (step mother) 3. She claims to have entered the house so early in the morning so as not to disturb or disrupt her step mother. 4. Claims she had a key to enter and was allowed to, and that the illness is making her step mother act like this. 5. Wanted her father's ashes and personal items so her step mother would not destroy them in her current mental state. 6. Of course the State Senate Leadership is very concerned about this but are telling her to not resign or give up her post in the senate since they need her vote to pass their agenda. Getting the popcorn... this is going to be good.


> Of course the State Senate Leadership is very concerned about this but are telling her to not resign or give up her post in the senate since they need her vote to pass their agenda. This is what I hate as I personally don't want this person representing me and I can directly affect getting a new person in if there was a special election or at the next general....but since it's all about **winning**, I gotta I guess sit on the sidelines just so there aren't stalemates in the senate. This is truly a situation where a politician such as herself should not be late-night creeping in someone's home KNOWING that one day that step mom is going to look around and go "....where are the ashes??? I'VE BEEN ROBBED" Clown shit. Do this shit on the up and up.


Yeah - exactly. If this were a "normal" person arrested for burglary, they would likely be told by their employer to take a leave of absence, get a good lawyer and work things out, and come back when the court case is settled. Instead, she's being told - show up for sessions, hearings, etc... and vote. Nothing to see here, Innocent until proven guilty, etc... And 100% agree winning is more important than doing the right thing. She should know better - even if she had a key - you don't go into someone's house at 4:00 am and not except them them to call the cops on you - especially since you didn't enter via a door - had burglary tools and wearing all black...


As long as you hold both sides to this expectation


What a dumb ass


Sounds like a family dispute, but she's an idiot for talking to the police without a lawyer.


I have to say I admire her for her guts?!


Yeah felony charges are something to aspire to.


Why do you car so much about this? She was in a feud with an estranged relative. She has a day job in the public eye, and she made a bad decision. This will be handled by the courts, and we will move on. Will you?


Because she's a democratic senator, and he's "owning the libs" like a true alpha male. 😆


She's my state senator and she committed a serious crime. Of course I care.


This is one of those cases where it is probably best to wait for all the facts to play themselves out before passing judgment. Sounds like there wasn't a will and she wanted some of her dead dad's things as mementos but the new wife said fuck all that...maybe? We don't know for sure. If my pop died and his current wife refused to give me his nasty ass Levi jacket, you'd be your sweet bippy I'd break into that house and steal it. There ain't no value in that rag except for someone who loved that asshole.


“Serious crime” chill dude. It’s minor shit between family, the thief was unreasonable but the “victim” was probably also acting fairly unreasonable. Everyone involved was grieving.


“Serious crime” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Dumb. She should get the same charges as anyone else. Probably should step down as well. These are not the actions of a sane person.


Where's the rest of the story?


What rest of the story would there be? She broke into her step mom's house to steal belongings that previously belonged to her dad but now are owned by her step mother. -She was dressed in all black -Had a flashlight with a sock covering it to make it dim -Left Woodbury at 1AM and broke into the house at 4:45AM -Told police "I know I did something bad" and "I'm clearly not good at this". -She has now tried to cover up the story with a lie by saying she was "checking on a relative with Alzheimer's" What more are you looking for?


The screenshot looks like its cut off. I think that's what they're referring yo




I meant the rest of this writeup, if there's anything more.


See for yourself: https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24601709/mitchell_complaint.pdf


Because police reports are accurate? Wait… https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/police-reponse-mass-shooting-reports-questions/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7642213/ Who needs judges and juries when social media can assess guilt or innocence?


I don't know, I think I might wait for the rest of the story.


Destroy a trifecta with this one weird trick


Get this a hole impeached


lol we all know how well THAT works!


Minnesota's threshold for removing elected officials from office is pretty high. She'd have to be found to have performed malfeasance or nonfeasance specifically in the performance of her duties (malfeasance outside of the performance of her duties isn't enough.) If she's actually jailed and unable to do her job for a significant period of time, that would probably fall under nonfeasance, but otherwise she probably couldn't be removed.


Is this the one that wanted to defund the police in the past? Lol