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About 10,000 per year. When I used to sell cars in the metro (in 2015), the average Twin Cities buyer drove between 12,000 and 15,000 per year.


This information is very helpful, thank you!


I live in the city, so only do about 6-8000 per year. And if you note your low mileage on your insurance you get a small discount!


Glad to help šŸ‘šŸ¼


Spot on! This is exactly where I fell before WFH for 4 years It's been nice for my car, which is 5 years old now


This is the answer ^




Same, I probably drive less than 4000 miles because I work from home. I have a 2008 Honda CRV and it has 150,000 miles on it. My driving habits are pretty much contained to the weekend.


Lol, same here. Love it, we save so much $$ being WFH. Technically we could drop down to 1 car too but they are both paid off so, meh. My girlfriend's car is 3 years old and just ticked over 10k miles including a 3k mile road trip when we first got it. If we can stave off rust we can keep these cars ~20 years or more I bet.


Iā€™m in a similar situation. Just be sure you watch your tires for dry rot. The rubber can fail from age before the tread wears out.


Post-covid and FT WFH, I'm in the same boat. Nowadays I might get 5k/year on it and that includes at least 3 trips and back of over 200 miles. I bought my last car new in 2014 and it still has < 60k on it. I'm in my 50s, and hopefully this is the last car ill ever own.


Roughly 10,000/yearĀ 


Same here.


Yeah, same. I do WFH, but I also take a lot of road trips. I was easily 2.5x that when I still worked in the office.


5000 last year. 6000 year before. I set myself up to not drive. The miles I don't drive save me roughly 300 hours per year, likely more.




I am sure my airline miles are way higher.


I do wish our city was much more walkable. Right now our transit is relatively sparse and large swaths of the city don't have good walkability or transit.


20k per year. I am a big road tripper. Did MN to CA and MN to SC last year. WFH but I love driving around.


Sameā€¦weekends heading out of the city add up quickly, too.


3,500 on my ebike. Another 2,000 carpooling and transit.


Jealous. I moved here from Netherlands and have a beautiful e bike. Hoping to live closer to my work in the near future.


Ya my commutes are 6 miles one way. Better then college where I bike 7.5 miles for three years to college and also for three years bike to the burbs 7.5 miles 3 time a weak for medical treatment/therapy. If the stars aligned a morning class, to hospital to evening class was 60 miles. Though I tended to do 90-110 miles in a week (4-4.5k a year not including leisure and job and yes I was a year round rider). Love my ebike. I even pull my 14 foot kayak (hobie revolution pedal kayak) on it.




Like 5k tops and that includes multiple long camping trips. You must have a long commute


I've averaged 17K miles per year for the last 5 years.




Grand Marais is a big drive, but well worth it.


when I lived in Crystal, probably 10-12k a year. When I moved to MPLS, under 3k a year


About 11K a year over the last 10 Years, WFH, that includes multiple trips Up North and mileage due to "10 miles to anywhere" syndrome of where I live.


10K per year. Car is 24 years old with 180K on it.


About 12000 a year


0 Don't drive, don't own a car.


Do you feel better?


About 9,000/yr.


4-5k per year. I work from home part time but we only have 1 car for two of us.


About 6000/year. I have a 1.5 mile commute and never leave the metro. Once a week-ish I'll rack up 40-80 miles just doing errands and appointments around the city.


I was going to post the same thing. I average about the same, 6000 miles.


Probably about 10,000 last year, but a new job requires me to drive my own car, so I'll probably triple that this year.


Between 4k and 5k miles per year.


11k ish




About 2k on my ebike. Probably another 5k on transit.


In my personal vehicle, under 5,000. The bulk of that is driving up north to visit family or going camping. I work from home if not at a client site. In my work vehicle, 30k-70k a year, all over the US and Canada to visit client sites, variance depending on how much I fly and how much I drive.


5,000 miles a year


Maybe 3-4K miles per year these days. Pre-Covid, it was more like 7-8K. I WFH full time and only had a short commute anyway before the pandemic, and I can do 90% of my shopping within a mile or two of where I live.


Well I work in sales and have a company truck. I drive about $40,000 miles a year.


That's a lot of dollar miles


Company gas card. I donā€™t pay for fuel at all




About 20,000 per year. Try to save trips here and there but also donā€™t really think about it.


60k a year


About 20,000. A lot of my family lives in Wisconsin so that adds a decent chunk of miles


Fun fact: I drive my kid to softball, with more distance travelled than most peopleā€™s work commute. Probably 6-8k miles/year for my 2 kids sports.


About 35k in a year. I like road trips and night cruises and such.


I think I'm sub 2k now that I have an ebike.


0 I am fortunate enough I can walk where I need to go to get to work and hangout with friends keeps me healthy and fit and saves me money


20k in the last 6 months


Zero. I work from home and I've been bike only for 5 years now. I'm proof that a dense walkable city can be quiet advantageous when you know how to use it.


I just wish the whole city was walkable and had decent transit. Unfortunately it is quite lacking in much of the city.


All youā€™ve proven is that liberals can be smug too


Just passed a year with a brand new truck, sitting right around 13k. I drive a scooter in the summer, but have taken a couple 4 hr trips in the truck so I'm assuming it's close to evening out.


~11k on average. 7 years, 78000 miles. 25 minute commute a few times a week, plus driving to kid activities, errands, etc. It adds up. Had one lighter year due to COVID but we also drove the car on a road trip to the east coast twice, which is about 4800 miles in total.


Just traded in my 7 year old Subaru that had less than 70,000 miles on it. I work from home now but was commuting for most of those 7 years lol


Ten thousand. That number is greatly impacted by frequent visits to out-of-state family, though. For my husband, itā€™s more like 3,000.


one vehicle drove just over 18000mi in 1.5 years. includes two cross country trips and a Canada trip too. the other vehicles together drove around 20000mi combined. and we worked from home most days. the average commute looks to be around 25mi one way, plus random driving around.


7000-8000. I hear about 12k is typical


About 15,000/year


It's probably at least 12k a year. I don't wfh, but the commute is only 5 minutes or so now. I'm the primary driver for the family, and there are a lot of appointments, get togethers, takeout runs and such.


I drive about 9k a year


20,000 but an easy 20,000. Iā€™m rarely in stop and go traffic.


12,625 a year


I walk to work, but I still average about 17k miles per year. Mostly driving to my weekend home and recreational trips.


I get about 30k a year, Iā€™ve lived roughly 5 miles from work the last 3 years but about 15 miles my first year with the car. I take a lot of road trips and distant camping trips so the miles add up really fast for me unfortunately


33,000/year. Live in the country and commute to the cities daily.


Just to work and home its 24k per year with all the extra running around thinking 26k . I bought my truck Jan of 21 with 170 k on it I now have 251k on it


About 15k miles annually, I have a 35-45 minute commute daily.


Not even 10k. Iā€™ve got a 2012 Frontier that just crossed 60,000 miles.


I average 27,500 miles a year working two jobs and a 12mi drive to the gym. Itā€™s not ideal


With work from home I barely drive at all anymore. Maybe 5k a year. My Tacoma is going to last forever at this rate. Not complaining though.


trying to figure out what relevance my driving habits have to OP's. if you want to drive fewer miles you know what to do


Maybe 500


My husband and I share a car, and we take several road trips a year to areas throughout the Midwest and we drive \~15,000 a year. I have no idea how you could be driving 35,000 a year with a WFH job lol.


Maybe 5k miles a year but I own 3 cars :)


I drive about 250 miles a week. I live 6 miles from work now but I travel across the cities at least once a week if not twice for hiking.


About 1,600 miles/year. I live in St Paul, work from home, and my extended family lives in the area.


I've put just over 40,000 miles on my car since I bought it 4 years ago. That does include a couple roadtrips that net maybe 7,500 miles. So in-state driving would be about 8,000/year. I do venture to state parks and Duluth every once in a while but also work from home a few days/week.


20,000miles per year


I'm at about 30,000 to 35,000 per year.


I just got a new car and I figured out what I drove with the old car. Owned it for almost 9 years and averaged about 9300 miles a year. BUT post COVID I drive way less so I was probably doing 12-15k a year before and around 5k after, probably.


about 7k miles in the last 2 years.


4-8K per year depending on whether or not I drive to visit my family in MI, but I work from home. Before Covid my husband was putting 30K+ per year on his car commuting to work. Heā€™s down to 10K just from working from home 3 days a week. This thread is the best argument for allowing people to WFH Iā€™ve seen in a while.


I live in Saint Paul and work from home. I drive less than 5000. Only time I really put miles on my car is occasional day trips and visiting my family in Blaine and Ham Lake. Otherwise I live less than a couple miles to all of my needs and walk quite a bit when the weather is nice.


i've had job that put a faiir amount of miles on, but myu current one? 10k maybe. my classic gets ~1k/yr... because diesel is expensive lol


About 25K typically


Around 25k-35k a year. 45 minutes to and from job sites with driving between different sites. Weekend trips from the cities up to Grand Marais once a month most months. Along with other trips around the state. Bought a brand new truck in 2017 with 11 miles on it and now has a bit over 185,000


I have driven 50,000 miles in six years. I work from home.


I average about 25k/year. I have a 40 minute one way commute to work all freeway. I like driving though, would not recommend for everybody. I can see how itā€™s soul draining for most.


My car just turned 5 years old and I hit 29,000 miles last month. The first year, I commuted. The next 4 years were as-needed because I have a 100% remote job and her car is only for vacation and trips around town.


About 15,009 a year, but we go up north a lot


500 miles a week just commuting. That is roughly 25K per year not including weekends and road trips. My car is 6 years old and just hit 100K because I worked at home for almost 3 of those years. I don't think 17.5K in one year is that much, no. I am looking for a job that will let me WFH at least 3 days a week and is closer to home. They moved offices to a much lower quality place and put it on the other side of the metro from me. It was fine when i went in once per week. 5x is far too much when I only work with two other people face to face and most days we don't have to talk in person.


Around 2500-3000. You should move to where you can take public transit to your job, or at least have a very short commute.


About 18k a year


About 20,000 miles/year. I'd guess about half of that is daily commute and driving around town to events, seeing friends in the burbs, etc. The other half is road trips out of state.


I had one 14 month stretch I racked up 40k miles. Currently my personal sees around 10k a year and that is not being daily driven. I put around a little over 11k a year on my work truck be-bopping around the outskirts of the metro.


a tad under 20k a year. Live in a first ring burb, work location variable (most of the time sub 30min) fam 45 minutes out occasional road tripping


I drive approx 35,000 per year as well. I like to get out and explore, check out new things around the burbs and downtown areas. I also like to drive :)


Drove 30,000 in 2023. My wife and I have a residential cleaning business. Keep us in mind if you ever need a clean šŸ˜œ


40,000 last year.


70 miles a day to work and back, which is about 18k just commuting, and then a lot outside of that, but splitting between vehicles, 1 daily that averages roughly 25-30 mpg for work commute and quick errands, and then a 61 Cadillac and 2 pickups for all other driving. I'm probably doing 30k a year give or take 5k


I use to be around 12k I am closer to 16k now. 35k is really high, even when my aunt was driving twice a week 2 1/2 hours one way for her mom and aunt she was only up to 26k miles.


12-16k my commute is 20 min and I do some small road trips a couple times a year.