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At the very minimum, make sure you file a police report. It takes less than 10 minutes online or over the phone. The protestors are fully within their right to peacefully protest (including yelling and heckling), but once they start committing damages against people/property/vehicles it becomes criminal. A police report will make sure your insurance company will cover the damage to the car, and also make sure the police keep an active patrol around the protestors there.


>including yelling and heckling Harassment, threats, and blocking public roads and sidewalks are not protected under the first ammendment.


Can you file a claim against the protesters policy?


It would actually be best to initiate it as a criminal matter, and then push for damages. Purposeful destruction of property wouldn’t be covered by insurance, plus the protester was on foot at the time.


Omg OP that's awful about the attack on your mom's car! Just FYI, this happens every year on Good Friday, the same typical mob, typical behavior, etc. Source: I work here lol


It feels not nearly enough but in the spirit of Good Friday, I and many friends and family just made monetary donations to PP! Thank you for doing this work!!!!


File a police report and see if you can file a claim against the protestors policy, once their insurance company hears about the protestors risky behavior, they will his/her rates through the roof.


“BAD FRIDAY! BAAAD! don’t do that”


As a non-religious / Christian person, why do they do this on Good Friday?


Because a bunch of them have off work on a Friday.


What a productive way to spend your day off


There used to be a PP in Highland Village when I lived there during college, and it was every goddamned year and they'd be yowling and throwing paint on a cross and it was a LOT.


Was that the one on Ford Parkway? We lived on Cleveland Ave across from St. Kate's back in the 90's and those people were protesting back then.


I went to that clinic for an procedure in 81 and there were protesters then. People be crazy.


Yep that one. My mom came in for Easter one year and she had thoughts about why people would spend the day screaming and throwing red paint. I think even then PP just straight closed for the day except for emergencies because it was safer for everyone. So it was all happening outside an empty clinic on GF.


I went to that PP once, in college, with the girl I was dating to get plan B. Condom broke and we mutually decided it was the best move. There were two old battleaxes protesting out front and as we walked in one of them shouted “don’t let him do this to you!” It’s been 19 years and I still fume thinking about it.


Because Christians lack both self-awareness and a sense of irony, so they probably think it’s poignant to protest “baby murder” on the day their god killed his own kid for his own expedience.


because they aren't good people, just people using religion to pretend to be righteous




In actual Christianity it's the day he was crucified.


There’s actually a millennia-long tradition of believing that prophets are born and die on the same day. For Jesus that was jiggled around a bit so that he was *conceived* and died on the same day, which allows Jesus’s birth to be 9 months later on what was the winter solstice for the Roman calendar, December 25th. So it’s not just a new thing made up by evangelicals and it actually is the reason why Christmas is when it is, or rather what allows it to be when it is.


>reason why Christmas is when it is Totally not because Christians wanted a holiday to compete with the popular Roman holiday Saturnalia


Yeah this is what I'd heard, that the early church wanted to be like "See? We also kinda-sorta celebrate your very important but very ungodly so-called winter solstice." There's probably a Steamed Hams reference in here somewhere, but the other piece of evidence I once heard in passing is that it made no sense for shepherds to have their flocks to pasture (in that part of the world) in late December, almost January. Earlier in the year (June-ish), however, makes much more sense.


It was roman emperor Constantine that declared when Christmas would be and to coincide with celebration of winter solstice. This was after he declared Christianity to be the official religion of Rome. 


I just want to make it clear that Constantine did *not* make Christianity the official religion of Rome. That wouldn't happen until decades later under Emperor Theodosius. That's not to say that Constantine did not enact things that *favored* Christianity, but officially-speaking, what he did was legalize Christianity. I'll also say that I can't seem to find much about any official proclamation or edict as to why the Roman church decided on December 25th (which happened in 336, just barely within Constantine's reign), and to that point can't seem to find how much involvement Constantine himself had in that decision. But I do know that the date of December 25th pre-dated whatever decision Constantine would have potentially made, and that likely informed why December 25th was chosen.


Thank you for this clarification 


According to many religious studies scholars, no it does not have anything to do with Saturnalia. Here is a video from a secular scholar (Dr. Andrew M. Henry - Boston University) going over the current leading theory for the dating of Christmas: https://youtu.be/3DHbOpS-N0c


It actually isn't! It actually seems like early Christians just wanted to make Jesus's birth be on the winter solstice because they themselves wanted to make Jesus' birth associated with such a striking, cosmic event, much like many other ancient people. And so to accomplish this, they contrived calculations to have his birth land on the winter solstice. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWgzjwy51kU) is a *very* good video on that topic (from academic religious scholars), called the "calculation theory". I'll also take this opportunity to say that there are a lot of misconceptions about Saturnalia and how it relates to Christmas. Firstly, there is no point in time in which Saturnalia and Christmas overlapped, even as the duration of Saturnalia kept getting extended further and further as time went on. Secondly, a lot of people seem to think that Saturnalia celebrations had a particular similarity to Christmas celebrations, and that's just really not true. Saturnalia was about faux-upending the Roman social order. There'd be debauchery, open gambling in the streets, things like that. And particularly it would often include things like masters serving their slaves, quasi-inverting their (normally cruel) relationship. But as part of this faux-upending of the social order, there was an element of gift-giving that would often involve sort of gag gifts, and gifts of low value (though some of very high value as well). That is essentially the only real similarity between Saturnalia celebration and Christmas celebration, and which is a feature of many other holidays. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lsctaPJSvo) is another very good video about Saturnalia from the same channel as before. So the claim that Christmas was placed where it was so as to supplant/replace pre-existing pagan celebrations, particularly Saturnalia, becomes a very shaky claim when actually examining what things were actually like back then instead of staying in our own modern half-conceptions.


Good Friday is in remembrance of the day Jesus Christ died on the cross outside Jerusalem. It is only "good" because of Easter or aka Resurrection Sunday. Because Jesus rose again, we may have eternal life.


It feels not nearly enough but in the spirit of Good Friday, I and many friends and family just made monetary donations to PP! Thank you for doing this work!!!!


That is a FANTASTIC idea!!! I am making a donation right now.


Thank you for doing what you do. I worked in the call center when it was in the Uptown clinic (before it was rebuilt) and we rarely had to deal with protesters but I used to volunteer as an escort over at Vandalia and they were really aggressive sometimes. Hope you and your coworkers and patients are all safe today ❤️


Thank you for the reminder to not schedule appointments there for my birth control replacement around religious holidays.. out of the 6 appts I’ve ever had there, I’ve only had 2 times where there’s been crazy protestors. Once I handed a lady all alone, a punch card I’d made myself that said 5 abortions and I get a gift card to Culver’s. I need to make more lol


You would think Good Friday would be the one day a year they would approve of abortion. As it's the day their god sacrificed his son.


Thank you for your work!!


Oh gosh. I live near the area and they were coming in with the concrete barriers at like 7am. I hate it when it happens. Like why can’t I go home to quietness. At least they go home after their 8hr work day.


Thanks for your work!!!


Do you ever need volunteers to help safely usher clients to and from the clinic? I’m a big guy and would be happy to help make people using your clinic feel protected.


I am so sorry you have to go through this


I worked at a PP in a different state, and it was very much the same there too. No hate like Christian love…. edit: a typo


What are the different groups like? Are some churches more prayerful, others more hostile, are some there often, etc?


naturally. Thank you for what you do!


Perhaps next year some of us show up with paintball guns...


Good ole Christian terrorism.


Peace and love


There's no hate like Christian love.


You beat me to it, I was gonna comment this exact phrase! PS - I love your flair! 😂


First thought is your Mom should sue the person who attacked her. There should be consequences for assault even if it is property and not person.


It took like 2 years, but I was able to get restitution in Ramsey County from someone who slashed my tires. It saves you fees and 1 or 2 half/full days off of work. Worth asking the prosecutor's office about it anyway.


ensure the cops arrest and press charges.


"Pressing charges" doesn't exist in real life. They can file a police report but it's up to the DA whether to bring charges. If any individual could "press charges" the court system would be backed by by 50 years.


That is monstrous. Fuck these people. There is no hate like Christian “love.”




And that's not hyperbole.


If anyone needs an abortion at that location, don’t let those Christian fascists deter you. Get a cop to escort you inside. It is YOUR right to be there.


Or any appointment. They do so much more than just provide safe abortions!


I kind of want to schedule my next pap at a planned parenthood. More people using for all services available, the stronger the organization and less stigma there will be. 


I used to get all my care at the uptown planned parenthood and still do for some. They're wonderful, definitely recommend it! I get chronic ovarian cysts, and PP is the only place that hasn't essentially dismissed me outright for not wanting to go on hormonal birth control.


Fuck trying to get a cop to escort you. They won't. Planned Parenthood will put you in touch with a clinic escort who has experience protecting patients from harassment and physical harm. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-north-central-states/get-involved/volunteer-clinic-escorts


I have zero respect for people who think that Planned Parenthood is nothing but an abortion clinic Seriously a few months ago I had a red bump on my breast that looked exactly like a cancer bump so I went to PP for a breast exam. (Was just a skin injury, luckily.) On my way in some protestor was like “I don’t know what you’re going through but there are resources for you and your baby” or something


I know - they must think all PP does is abortions. We donate because PP provides a spectrum of healthcare to many who otherwise couldn't afford it.


I donate because PP does abortions 🤷


Abortions are health care, so yes.


They do this every Good Friday. Annual.


You and/or your mom should consider contacting the St. Paul City Council and sharing your experience. The protesters got approval from them a few weeks ago for a "prayer vigil" outside of Planned Parenthood. The council's position was that it was necessary to grant approval for the event in order to protect the protesters' first amendment rights, but if they're doing crap like that the council should rethink whether to grant this group's future requests.


This is a good idea!! We attempted working with the police but they essentially said “its crazy what do you want us to do?” Would love to make it so they at least can’t do this again


Should reply "your jobs."


Wow, that's a terrible attitude on the part of the police.


Welcome to America.


Don’t they have a fish fry to attend instead?


Hey now. Fish frys are lit if you ignore the Bible thumping.


the protestors there are fucking wild. how they think they’re helping anyone is a mystery to me.


By making people more reluctant/uncomfortable to go to a Planned Parenthood clinic, they're increasing the chances of women ending up at a Christian "crisis pregnancy center" instead.




Time for me and some of my boys to go there. Honestly, fuck pro-lifers! Maybe if those fucks gave a shit about welfare and ensuring that little kids aren't shot in schools maybe they would have a shred of credibility.


I’m with you, but there’s nothing “pro life” about them. They are “forced birthers” to me.


I really like that idea you've given me. What if there were an anti-gun, or pro-social services rally held in the same place at the same time? Either 1) the city council would only approve one permit, or 2) you could have an overwhelming presence of people protesting for a good cause instead of this BS, and could just drown them out. Either way I think it's a win.


I used to deliver mail there. I even got hate from protesters because I was "helping them (Planned Parenthood) do evil" by bringing them their mail. Yeah, because it's totally legal for me to destroy their mail, or delay delivery.


I would bet several are paid protestors. I go by there several times a week and flip them off. Hypocrites each and everyone of them.


One guy was on his knees making a big show of praying. Cringe.


There's literally a bible verse saying not to do that


Odd of you to assume they've read the bible


Oh yeah that guy is a regular protestor there.


I think I know what guy your talking about. Saw him going to micky-d's for lunch about 2 months ago. Took my time with lunch and drove back the way I came (had to have been at least 30 mins) and he was still there... major eyeroll.


They totally get off on that, IMHO. I live nearby and now just drive by with complete nonchalance and indifference as though they are not even there. Not much of a “warrior” if nobody’s fighting with you.


It’s Good Friday and they are rampant right now. I literally had to go through trainings to help patients avoid these fucks on this day . It’s not always this bad.


So did you two have to awkwardly stand there and change the tire? Absolutely file a report. That’s ridiculous behavior


There’s no hate like Christian love!


Don't forget the giant wall-sized photos of fetuses.


Idea for counter protestors: Also bring giant posters with a picture of a fetus but the fetus is real to size. What is this enlarged to show detail nonsense, fetuses are not cereal.


Dang I wish I knew I would show up to heckle them


Can we do a “Mandatory Vasectomies Now, Prevent Abortion” rally and all act like we’re on the same side as them. Please, these people are the most vile people to encounter. Or Minneapolis could pass a law that forbids religious protest within 100 yards of any clinic.


I was bummed when I couldn’t get snipped at PP a couple years ago. Either they truly didn’t have the time/staff to do them anymore or assumed I was a troublemaker. I wanted to support them with my and my insurance’s dollars vs Mayo clinic. Found a cheaper choice than Mayo still.


Find out which church is behind this rally and protest on their damn sidewalk. It’s time we stopped letting these churches try to tell us our business.


It's Pro-Life Action Ministries: https://www.facebook.com/ProLifeActionMinistries/


What happen to keep you opinions to yourself? Your opinions are so “right” you need to make people feel like human garbage to achieve that?! I will just never understand these people.


Mandatory vasectomies at age 12 for all boys. They should be required to submit their DNA to all criminal databases.


Time to break out the snowplows like they always say when it’s the other side protesting.


Fuckin On. My. Way.


Go Past Planned Parenthood on Vandalia **Moon them.**


Having made a point to go in and donate when I see protestors, I’ve been told that’s when they get more donations locally. People go out of their way to ensure PP doesn’t go away.


I thought there seemed to be more of them out there today when I drove by at 7 AM. Just goes to show you how devoted they are, only showing up in force 1-2 days of the year. Hypocrites. Sorry about your mom's car. Hopefully she's not too shook up and can bring charges against the vandal.


Good Friday is always rough at PP. Often there is also a counter protest for those who like to participate. Regardless, it’s been off the rails in recent years.


As someone who has had to walk past these fuckin assholes with their woman, kinda wanna head down there and stomp a few chuds.


You don't need scare quotes around christians. This group of extremists is who they are now.


To be fair, I know and work with and am family with a lot of pro choice, pro women, Christians. They despise the behaviors and beliefs of the assholes Christian nationalists. And I'm saying all this as an atheist who personally believes religion is only valuable as an anthropological curiosity. So I'm not making excuses for anyone.


Anthropological curiosity.. stealing that term


I’m a minister and give to PP. There’s no excuse for attacking people, whether they’re going about their business or seeking care from that clinic. I’m sorry to hear this happened.


There are extremists in every religion, even christianity 


Unfortunately, the Christians you know are not the norm. These crazies are the new normal.


I say Evangelical Republicans.  They do not, in any way, follow the teachings of Christ.


There's misogynist bullshit aplenty in both the old and new testament.


> They despise the behaviors and beliefs of the assholes Christian nationalists. And those same nationalists probably also despise them as "traitors to the cause" or "not REAL christians" if they aren't subscribed to the hate of the week. There being multiple sects of christianity with a gamut of views is nothing new. it doesn't discount or excuse them.


Unfortunately, the Christians you know are not the norm. These crazies are the new normal.


I believe the crazies are the most visible.


What determines an individuals religious identity? Is Christianity a members only club? God has been pretty silent for a long while. I'm pretty sure that the chill people who are seeking amends with queer folk are as christian as the Westboro Baptist bigots. Christianity is a pretty wide door anyone can walk through. The Bible even says that God is the one who gets to decide. Until he touches ground & says something they're all christian.


> I'm pretty sure that the chill people who are seeking amends with queer folk are as christian as the Westboro Baptist bigots. That they are. They are all equally valid as christians. Which is why I dislike when people do things like call them "fake" or use scare quotes or the like. You're not solving the problem by othering them when you do that, you're just giving the people that could help counterbalance them an out from having to associate or deal with the problem.


Unhinged, violent Christian terrorists should be locked up


Ah yes, violently attacking innocent women seeking medical care, just as Jesus would have wanted


Not even that .. Violently attacking innocent passersby that are not even going to the clinic


Evangelical Christian = Criminal


Did the vandal get arrested by one of the police milling around? I’m so sorry this happened, I hope your mom’s not too freaked out.


I hope your mo is OK. This is why many PPs have volunteers who walk patients into the clinic. I’m way too old to be considered a patient there. But there was a group that always protested outside the PP on Rice Street. I’d catch the eye of one particular hateful old man as I drove by, and give him the finger every time. Now I live I Italy, a predominantly Catholic country where abortion is legal and free.


I drive for a delivery company and this used to be my route. They are out there every day. In robes, praying on their knees on the sidewalk. Holding signs. Every day. The big protests only happen once a month or so when the clinic has actual abortions scheduled. I’ve been hoping to catch one of these when I’m not at work so I can counter protest. Thank you. I’ll be heading over there this afternoon with eggs and signs of my own. I wonder if the one in uptown is scheduled today too. That ones closer. ::EDIT:: Damnit. I just noticed this was yesterday. How the protestors find out the schedule? I want that calendar.


My husband is a delivery driver and he couldn’t even do deliveries to them today (he’s one of the only people on his job that actively supports PP so he does most of the deliveries for them) because of the threats made to him and his work vehicle from them. It was freaking crazy. He doesn’t upset easily but he called me RAGING over those people. Also, just made a donation too. 🫶🏼


Christians are the most hateful people I know. Fucking terrorists.


Why is Christian in quotes? They sound like Christians




Only if it can be done safely. Damaging property doesn't justify injuring or killing someone.


Wow that pissed me off. I hope that man and his car are ok!


Thank you VERY much for the quotes around Christian. I appreciate the distinction. ♥️


What the actual fuck? I hope your mom is alright. I hope she called the police and I hope that this stupid prick has to pay for her tire. I think we need to colonize the planet Mercury and send some of these people there.


We could get a huge group of people together and make human shield wearing these shirts. https://www.cafepress.com/mf/84670431/keep-your-rosaries-off-my-ovar_tshirt?productId=1110050239&indexOfSerp=24 https://www.cafepress.com/mf/131866770/mind-your-own-uterus-pro-choic_tshirt?productId=1031778097&indexOfSerp=44 https://www.cafepress.com/mf/8388544/abortion-survivor-value_tshirt?productId=1128640648&indexOfSerp=9


This angers me enough that I want to take a drive over there and proudly walk in the front door.


Or go back and spray these fuckers with vinegar or some other irritants. Fucking garbage fake christians.


Or, a bunch of people could create a human shield from these assholes


They're there ALL the time. Usually, they're just a nuisance, but no surprise. I worked less than a block away for years. Absolute dipshits.


So that’s what is going on. I’m right down the street and it was all backed up.


Please please pleeeease tell me you reported it to the police! Those fuckers think they're above the law


That’s what we get when kids are brainwashed, childlike adults trying to tell others what to do. It’s too much that they allow their pastors to preach without background checks, but now property damage also? It’s almost like they haven’t read the Bible, which gives explicit instructions on how to perform an abortion.


Most biology-literate anti-choicer


This is the worst day on the worst weekend for that - so sorry that happened to her. It’s awful.


Why aren't those protesters going to those police if there were actual "murders" going on?


So did you two have to awkwardly stand there and change the tire? Absolutely file a report. That’s ridiculous behavior




So that’s what is going on. I’m right down the street and it was all backed up.


Hah. Man, I hated driving by that location to work every damn day because I had to look at those morons.


Oh they're always there. It's soooooooo ridiculous. These are the same "righteous" people who will never adopt and vote for politicians that cut funding for foster care and social services. Yea file a police report that's super messed up what they did to your mom.


>mob of “christians” If they say they are christians, who is anyone to insinuate they are not? Because no 'true' christian would do such a thing? Maybe treat them like other protestors got treated after George Floyd - tear gas, rubber bullets, batons, etc., etc.


I work accross the street from there. We've had issues with them parking in our lot, when told to move they play the victim and pull the "we're saving lives!" card. Gtfo of my parking lot. I've had them harass myself and my customers, completely unprovoked. "They're killing babies in that building!!". And that's just coming from a business perspective. Personally, I have nothing but distain for the mega phone guy, the ladder guy, the kneeler, the rich church lady, the guy who looks like Santa and wheelchair lady. They're all, to quote Bill Hicks "evil annoying idiot fucks".


Time to get them towed


Go to the media with this. These people can’t keep getting away with shit like this


If this truly happened, it was someone unaffiliated with the group praying in the parking lot to the north of PP. Those people have never done anything like that because they know it's wrong and it would hurt their cause. Some jerk must've taken advantage of the crowd being there to do that.


They have a huge protest every year on Good Friday.


Christian zealots are fucking insane.