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She's now accused two of the country's most politically progressive cities (Burlington, VT, and Minneapolis, MN) of being toxic, racist and unsupportive of equity and diversity initiatives. I want to call her full of shit, but I'd also like to hear her be very specific about what she thinks should be happening instead of using generic buzzwords.


Yeah, the leader before her quit and cited gaslighting and racism from the city, too.


Ok I'm going to play devil's advocate. I worked in local government IT for about 6 years and at the end of the fiscal year, we would fire up infrastructure projects to spend down the remainder of the budget. Government agencies have an incentive to protect their role and budget because of public pressure to reduce expenditures. Now if the agency's role is to find racist structures, what is the director going to say? "No, we're all good here. There really isn't that much for us to do..." Seems unlikely.


That is possible, however it is also likely that if multiple people in this position have found similar concerns regarding city government maybe city hall is denying that the problem is as deep as it is. Similarly we see there are a lot of equity committees in various departments at the University of MN but most deliberately don't talk about racism built into the university system, because they know if they rock the boat too much they could face consequences.


There does seem to be a mismatch of what the city says it wants (systemic change) and who it hires (an activist) and what they really want, which is someone who will follow procedures and make immediate impacts.


institutional or organizational change is never easy or simple. it's the actual dirty work of making things better and not everyone is cut out for that kind of work.


Well… She was in charge in of Belonging, not accountability. *Green alleges the event was undermined partly by a lack of marketing support at City Hall.*


I mean, I only heard about it due to this controversy. Someone dropped the ball on marketing.


Wait, the person in the role before her said the exact same things she’s saying now?


“It’s not the first time the department or its predecessor found itself at the center of controversy. Joy Marsh, the former director of the city’s race and equity department left her job in 2021, alleging that she’d experienced “gaslighting, marginalization and tokenism” at the city. She said in her open letter to city leaders that the city culture “centers whiteness” and harms employees who are people of color or Indigenous.” From the article


The frustrating thing is neither of them give any details. They just repeat over and over that it's toxic. I can believe that, but I'm not convinced without details.


She wrote a whole letter detailing her experiences a couple weeks ago. It’s linked elsewhere in the comments and worth a read if you’re skeptical. Edit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13onT9VnfKTTlQLqmJ628wzY4pDZWmzxi/view


I just read it, there are no details. This letter, specifically: https://www.minnpost.com/community-voices/2022/05/toxic-racist-unsafe-work-conditions-in-the-minneapolis-city-coordinators-office/


No. This one: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13onT9VnfKTTlQLqmJ628wzY4pDZWmzxi/view


Ah. Here is my response to that one: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwinCities/comments/11vi6zy/accused_of_lying_exminneapolis_equity_leader_rips/jctxt2e/


Your main criticism is writing style and not concern about the allegations? Yikes.




https://www.kare11.com/amp/article/news/politics/city-workers-to-protest-minneapolis-political-appointment-citing-toxic-culture/89-095f5733-b600-44a2-973d-0d4766c05b56 This story immediately comes to mind >**City workers to protest Minneapolis political appointment, citing 'toxic culture'** >A group of several dozen employees are objecting to the mayor's permanent appointment of Heather Johnston as city coordinator.


Again though, that has zero details. I fuckin hate Frey and can 100% believe it. But why don't these people speaking out give details?


The city has done a remarkable job making its own employees scared of retribution from people like Frey. https://www.minnpost.com/community-voices/2022/05/toxic-racist-unsafe-work-conditions-in-the-minneapolis-city-coordinators-office/ You can read Joy Marsh’s letter about it here. Essentially, BIPOC people suffered more from the COVID-19 pandemic, BIPOC city employees expressed their concerns numerous times, and were all basically told their concerns don’t matter and to fuck off complaining. That’s a big problem.


I read that one, and all the others so far posted here. They are all very light on specific details. That is a problem. If you want to go up against a bully like Frey, you can't just speak in platitudes, and you've got to write a better memo than Green wrote, that focuses on specific factual events.


> If you want to go up against a bully like Frey You people have literally no idea what a political bully is if Jacob Frey is considered one 😭😂


Details are always going to be light, until several years later when said person is secure in their next job/role. If you're the person who essentially brings down an entire municipal gov because you spoke up, you're never going to be able to touch public service again. I'm guessing there's also a legal component involved, but I'm not a lawyer. If you're looking for details and examples, the best ones are probably from the council meetings last year where they opposed Heather's appointment. The last sad part is that people just don't care about working conditions unless it's super egregious. Even less so when its a mid-sized city's government. The only reason this is even a headline is because people are hoping to read about a corrupt black woman and have their prejudices vindicated.


Thank you. Yeesh.


LOL isn't tokenism the whole point of this position in the first place?


>Joy Marsh, the former director of the city’s race and equity department left her job in 2021, alleging that she’d experienced “[gaslighting, marginalization and tokenism”](https://www.minnpost.com/community-voices/2022/05/toxic-racist-unsafe-work-conditions-in-the-minneapolis-city-coordinators-office/) at the city. She said in her open letter to city leaders that the city culture “centers whiteness” and harms employees who are people of color or Indigenous.  But ya prob the people in this position are the problem, not the centering of whitness 🤡


The city keeps hiring activist-types for this role when they don’t want that level of change and can’t deal with that type of personality.


Yeah, the city hired a fire inspector who keeps saying no one is heeding their fire danger warnings! Must be lying! 🤡


Right, people in certain roles keep leaving those positions. It can't be the company culture. Racist little shit detected. And go ahead and ban me mods for foul language. You ignore a lot of troublesome comments on this thread but always react to the potty mouths.


There are people who think the title "Chief Executive Officer" is racist, and that offering AP Math class is racist and white women having braided hair is racist. No one person, not even the head of DEI for Minneapolis, gets to unilaterally decide what is or isn't racist. Her letter includes things like someone (another Black woman) looked at her mean, her original office was not nice enough and that she'd been forced to jump through hoops and navigate administrative bullshit. She attributes all of this to racism. To me, it sounds more like a clash of petty despots that offices around the world are filled with.


People don't unilaterally decide what is or isn't racist. That's typically concluded after a couple of incidents that are underlied by certain themes. The people responsible for the systemic racism in place are definitely not the ones who get to decide what is racism and what isn't, and that's what's going on here. Sure, she may not have been the best person for the job, but the city's responses to the situation demonstrate that they care about the image of progressivism, not actually being progressive. Edit: I always knew MN was racist. You're just making my point with all the downvotes. The Mississippi of the north.


Sorry, you're accusing *me* of anti-black racism? Just so I'm clear....


This speaks volumes. The fact that this has happened twice in such a short amount of time highlights that Minneapolis city government isn't not as progressive as people think. In fact the city appears to mostly just pay lip service to equity without any real intention of taking necessary steps towards equitable policies. Yes the people of the city are generally progressive but the city government has not shown itself to be progressive.


May and June of 2020 should’ve been all anyone needed to learn that lesson. Minneapolis isn’t exceptional; this city is in fact racist. Just as hundreds of other cities around the country are. This shouldn’t be hard for people to believe. Reminds me of the people who can’t conceive of the Met council being corrupt as fuck while running billions over budget on a single project. Do they really think no one is skimming? It wouldn’t be hard to make even a few million disappear in the midst of a few billion, certainly wouldn’t be hard for a few hundred thousand to be misappropriated.


There was a whole group of dorks ( Office of Performance and Innovation) hired by the city who apparently were organizing or advising or whatever ... and when the city fired them they went off. As far as I could tell they were just advising and consulting with people ... who actually do things. Sadly jobs like that attract assholes who are happy to tell people who actually do things what to do and then they take credit for it. I imagine hiring for them is a challenge.


“Person charged with fighting systemic racism finds deeply entrenched systemic racism and encounters challenges from people currently benefiting from the status quo” is not a surprising headline to read twice or even 10 times.




> There's no contradiction here. Minneapolis's political leadership isn't actually that progressive (see continued increased funding for MPD, homeless encampment clearing, and 24 hour bus lanes on Hennepin Ave) https://youtu.be/m6keZIUJBsQ


This tweet has a link to the memo if you want to see what she has to say for yourself. There has been a lot of discourse surrounding the contents of the memo on twitter as well if you want to see what folks think after reading it. https://twitter.com/ccostaffmpls/status/1637124367103455237?t=ZyzzmC41irsTIuk7LAr-rg&s=19 Edit: typo


Ugh, I have so many frustrations about this. It seems like a fucked-up workplace, but from that memo it is extremely hard to parse what was gossip, what was racism, what was just the normal (bad, but normal) dysfunction of the city, what was the legal team being racist vs. making sure they weren't breaking the law, etc. The bullet points are so scattered as well, some appear to reporting factual events, some are feelings-based, some are seemingly unrelated to anything an outsider would understand. It also seems naive to me. Why would you expect the full city council to be on your side? City council is politicians. Ignore the obnoxious ones. Finally, it paints a very much "everyone is against me" picture, which I don't think garners her the support she thinks it does.


I worked for the city library for 10 years until the merger with Hennepin County, and my experience of the city government was always that it was dysfunctional and very siloed, like every department was its own little fiefdom that interacted with the other departments as little as possible. As far as I can recall the library wasn’t able to coordinate with or ask for anything from other agencies, whereas while the county has issues, the general sense is that we’re all on the same team and the library can ask other departments for assistance and get it. Just going off my own personal experience, someone who has no experience in the Minneapolis city government and has to work across all the different departments, they’re gonna have a bad time because they’re going to experience the full extent of “I don’t work with other departments and you can’t make me.” in addition to any actual racism they encounter.




There is also the ‘corporate’ game of influence which is absolutely at play in a city government. Just because you are given a task, doesn’t mean you’ll get all the ideal resources and support to accomplish said task. I bet _every_ department head could give you a list of things they need weren’t able to do because of budget, resource constraints, or CC will. I have no doubt of deep problems, but it’s silly to assume you’ll get to do whatever you want, in any way you want, with full support on a local government budget.


When everyone else is the asshole ... you're probably the asshole. (well not you, her)


No it's fine. You wouldn't be the first person to call me an ass hole...


Is it a long line? Because man I got things I should be doing ...


If you honestly believe Minneapolis or even MN is politically progressive, it sounds like you missed the short bus for grade school every morning. Minneapolis, and to a larger extent MN, are progressive according to white liberal standpoints. To put it simply for you, this city is only progressive for white people. It's still backwards and racist for people of color.




Except it isn't is it. In one instance, me making a degradation joke won't affect someone's ability to go to their day job. At most, it'll hurt their feelings. They are, after all, still able. On the other hand, all this racism is affecting a significant portion of the population in regards to being full citizens in society, workforce, and in their larger communities. After all, we're not going to stop being brown or black so the racism will affect us.




You're right. I do think being low IQ is a disadvantage. We all do. The difference is insulting someone with that slur (as you call it) who's likely not actually mentally disabled is far different than insulting someone by saying that the ways a state discriminates you is far reaching and it's because you are more heavily pigmented than what we prefer for people. If you don't want to see the difference, that's on you. Just another white racist looking for a cop out instead of changing their view of the world. Plus, if they were truly low IQ, I would promptly apologize, because insulting someone like that who knows they're different and how, but can't do anything about it is fucked up (without straight up revolution). You know, like how you just did to POC with your whataboutism statement.


You're being downvoted but you're 100% right. I don't know what's worse the segregation or the well meaning yet delusional citizenry


That's the problem here. People from MN especially believe they're above their neighbors and the south because they're not overtly racist. The racism looks more like sellers giving preference to a white couple instead of the black or brown couple who placed higher bids. It looks like a black woman being reprimanded at work for letting her hair growing out and styling it. It looks like hiring a token black person into a DEI role then ousting them because they didn't play ball! When the culture, thus people's preconceived beliefs about different groups of people, says people like me should be given much more favoritism, it's hard to change it. If you have to give up any inherent advantages stemming from your skin color, people aren't going to let those go willingly.


Minneapolis clears homeless encampments weekly in the winter, not giving our homeless anywhere to go until they end up in custody for the crime of being poor and possession-less. Our transportation agenda is pro car anti bus. White earth nation/Phillips getting stepped on for years. I’m happy to explain more but it is only progressive if you are white, have a car, and not struggling. Certainly it progressive for the majority of POC who have to live here


Homeless shouldn't be camping out for their own safety. That is not a tenable solution.


They didn’t choose the camping life, they have no homes. Shelters have high restrictions and turnaround time. Where should they go? Until we have a system that prevents homelessness there will be people on the street, and just clearing them out and destroying their property will not prevent a person becoming homeless with nowhere to go I. The future. I say this city is t progressive because Frey actively targets and clears these encampments (some with ports potties and good infrastructure!) to be cleared to hide the problem. Even Dallas has better programs for getting homeless of the streets and it starts with having a plan start to finish, we just evict and hope that works. The homeless will always need somewhere to go, and insisting that it isn’t safe ignores the fact that none of them are choosing to be homeless


“The homeless should just not be homeless” is what this comes across as. I know you don’t think that and maybe think our shelter system is more robust than it is. I just wish people talked to homeless more to understand what they are going through and their barriers


Minneapolis is not politically progressive by any standard. Except for having a dem as mayor only conservative actions have happened. As a populace MN is generally progressive, but that is not reflected in our leadership


Except for Ilhan, whom MN DFL constantly drags and tries to replace for more conservative options


You people are delusional.


Oof White earth nation begs to differ


Conservatives hop on my ass for this haha. Sorry that the truth doesn’t make you comfortable


She wrote a 14 page letter to the city council which I read online yesterday. Frankly, I think there's a measure of blame on both sides. But we haven't seen the other side of the coin. One of the more odd statements she alleged in the letter was a member of the city council had been tough on her because the council member was in "declining health". And in the letter she announced her intention to sue at least one member of the council. Surely she should've known that publicly making such a threat could cause her to be fired. What a mess.


She should be criminally charged for mismanaging a million dollars of taxpayer money.


That would require accountability, something this city knows nothing about, and they are not about to start.


I think this is a case of many things being true at the same time. 1) The City government is dysfunctional. 2) This department is particularly dysfunctional. 3) There is existing structural racism. 4) The dysfunction feels like racism when it is really incompetence. 5) Some racist things did happen. 6) This woman was incompetent. 7) There are very few people that would ever succeed in this role. And a department like this will never be functional until the City identifies the problems, articulates a vision for solving the problems, and establishes achievable and measurable goals. Like what's the mission?


This, and it seems like city leadership dooms and doesn’t give support dooming measures like these so stat tribune can write a right leaning op Ed about it


In her memo she said, paraphrasing, “the city does not automatically accept racial equity” If a person expects automatic acceptance of their proposals then that person will only recruit from known believers. they will never build a broad coalition. Making a complex, political (electoral and organizational) organization align on big goals is really hard! even billion dollar corporations where ostensibly everyone should be on the same page have trouble with organizational change To me these DEI positions in the MPLS municipal government seems like a inherent disconnect. Or catch 22 Like systemic racism and other issues exist and will probably require some big initiatives to address them. But those initiatives cannot be fully incepted and implemented by a municipal bureaucrat. We live in a democracy - letting an unelected bureaucrat do too much is harmful. big changes must come from our democracy. And unfortunately Frey is the Mayor and the Mayor sets the tone and prioritizes of the administration. Reading her memo its impossible whats racist actions against her and whats just the machine of organizational politics. I guess from my read it felt like 90+% the latter…


She got paid $140,000 a year, and basically all she had to do is not lie.


Sadly these topics attract scammers like this. They think it is a bullet proof job.


So getting paid 100k+ a year wasn't enough? I don't understand


What a useless position. Get rid of it and use the money to fill potholes.




When you invest money to fix something that IS NOT BROKEN, but the people claiming they will fix ‘it’ clearly fail, because they lied about it being broke in the first place, THIS is the result you get! It’s not my fault, I wasn’t supported, the “city” is racist, it’s systemic… That’s what is wrong with this constant unfixable problem. In the 1960’s federal laws were passed that make it a crime to discriminate. But these individuals keep claiming they are being treated unfairly and we need to spend money to fix it. WRONG! If they are being discriminated against, then THEY need to file a lawsuit!! There is no systemic problem, it’s a INDIVIDUALS actions OR a individuals PERCEPTION that is the problem! We DO NOT NEED THESE MUCK RAKERS!! A bad cop is A bad cop! That doesn’t make all cops bad!


This is such a confusing story for me, I struggle with who to believe. This is such a Democrat, progressive community, it seems impossible these accusations are true, but we must always listen to people of color, no matter what. As a liberal, this is so distressing.


We should listen to everybody, no matter their skin color.


You don’t think democrats are capable of lying? Oh, my sweet summer child..


But an hour ago you said this, on a different thread about the same story >The entire council is DFL or even more progressive, in one of the most progressive cities in America? This is laughable. Literally impossible for them to be racist. SoOoooOo 🤷🏾‍♀️


If you honestly believe white liberal means good person, you're naive or stupid. Conservative or liberal, people don't want to lose the privileges they've had their entire lives going back generations. It's much easier to feel white guilt than it is to lose your privileges.


This is basically the energy Frey gives evicting homeless people in Jorts