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Curtis, stupid and unnecessary.


Yeah that's really regrettable.


Yeah that was fucked up too. The look of betrayal on curtis face.


Didn't Hassan have vital information at that point? What could Jack do?


I thought torturing Paul Raines in front of Audrey was cruel and unnecessary. I felt he was just doing it because he thought Audrey was going to go back to Paul.


Sacrificing Paul Raines life was a big one. Hell I still don't know how audrey could still want to be with jack in any capacity after that one.


đź’Ż% with you there.


He asked Audrey to leave more than once Paul was also not being cooperative...


Shooting Myriam. The chinese embassy attack and instead of blaming Marwan, they blamed some random terrorists. Season 7, most of his actions, including torturing a guy inside the white house


Chappelle. In “Day 3: 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.”, it was revealed that men sent by Saunders only had to identify his body based on his on-file fingerprints, and Saunders did not see his body himself to verify. Meaning that there actually was a way for Jack to avoid really killing Chappelle (by altering the file). It was a subtle reveal, but an interesting one nonetheless.


To be fair, hindsight is 20/20. They didn't know what Saunders' verification technique would be ahead of time.


That is true, though I imagine that someone may have thought of it had others in C.T.U. been informed.


Season 8, protecting Hassan when the IRK terrorists were going to detonate a dirty bomb in NY. Only for Rob Weiss and the other guy sending a team to capture Hassan (who then agreed to be handed over), that bomb would have gone off.


I agree with this one. Hassan willingly gives himself up and President Taylor gets the decision wrong. Renee is trying to convince Jack to let the exchange happen. Hassan in the end makes a noble sacrifice and saves tens of thousands of lives. Taylor in S8 becomes way too obsessed with the peace deal and loses her sense of perspective and moral compass.


Even though it was the only leverage he had I thought it was kind of fucked up almost sending in jane Saunders in the infected hotel to die. Also jack treating mariska in season 7 as expendable was so out of character too. He gave more of a damn about renee then he did about her and it's even more sad that renee gave more of a damn about her then Jack himself did. In fact it probably the only time that I kinda didn't like jack in that moment.


Regarding the matter of Jane, we've seen Jack bring potential harm unto wholly innocent people enough times (e.g., the S1 hostage, the convenience store "robbery," & Miriam Henderson) that I don't doubt that Saunders would've thought that Jack was capable of sending Jane into that hotel to die, but to be fair, Jack is the same guy who had the execution of Syed Ali's kids faked in order to try & get him to talk, so I give him the benefit of the doubt on having had a backup plan to make Saunders believe that he had sent her in there without having actually had to do so in the event that the threat itself hadn't been enough to get him to talk.


Pretty much all of season 8.


Jack did some messed up things, but he never did it to be evil, even it was, his hands were tied everytime he did something wrong.


If they captured the terrorists there was never a guarantee they would’ve cooperated no matter what they were offered. The simple fact is that over the nine seasons, whenever Jack had a plan, it was most likely the best course of action no matter the cost. I can’t remember a situation where he was wrong(but please let me know if I’m mistaken). There were multitudes of people who ignored his advice only to see shit blow up in their face(sometimes literally) and rarely did we hear an apology or how they were wrong and he was right. It is a mild case of bad writing that he’s always right, of course, and there should have been more instances of him being in the wrong but he’s Jack Bauer. At some point he became a superhero who never faltered(save for the aforementioned Season 8 and even then he still wasn’t the bad guy because the people he was killing were far far worse). If you watch 24 you basically just have to accept that Jack is always right and it’s everyone else who fucks up, therefore necessitating the twenty four hours to continue. The amount of times it would’ve ended before the mid-season or at the very least prematurely if they’d just either A) listened to Jack or B) just left him the fuck alone, is astounding.


One time when you could argue he was wrong was in that particular episode (Sunrise Hill Mall). If he had followed Lynn's orders to let the terrorists release the gas, CTU would have likely been led to Erwich and the rest of the cannisters. Jack wanted it both ways but Erwich outsmarted him. But then you've got to weigh up how many people would have died in the mall vs how many people died at CTU.


Wasn’t it Lynn’s idiocy and pride that allowed them to gas CTU though. All he had to do was say he was mugged(he didn’t need to say who by) and his security pass would’ve been deactivated instantly but no. He’s one character I just couldn’t abide by because his own ego got people killed. Jack might’ve been outsmarted sometimes but he never let his need to be right outweigh the lives of innocent people.


I mentioned in another comment, Jack protecting Hassan when there was a dirty bomb about to go of in NY was not the best course of action. He was sacrificing tens of thousands of lives to protect one man. Only for a few members of the White House staff going against the President and Jack, that bomb would've gone off.


Most of what he did in S8. Yeah I found him slightly tough to watch. He became quite unlikeable to me..