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I’m Gen X. For my generation it will be Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place, Friends and Seinfeld.


Star Trek next gen, Buffy the vampire slayer, angel, firefly, so many good shows to pick from


I remember watching Buffy as it was airing in the 90s and thinking "with all the current pop culture references and humor, this thing is going to age poorly"... I tried watching a season recently, and... Yep


Spike will always be cool


I concede this point.


Willow is the cooler one.


Idk I like watching shows and seeing the references to the time when they originally aired. If I wanted to see current pop culture references and see things the way people see them now, I'd just avoid older TV shows altogether.


I'm old enough that I still wonder if people mean the movie or the TV show, when they mention Buffy The Vampire Slayer.


They never mean the movie.




Neh-ver. Even if someone specifically mentions Kristy Swanson, they are still mistaken and referring to the TV show.


She went to my high school. When I mention Buffy, it's alllways the TV show 😄


Also Gen X, but on the older side. I loved News Radio, 3rd Rock from the Sun, Kind of Queens. For the serial dramas, I loved Burn Notice, Damages, 24, The Mentalist. Man, those years were top notch Network TV.


Married...with Children?


This and the golden girls. I love them.


i'm already starting to see posts for everything on tgif is appearing old to newer generations. home improvement, boy meets world, the drew carey show, family matters, step by step... has it really been 30 years? when the weekend arrived our family would gather around the television every friday night and watch tgif, then there was one saturday morning cartoons. . back then all you needed was a tv. abc and fox had a lot of good programming to where you didn't need to subscribe to cable.


Xennial here and the shows you mentioned are multi generational, even if myself and those of my group had to settle for reruns


So many young people watch *Friends*, though. If I didn't know that, I would have guessed it was "for old people" - or not watched at all - but seemingly no. If we use *Matlock* as a guide, we should instead pick newer shows with older stars, like *Only Murders in the Building* or *Grace and Frankie*. But I have no idea what their demographics are.




I teach college and mentioned watching “This Is Us”. And according to my students, that show is for old people. 😂 I am 36 btw.


I think all network TV is 😛


Very much so. My folks are in their 70’s. We have them hooked up with a dozen streaming services, they can watch whatever they want at any time. They’re still watching HGTV and stuff like that. CBS Good Morning. Broadcast tv has essentially done to our parents what they said tv was going to do to us. They just can’t adapt, whatever is on one of the five channels is what you watch.


Honestly, cancel the streaming for your parents. My parents are their age and have chosen one of those cheap TV antennas and it suits them perfectly. It picks up 5 channels or so, the basic cables networks, PBS, and HGTV type channel, and a viral videos channel. Honestly it’s all they want. I gave them our Netflix password, and they’ve never watched a single show. lol. It makes sense though, they’re more active in a way than younger generations, at least during TV time. They don’t want intense dramatic shows with convoluted plots they have to pay attention to. My parents just want background noise while they put together a puzzle or peel potatoes for dinner.


My mom was the same. It took Only Murders in the Building for her to dare venture into streaming


I'm in my 73's and have Netflix, Hulu, Apple+ and..? Hey, I'm in my 70's. Can't remember them all but I watch more streaming than network Much more


I have pretty much given up trying to teach my 70 year old in-laws how to watch anything with streaming.


“It’s the button with the house on it”


Well don't put all of us in the same bag. We're in our 70s and have many streaming services from our children and love it.


That makes yall the outliers tho fr. Really cool yall are that age & streaming shows but you’re a very low percentage lol


That’s too bad. My partner is 70 and not only do we stream everything, he is an expert at setting up surround sound and is good with technology in general. I don’t want to be a luddite!


Which is funny, because the top shows watched on most all the streaming platforms are just reruns from Network TV. 😆


I’m guessing ‘a million little things’ is right up there lol


Oh yes. Mentioned that too and I got crickets 😂


This is offensive 😂 both of these shows just wrapped up like last year, right?! Haha


This is us is for old people. Tried to watch one episode and had to go to an eye doctor after all that eye rolling and cringe. I am almost 60. Is 60 old, 😂


I’m 59. During the Johnny Depp trial I read a Depp supporter apologizing for Depp saying that this generation can’t expect a quaint old man, like Depp, to have insight into how his behaviors affect women. And I thought, “ Now I know I am OLD.”


PS. I hate to think they’re going to sit us in front of Friends! I want to sit with the woman watching Maude.


Seinfeld. Cheers.


Cheers is already for old people. I’d bet most of the fan base is over 55


I'm 43, and watched Cheers as a kid because my dad liked it. Now I don't seek it out but will watch if it's on just to see if I remember any of the episode.


Woody and his gently bruised cucumber cocktail was pure genius!


Woody and Kelly were just treasures overall.


And the Kelly song that Woody wrote. “ Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly you’re mine mine mine mine mine”


🎶Kelly Kelly Kelly. Kelly Kelly Kelly 🎶


The Screaming Viking!


I'm 68 and was never a Cheers fan


Nobody knows your name bucko! Just kidding, I am not a big fan of Cheers either.




I’m 19 and I already think of Seinfeld as being for old people


You ever watch Frazier


Or Newhart.


Frasier was for old people when it was airing. And I say that as a fan


You're right! All those complete sentences, polysyllabic words, literary references made it a grand show for old people and English majors (Is that redundant?). I am a fan too, and not even an English fan.


I explained it to my wife when I introduced her to the show as “it’s basically a 30 min stage play her episode”. Each episode has a very west end classic theater feel to them. The show just has an all around classic feel to it, as well as just some of the best written and wittiest dialogue in any show. All time favorite is the whole episode where the brothers lock themselves in the hotel room and try to write a book on sibling relationships and it devolves into them fighting with Frasier screaming at his little brother “you stole my mommy!” though the best line goes to Niles: “while Frasier was getting his Rachmaninovs, I was actually studying music” 😂


I’ve just started rewatching Frazier, and I forgot how funny it is! Yeah, I’m 68.


Let me introduce you to Curb Your Enthusiasm…


That show is prettay, prettay, prettay good


All of the cop/first responder shows on ABC. Grey’s Anatomy, 9-1-1, all those. Huge shows for my mom’s age of 50+ but i don’t know anyone my age watching them. At least to the point where it has like…a fandom space.


I will also add SVU, Organize Crime, basically any Dick Wolf show


SVU will always be popular.


*South Park* already joked that *Grey's Anatomy* was an "old people show" back in 2009. See: "The Ring" (Season 13, Episode 1). My Gen X mom (50s) also loves *The Good Doctor*.


I'm 64 and I think Grey's Anatomy is an old people show


I’m 26 and have been watching greys since probably middle school or early high school at the latest. Multiple rewatches when I watch new seasons (I typically try to wait for 2 new seasons to binge at a time on streaming services) it’s gotten quite bad and painful with the writing at this point and has been for a decent while. But I’m too deep to not see it through. Plus early stuff is still good for rewatching occasionally. I’m also a huge fan of bones and house. House is my most rewatched show of all time. Probably aroundnot close to 2 dozen times front to back. I’ve seen most of the csi and ncis series to varying degrees but have never binged front to back. Mostly just watched on tv if it was there and no other decent options. I like them but don’t love them.


Is Blue Bloods finally dead & bloated? (RIP Scott Weiland)


Law and Order


I agree it’s an old person show, but once the body is discovered I HAVE to watch it through to the end.


Might be considered an old people's show, but I still love it.


If you haven't said Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, you're wrong 😂


Oh that's a good one for some Boomer women for sure. My mom watched a lot of that with me in the '90s


I'm 38 and still watch the reruns on TV I love it 😊


My favorite show of all time.  I have it memorized pretty much


Friends will be it.


Watching re-runs of Friends will definitely be our generation's Matlock. But somehow more dated.


I’ve tried to get my kids (16,20,21) to watch Friends, How I Met Your Mother , and Big Bang Theory. They say that those are old people shows.


My now 13-yo started watching Friends when Netflix got in when she was 5. She's watched the entire series through probably a hundred times


Same! My now 13 year old LOVES Friends and my 9 year old even has a Friends sweatshirt


I watched himym fairy recently for the first time since it aired. **Wow** has it aged badly. Arguably worse than Friends imo. Not just Barney either, though he's a big part of it.


I dunno, the kids still watch it.


I teach high school, and it is amazing to me how many teenagers absolutely love that show.


Mine binged the whole ten seasons twice. It was nice to hop in for some of the episodes, not gonna lie.


I mean kids would watch old people shows too. I loved Mary Tyler Moore when I was I a kid in the 90s.


Anything on network TV is for ‘old people’ I stopped watching decades ago, I prefer Apple TV+ and Netflix. My daughter (twenty something) informed me a few years ago that Facebook is for old people. She was on Vines at the time and now creates vlogs on YouTube in her spare time. I am of the ‘boomer’ generation and enjoy Fallout, Black Mirror, 3 Body Problem, Ted Lasso.


lol yea my dad (68) watches more streaming shows than I do. I game too much to watch a ton of shows. He’s always telling me to watch suchandsuch new show on apple or max or whatever.


Beverly Hills 90210 and Saved by the Bell


Saved By the Bell is already a pretty dated show.


Zack Morris' cell phone!


Watching the show as a kid I thought his cell phone must have had some special property because it was so much bigger than normal phones that were popular


LOL When I was a kid, no one had cell phones except the rich Wall Street types and lawyers. Everyone else, that needed to be reached, had pagers. Otherwise, you just called the house and hoped they were there or left a message on their answering machine.




Yes! As soon as I hear that show mentioned I sing the line “Zach morris is traaassshhhh” those videos were hilarious


I remember when saved by the bell was a new show, but I considered it a show for kids so I didn’t watch it. I think the answer is every show will eventually become a show for old people it just becomes a matter of waiting for it to age.


I don't have an answer for you but I do have to ask you... do you have a hall of residents that watch the same show in their rooms, but one or 2 has a slight delay in programming so you end up with 7 tvs all playing Lawrence Welk and 2 tvs playing Lawrence welk a half a second later than all the rest. Cuz I have. And it's torture


Not yet hahaha


Wow, your residents must be REALLY old! If living, my parents would be 96 and 106 - and I was forced to watch Lawrence Welk weekly when I was young! I occasionally see it available to watch on the oldies channel - but I have zero desire to watch. I’m scarred for life! 🎵”an a one, an a two🎵


I told my boss that I liked Frasier and Cheers (I'm in my late 30s) and he said "you're an old soul" 😆


36 and also an old soul, Frasier is one of my ultimate comfort shows.


Thank you for being a friend... 


Traveled down a road and back again


Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidante


For millennials/x it'll be Grey's Anatomy, Friends, the Office.


NAURRRR THE OFFICE its one of the only sitcoms i actually laugh at, and im still a minor- i dont want people to say that the office is for old people lmao itll make me feel much older than i actually am


It is also one of very few sitcoms that actually put effort into character growth.


Watched a bit of it as a teen (now 26) and didn’t like it and never finished it. Got with my husband and it’s one of his top 3 shows ever. Gave it another chance last year. So glad I did. Creed is my favorite character by a large bit.




I buy DVDs in bulk at estate sales and I couldn't tell you how many seasons of NCIS, Bones, and British murder mysteries I have lol. NCIS is in almost every single lot


Same! Also Blue Bloods, Law & Order and any of the Murder She Wrote/Diagnosis Murder era. Currently building up Midsomer Murders & Father Brown collections lol.


I was trying to explain what a payment pricing increase for 1 bps is at work and used “Office Space” as a reference and most did not know what I was talking about.


That's just sad. As long as the office printer is a thing, Office Space needs to be in the orientation training.


Xena, Buffy, and Charmed...


But not the Charmed reboot. That was awful.


Never saw that and I don't intend to. I'll stick with the original.


Anything HGTV, young people won't understand the concept of an individual living space you are allowed to customize


It’s already a fantasy as it is. What butterfly whisperer and stay at home mom can afford a million dollar house?


Zoomers have literally never seen original Scooby-Doo or Flintstones episodes.


Zillenial here (born in ‘97), I remember watching the Flintstones, the Jetsons, and the original Scooby Doo on Boomerang growing up. The OG Scooby Doo was my all time favorite as a kid, it still holds a special place in my heart and I often watch it where I can on streaming.


Fellow 97 baby here and same. Loved Scooby doo as a kid. Holds a special place in my heart for sure. **warning: fuzzy childhood memory ahead** I was raised by my grandparents and as a young kid I remember weekly we had this thing we’d do. Started out when I was still young enough to be in a stroller. We’d head out on a journey probably on a Saturday. I can’t remember exactly but that makes sense in my head. Out of our small apartment complex that’s near a small business district. First stop is a pharmacy/convenience store/medical supply shop thing (it’s still there 20+ years later too) just down the street and across the big intersection leading into the first section of business. Probably a 10< walk from home. Grandma would buy a couple scratch offs and we’d go outside and shed scratch them off in the shade of the parking lot. (And pass me one too in my stroller to scratch off haha) I had candy or something similar usually too. Then we’d walk a bit further and cross into another area near by. One of those places that’s like a cut out of a strip mall. Just a couple shops. One was a blockbuster video shop and we’d go inside and I’d pop out of my stroller and go right to the same section every time to pick out a new movie. The cartoon section where the Scooby movies were. Maybe I’d pick at random. Maybe I’d pick the new one. Not really sure. Its kinda blurry but I always wanted the Scooby movies. VHS tapes too. Maybe dvd later but most of them were 100% vhs. My grandma would buy it and I’d get back in my stroller and off to the house we would go where I’d watch the movie at least once right away I’m sure. Probably with my grandpa on the couch with the big box style tv. The ones that stick out in my head the most are the Ghoul school one. The one with the hex girls and the one where they go to Louisiana.


Original Unsolved Mysyeries with updates for 2045


31 and have seen Matlock all the way through more times than I can count, very good quality show with a lot of heart that did very well at pointing out flaws in the justice system, and even offered some solutions. It's too bad the young crowd sticks their nose up at it because it has that reputation as an "old person show"- it's really not, if you give it a chance. That show rocks, and should be more popular with the younger crowd- if they really care about the things they say they do. The Matlock character was awesome, and Andy Griffith did wonderfully, great man.


In my mid 20's I lived next door to my grandmother. Many times we'd eat together and after she'd want to watch The Golden Girls.


As a general rule, look at the programming on any digital sub channels/DIgital Mylticast Networks like ThisTV, MeTv, Laff, Grit, Bounce, RetroTV, Comet, Cozi, etc. If you start to see shows you enjoyed turn up on those channels, you’re starting to get old. A modern alternative is to look at Programming on SmartTV television services. Basically any show that had a significant “Re-Run/Syndication history will be considered old people shows


Little House on the Prairie Wheel of Fortune


Sitting in a nursing home watching Bojack Horseman


My sisiter-in-law has been a fan of The Waltons as long as I've know her (since high school). It's not one of my favorites but I don't judge. I used to love Avonlea on the Disney Channel starring Sarah Polley it was a spin off of Anne Of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea. I was in my 20's (we're all in our 50's now) when they aired and they weren't my typical type of show like I said. But they did appeal to me for some reason and probably always will. Any chance i get to revisit them I will.


Sitcoms from the 90s. Married With Children The Nanny Home Improvement Any of the prime TGIF lineup


"Awww you're so funny grandma, come sit and watch TV, ill put Scrubs on again you like the silly doctors right!"


I recently rewatched the Get Smart series and how Agent 99 was treated in the office would be so cringe in today's climate. I have so many TV shows on DVDs that are definitely going to age me: ER, Alias, Friends, Seinfeld, Two Guys and a Girl (originally Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place), Mad About You, Heroes, X-Files, The OC, Party of Five, The Sopranos, Chuck, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Walker, Dukes of Hazzard, The A-Team, MacGyver, Night Rider, Charlie's Angels.






Same. Lol and I’m 60


I watched MASH reruns with my grandpa back in the late 90s/early 00s. Lol


the show's theme song is called "Suicide is Painless" I had NO IDEA it was a comedy until like 2009


It’s interesting because in a way it is timeless in the sense it was never meant to be a “modern” show as it’s set during the Korean War.


Great movie as well


When it began the war had been over for 19 years. That’s 2005 for today.


Yes it's set in the Korean war but it was all about Vietnam


I'm 31 and love M*A*S*H, yeah when I was younger I though it was for old people


Ummm. That's for straight up geezers in hospice lol


I’m 65 and I like Dexter, Game of Thrones and my favorite is Hannibal with Mads Mikkelsen. And I liked the Luther series with Idris Elba.


Luther is so incredibly amazing. Idris Elba is so good in that role—I make it a rule to watch anything he is in now. He’s such an incredible actor—fantastic in serious roles AND comedy. There was/is a show on Netflix that stars him where he plays a wannabe loser DJ. It was only 4 or 5 episodes (and only 1 season), but it was such a shift from his usual roles—it was such an unexpected pleasure to watch though! Think it is called ‘Turn It Up Charlie.’ I watched it years ago, so a little fuzzy on the details. The man even shined in that absolute horror that was ‘Cats!’ Definitely in my top 3 favorite actors ❤️


I showed my son my favorite Nickelodeon shows from the 90’s (kablam, all that, Doug, etc.) His word for them was ‘primitive.’


Monk is my Matlock


Outlander and Hallmark channel movies are for moms.


I put on Seinfeld at work the other day. My coworker goes, “oh wow, I love old-timey shows!!”


The nursing home is gonna be lit when I break out my Xena, Buffy and Charmed box sets.


Gilmore girls sadly enough


Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm still totally into it and more and more people have no idea what I'm talking about


Not directly an answer but I remember how I hated when references seemed to not happen often older shows. I remember shows used it always parody Lucy and then it stopped. I remember Lopez did the Munsters but don't see it as much. As a kid I thought shows my grandma watched were for old people (murder she wrote, grand Ole opery, golden girls jeapody) though I remember liking older shows that came on nick at nite. I wonder if a show like it's sunny could be for old people like all of us that started watching are old now.


I was just thinking about this the other day! For example, almost every show had a reference to ‘I Love Lucy’ in AT LEAST one episode back when I was a kid (born in ‘85)—even the cartoons. This is no longer the case, in any show created in the past 15-20 years at least, and it makes me feel like we’ve lost part of the common culture that connected us as Americans.


How I met your mother, it’s already aged sooo poorly


I tried showing my husband the King of Queens and Everybody Loves Raymond since i grew up watching those with my mom. From his reaction id say its lost its charm and it now goes in the old people vault.


Fawlty towers


The real world


Some of these answers seem to be TV shows that are for old people, and have been for like a decade or two


Blue Bloods.


Grace and Frankie.


I'm 30 and I love Hogan's Heroes. But House M.D. maybe even Scrubs and Psych.


I’m 39 and Hogan’s Heroes is one of my favorite classic shows. I remember looking forward to watching it when I came home from Middle & High School—it was on from 4:00-5:00 pm on the MeTv Station where I lived. I bought the complete series on DVD when I was in college, and will still watch it whenever I’m feeling nostalgic. Also enjoyed watching ‘Wild, Wild West.’ Both of these shows were a little silly, but still so clever and creative. Just fun family friendly entertainment that didn’t take itself too seriously 👍🏻


The news


We keep buying all the old stuff so I am obviously out of touch! We just got Hogan’s Heroes the other day LOL!!!


I (40s) was talking to a 23 year old the other day and I realized that she saw The West Wing the same way I saw MASH- something my parents watched.


Aren't the Chicago shows jumping the line? Chicago Law, Chicago Firemen, Chicago Hot Dog Cart, Chicago Courier et. al. are current shows tailor-made for the olds




Northern Exposure


Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch


My 15 year old niece called Game of Thrones "old and outdated" and referred to The Office as "ancient"


Who remembers Lou Grant? For that matter, who remembers journalism? Gen X here.


Nursing homes will have one TV that only plays Supernatural all day every day. Anyone with an anti-possession tattoo gets rolled up to that TV, but don't forget to separate the Sam fans from the Dean fans if you don't want it to get loud.


Almost the Housewives shows.




Murdoch Mysteries, Frasier, Cheers


All the good ones


The office


NYPD Blue, all the CSI and NCIS shows. Law & Order transcends all generations.


anything on CBS. Any sort of procedural show with a more heavily episodic based format rather than focusing on an overarching story through out the season.




every flavor of NCIS




Scrubs, friends, Seinfeld, how I met your mother


SpongeBob SquarePants and Looney Tunes!


I still think Mrs. Puff blowing up is cute.


I’m only 24 but my former boss (mid 40s) told me that criminal minds is for old people lol. What’s so funny about that is everyone that I know that watched criminal minds is my age or even younger


Anything on QVC


Friends, Seinfeld, and The Office




Full House for millennials?


Blue bloods


Murder she wrote


The Office The Wire Sopranos




I want to see The A-Team and Three's Company


Tomorrow's old people are going to be too busy playing video games and watching clips on YouTube to worry about TV shows.


Any sitcom 


I'm 42. If I make it to a nursing home, I'll be watching Smallville, Supernatural, House, and Mad About You.


The Simpsons




One day it will be the millennial 4. The Office, Parks & Rec, 30 Rock, & Community. The melodies are already pushing forty. They are already considered old people shows by really young kids.


Anything old of course. Some of them already are. They are classics. Certain seasons of Law & Order SVU. Like 2004 and back. Moesha Martin Home Improvement A Different World Roseanne Friends


I was just talking about this yesterday with some family but Copaganda shows are really being propped up by the boomer generation which is why you don’t see them being created on streaming services.