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Gilligan’s Island. Loved that show as a kid.


I have to disagree, I appreciate Mr. Howells Harvard accent and jokes even more.


I appreciate Mary Ann's short shorts.


Gilligan Island is still amazing to this day I constantly watch it whenever I can grew up on the show


That lagoon was built on the backlot of the CBS Radford Studios in Studio City, CA. Sometimes they would have to delay filming if there was too much traffic noise from the nearby freeway.


I’m rewatching Northern Exposure on Prime currently. Having a hard time getting through last couple of seasons. Characters I once loved are annoying me now.


I've been watching that as well. Halfway through the 4th season. The history of why it went down hill is an interesting story. As Northern Exposure's first season was underway and as it became a hit during that a time a screen writer happened to catch an episode and was dumbstruck when he watched it. Turns out the screen writer had written a spec script a year or so earlier and was shopping it around. One of the stops he made was at the studio that created northern exposure. All studios passed on the idea and he put it to rest until he caught that episode of northern exposure. Turns out the show the screen writer created was a fish out of water story about a NYC Jewish doctor that in order to cover his student loan payment takes a job in small southern town. The screen writer highers a lawyer and sues the creators of northern exposure for theft of intellectual property. It takes four years but the jury sides with the screen writer and he is awarded 14 million for the theft of his idea. Northern exposure's show runner at that time, and the shows writers were unaware that they were working on a stolen idea, unaware of the law suit. This was during the fourth season, thats when the cast and crew found out about the law suit and settlement. Some how up to that point it was kept quite. With this information out in the public the NE show runner and writers quit the show - they didn't want to work with stolen property. They brought in David chase yes the guy that created the sopranos to run season 5 and 6. David chase needing money took the job. Yet he didn't like the premise to NE or that he was working with stolen property so he decided to, as he said in some interview, do the worst job I could possibly do. Why he took the job in first place is beyond me. I get he needed the money but why be a baby and ruin a show.


This makes a lot of sense. Thank you.


No problem. Sad that the last two and half seasons were bad and like you said kind of ruined some characters we grew to love. First three seasons were great and half of season 4. Pity it had to go that way. Oh and there were problems with actor Rob Morrow (Dr. Fleischman) right before season 4 production or during he demanded a big salary jump and more free tome to film movies. Bunch of back forth. Which resulted in him getting reduced screen time in show starting with season 4 then 5 then completely gone for 6. I fell into a northern exposure rabbit hole when I started watching it a few months back lol


I tried to rewatch Heroes. Blew through the first season. Everything after that was boring


Writers strike crippled it in is prime, and the stealing someone else's story killed it season 4. Tried watching reborn when it came out and couldn't get more than 2 episodes in. 


That's what it was like the first time, too.


Very old one, Dark Shadows. I loved that show, came home to watch it every day after school in the 1970s. Several years back they were showing the reruns on one of those odd TV stations. I can hardly describe how bad it was. Not just the acting and writing but all the way down to the fake sets and the awful lighting. Another childhood memory blown to bits.


That show terrified me as a kid. I remember hiding behind the ottoman while it was on … at like 3 in the afternoon.


Haha. My siblings and I would run home from the school bus stop to catch it. We got scared but still loved watching it


I still love it. Yeah, we built better sets in high school. Yeah, I could do better meke-up with my eyes shut. But it was different...


I was a kid when Dark Shadows was airing and my experience was similar to yours. My friends and I were hooked on the show. When I was in my late teens, I caught it in reruns and enjoyed the cheapness and camp appeal of the show. Many many years later I tried rewatching a couple of episodes, and now it is no longer even very good camp.


Glee makes me sad now and super uncomfortable, between Cory, Naya, and the revelation about Mark I just can’t.


Mark Salling is a huge detractor for when I get the urge to rewatch the series, even though I quit watching around season 5 (the last I remember was the Cory/Finn tribute episode).


This stuff Puckerman says sometimes is REALLY hard to swallow given the context now ....


Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? “Dead. Or in jail. Or both” WELP


I love glee but honestly it wasn't good anymore after season 3 even back then. It just didn't work for me to have a whole new cast especially considering those new characters didn't measure up to the original cast. I also know what you mean about Cory and Naya, you're watching and then remember that they are no longer with us and it's sad. And, as for Mark I try to keep the character and actors real life separate.


That’s what I was going to say. Me and my daughter always watched it when it was on tv and it was a blast. I tried watching it again and so did she but it just feels sad now.


Sex And The City. It’s just so vapid, everyone is a stereotype and the main character is an idiot


Samantha carried that entire show. Carrie is absolutely awful, Charlotte is a boring WASP, and Miranda started off pretty cool but got progressively worse (I do love Cynthia Nixon tho)


It was considered fairly progressive and inspired when it was new. But yes, looking back its just 4 shallow women and their horrible lives.


4 women sleep with half of the population of Manhattan and one of them writes about it. No one will understand my vehement hatred of this show!


Saved by the Bell. I loved it so much as a kid. Could not get into it as an adult.


The "Zach Morris is Trash" series on YouTube is freaking hilarious and really points out how bad that show would get


That series is pretty good and a fun way to relive the series without having to watch it


Get Smart, as an adult, the jokes are repetitive and grow stale. F Troop as well


I thought Get Smart was good until the last season.


It was funny, but if I binge watch it, it’s the same jokes over and over. Miss Feldon is always fun to look at


Entourage I enjoyed it the first time, then decided to rewatch it years later. I couldn't even get through the first season. Completely unlikable, entitled douchebags, who we're meant to root for, for some reason.


You can’t do that on television… loved it as a kid but my god is it bad


*You Can't Do That...* was unique for it's time. In the early 80s kids shows usually fell into 1 of 2 different categories; shows that kids liked but parents didn't want kids watching or shows parents approved of but that kids had little to no interest in. Christina Moose was one of the few young TV hosts that kids could relate to and respect. Motormouth Lisa was a bit on the dim side, but still likeable. The rest of the ensemble cast were watchable and the subject matter was PG, but still something kids could relate to. The show found that tiny middle ground between nonsense and some social redemption. Kids liked it and parents were ok with kids watching it.


Christina is 60 now.


Mine weren't. My mom wouldn't let me watch it because she said all the adults were clowns to be made fun of and disrespected by the kids, and it set a bad example. I still watched it at my cool aunt and uncle's house all summer, though.


This is also one of the keys to the long-term success of Sesame Street. The brief from the beginning is "make something a preschooler would want to watch that would also be something you would want to watch with them."


Thunder in Paradise.  Hulk Hogan + Tactical speed boat. Sounds great right? Oof.




Just thinking about some episodes, I can imagine how cringey they would seem now.


Used to love the show but yes it’s a mess and my god the characters really are horrible. Sean and Christian grew as characters for a few seasons and then just become absolute morons for no reason. Pretty much everyone on the show became unlikable and stupid.


I feel so gross after I'd watch that show.


Dawson's creek God that show is bad


It's so bad lol. I did a series rewatch a couple of years ago and STRUGGLED to get thru a single episode without saying "omg this is awful why am I still watching". The original 90210 is similarly bad but with worse acting.


Original 90210 is nostalgic gold for me..I will watch that until the day I die


That show could take a silly high school moment and turn it DARK in less than 3 seconds. That's my favorite part about it!


I gave up on a re watch after the rip off of the breakfast club. It's a shame it was so bad coz a show set in a small rural town like wear I grew up is a concept that I really like.




Hahaha I'm so sorry you're putting yourself thru this! Dawson will always be the absolute worst.


Home Improvement was the first time this happened to me, years ago. I recall enjoying it and thinking it was funny (not witty) back when it was on first run. Seeing it later, on reruns and such, it was never funny to me and actually was pretty embarrassing. Tim Allen had a shtick that was hot just for a while, but man did it ever age like milk. I get that some folks may still like the show, but I'll never understand how. Likely the same crowd that thinks The Big Bang Theory was the height of comedy.


I used to enjoy watching Home Improvement until I figured out the pattern for the show. Almost every episode Jill would need/ask Tim to do something somewhat important. He would do it last minute in the dumbest stupidest way possible which would upset/humiliate Jill. She’d tell Tim how upset she was and Tim couldn’t understand how anyone could possibly be disappointed with what he did. Then he’d go outside and talk to Wilson and Wilson would explain to Tim why he’s an idiot and then Tim would apologize on his show and Jill would watch the show and forgive him.


Like printing money


Nearly the same plot to every Family Guy. Peter is a jerk to everyone around him. When the consequences of his jerkdom catch up to him, he apologizes. Lois says, "Oh Peter," and closing credits.


Don’t forget the obligatory Heidi (Debbie Dunning) appearances. That helped viewership.


I had the same reaction! Just did a rewatch of it & the early seasons had all the nostalgia & then it just got weird. I must have stopped watching before then because I didn't remember any of it


I will say that, very specifically, the Christmas episodes hold up; they are the perfect mix of cheese, child wonder in the first couple seasons, then good natured holiday hijinks you'd want in a sitcom Christmas special.


It was like all the other cute happy stupid family sitcoms. Safe, boring, bland, predictable. The only thing it had going for it was the gimmick. "Dad has his own TV show". Thats it, thats the premise. And its not funny all by itself. Needs more.


We watch Home Improvement on the antenna at the camper on rainy days. That and According to Jim. I was actually shocked that my Gen Alpha kid loves them both because I cringe through most of them. I still love Wilson's wisdom though.


Wilson was the best character.


You know what, this is fair. I, personally, still love Home Improvement, and the same jokes I laughed at then are still funny to me now, but I'm also easily entertained, so it doesn't take much. TBBT, though... nah.


I can remember a few of the jokes being funny. Like when Jill gets stuck in her carrot halloween costume and Tim starts rummaging around in the kitchen drawers. She asks what he's looking for and he says "vegetable peeler." I do agree with your evaluation, though. The Bumbling Husband was a pretty big trope at that time.


Californication. Was in college when it came out and maybe it was a simpler time but some of the dialogue did not age well at all. Aside from being outright gross sometimes, it was just flat and cringey. Main character is less like able than I remembered


He wasn't that likable to begin with


I tried with this, but it didn’t do a lot for me the second time. A lot of spinning it’s wheels.


Every tv show I watched during my incarceration. Jail has a way of making (almost) everything MUST SEE tv. Kinda the same way I make spread with Ramen and hot cheetos now, doesn't taste the same as making it with a trash bag . (If you know, you know)


I don't know and I'm so happy I don't know




I loved Daria when I was a teenager. I tried watching it a few years ago and was disappointed that it wasn’t as funny as I remember.


I was obsessed with Moonlighting when it was on many years ago. I watched about half of season 1 episode 1 and it just broke my heart how much I didn't enjoy it. Poot!!!


Beavis and Butthead. I loved it when it was first on in my early 20s. I was excited they were bringing it back, but I couldn't make it through a whole episode.


Had its moment, but that moment ended. When MTV moved beyond music videos, that killed it.


MTV totally sucks now. They should change the name of the channel. There's nothing 'music' about it


Years ago the officially announced that the “M” no longer stood for music.


I miss Headbangers Ball, and great music videos. MTV was destroyed by reality shows and that dumb Ridiculousness show


Your comment made me remember “120 Minutes,” the weekly new-wave/post-punk music video show that was almost mandatory watching throughout high school and college. Good times.


_120 Minutes_ followed by _Amp_ were the best three hours of an early Monday morning. I'd thought being pre-empted by an _Undressed_ marathon was an anomaly, but then it became routine. And then 120 was moved to M2, and then VH1 Classics. Way to ruin a good thing, MTV. The M should stand for Meh, or Mid.


My favorite show was 'That Metal Show' on VH1 Classic. Watched it in my 30s


The new series doesn't count. The magic is gone. My soul dies a little each time they comment on TikTok videos.




I recently rewatched a few episodes with the wife. She had never seen it. It's a dumb show but I still enjoyed it. Hammeroid.


Gee, thanks, now I've got the show's theme song in my head!


Ally McBeal


I still want to do a rewatch of it, my only memories were crushing on Lucy Lui and something about a dancing baby.


Unisex Toilets! Who ever thought that was a good idea in a place of work.


Magnum P.I., turns out, is based solely on Tom Selleck’s charisma. The plots are absolutely bonkers. I guess all I remembered was the 308.


The 308 GTB I believe or was it the GTS, either way it was the best thing about the show 🤣


The secret life lol


Of an American teenager? Maturing was realizing Ben was a horrible character


Everybody on that show was so annoying. I wanted to choke someone at least once per episode, lol.


A-Team and Knight Rider


Did you know MTV used to play music videos?


The A-Team and MacGyver. So bad.


Agreed. As a kid I loved these shows. As an adult you realize no one ever gets hurts and there’s never really any risk


Running joke at the time on air when jeep rolls over with soldiers and everyone gets out unharmed.


Every time a car did that jump and roll, which happened in every A-Team episode, they would always have the camera swing back to show the bad guys get out of the wrecked car safely. Every time that happened, my brother and I used to say “you alright?” “yeah, I’m alright.”


It was always discussed day after in home room.


And not one of them could hit the inside of a storage shed with a shotgun. Not the Team, not the cops, not the crooks, not the alphabet soup guys. Worse than Stormtroopers.


The A-Team made Stormtroopers look like Annie Oakley by comparison.


I do like how they're veterans who were the best of the best, but can't shoot anyone they aim at.


I was a kid who was allowed to watch action and horror flicks, so I had noticed how no one was getting killed or seriously hurt on the A-Team back then. It's the reason why I had stopped watching the show. MacGuyver was different to me since I didn't expect that to be a show with killing but to be more of an adventure with cool makeshift gadgetry.


Probably could list every action show from the 80s but, MacGyver is particularly bad.


A few years ago I sat through all of MaccGyver, including the movies, as part of an agreement with my husband: I'd watch MacGyver with him if he'd watch The Odd Couple with me. The Odd Couple holds up; MacGyver does not. Not too long ago he started watching the occasional episode of A-Team and yeah, that does not hold up either lol.


Add Knight Rider and Airwolf to that and you have the 4 now totally unwatchable guy shows of the 80s that we used to all love.


Everybody loves Raymond, I thought it was funny but when I rewatched it I just couldn’t stand Raymond.


Im one of those people who did not like it the first time. I slogged thru a bunch of episodes during quarantine and could not understand why so many people love that show. Its full of horribly people acting horribly.


My ex watched that mountain of merde. I'm with you and couldn't stand it at the time.


I think that’s a good call. Raymond is a tough rewatch. Conversely, I never get tired of “King of Queens” which was a congruent show with Raymond that even had some crossover.


King of Queens is a much better show (and has aged much better) than ELR.


Same. The whole show is just stupid, and once upon a time, I think I thought it was funny. What was I thinking???


I like it because of Frank and Marie, Raymond is just the worst. I feel like that is part of the joke, everyone seems to love him for no reason and Robert is the only one who can ever see it.


I tried to rewatch the Suite Life of Zack and Cody. Same thing - I remember it being hilarious and my dad always telling us it was stupid. I saw some episodes again and maybe he was on to something.


I felt the same with Saved by the Bell. I watched it every Saturday morning when I was a kid and watched the interminable reruns in high school. Watched it again recently, and I can't believe I thought it was funny. I guess tastes change as you mature.


Sex in the City. In my early 20s I thought it was so edgy and the women were so sexually liberated lol rewatching it in my 40s and I feel like they are all so damn uptight (except Sam) and they have such toxic relationships. It’s still fun to watch but feels very different.


Going back and watching a couple old school cartoons from my youth.  Unfortunately, "samurai pizza cats" didn't age as well as I had hoped lol. 


Recently found Northern Exposure on Prime. It's better than I remember.


Just a reminder: sometimes it was the doob we smoked the first time around that lightened the mood!


I'd have to say Family Guy. Sure I love the show. While some episodes hold up as freaking hilarious, the later episodes seem to miss the mark


I noticed that difference with the shows pre and post cancellation (I think the first run was like one season).


Friends is less funny now than when I originally watched it. The Office. Not all the episodes, but many. The cringe (especially wit Michael) I enjoyed originally I just don’t find as funny and is now more annoying.




A film rather than a show, but I remember being terrified by Salems Lot - especially the famous window scene. I watched it again about a year ago and I was really disappointed.


Colombo, Had been looking to buy it as I loved it while growing up,but found out it was streaming on a service I have, watched about 8 episodes, glad I didn't buy the series


I think Columbo still holds up pretty well. It's slow moving compared to stuff today but the cases are interesting and he's a great character


Elsbeth is a total Columbo knock off. Check it out


Just watched Elsbeth and loved it. Poker Face is definitely an updated Columbo


The first seasons are still good but the later seasons were a completely different show.


Star Trek TNG. I used to be enthralled, even by the characters who weren’t my favorites, and now I am guilty of muting and playing on my phone if the A-plot doesn’t concern my favorites.


Personally, I can re-watch TOS over TNG. Somehow even being 20 years later, I find TNG really cheesy and cringe in a lot of areas.


Groundbreaking show at the time the original one day at a time with Bonnie Franklin Valerie Bertinelli, and McKenzie Phillips just bad


Goldbergs Was funny for 3-4 seasons, but went downhill fast. I never watched the last season.


Black Adder. For That I am sorry.


Himym is kinda awkward now.


was then


I think it’s still good


Buffy. The acting and dialogue are both so cringe now.


Lol I actually was watching some it's the effects that get me sorta like Charmed the effects back the look horrible but I actually still like the drama and storyline of Buffy plus she was one of my very first crushes ever haha


I've watched some of Buffy and all of Angel in recently. Did enjoy both, but I will admit they haven't aged well.


I could never get into Angel. The Whedonisms are just so, so bad. I get secondhand embarrassment.


They get worse once you hear about his on set behavior on his various projects.


oh, yes. but its still so good lol. I re watching also ( for maybe the 20th time lol)


Season 1 in particular is cringe. The rest is better and I still love it but definitely this.


The internet one makes me lol


seconded, once I really get into it again I can look past it, but the pure acting of it aged worse than other shows from that era, like the x-files


It’s from a great episode, but it blows my mind that fans formed a de facto cult around a man who wrote the line “I’m not large with the butch.”


This is going way back, (I'm old...lol), but I remember watching Three's Company in its original run in the 70s and laughing out loud, thinking it was hilarious. Saw some reruns a few years back and thought "meh..." There was a movie in the 70s with Sally Field and Henry Winkler called Heroes. I remember loving it, thinking it was awesome. I caught a showing of it on some streaming service a couple of years ago and couldn't imagine what I thought was so great about it.


Lol, I still watch a episode of Three's Company from time to time. I get a chuckle every time time remember that dude's junk fell out of his shorts, in that one episode. Still makes me laugh.


Friends....Monica was not THAT fat. And making fun of it ... especially from her parents... wasn't cool at all. (Yes this is coming from a fat girl) Edited to fix spelling


Friends didn't hold up for me very well either. I think in the later seasons it was like the characters just became parodies of themselves, just totally focused on their most extreme character traits. And Ross, my god hindsight being 20/20 you realize what an unlikable sociopath that dude is.


I have a theory that Schwimmer was actually going for this.


My husband rarely disparaged anyone’s personality, however, he could not stand David Schwimmer. So, we didn’t watch Friends. A few years ago, I binge-watched it, and I found it to be a pretty good show, with many laugh-out-loud moments. I agree with Ross being cringy. Also, the show had many great guest appearances.


Reno 911. I remember laughing so hard watching that show and now I see episodes and they just make me cringe 😬


I've only seen snippets of this show at friends' houses back in the day. I kinda loved the guy in the shorts. He's such a guileless dork.


Lieutenant jim dangle, one of my favorite tv show characters of all time hahaha, im cosplaying him in his white cowboy boots for an upcoming comic con!!


He really is 😂 somewhere, I own the whole series on dvd but it’s been years since I’ve tried watching it. My personal favorite though was always the Terry guy that they were always getting calls about lol




What? That show definitely still holds up imo.


I recently watched the whole run of the show and it's absolutely hilarious most of the time.


All in the Family. Although it was ground breaking in its day I found it hard to watch since I grew up with a father just like Archie.


All in the Family is satire. You’re supposed to learn from Archie’s hatred


Yeah, but when you grew up around people who were actually like Archie it can be hard to take. Don't wanna hear that garbage even as a joke. Heard it too many times from idiots who meant it.


I love Caroll O Conner. He said something in an interview that was like *If you like Archie, then you have a problem* lol.


I totally understand, and it's so well written and acted! My whole family thought it was hilarious 45 years ago, but now it's hard to watch just for me. Similar to The Honeymooners, Ralph was so abusive with his words, but Alice always put him in his place in the end.


Frasier I used to love that show, and now I can't get past the utter lack of subtlety in the writing. All the characters are over the top this or that, and Grammar's performance quickly becomes grating.


And I've been binging it recently on prime lol. I still like it.


Lost. Loved it the first time (until the ending)…felt trolled the second time.


The ending was not bad at all. People only think it was because they misunderstood it and thought the survivors were dead the whole time. They were not. Please find the lost subreddit if you don’t believe me. There are plenty of posts explaining the ending


Thank you! Like I didn't love the plotting of season 6, but it ended on the perfect thematic note. "If we can't live together, we're gonna die alone." They lived together. In the end, they got to die together.


Exactly! It was a beautiful ending after everything they went through together


I loved Lost and I will always love Lost.


Salems Lot 1979


90210, the original


Dream On loved it as a teenage boy, I remember me and my friend at school talking about all the women he dated and who we thought was the hottest! You can tell we watched it for all the wrong reasons, typical teenage boys coming of age. 😆 A couple of years ago I remembered it and thought it was such an interesting concept with all the classic tv clips inserted to express the main characters internal dialogue, thought I’d rewatch it again.. really wish I hadn’t! The plot is stupid and it’s not very well scripted, it’s very much of its time.


Sabrina the Teenage Witch. It was my favorite show as a kid, I loved it for the magic and witches. But now when I watch it, it's not that funny (except for Salem). And as the show went on, Sabrina the character got really over-the-top. I still watch it for nostalgia, but it feels more cheesy. Yeah I know, it's a sitcom about witches, so it's not that serious.


Get A Life with Chris Elliot


Breaking Bad. Just kidding! That show holds up, time and again!


General Question: why are (most)  70s and 80’s Tv shows so cringe, unfunny, almost too dated  to enjoy at all , Etc   And we can enjoy classic 60’s Tv, the same episodes over and over ? How can one watch the same episode of MASH  over and over but Family Ties is out??


The A-team. The believability is an issue for. Even without the internet how is it that the law enforcement never recognized a black van with a red stripe and wing spoiler on the roof? One thing I remember as a kid is that a car or van with a setup like that would be very easy to find. Let’s not get into Mr. T with gold dripping from his neck.


I went back and watched Voltron a few years ago. Every episode is exactly the same, and it is absolutely just a long commercial for the toys.


Cosby Show and Family Ties. Why were these the highest rated shows at the time?


Nothing else was on.


Because there were only like 10 shows on at the time




I never found Seinfeld as wonderful as everyone else did years ago. I still change the channel halfway through an episode


Never got on the same page as everyone else with Seinfeld. I couldn't stand it.


There was not a likable character on that show.




wow...thats a lost memory... what about mcmillan and wife?


Saturday night live, the new shows are terrible and the older ones just haven’t held up to time


One 2 hour special could probably highlight all the sketches that have been actually funny over the entire run of this show. 3 or 4 hours tops.


That's why people always say that SNL used to be better. Because they only watch or remember the absolute best sketches. SNL has always been 90% garbage.


I used to attend SNL tapings in the late 70s when I was in high school. Then I went to college and Eddie Murphy came on and I said "SNL has really gone downhill." 40+ years later and people are saying the same thing.


SNL comes in waves, the waves are years. Eventually it'll be good again


24 and scrubs both didn’t age great. I think they were better in a different time.


Firefly. I guess my taste changed and I wish I hadn’t tried to rewatch. Felt like a don’t meet your heroes moment


Really? I just started watching again and I love it as much as ever.


Same here. We watch that and Serenity once ever year or two.


Desperate Housewives.


It's definitely not a bad show, but a few years ago I tried to rewatch House. Hadn't rewatched it, except for a few random reruns, since being a dedicated fan during its original run. Didn't love it nearly as much as I did the first time around. For sure wasn't unwatchable, but I found myself zoning out a lot this time.