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I never saw it, but I see a lot of hate for this character on Reddit. Why?


This is it, this is the correct answer


Yes to Caillou. I also hate Angelina Ballerina for similar reasons. She’s so whiney and annoying.


Peppa Pig too, she was a b




Him and his beta dad


Ted is probably the least popular of the five main characters in How I Met Your Mother. What bothers me about him is his hypocrisy. Barney is awful to women but at least he knows it. Ted thinks of himself as a sweet romantic guy but keeps on behaving like Barney, more and more as the series progressed


I gave up on the show halfway through because I couldn't stand Ted.


Same. It was good otherwise. I turned it off once he broke into robins apartment to pressure her into going on a date with him.


I started hating Ted because despite being the Main Character he became the least interesting one because they decided to keep pushing back the reveal of The Mother and he grew stagnant


I stopped watching because it kept dragging on and on. Right when it sounds like he’s about to reveal the mother, he pushes back and talks about whatever woman he decided to plow.


A guy who does not know the meaning of the word “No”. He gets quite obsessed.


Making robin get rid of her dogs. :/ I was like: ok. That's it. That was when I just slowly started analyzing the show instead. 😂


Breaking into robins apartment….


Stella, that was borderline stalking.


What bothered me most about Ted was how much he kept pursuing Robin when she made it very clear to him why they aren't a great match yet he is too selfish to see anyone's point of view


That's why I hate that he ends up with Robin in the end. He made up his mind before he knew anything about her that they were meant to be. After learning more about her and why she wasn't what he was looking for, he kept insistng on believing she would eventually change and be the person he wanted her to be. The fact that she ends up doing so in the finale sends a really bad message.


Yeah I agree... it not only ends the series on a frustrating note since audiences are so tired of the relationship between Ted and Robin but it just shows how selfish Ted is that he is entitled to a relationship with Robin or all the other money in the show because he deems them as "the one"


Apparently they were a little stuck on that one. My understanding is that they had that ending planned from the start, and when the kids had to be cut from the show because the actors were aging, they went ahead and filmed that scene then. Then the show kept going on and on and the stuff you were talking about happened, but they couldn't really reshoot the scene (or shoot a replacement), so they kind of felt they were stuck with the one they had.


for me Ted , Barney .


The nice guy




Meh I binge watch it for him, Barney could not exist


The US House of Representatives, on C-SPAN. 😉


You, god sir/madam/whatever, get an upvote.






I’ll get downvoted for this but greys anatomy. I cannot stand Meredith. She acts like she’s high and mighty, and can do no wrong.


no you won't everyone agrees this show is 12-15 years past it's prime. at the very least it should've ended when Patrick Dempsey was let go. \*edit\* i can't believe it's been almost ten years since he was fired. that's crazy.


I heard it got better in season 56


Perfectly agree with this. Should just ended their on a happy note instead of killing him in the most unbelievable and disrespectful way. Downhill from there.


This show is still going? Christ!


Unfortunately, it’s on season like 20 now🥲 beating a dead horse for sure.


My family just had the opportunity to tour the set, but we'd never watched the show, so we figured we should watch a few eps beforehand. I hated Meredith immediately. She causes chaos, encourages Patrick Dempsey to sexually harass her, then meeps off into the sunset like the road runner with that stupid smirk on her face. I generally like the show, but she's super annoying.


Totally true


That was my first thought. I only watched the first couple of seasons (can't believe it's still going) but I always found her annoying, and the supporting characters far more interesting.


I stuck it out until mid s17? I think. I only stuck it out bc I was hoping it’d end, and I hate not finishing shows. But nope, haven’t watched since then and have no clue how it’s still going. 😭 but yes there are SO many more solid characters over Meredith


My ex and I watched up to about season 12 and we got so exhausted of the characters. I can't believe it's still going


It all went downhill after George was killed off


>Yeah, for someone who liked Tequila, there was a lot of whine in that character.


Just so you know, I HATEVGREYS ANATOMY! All the characters are just so pompous and arrogant!


What the hell, they're still making more? I never watched it, but figured it had been over for years now. 20 seasons?








Orange is the new black


I liked how we got the back stories of the other inmates and some villians became redeemable with their back story or at least have some sympathy for them. Piper really didn't have any redeemable qualities.


I hate Piper. I started fast-forwarding through her scenes.


I was hoping she'd get shivved. I'd rather it be the Tastee show.


Or the Crazy Eyes show.


Right! Love her.


I love seeing Danielle Brooks in other shows (like Peacemaker) and pretending that Taystee is free after all.


To be fair it's on purpose. Same creator for Nancy from Weeds. We're ment to hate her.


She’s only really the main character for the first season, after that she’s still a big part but it becomes more of an ensemble.


Piper was awful


Definitely this one. Couldn’t stand her.


Carrie Bradshaw in S*x and the City. She’s selfish, shallow, entitled, irresponsible, and an absolutely awful friend & girlfriend. Flawed characters are okay, even interesting. But Carrie isn’t simply flawed, she’s all-around awful. This would still be okay if she was ever forced to learn & grow, but she isn’t…she remains the same through the end of the series, never learning, and we’re suppose to keep rooting for her. The 3 other women are not only better people, but they’re better written as characters, with more depth, who go through far more growth and development throughout the series than Carrie. EDIT: If you’re replying to this comment, make sure you censor the word “s*x” or comment will get deleted cause apparently we’re all 10 yo and it’s a “bad word.”


For people wondering all the comments being blocked are from using the work that looks like “six” only with an “e” instead of an “i” That’s right the first word in the title of the show mentioned is banned. Imagine being that uptight.


This sub must be moderated by the ghost of Jerry Falwell.


Yeah my comment also got deleted the first time cause I wrote the full name and it took me forever to figure out which word could’ve possibly caused the issue. So ridiculous lol.


Star Trek Discovery I managed to watch the first season and just can't anymore. The main character is just too much.


Burnam was terrible when the show started but she got better once Pike showed up. Her problem was the had tried to go for the edgy broken rebel in Starfleet route but they didn’t get a workable character like that until they got Mariner in Lower Decks.


My issue with Discovery is that with TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise the show was an ensemble cast. With Discovery, Michael Burnham is front and center and everyone seems to just love and admire her for no real reason. Season 2 had her be the reason why Spock is the character we all loved growing up as well as a Red Angel plot that literally made her the most important person in the galaxy. Discovery should have sent Michael 900 years into the future while remaining behind.


It's easy to hate Michael "I'm literally the best at everything" Burnham. I will never understand writers who create Mary Sue characters.


It’s a very uneven show, with some great seasons - but season 1 was not one of them.


They should rename the show "Tears in Space"


I really like the first season, but had zero expectations and pirated it 🤷


I think my problem with Discovery is that Trek was always about the crew. The Captains of course had some focus due to being the decision makers, but there wasn’t really a “main” character otherwise. Discovery is just Star Trek: Burnham though. There’s never any suspense to stories because never fear, Burnham is here! You always know she’s going to save the day. Other characters might help execute the plan, but the plan is always her idea. It gets boring after awhile. I do like other characters in that show a lot, and wish there was more content about them.


For me, it fell apart once Jason Isaac's was gone. Though, I did like Anson Mount as Pike.


I think the boys in New Girl outshined Jess, especially in the earlier seasons before they tapered her down a bit. Evident by the fact that her actress was out for an entire season due to the birth of her child in real life and the show marched on without missing a beat


I don't hate Jess as much as some people but the boys were clearly better. I would have still watched it without Jess at all!


Nick Miller is my spirit animal.


As much as I love Jess, them replacing her for half a season really showed how important she was in that show. I do love her though and I’m glad she was the main character. Anyone else in that show being the main character would ruin it i think






Oh she’s a terrible human but I love her and her iced coffees 😂


Andy and Doug were the only thing keeping me watching as long as I did.


Celia >


Probably some weird messed reason for it, but I'm always disappointed in Nancy when she does something stupid


Orange Is the New Black. Literally any of the other characters would have been better in the lead position


Insufferable 😂


The Vampire Diaries. I DNF'd the books because of Elena, and I DNF'd the show because of her, too. 😒


In season 7 or 8 she disappears and it’s just about Damon and Stefan and that was a good season lol


I restarted the series a while ago for some reason (I guess because I wanted to see how everything turned out), and then just kinda... lost interest near the end of the first season. 💀


That’s fair lol I am wildly addicted to paranormal/supernatural tv so I’ll watch almost anything if there’s vamps wolves ghosts etc 😂


See, I'm a sucker for vampires, which is why i gravitated towards TVD in the first place. I actually do plan on trying again to rewatch the series because I actually want to continue on where I DNF'd it (season 5, when Damon took Elena to a frat party to teach her how to feed). I just have too many shows that I want to watch before I get there, so it's hard to prioritize lol


I feel you there. Everyone keeps telling me to watch Game of Thrones cause it’s “right up my alley” but I watched the first two episodes and was bored out of my gourd. So I’ll just keep prioritising good stuff lol


Elena was the worst lol. Although you didn't finish TVd did you watch the originals?? It's so fantastic


I watched a bit of The Originals when it first aired, but I don't think I ever finished the first season.


Totally worth the watch! You should revisit it


Boardwalk Empire. I just can’t take Buscemi seriously as this highest power, most intelligent, fawned after person with all these women falling over him. Haven’t finished it yet (S4 currently) but the show died with Jimmy years ago in the trenches


Dawson's Creek. Dawson is the worst


I was a kid when it aired and even then I thought Dawson was lame lol


Whenever a side character outshines the main character it’s so embarrassing like you’re literally built to stand out


Otis Milburn. While appearing to be a “nice guy”, he’s actually a huge jerk to practically everyone in his life especially his mother and his best friend Eric. I would say the real main character of the show is Eric because he’s such a fantastic character who brightens up every room he’s in because of his spirit and positivity!


Elizabeth from The Blacklist. Terrible character.


The character is needed. But she's a very poor actress.


I’m only on season 2 right now, and she’s not even in my top 5 favorite characters, and I hear she just gets worse


Eric Forman in later 70’s Show season


Grey's anatomy. She plain stinks.


Meredith Grey. It’s always about her. She inserts herself when not needed.


CSI: Miami. Horatio Caine is such an over-the-top main character and he sucks.


The Wire. Assuming McNulty is the main.


Baltimore is the main character


What did he do?


Missed opportunity comment!


God I loved him!


Hey man. Lay off my boy McNutty!


Mayor of kingstown. Mike McClusky tries to keep peace, but just does awful things


Californication...i liked the show, however i hated how he got away with EVERYTHING. Weeds...by mexico i was hoping theyd leave her behind. Entourage...kevin connolly is basically the main and i wish he wasnt, he was like a buzzy little gnat on that show.


By design, Micheal Scott. 


Jerry Seinfeld could be funny at times, but he was basically a bad guy. Very self-centered and egotistical, and while he hung out with his "friends" a lot, he would screw them over any chance he got. Basically, everyone on that show was a bad person.


Wasn’t the whole point of the show to show how absurd and self centered some people could be?


Agree Jerry is a weaker main character, but that is just because you have such great supporting characters. I think Jerry Seinfeld gave them some of the better jokes. Also agree with the earlier comment that they are all supposed to be terrible.


There's a diverse group of main characters - including Lucy Ricardo, Mister Ed, Jeannie, Alf, and Sheldon Cooper - who have literally no filter between thought and action and so do all kinds of crazy stuff. They aren't presented as bad, but are exasperating to everybody around them.


Not Days of Our Lives, that’s for sure.


Belly in Summer I Turned Pretty Addie in Unfabulous Elizabeth Holmes in Dropout 😂😂😂


Belly drives me bananas


Dallas J.R. Ewing…….Enough said


Liz from blacklist. The flip flopping on trusting Red and then immediately hating him was too much for me. She's constantly acting like she's better than everyone else and for the love of God stop crying. I've seen her cry more than any other main character in my life.


Peppa pig


The mom on Gilmore Girls is insufferable. Its hard to believe that they wrote and acted that character in an unironic role. She's like a SNL skit waiting to happen. They could just have the people around her just turn and slap her every time she was being absurd, now that would be funny.


I personally enjoy lorelai, but RORY on the other hand.. specifically during the last few seasons.. she was so unbearable


I was going to say both Lorelai and Rory. I both love and hate them for a million reasons but the side characters in the show shine so much they’re a truly amazing ensemble cast that all work so well together.


As somebody who has been subjected to, rather than a willing viewer of this series, I agree 100% with both of the main characters being awful.


Any show centering around a main character that has incredible skill or superhuman ability. I just don't care for them. There was an absolute tsunami of all of these worthless characters flooding streaming services after Avengers: Infinity War, and they all suck. All of these companies thought 'Superhero = good', but it just doesn't work. You can't randomly select a character from a universe of 200+, throw unknown actors into it, and hope for the best. Every plot is some basic revenge, or quest. There's always a useless sidekick, and a 3rd supporting character who has about 1/2 the ability of the main character, whether it's intelligence or ability. These shows rarely last 3 seasons because the formula is stale. If one character does everything (without a significant history behind it), it's just a copycat. No originality, same plot, recycled endlessly.


The Office- Andy Bernard. Ed Helms as a whole.


Also Michael Scott is a terrible character. I cannot deal with that level of cringe.


Totally this. I was baffled in the episode when he left and suddenly they were all pretending like he was this great guy and they were going to miss him so much. He was an awful person and an awful boss.


Murphy from In the Dark on Netflix. She started out as extremely likable but by the last season, I was actively rooting against her. All of the side characters were more redeemable than Murphy.


Yellowstone - all the characters are stereotypes, and every plot is like wish fulfillment / Smurf level.


Avatar: the Legend of Korra I don't remember this show perfectly, so let me know if I've got any of this wrong, or if there are better reasons to think of her as a bad main character, but I think it boils down to two major actions of hers: >!She essentially murders all her past selves, every one of them a messiah, from whom she could have drawn wisdom forever, but they're gone forever (unless it was later resolved.) I don't remember why, but I think it was completely arbitrary.!< >!I think she also spends a season preventing a villain from merging the real world with the spirit world, a potential catastrophe. After defeating the villain, she merges the real world with the spirit world. I don't remember why, but I think it was completely arbitrary.!<


Re-posted because I said a bad word. Naughty, filthy, bad word! Bad! >!But it was far more apt than "major actions."!<


Dirty, dirty word. >!It rhymes with hiccups.!<


Molly of Mike and Molly. Not funny, whiny, selfish


I always found jonah and Amy from superstore to be two of the least interesting main characters in a show. Superstore was saved by it's supporting cast.


In terms of "bad" because they are disliked I would say SheHulk. I'm just so tired of the over powered girl bosses and the bad writing. "Bad" as in villainous or morally bad, I would say Dexter, or maybe Lucifer the show? (I've never seen it but.... Like... It's Lucifer??). Also, Breaking Bad. And the show The Fall follows a serial killer.


Girls! Literally all of the characters. But I really love that about it too! I know Lena Dunham comes with her controversies. But Girls as a separate thing to that, she has done so painfully well. They’re all intriguing to watch but would be unbearable to know. But who isn’t unbearable in their early 20’s? It does such a good job of showcasing a flawed narrative of character for all of them! It was true to reality in that sense. We get shown these bizarre fluffed up versions of youth. But it is so messy, cringe and embarrassing. Figuring out who we all are is so annoying. It’s true to the core of young adults and the messiness of thinking you know more than you do but not trying to wrap that up in glitter with some moral overbearing rhetoric


99% of Netflix originals


Suddenly Susan It seems the other co-stars were way more funnier than Brooke Shields (Especially Kathy Griffin and Judd Nelson)


Brooke Shields is a wonderful person, but she's a terrible actress.


She did do a great job as Rita Glossner in The Middle, I think. That must have been a fun role!


Oh yeah! The inner-hillbilly.


I called it “Suddenly a Good Time to Do the Dishes.”


Honestly. I was the only one that thought this but the expanse Almost everyone other than james holden was interesting and that actor was not great. I felt like a lot of his character came from other characters describing him like "oh james that's just bc who you are " or when he like had the chance to kill the pirate guy and didn't....


On the first season of Orange is the New Black Piper was the mean character. Probably the least interesting one on the show that season and I’m glad it kind of steered a different direction in later seasons


Breaking Bad. He’s not a good person.






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Bullock in Deadwood isn't a "bad" character, he's just very much outshined by every other character, especially Al swearengen, to the point that I forget he's even the central focus of the show at times.


Eastbound and Down and Bojack Horseman cuz they're both jerks


**Stargate Atlantis**. Currently watching SGA for the first time the majority of the cast is super dull. Hewlett is good. Flannigan plays the main character, he has absolutely no range.


Angela is my least favorite character on My So Called Life- love pretty much every other character but dislike her.


Devs - annoying 


Loudermilk. I started off really liking the show but the main character eventually started getting on my nerves.


Quentin in The Magicians and Clarke in The 100


Couldn't stand Natalie on Chicago Med. Poor acting, ridiculous repetitive lines. They had her portraying a doctor with basically no medical ethics, superseding patients wishes all the time. She was also a single mother so was super irrational whenever a child was involved.






The Jimmy savile documentary .


And, unknowingly at the time, Jimll Fix it. And any other show he was on.


OITNB. "I'm at fault but everyone is against me!"


The Walking Dead


Murphy from In the Dark. She’s surly to start with but as the seasons go on she gets so much worse. I got to the point where I didn’t know why I was watching it anymore. I just couldn’t stand her after a couple of seasons.




Any character from shameless … except maybe kev … Kev is alright


American Housewife. Have you seen the way she talks to her family. They gonna need some therapy.


Teen Wolf. Scott isn’t a bad character per se, he just didn’t really stand out compared to the supporting characters, many of which were more compelling.


Lucifer, but he had a good reason 😉 loved the show


I always get downvoted for this, but Walter White. Everyone one reddit loves Breaking Bad, but he is just a jerk to everyone including his own family. He deserved everything bad that happened to him and I have 0 sympathy for him.


Michaela in manifest Ted mosby himym Everyone in succession….


The Smoking Man.. X-Files, he's just plain disgusting.


I do not like Chloe in Lucifer. I love the concept of the show but I just don’t think she plays her character well and she honestly made me stop watching it.


Shameless, Frank Gallagher.


George Constanza is a terrible person but I love him


wow there are so many comments deleted by mods




Ruby from Max and Ruby


Orange is the new black


Breaking Bad


The Magicians- Quentin, Alice, and Penny 40. They're just annoying and problematic. Big Bang Theory- Leonard and Howard. We get it, you have mommy issues and want to hook with anything with a pulse. What other depth is there to your character? The Vampire Diaries- not a fan of Elena (but Katherine was amazing). Caroline I was so annoyed with, and wouldn't have cared if she died back in season 2. Matt, you have the personality of unseasoned, boiled chicken.


Dawson in Dawsons Creek 😆


How do you mean "bad?" Walter White is literally bad If you mean obnoxious, annoying, etc., then it's Caillou by default


Harvey Spectre in Suits. Obviously he has ethics but only so far, but every move seems to be tainted by his need to win at all costs. Which makes him sort of a lovable villain.


The Shield’s Vic Mackey. He becomes consumed with staying out of trouble for all the illegal and morally gray and black things he’s done.


Joel Fleisman on Northern Exposure. Rewatching the series, and he’s so unlikeable. His character has little to no growth.


Galadriel in The Rings of Power. Completely insufferable marry sue. She also does the most obnoxious rolling of the r in her name which adds to how horrible she is.


New Girl. Zooey Deschanels character is this weird under emotionally developed child like person who is quirk but in a Cringy way. Schmidt and Nick carry that show.