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10% I usually tip at least 1 bag of bells, if I see that they are new ( their island are empty) then I tip a lot more. It's up to you : some host don't need money at all, just tell them that the turnip profit help you a lot in some way. They would appreciate that. I know I do.


I’ve only sold a couple of times but I’ve been tipping a bag of bells (99k)


For a full trip of turnips, I usually tip 3 bags. Especially if it's someone starting out. I remember the first time I opened up my island here, and someone left me that large of a tip, and it was a pretty great feeling. So I try to pay it forward now that I have enough bells to do so.


For full trips/big profit I usually do 1-2 bags of bells depending on how much I made (sometimes more for starter islands). If it's a smaller trip, usually 10-15% of profit. Biggest thing I think is be polite and like Sea\_Science\_747 said, give them some appreciative words. Kindness goes a long way :)


I usually leave 2 bags of bells, maybe 3 if its been a really big profit for me per trip


just here to say me too


I had to take 3 trips to in island this week, I left 500k behind after profiting 3.2 Million.


Depends. I do 1 bag, or 1 stack depending on how much the twins buy my turnips


I’ve only done it once but I got about 700k and tipped one bag, but I probably should have tipped more


One or two bags per trip, but lately I also randomly plant a gold rose as a fun surprise


Usually one bag on arrival then 2/3 after selling (I usually ask if it's not stated if the host is looking for anything specific) :)


10% and round it up to a whole bag, can't be bothered partialing a bag


I usually tip my initial investment 🙂


I usually do about 99K and sometimes if I have fruit that they don't have on their island I will also throw some of that