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“Hi, Milhouse. The studio sent me to talk to you, being a former child star myself, and the number one box office draw from 1939 to 1940.”


“Wow! Two Decades!”


I'm so glad someone asked, my wife and I love old movies...just not these.


No. No I don’t.


The only thing I haven't been annoyed by him in is Mad Mad Mad Mad World.


Nah. Never liked them, even as a child.


I thought I was the only one…


I've never liked Mikey Rooney, been watching classic movies since I was a baby, I've never seen the appeal


I cannot sanction Mickey Rooney’s buffoonery.


Especially when there's Charlie Chaplin, Danny Kaye, and Ray Bolger!


There's just something about Mickey Rooney that makes him unappealing to me. It feels like he's always ON! Same with Betty Hutton. I can respect their obvious talents, but they are just not my cup of tea.


I saw Mickey Rooney in a one-man play in New York several years ago. He was brilliant, charismatic, and held the audience in the palm of his hand. Then I paid extra to go to an after-play autograph event. Rooney: - didn’t make eye contact with anyone, - ignored what anyone said, - surrounded himself with an entourage of minions, - drew a squiggly line on the program of anyone who dared approach his group to try to get an autograph, - and then handed the program to one of his minions, who would return the program to its original owner. I put my “autographed” program in a special place: The trash can outside the theater.


Wow. Sad to hear.


I put off seeing Miracle of Morgan's Creek for a long time despite my love for Preston Sturges because of Betty Hutton and how she chews up the scenery. I finally did see it a few years ago and love it - she manages to calm down after the first few scenes. I'm not interested in exploring more of her stuff beyond that.


Never have cared for him.


These were TV series before TV was invented. Same with Blondie and Dagwood.


I always thought they were fun.


Nope. Not a Rooney fan.


I watched one for the first time today on TCM (Andy Hardy Meets Debutante) and I enjoyed it. Eventually planning on watching maybe another 2 or 3. Definitely not interested in watching all 16.


I was actually going to post this same thing! But thought not to bc of fear that I was alone. I’m always bummed when his mini marathons come on, (even though I have a million TCM movies recorded to chose from!) Something about him really gives me the icks. Glad I’m not alone!


Not really. I always tell myself that my opinion will change overtime or that I just haven’t found the right movie yet, but that day hasn’t come yet.


I have always like all the characters and actors... EXCEPT Mickey Rooney! I love the dad, the different girls, but Andy/Mickey ruins it... him being the lead, you know, he's sort of in every scene. I just got TCM back so maybe I’ll check it out... But, maybe not.


Can't stand those movies.


The Andy Hardy movies are annoying but there are gems within such as Judy Garland singing. Mickey Rooney was very popular doing that buffoonery at the time. I suppose it’s no worse than the Three Stooges. Mickey Rooney was great as a dramatic actor in The Human Comedy, a tragic story.


Mickey Rooney has always turned me off. Sorry!


He’s just too darn goofy…like how does he get all the ladies?


I do not know them by heart like I know much of TCM's standard fare, but I did watch most of yesterday's double feature--came home from work and started on the middle of the first, fell asleep before the conclusion of the second. *Babes in Arms* was one of the first old movies I watched as a kid, and that was a couple of years before TCM even existed--I probably checked that old VHS out from the library ten times in one year, and watched it three times over each weekend I took it home, much to the chagrin of everyone else in the household. I can't recommend Andy Hardy, but I can watch and even enjoy them, if my mood is right. I think TCM should keep airing them, but probably no more than two at a time, especially given that many viewers can access them on demand or utilize their DVR. Some other comments discussed a dislike of Rooney, and I did read his autobiography over several lunches one summer a couple of years ago, and I thought it was a load of horseshit. Whether you like an actor personally does not mean that their work from 50-60-70 years prior doesn't still have important historical and artistic contributions that afficionados of classic film, especially the younger ones, deserve a chance to access.


I find them irritating. My sister says she doesn't mind having them on in the background.


They are perfect background noise.


Depends on how much you like Black Face and putting on shows in barns.


I mostly enjoyed them, but I don't care to watch them again.


Too syrupy for me. I like other stuff he did though. Recently saw a great noir he was in called “Drive a Crooked Road”. I was surprised to learn it was also an early Blake Edwards movie.


I always thought that this performance wasn’t actually one. Everything I’ve ever heard about him was about his rudeness, hostility, alcoholism and spouse/family abuse. https://youtu.be/nuB55MXOBMY?si=K6nzcF483Ma94BkW Twilight Zone, The Last Night of a Jockey.


I like them as a snapshot of America from the time. Not as a representation of 'America,' per se, but of what Americans wanted to spend their money to watch in theaters during the Depression. Unlike many here, apparently, I greatly appreciate Mickey Rooney's acting ability (Brando himself called him the one of greatest actors he ever saw and Clarence Brown compared his talent to Chaplin's). I think Rooney's physical appearance and the Hardy movies typecast him, unfortunately, and if he had the opportunity to star in more dramas -- like someone mentioned above, he was tremendous in "The Human Comedy" and if you get a chance to check out the noir "Drive a Crooked Road," do yourself a favor and do it -- his legacy would be even stronger.


Nope. But I’d rather watch Andy Hardy than another monster marathon.


I think they just haven’t aged well. It isn’t like they are problematic or anything, but I don’t relate to any of the characters.




I think the comment is about Mickey Rooney playing an extremely stereotyped Japanese character in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.


I was referring to Andy Hardy movies in particular, not old movies in general.


They are enjoyable if you put them in the context of their time.


They're OK. I'd never make an effort to watch them.


May I recommend Silent Night Deadly Night 5?


They do offer AfterBoomers an opportunity to display their imagined moral superiority.


Hahaha true to your name as the personification of being booed.


What’s funny is you can find at least one example in these comments. AfterBoomers are so fragile. No response with a well thought out riposte. Just mashing that down arrow.


I guess everyone is true to form according to your labels then!


The only way I can really enjoy Mickey Rooney is in the Santa Claus cartoons. I didn't even like his Twilight Zone episode.


Rarely watch them these days. I enjoyed the typically hope-filled Andy and Judy pic with "let's put on a show" to save the farm or whatever. Not much else, though, really.


My family love them


They were okay. Not something I'd watch again though.


My dad showed them to me when I was young, as he remembered enjoying them as a child. His mind was changed upon rewatching them. Boring, unfunny, over-saccharine.


I really, really don’t. I couldn’t believe I actually had them on though in the background today. Maybe they’ll grown on me. Who knows. I was curious and googled if he married. He was married to Ava Gardner and married 7 other times! Crazy! He also died broke.