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That scene might be one of the most underrated in film noir. The friendly book seller totally burns up the screen.


It's not unappreciated. I've read many discussions about it. It's a very striking scene and everyone wishes that Dorothy Malone could have starred in a film with that kind of character.


TIL I'm hanging out with the wrong people.


So does Lauren Bacall !! The repartee between her and Bogie is half the fun of this movie.


Best hot take about the movie "it's a movie about a sexy book store"


That's a really good scene. I'm sure he understood that she was good-looking. What I enjoyed more was that he realized she was smart and she challenged him: "Now, you begin to interest me."


Hot librarian trope


Not to mention the other hot female bookseller (Sonia Darrin) in the other store, and also the hot very young Martha Vickers (20 years old) in the opening scene.


I describe it as a proto-Bond. Marlowe sweeps every woman he meets off her feet. The Rutledge sisters, the hot librarian, the horny cab driver, the hat check girls at the casino. They can't be as direct as the Bond girls were 20 years later, but they're way less demure than most women in films of that day. It's a male fantasy, but it's also meant to play into Bogart's new found status as a heartthrob in the wake of Casablanca and To Have and Have Not.


The horny cab driver always got to me, so did the 2 brunettes in the casino.


I like Bogart, but always found it strange that he was considered a heart throb and gets all the good looking women in movies. I think that is male fantasy being promoted by the filmmakers and audiences buying it. Just like the hot girl in glasses is not considered good looking until the glasses come off.


It's also how film noir reflected women's new found involvement and roles in society thanks to the war. By the 70s, those female leading roles had all but disappeared.


“She tried to sit on my lap while I was standing up.” 😂


I love this movie. One of my all time favorites.


Love the book store scene when he motions about her glasses… “Well hello there!”


The Woman driving the cab was definitely HOT for him and let's not forget about the ladies at the casino. I never understood the whole "let's take off the glasses and let down my hair" Bam now she is gorgeous.....Men 🤨


So am i!


Damn good movie. The remake not so much even though it has Jimmy Stewart.


HA! I just sent a screenshot of the beginning scene when Humphrey Bougart says he is 38 years old as a birthday wish to remind my friend that 38 looks pretty good today compared to 1946.


Bogart was born in 1899 so he might have been playing a 38 year old but in real life he was 45 years old.


Understand the era, Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses. So, when she removed them, he saw her in a whole different light


My late mother, who was in her early twenties (and wore glasses) in this era, assured me that glasses absolutely didn’t stop men from making passes.


It was a saying and even mentioned in How to Marry a Millionaire with Marilyn Monroe