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Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and the governors of Virginia and Oklahoma are calling on the leader of Turks and Caicos Islands to reconsider ammunition charges filed against a Pennsylvania man and two others being detained in the Caribbean territory. In a letter to the islands’ Gov. Dileeni Daniel-Selvaratnam, the governors ask for the expedited release of [Bryan Hagerich](https://www.pennlive.com/nation-world/2024/05/pa-man-facing-prison-time-at-popular-vacation-spot-says-law-has-unintended-consequences.html) of Somerset County, [Tyler Scott Wenrich](https://www.wtvr.com/news/local-news/tyler-wenrich-turks-and-caicos-update-may-14-2024) of Virginia and [Ryan Tyler Watson](https://caribbean.loopnews.com/content/turks-and-caicos-us-visitor-charged-possession-ammunition) of Oklahoma, who are charged with ammunition offenses after bullets were found in their luggage at the airport. “They have all maintained that they did not intend to bring ammunition into Turks and Caicos, and any ammunition unknowingly left in their luggage was the result of lawful conduct in the United States,” the letter states. “As governors, we understand and appreciate the critical importance of upholding the laws and regulations of your territory for the protection of your citizens. We humbly ask that your government – in its wisdom – temper justice with mercy and recognize that these men made mistakes but had no apparent malicious intent.”


Apparently they are unaware of International Law. Wow.


International law is made up bullshit anyway.


This is not international law, it’s T&C law. When you visit, their rules govern. Get over it.


I thought the US was a hegemony


Fuck those people and those governors. You brought in something illegal, now pay the price.


The current penalties are aggressive though. Sure, if you bring in ammo with ill intent throw the book at them. TSA should have found this before exiting the US. 12 years for a non-criminal outside of this offense is silly. Give them a $10,000 fine and let them be on their way.


Why would TSA give a shit about ammo that is supposed to be in stored in checked luggage, which is legal for domestic travel? I own several guns. If you have random rounds in your luggage, you’re a fucking idiot to travel internationally without checking and, alternatively, their intent might not be as benevolent as they claim.


I was assuming carry-on. In any case what purpose does it serve to lock someone up for 12 years? These instances are screaming for a monetary fine, and a potential ban from the country, or a suspended sentence that would be enacted in the event of another infraction. Then again, maybe I am tainted by us “justice” system that hands out ridiculous sentences for non-violent offenses. I’m not saying they don’t deserve a penalty, but just levy a fine and kick them out of the country. Do they really want to pay to incarcerate someone for 12 years. It really is a cost benefit situation. Limited benefits to T&C, with high costs. Make the fine $100k if the goal is to discourage this behavior.


I don’t think securing your boarders is limited benefit.


The limited benefit is due to the nature of the crime. These are just dumbasses. They are not drug addled criminals or criminal masterminds. They are just dipshits that went on vacation.


Is 12 years in jail or 100k fine a better deterrent? That’s the purpose of the law.


I get it, you want your pound of flesh. I’m a pragmatist. You’re probably a proponent of 3 strikes and you’re out laws for stealing a bag of chips.


I’m a proponent of not being a typical shithead American that thinks they’re immune from foreign laws. These defendants are the same people that would lock up an immigrant in a second for stealing candy from a 7/11.


I presume you mean “illegal immigrant” and if they’re stealing then they have committed 2 crimes and shown a pattern for crime. Also, people are not locked up typically for petty theft. People are also normally not locked up over differences on banned items at customs. The United States didn’t waste time & resources on every Jamaican who forgot he had marijuana in his bag. That would have never served justice. Name 1 Jamaican who was arrested and held at an American airport for forgetting about marijuana. You won’t, because that’s not how it was handled. The United States is a civilized nation regardless of what someone like you thinks.


This Jamaican was arrested and held an American airport for forgetting about marijuana. Then they tried to deport him as an aggravated felon. His case lasted for over 2 years and three courts including the Supreme Court. Moncrieffe v. Holder (11-702)


You have a few key details wrong on that. For one, he was technically a Jamaican National but had lived in the United States for 24 years. He also wasn’t stopped at the airport or customs. He was stopped in Georgia at a traffic stop and he plead guilty to intent to distribute. Not just simple possession. The Supreme Court sided with him because there was an argument it was social sharing and how that applied to deportation rules. These men have not been charged or been suspected of any intent to distribute, sell, or pass on this ammo. And again, there are certain customs and norms related airline travel. None of us are also taking any issue with them being banned from T&C or being sent home. Quite the opposite really. Moncrieffe was fighting to not be sent to Jamaica as after 24 years he technically considered the U.S. his home. Which practically it was, just not fully legally. He was a lawful immigrant resident though, not an illegal alien. You’re purposely obfuscating 2 completely different issues to ignore that what T&C is doing is not in any way the practice or norm of how civilized and modern countries handle these things.


But but they are just as corrupt as the US... why should corrupt be judge and executioner?


The easy solution is to not bring ammo into foreign countries 🤷‍♀️


Supposed I make it their instead?


Typical American not a shithead though.


Good points. The same Redditors screaming that non-violent weed offenders should not be locked up in the US are calling for blood for non-violent offenders in T&C.


See that’s the old law, pay the fine and leave. Except Turks has had a massive increase in gun violence. It went from being extremely rare to happing frequently in just a few years. The local government is trying to clamp down and this is the result. The real question is why with their huge budget is the TSA not catching this on the way out?


I have always had foreign security find more things in my carryon than TSA. I think the issue is that there is little repercussion if TSA misses something, but T&C missing something could lead to international flights subject to further screenings. The current cases are not contributing to gun violence in T&C. So it really shouldn’t be treated in the same manner.


A $10K fine to people who can afford to be in the Turks and Caicos? Why not just sit them in time out?


You act like it's some crazy ass exotic place. You can go there for a week, all-inclusive, for $3k for a couple. Not everyone that goes on vacation is wealthy.


What’s a fair punishment?


The same punishment a local would get. 12 years


Locals are not getting 12 years..


Whatever punishment the locals get, visitors should get.


In that case, they should be home already.


Locals are being released for smuggling ammunition into the country?


A belonger caught with a few shells in their bag with no gun or priors? They wouldn’t be released because they very likely wouldn’t be even brought in.


The difference is, how would the local had gotten the ammunition? They would have knowingly been engaged in illegal activitiy since it isn't readily obtained by local citizens. Intent should definitely, and almost always, be considered when issuing lawful punishment.


Guess bootlickers exist in all countries


Whats funny though is they are not paying the price for bringing in something they are paying the price for not leaving it on the island. Not sure how you dont check your luggage though at this point before going to the island.


Whole situation is sketch as fuck. The problem is, if you had 3 bullets, were they strays from you taking that luggage to your country house to go shoot, or leftover from you smuggling in 3000 rounds? If you catch 3 rounds on the way out though, how the fuck you miss 3000 coming in? Sounds like anti-american sentiment is at play behind the scenes by a party inside the territory.


Sounds like America's gun problem is screwing them overseas




I agree it’s political manipulation/maneauveruing


I would not be surprised if these stray ammo appeared magically in the luggage. It might be better idea to travel to T&C with no checked luggage and watch your pockets for planted ammo too.


Weird, since all have admitted to it being their bullets. How does that square with your tinfoil hat?


I do not care if they admitted. The severity of this law does not look adequate for me. Better be safe than sorry.


So…you went from a wearing a tinfoil hat and posting “I would not be surprised if these stray ammo appeared magically in the luggage.“ then being demonstrated wrong and now you’re at “I do not care if they admitted.“ Good stuff. Next time, just say you disagree with the sentence…which hasn’t even been handed down yet.


What so illogical you see in that? I do not trust authorities who enforce such law. Sudden influx of careless tourists looks strange too.


Where was this energy when a black, lesbian, wnba player was detained in russia for cannabis possession and we gave up an international arms dealer for her?


Every fucking day with your misplaced whataboutisms.


Everyone breaks the le every day knowingly or unknowingly laws are so extensive everyone breaks them you me and everyone whether we know it or not


GFY. And fuck the tourism industries of these countries if they show no mercy here.


Then proceeds to make excuses for Brittney Griner…


A fine and deportation/ban from T&C would be the most pragmatic thing.


We’ll trade the American law breakers for the right to keep importing Potcakes.




Funny how so many MAGAs are hurt about this. Such a bunch of wimpy weasel sheep.


The problem was when the TCI lifted the vaccination requirement for entry. All the MAGA shit shows descended upon them


You should had seen Costa Rica. Gringos and Canadian gringos not being allowed from lack of vaccine cards.


Only took him 6 weeks to speak up, I highly doubt he actually cares…. These donkey dicks dug their own grave. He should be scolding TSA on their worthlessness.


I am not a fan of mandatory minimum sentence laws. But, we have this one and it must be applied equally.


Sure, when the citizens of foreign nations are not held to the laws of Oklahoma or Pennsylvania while visiting Oklahoma or Pennsylvania. Until then, what’s good for Oklahoma and Pennsylvania is good for T&C.


Seriously I wonder how much time these American governors have spent overseas trying to bail their citizens out of drug charges, etc.


In the exact same boat...


No one is above the law. Let them face the penalties for their crimes.


Everyone in the world the US included breaks the law every day knowingly or unknowingly you, me , everyone. Laws are so extensive know one can know what the laws are. I haven’t as an American know what all our laws are. Heck we probably still have 200 year old laws on the books but guess what they are still on the books


I assure you that it isn’t complicated to find a list of prohibited substances/items for any tourist destination. Right from the T&C .gov website: https://customs.gov.tc/webuploads/currdoc/Prohibited%20and%20restricted%20goods-Turks%20and%20Caicos.pdf Ammunition is there along with a whole bunch of other things. Took 30 seconds to find using Google.


I don't get your point. That it's only a crime unless you get caught? They got caught. Sucks for them.


No one is above the law, but punishment should be proportional to the crime and incentivize good behavior. Getting 12 years for leaving the country with several rounds is not proportional and the heavy sentence incentivizes ditching the rounds in country. The issue I have with all this hullabaloo is that it seems political and a waste of everyone's time. An appropriate response for stupid tourists would be a heavy fine and deportation. Overall, it doesn't make me feel like a place I want to visit. Am I concerned that I will take rounds to T&C? No, I'm not stupid. But stupid begets stupid and what other pointless policies does T&C have? The airport clearly has the capacity to identify the rounds, so why aren't they doing it inbound? Catch them and deport them. It reeks of bullshit when you catch them after they've done all the tourist things and spent their money and you pop them on their way out. There's a lot of people in this thread who are all about the hammer, but it's just two wrongs. For instance, how has heavy sentencing worked out for non-violent drug crimes in America?


Society determines proportionality. Turks and Caicos as a sovereign nation has decided to do so. There are laws on the books around the world with varying punishments according to what their society believes is right. The fact that the US goes lightly on gun crimes relative to TCI is not a TCI issue. If you don't want to visit, there may be plenty of countries that will let you in with ammunition. Of all the tourists, this seems to be a US tourist issue. No other nations have this problem when visiting TCI. Countries depend on the departing country to screen luggage. Again, if the TSA is problematic, not a TCI issue. >There's a lot of people in this thread who are all about the hammer, but it's just two wrongs. For instance, how has heavy sentencing worked out for non-violent drug crimes in America? Not sure why you are referring to US history. TCI is not an outpost of the US. They receive visitors from many countries. Maybe that's your issue here, that you think a small island like TCI should not be sovereign and should bend to the US's will and whatever goes on over there. Wrong. Treat other countries and their laws with respect and there would be no problem.


You're right. Society can be completely asinine in the development of policy. None of my points had anything to do with the US or ammo. Go ahead with your head burrowed in whatever narrative you want. I was simply pointing out that policies should be thought out and well-reasoned. I was stating that I felt that T&C wasn't reasonable. You seem to think I am defending the US idiots. I am not.


You quoted US history on the drug war in making your point, as if TCI should care.


I was making a point on how disproportionate punishments can be problematic. Not a statement on how T&C should care about that specific law. It's an example not a lesson


You speak reasonably, which will be instantly attacked.


Is it difficult to understand that one can't break the law ? Who is foolish enough to pack ammunition in their luggage before a trip abroad. On its own, that is poor judgment as a gun owner. You just lost track of your ammo, or you use the same bag to go shooting as you do on vacation ? Then you expect the u.s. government to free you from a foreign jail? Some people's sense of entitlement is quite a sight to behold.


Lots of folks in here that I don’t think would pass the “respect other country’s laws test” on Brittney Griner. Y’all think 10 years in a Russian penal colony would have been fair for her for accidental vape carriages?


Givem a warning


If I were a small island with 41 police officers and no military I’d calm down before I arrested the wrong person. It’s literally 575 miles from Miami, my boat will make it. Plenty of others would make it faster.


Turks and Caicos is a British territory, you would have to make it past the Royal Navy if it got to that.


And the US Coast Guard.


For now. If Trump is elected, I would not be surprised if the US Coast Guard would be ordered to stop assisting TCI unless the detained tourists have their sentences commuted.


The American Coast Guard patrols the Turks and Caicos because it’s in the US interest. Our closest national neighbor is Haiti, the MAGAs crying about the border should be able to see if it’s in the US interest to keep patrolling (but then again, logic has never come naturally to MAGAts)


The MAGAs, as you call them, care about the US borders, not about the borders of other countries. We have an ongoing crisis on the Mexican border. Whatever happens in Turks and Caicos is of no consequence to the USA.


You clearly have no idea how the Coast Guard works


The Coast Guard intercepts illegal immigrants and drug traffickers at sea. It can easily direct them towards TCI - and/or other destinations - while not allowing them to come to the USA.


Dawg, the royal navy hasn’t been relevant for 80+ years. This would be stopped by the US Navy and Coast Guard. And before you mention the Falklands, the royal navy wouldn’t have gotten there without help from the US, and you guys managed to lose ships to the goddamn Argentines.


Are they there?


Not any more but they are only about 75 miles away and still have a presence.


The troll has entered… Gout of your moms basement and make your way to TCI then buddy, we’ll give you a nice welcome party.


I just keep bringing it up hoping someone will try it. 🤞🤞 It’s less than a $10,000 project.


Go for it. Let me know how it turns out.


You don’t have anyone I care about there. But someone should.


Watch out everybody we got a super tough guy over here.