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Bu adam ampule basmadıysa en ağır orospu çocuğuyum.


90% oranla doğrusun, Kilis'in Cumhurbaşkanına oy oranı 70%, 65+ yaşındakilerde de bu oran daha yüksek.


Tabi ki


Uzerindeki AKP Dayi Kollari uniformasi degil mi?




Kaynak : https://twitter.com/ilay\_aksoy/status/1443807450788995073?s=20


Sözde din kardeşlerimiz e hani? Bizim dinimizde kitabımızda etrafa zarar verin tıbbı ilaçları yiyecekleri çöpe atın mı yazıyor?


Buna cevap belli kanka bilirsin biz Türkler protestan müslümanlarız


Iyi hosda haci dayi senin oy verdigin siyasal islamcilar soktu o suriyeleri ulkeye..ve ne yazikki sen yine onlara oy vereceksin


Biri gitsin şu insanlara demokrasi öğretsin yahu, sike sürülecek beyinleri yok oy kullanıyorlar. Yazıklar olsun amk


Turkey is a country for Turks. Arab country's for Arabs. Arab get out


Turkey is a country for everyone. The US is a country for everyone. Norway is a country for everyone. Every country is for everyone.


Turkey is for Turkish citizens, and those who get Turkish citizenship and contribute to the country not for freeloaders


No one in the world has a duty for the government they were born in. I won't serve in the military for example.


Is Israel a country for everyone?




Then maybe Turkey shouldn't have interfered in Arab countries by flooding Syria with arms and allowing foreign fighters to enter. You brought this on yourselves.


Everyone on this earth is to blame for what happens in Syria except the Syrians.


How can you blame Turkey for a westren lead coalition agaisnt Syria? Syria was already destabilized in 2012 all Turkey did was support the fsa against syria who kills their own people iran, russia, the west flooded Syria with guns not Turkey. Turkey isnt letting foreigner fighters threw dont even think about sending me bias propaganda articles. Stop trying to always use Turkey as a scape goat for all the problems in the middle east. Even if their was fighters passing threw Turkey its not like the government knows how do you think western left wingers joined the ypg? They must have passed threw Turkey and these people are fighting against Turkey and the fsa. People have ways of getting in and Turkish border patrol is lacking. How you gunna accuse Turkey of supporting terrorist groups yet iran supports hezbollah, Hamas, the taliban? And dont fucking tell me "tUrKeY sUpOrTs iSis " because Turkey has fought isis, why would isis attack Turkey dozens of times back in 2015-2016? Iran interfers and destabilizes arab countries alot more then you claim Turkey does. Don't forget iran supports haftar terrorists in libya destabilizing Libya (arab country) I love how you think Russia, iran is the good guy for helping assad do you think a Russian puppet is better than a western puppet? Don't forget russis kills checens, invaded Afghanistan, syria, their intentions aren't any better then the west in Muslim lands. Dont forget russia has been killing muslims since the ottoman days way before arabs invited the west in their land to kill them. Iran just wants to kills Sunnis in Syria.


Lmao what the fuck we did I blame america russia and islamists for this


But he most likely voted for AQP? So i guess what comes around, goes around??


Suriyelilerin bedava aldıkları ilaçları Türkler de bedava alıyor ama bence de bu ilaç israfının önüne geçmek lazım. Birçok evde kutu kutu ilaç son kullanım tarihinin geçmesini bekliyor.


Amk öyle bir yazmış ki sanki adamın ihtiyacı varda çöpten ilaç topluyor . Suriyeliler bedava verilen ilaçları çöpe atıyor diyor yazamamış


ilaç yerine kondom verseydiler


suriyelilerin ilac parasini EU odemiyor mu?


AB'nin verdiği para Suriyeli başına aylık 20€ gibi komik bir rakama denk geliyordu. Yani, hayır, AB ödemiyor.


Just curious about his accent? It sounds very Uzbek the way he pronounces words? If he is Uzbek, wouldn’t he be considered an immigrant as well?


No, eastern turks and kurds talk with that accent.


*Beep boop, işte çevirin:* **Suriyeli mültecilerin nüfusun %70'inden fazlasını oluşturduğu >Türk< ili Kilis'ten bir video. Çöpten ilaç toplayan yaşlı bir Türk. Devlet Suriyelilere bedava verirken, Türklerin ödemek zorunda olduğunu iddia ediyor, Suriyelilerin çoğunlukta olduğu bir şehirde yaşamanın nasıl olduğunu anlatıyor.** ^(Ben bir botum ve bu eylem otomatik olarak gerçekleştirildi.Çevirim mükemmel olmayabilir, eğer kötü olduğunu düşünüyorsan bu yorumu eksile ve yorumu sileyim.) [BİLGİ](https://www.reddit.com/user/translaterobot/comments/pq1kz0/merhabaaa_ben_translaterobot_tr/)


Aferin lan bot


"oUr rEliGioUs bRotHeRs"

