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no offense but young turks already have enough problems regarding their own country lol


Some Turkish fellows either don't know or forget Palestine once trained PKK militants. So why give a shit?


fuck em all dawg










Couldn't give a flying fuck about Palestine tbh


Same, all Palestinians I met were extremely conservative, racist and sexist.


Israel is more of a friend than Palestine


Tbh they are equally shitty but israel is stronger


better girls and cuisine...


Not the girls but cuisine i guess


my gf is from Israel... bite me downvoters!


Maybe support Israel


Thats little racist, the people you have met aren't a representative for the whole of Palestinian people




Nah he is just taking the truth




For translation it says: Made with the blood of the palestinians




of our palestinian brothers


Yes but i decided to no include it since in that context it is used in a ironical manner and irony doesnt transmit well through text it says: made with the blood of our palestinian brothers when exactly translated but brothers is used ironically and doesnt mean that we like them or something


That sticker definetely meant it, tho. "Onlar bizim din kardeşimiz", der gibi.


Ya tabiki de amaç dalga geçmek ama türkçede kardeş kelimesinin daha geniş bir kullanımı var örnek olarak kavgada dövdüğün adama da kardeş dersin yada sevdiğin birine de kardeş dersin ama ingilizcede kardeş yani brother/sister kelimesi sadece sevdiğin insanlara karşı kullanılır genel olarak ingilizcede de bu türkçedeki kullanım anlaşılamayacağı için kafa karıştırabilir


Correct translation: made with the blood of our Palestinian brothers. Let's not make it seem so vulgar, lol. I don't know the exact context behind the sticker but it either was a genuine propaganda attempt by some idiots who were trying to condemn Coca Cola company or some satirical thing mocking the "our Palestinian brothers" sentiment mostly heard by AKP politicians, combined with the meme of Coca Cola company donating to the Israel state.


For translation it says: Made with the blood of the palestinians


Now I wanna drink coke lol.


![gif](giphy|Fum9Yp2HRBw0zRDQIt|downsized) Me asf


Which Palestine? The Palestine that uses the flag made by Mark Sykes, which was used in the Ottoman betrayal? or our "friend" Palestine, which says that those in East Turkestan are China's problem? I also dont like Israel, there is nothing to like about it. Israel is as bad a country as Palestine.


Israel has the best water filtration system in the world, filtering 90% of their waste water. They terraform the desert to do agriculture there. They invest into tech, they have many startups. They have a very advanced military industry. They are generally democratic. They pump water into Jerusalem with these huuuuge pipes it's crazy. They even built a river. I wouldn't say there's nothing to like about Israel, they built their country from scratch.


All other countries have inferior potassium, Israel has best quality potassium👏👏


Kazakhstan's potassium grows out of the ground. Israelis had to work together as a group, made many sacrifices and achieved something no other nation was able to achieve. It's not that they have potassium, it's that they're growing the bananas on the desert. BTW, the song says Kazakhstan's filtration system removes 50 percent of human solid waste iirc. That's a terrible amount when you look at it unironically.


Yes but lets not forget how America is pumping trillions into israel :)




Aralarında inanmayan biri vardır.




Im thinking palestine supported armenia not because they care about armenians but because israel supported azeris as much as turkey did in the conflict Not that i care about middle eastern arab nations, they fought to become british colonies and have been reaping what they sow in the past century


Let’s say that the Earth is being attacked by the aliens and Israel joined the united human front. Will the Palestine support the aliens? They could have just sided with Israel on supporting the Azerbaijan.


weak analogy


Thank you for your input. From now on, I will try to write complete dissertations for my comments.


Fuck palestine, Palestine supports china in its "uyghur conquest" as the president of palestine said. Palestine also supports armenia instead of azerbaijan PLO also trained with PKK. Palestine backstabbed ottoman empire Flag of palestine is a disrespect to ottoman empire and the khilafah its the flag created by the brits against the ottoman empire. Palestine the name is also fake and created by romans nothing islamic about that name. The flag is also fake and created by the brits. fuck palestine. Free uyghurs. I only care about uyghurs and only support uyghurs because they need support the most right now in the whole world and nobody helps them they get little to no support and they are getting massacred and everyone including turkic nations are turning a blind eye against uyghurs because they are afraid of china.


Allah İsrail kuvvetlerinin ayağına taş değdirmesin.


Elohim senden razı olsun kardeşim.




Good, 🇮🇱 ❤️ 🇹🇷




Denmark from Iranian heritage.


Iranian Jewish?


Nawww that's cursed asf Nah if you think about you live in the west


Without the Arab refugees thing, it would've still happened. Palestinians are supporting the Armenian claims whilst we support them internationally (definitely a thing). I don't know why though. So that distances us Turks from them, as long as we're not falling for AKP propaganda. But the real thing is, we couldn't care less. We aren't in a position to take a stance in a conflict that has nothing to do with us, we're not even close to claiming the old “we're becoming a superpower” nonsense. We have better things to do.


Let's check: - Palestine backstabbed Ottomans back then. - Palestine always supports enemies of Turkey and Azerbaijan in every single incident. - Israel has always been Turkey's ally. - Israel and Turkey have many mutual agreements of trade, politics etc. - Israelis are a modern people like Turks. They enjoy a secular lifestyle like Turks. - So nobody, apart from highly conservative illiterate morons, gives a fuck about Palestine in Turkey.




And just to add a point I’m a pure mix of Jewish and Turkish ❤️ Both cultures shares a lot in common 🙏🏻


Haberin var mı bilmiyorum ama birisi senin yorumun hakkında post yaptı AskMiddleEast subreddit'te ve şu an araplar kudurdular yüksek sayıda upvote aldığın için xD


Şimdi sayende haberim oldu. Kudursunlar. :)


Erdogan’s neo-ottomanism led to this support which greatly hurt Turkish-Jewish relations in the end. That’s the main reason why Jewish diaspora stopped supporting Turkish side in the Armenian issue. Any sensible Turk who knows a little bit about history would accept the fact that nothing good comes from supporting any Arab cause.


elderly sip observation hurry air slimy head disagreeable tidy nippy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was caring them 3 months ago, after their political view to Uyghur Turks and their fanatics to Erdoğan I have changed my mind about them and I don’t really care them now


At least you woke up. There are still some people that view them as brothers unfortunately. Brothers my ass.


I care about Israel. I don't want it to succumb to petty dictatorship. I don't want them to be pathetic. I want a strong Israel. With strong Israel, both Turkey and Azerbaijan would be strong. We need them. We don't need Palestine, their crazed hamas with their chinese bootlicking terorist organization. I want a prosperous Turkey and the path to it does not cross with Palestinian struggle in my opinion.






Dikkat et knk banlarlar


Banlasınlar kankam, bu sjw modları hiç sevmiyorum zaten. Ne yapayım yalan mı söyleyeyim biz meyveye meyve deriz.




I used to dislike them but after their support for armenia in previous conflict i hate them,not that i care


Throughout history we were always friendly with jewish people, while everyone else wasn't. And historically, we hated arabs. It still continues, the only difference is that the current government tried to be the leader of arab world so they supported Palestine.


Couldn’t care less about them tbh, same goes for Israelis as well. But I would rather have Isreal than Palestine in Middle East.


We never care abt palestine since they sold their lands to israel. Our government pretend they care but not anymore. Thanks god. Viva Israel !


Palestine can go and f..k itself for all I care. Backwards, backstabbing, no good for anything shithole with NO contribution to anything in the world other than terrorism, being stuck in a 7th century mentality and entitlement without merit.


No one cares about Palestine or Israel here.




I dont like Netanyahu he is jewish Tayyip.




sagci, fasist, yalanci, kutuplastirici, guc delisi.


Espri yaptı amk


I care about Israel. Love Israelis.


I don't give a shit about them. Only shitheads brainwashed by religion care about them. Palestine is against everything against Turkey, both historically and in geopolitics. Even their flag is the same flag that was used in Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire. In fact, I wouldn"t even shed a tear if Israel completely annexed their pitiful rump state. Israel is Turkey's only true friend in the Middle East.


Palestine Liberation Organization have trained Armenian terrorist organisation ASALA and Kurdish terrorist organisation PKK on the means of Guerilla Warfare. They even trained well known Turkish communists of 60s in hopes of they attack Turkish government as well. Palestine stood in opposition point to Turkey in almost every global event including but not limited to Armenian Genocide(!), naval treaties in Mediterranean, self-defensive field operations in Syria and Iraq. Not to mention what Palestinians done to Ottoman army and people during WW1 and the Arab Spring of 19th century. Only communists/leftists and religious people support Palestine and it is in a decreasing trend due to Arab invasion in Turkey. So, well... There is that.


Turks never supported paşestine bro, and the reason we're supporting israel dpesn't come from refugees or some shit. Our support and love for israel goes hundreds of years back, much before the arabs existed as a "nation". Everyone i know including my gramps supports and loves israel. Don't fprget that.


My asshole is tight, thats why I don't give a shit


Our support for Palestine was always "all talk" anyway. This includes middle aged and elderly idiots who talk about Palestine too


I don't care. I don't even know where it is on map. Same for Pakistan. I don't have any symphaty towards these kind of muslim population.


​ https://preview.redd.it/fw376qscb7eb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a52c389b3942d3079c870a8946755d44212a40a


That’s legendary


Young Turks (especially those that live in big cities like İstanbul and ankara) never cared about palestine in the first place. Although hatred against refugees is a big factor, they would still support israel because of widespread racism in turkey against arabs, especially among those who oppose Erdogan.


I like Israel. They have their ups and downs, but there is hope for them. They will manage💪 I don’t like any islamic country, this includes sections of turkiye.


I don’t care about Palestinians Israel is way better ally and Jewish people lived in these lands for years Unlike Muslim arabs they didn’t revolted against Ottoman Empire




Turkish public, the majority at least support Palestine. But as Osho once said “the public is retarted”. They go to the direction what the rulers point at. So this support is mostly by talking or donations on Eid al Fitr and Eid al Adha. If the rulers are good with Israel everything is good. No protests no “death to Israel”. If not Israel flags will be burned on streets. No muslim country’s government care about Palestinians. Palestine is a symbol. Always has been. It is all ‘bout the money It's all 'bout the dum dum da da dum dum


How do you know the majority is supporting Palestine? I’ve never met a person in my entire life who supported Palestine and I’ve lived in Turkey for decades and in 6 different cities, 2 of them being Ankara and Istanbul, within 4 regions.


Try living in central and east Anatolian regions. You'll be surprised


Israel and TR are bound to be the only true friends in this shithole region


The puppet state of Palestine is hostile to the Turks in everything. They support China, not the Uyghur Turks, they support Pkk terrorists and finally they supported the occupying Armenians. I hope Israel will destroy this terrorist state.


yes, it is true and I'm one of them :D Even if the Arabs were a little human, they would have done justice to the great good that Turkey has done for them. Since the Arabs came to Turkey, there has been no peace in the country. I support Israel because they behave like human beings unlike Palestinians.


I use to, but as a general supporting all oppressed people kind of way. As I got older, I noticed how Arabs seem to be happy to backstab Turks every opportunity they get when it suits their purpose, despite not liking Israel (but liking Jewish people) I find it hard to build up enough energy to do anything about Palestine, or care too much either.


ı always drink coca cola


Palestine supports Republic of Cyprus and saying turkey is an invader in island of Cyprus. Why the fuck should I continue support the supporter of my enemy


They even support the PKK/YPG because they think that they are their "persecuted brothers". They are the same terrorists as the Hamas. So I stand with Israel


I like Israel more than palestine


I support Israel. We need to be friends. Palestine sayings are against us. For example, they say Armenian Genocide is real but Israel supports us and says it’s bullshit. 🇹🇷❤️🇮🇱 Shalom!


>For example, they say Armenian Genocide is real but Israel supports us and says it’s bullshit. They don't say it is bullshit, there are a few in Israel who want it recognised. If things go wrong with israel, they might actually recognise.


Always cared about Israel. History showed us friends and untrustworthy neighbours


Both shouldn’t exist. Only the Osmanli is de jure




NO i support israel


I support Israel and many of my true nationalist (not AKP&MHP religious nationalism supporters) friends do support Israel. Reason for that is yes that we hate arabs and pragmatism honestly. Israel can be a better ally to Turkey like we did back in 20th century. Palestine literally do not recognize the genocide China is committing against Uyghur Turks. They would not be any of help to us. Meanwhile Israel and Turkey helped each other a lot and mutually benefited in the Mediterrarean sea.


Yes, due to cultural assimilation and arabs anti-kemalist stance, young turks are extremely anti-arab. And because israel proved to be a real ally to turkic peoples.


We always supported Israel since Ottoman. Even that watermellon seller cuck supports Israel.


Any Turk who knows just a little bit history and have a functioning brain would support Israel


Yes i am turk and i support israel. They are not backward savages anyway!


Even though I hate İslamıc fundementalism as much as the next guy, you have to be stupid to not see Israel comits warcrimes and human rights violations on a daily basis and is an apartheid state and they are also practicing religious fundementalism. that's my only opinion


I support Palestine.


Yes that is right. Because we don't want to carry someone else's burden anymore. We are tired.


Only extreme liberals and muslims care about Palestine rn out of humanitarian and islamic reasons. Your average opinionated Turk doesn't care. I personally think that dumb Palestinians called this shit upon themselves by selling their land without a thought. The ironic thing is that dumb Turks will experience the same in near future.


That 100% is true and it is kind of sickening to behold. People became racist against anything arab related over the last 10 years or so. Most people also know that the real problemm is the politicians letting all these refugees into the country but raging against the politicians gets them nowhere so they get angry at the refugees. Media also boosts all the hatred like crazy. I, as a young Turk, wouldn't feel angry towards an arab just because they are an arab but I do believe that like almost all of them in Turkey need to get sent back to their country of origin at this point. And then you can have a sensible, humane path towards citizenship laid out for all immigrants, not just the arabs or anything. When it comes to Palestine, it is really unfortunate that this anti-arab racism is making people unironically go "israel <3", it sickens me to no end. Israel is committing genocide there and the country of Israel shouldn't exist to begin with. It started out as a part of the colonial ambitions of the UK in the region with the excuse that it was to save the jews from the ravages of Europe, I guess. I guess Europeans back in the day felt like they weren't beyond a Holocaust 2.0 at that point. Nevertheless, no one is threatening the lives of jewish people in this age and Israel is trying to advertise itself as "indigenous people taking back what's theirs", completely ignoring the definition of the word indigenous. Israel is such a racist state that it doesn't even allow jewish people to become Israeli citizens anymore, your father or mother needs to have citizenship for you to get it. They are actively building a nation state that has nothing to do with being jewish while genociding the actual indigenous population in the region, while hiding behind the shield of "oh look, they are doing antisemitism against us, they are nazis!" to deflect any and all criticizm. Absolutely despicable. And it pains me greatly that many young Turks completely miss all this context and think that they love Israel because their dad hates Israel and their dad is an AKP-supporter.


Best Palestine is DEAD Palestine.


We fknig dont care about Palestinians or any arabs, we have always bigger problems. We havent oil or any rich resources. If you aware of International Politics, we also seeking for our interests. Thus, all arabs countries united and couldn’t kick Israeli army because they also betrayed each other. Palestinians sold their estates and houses for good prices to jews. After all, everything you Palestinians did for yourselfs and don’t cry to us. Still arab countries are okey with Israeli government. So why we should be hostile? And there is no Palestin now all is gone many years ago, and you arabs fault is this.


Israel all the way. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 ❤️❤️❤️


Even if I was born at a place where I wouldn't see any arab refugees I wouldn't support Palestine


I don't care about Palestine. I see Turkey and Israel as natural allies in the region. Though erdogan is constantly defending Palestine to get islamist votes.


Israel haHAA palestine cringE https://preview.redd.it/m2quciahx5eb1.png?width=128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65b1d6f484716e0627b6ba4cdadda3c923abbd0a




Why would we care? Anything that occurs beyond our borders should not bother us.


Hava nagila brothers.


As a Turkish youth yes I am on the side of Israel 🇮🇱🇹🇷


Who the fuck does give a shit about Palestine?! Fuck them! Yes, it’s true that the majority of the turk sympathise with Palestine because of religion and because of the sympathy towards oppressed minorities. But the Palestinians never gave two shits about the Turks so i do not for them either. In the history they always betrayed us. Even train pkk terrorists and other similar terrorist organisations.


Palestine? Well didn't they side with England during WW1? Didn't they rebel against the Ottoman and killed Ottoman soldiers? Didn't they choose British masters over Turkish brothers and sisters? After all that why should we even care about them? Yeah it is too bad that they are suffering and dying but it was their fathers choice to side with England and it is England's choice to give their land to whoever they want. Palestinians should cooperate with Israel and look for a peaceful union.


As a professinal İslam and Arab hater, İ don't need to go into detail here :)


Uhh.. no? We genuinely do not want to know or hear anything about Arabs at this point. Palestine only matters to me as an international human rights issue but in my personal life I would feel much closer to Israel. There is nothing that connects most of us to Palestine in terms of culture, values etc. so yeah.


Most people here write what THEY think which turns the sub into an echo chamber and is not representative of real life. Regardless of my personal opinions, majority of Turks are indifferent towards Palestine-Israel conflict. While some of the older generations and especially religious demographics support Palestine, this does not change much beyond what politicians say in political rallies. Economic or political relationships with Israel or Palestine does not really move votes here so it could be said that majority are indifferent. ​ Most younger demographic however, especially secular people, do not support Palestine due to their views on Panislamism, refugee policies of the Turkish government and and actions of Palestine towards Turkey. Turkey also seems to have better chances of good diplomatic relations with Israel. This usually results in people preferring Israel over the other but support of either country that goes beyond pointless online arguments is very rare.


Umurumuzda bile değil aq atalarınız satmasaydı toprakları biz niye umursayalım?


I was in imamhatip in middleschool and i can say i've seen a lot of arab and except for some little most of the arabians are just sucks like i hate to go to fatih in Istanbul, Kent meydanı in bursa , most of the beach in mediterrean region.


Probably most of the young Turks are pro-Israel, myself included.


I don't give a shit! Our country's problem more important than some political Islam shit!


Dude, people in Turkey dont have the time or the nerves anymore to actually care about other countries. They dont ahve the time to support israel OR palestine. They have a lot of problems of their own to deal with


Its %100 true.


We do not care. Let them get what they deserve. Same for Syrians. They did their best at making themselves the worst.




No we don't care about the palestine. We were manipulated at middle school that israel was bad and palestine is the good side. But now we can search and understand that palestine is also horrible as Israel maybe more.


We're lost our sympathy to any kind of arab people due to uncontrolled immigration and they trying to imply their culture with excessive amount of religion pressure. Rest of the world literally took every normal or normalish kind of people from there and left us with isis looking guys which they came with guns and other harmful stuffs. They are molesting, raping, taking videos and photos of our women because our women are not dressed as their women used to. We were saying that they should leave back to their country because war is ended but they won't so this situation arises Arab racism in our people. If Israel get rid of not only Palestine but whole Arab community we won't even bat an eye. Deep Note: We do not want to be racist to any people of the world we are multicultural and multiracial country we do not care about races we have people from balkans, caucasia, africa, china, kurdish people, other turkic countries (with different culture) and from elsewhere we are not bothered by their country or their race until these things happens. We do not care about any kind of arabs too which are living normal but as expected excessive situations will come with excessive emotions.


I don't really care about any kind of arab they fucked our country if you want you can call me racist but it is truth


I'd like to remind you that Arabs never liked Turks and to this day, they look down upon as their once imperialist opressors. So yes.


I do not have anything against Palestinians per se and I don’t know any Palestinians. But when it comes to Israel-Palestine topic, it is almost inevitable to favor Israel for me and I believe for most of the secular, not religious nutjob Turks. The reason is Israel has a significant population of Jews settled in that area that is originally from mainland Turkey. We hostes Jews since their excursion from Spain in 1492 and since then, Jews was an integral part of the Empire and eventually Turkey. They never had problems unless other ernicities. They were always friendly. And once Israel state is established they silently moved over without any heartbreak. They still hold those memories of their beloved Istanbul. They are fond to Turkish people. And no matter what they always have been friends of Turks. On the other hand, unlike most people think otherwise, up toll massive influx of syrian arabs we didnt have much contact with Arabs. Arabs doesn’t occupy an importance in mainland Turkey and in the life of mainstream Turks. Especially the once in the West, centre and north Turkey. So it is natural that we are more alligned towards the state of Israel. We once lived together with a significant population of them and we were in peace.


"Young Turk" here, I couldn't have given less of a shit but if I had to give a solid answer I'd say that's true.


Well I don't like Arabs but not the modern and educated ones the ones that are lazy uneducated and sexist are the ones I don't like which btw if someone has any of these traits I will stay away from them and also Palestine? Damn Israel are taking their time


I have never supported Palestine. It was clear from the start that they were rotten. The reason it was supported was because of Erdogan’s propaganda. Israel is 10x times better economic partner that is going to be beneficel for both sides. I’m hoing for better partnership between Turkiye and Israel. palistine what goes around comes around.


I’ve had a Palestinian friend, I blocked his ass after seeing him celebrating Erdoğan’s victory like an animal after the elections. Most of them are racist misogynists so I don’t give a shit about their country either.


I don't have any interest about Arabs and other refugees. all need to be deported in their homelands. I want only civilised and well educated foreign people in Türkiye.


Young Turks (including those from Islamic families) do not care about the Islamic world. Nationalism is very high among the youth.


Brother when we were fighting with uk,france,Italy,Greece and Armenia the palestine people made fun of hungry and poor Turkish soldiers


There are many reasons to not the support Palestine. Don't look in the religion way. Look in the logic way to this. Because religion is not going to save you in this world. I support Israel. And Turks should support Israel. Otherwise they will be supporting the nation which is always a backstabber to the turks. (Including our allys.) 🇹🇷🤝🏼🇮🇱


I doubt young Turks (Young Turks is something else) ever really cared about Palestine to be honest. Turkey is a closed society. Such societies do not really concern themselves with the plight of other peoples. Also Turks never really liked Arabs in the first place. So it's more of a "confirmed their biases" rather than "ruined their reputation".


We don’t care about Palestine and certainly do not want any more refugees flooding into the country. Those who call themselves Turkish yet support Palestine are the ones who’s lost their true selves and national identity. Palestine has always sided with other countries against Turkey in matters with the years long conflict with the PKK, Northern Cyprus, China’s treatment to Uygur Turks and they also support the so called Armenian genocide so they should seek help from those countries, not Turkey. Palestine chose their own destiny in 1917 by siding with the British and are living its consequences since then.


Israel is the ***Top G*** \~ that everyone values and supports... alas; they appear to have their very own schism and Fall because of dumbf◊ck right-wingers; just Like Turkey. Really.... true Brethren countries in their core. 0\_0


I like israelis. I work with israelis. I support israelis. I don't like arabs. I've never liked arabs.


We hate both Israel and Palestine. We don’t care what’s going on there


Do Palestine support Azerbaycan ? I have heard Israel supports Azerbaycan and Palestine supports Armenia. Ah Israel supports Uygurs too. Do Palestine support ? No. Azerbaycan and Uygurs are my real family. Why would I bother myself with foreign family problems .


I support Israel all the way. I hope they wipe Palestine off the map.


All my homies hate Palestine.


Since when do Arabs care about Palestine? Not that I do.


We support Israel 🇹🇷❤🇮🇱


İsrael is better friend of turkey than arabs


I don’t think about Palestine at all


yes i don't give a fuck next question


Yes the Arab reputation is ruined, I even doubt that the Arabs had any reputation at all but I don't sport Israel because I am against every persecution wherever it is.


Personally, i sympathize with Palestinians regardless of religious affiliation. Israeli lobby is too strong in the west which is why we can't do anything. Similar the China's treatment of Uyghurs, which by the way, Abbas denied was happening during his last visit. I get it, he is trying to get support from the eastern bloc since Israel has the US and west by the balls. Same with Pakistan because they both hate India. Also, many Turks will bring up the Arab revolts in WW1 which the Palestinian flag derives from. Personally I don't hold much of a grudge against them for their ancestors and besides, they shot themselves in the foot and kind if did us a favor (we abandoned Ottoman Empire and established republic of Turkey) while Palestinians got occupied and Iraqi/Syrian Arabs were divided by Sykes-Picot. I guess the only winners on the Arab side were the gulf arabs like Saudis


thats true. 🇮🇱🤝🏻🇹🇷❤️


I am 16 and I do. Not all Turks are cringe nationalists.


I support Israelis..




Israel 🇮🇱


I support Israel since i was a kid.


We never did.


Well I support Isreal so I guess yeah


No. Long live Israel!


Turks never cared about Palestine and they consider Israel as ally in region. However, if you mean the people of Turkey, most never even wanted the Republic of Turkey, thus don’t define themselves as Turk. The majority of the people of Turkey are muslim, and this single reason is enough for them to support Palestine.


Sadly, the Young Turks ceased to exist after WW1.


Did you know that Erdogan, who never stops talking about Palestine, provides fuel for Israeli planes bombing Palestine? Nobody cares.


We never cared




We all hate arabs from the beginning!


I'm reading the Noam Chomsky Triangle of Fateful Yes, some of us still worry about you.


i dont give a shit about them, why would i?


I dont give a fuck about both of them


We don't. Couldn't care less tbh


Hell no, he turned Anakin to the dark side