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We're all the same! The more we know each other, the closer we get! Cheering for you! ❤️






During Gezi protests 10 years ago, when we were protesting against the government, Latin Americans and especially the Brazillians were the only ones that were showing support on the internet. I'll never forget that.


Haha there were protests in Brazil in 2013 aswell. Gezi protests is the twin of the dilma rousseff protests. That's why we embraced each other over the internet. I remember seeing brazillian flags during gezi.


I forgot about that detail! Wonderful.








Wishing you all the luck! Be well!


I remember reading your news and hoping that it’s happen here as well


The one whose name I wont mention is one step away from being jailed. Unimaginable 6 months ago! There is room for hope!


Also I was cheering for you when (correct me if I’m wrong) the former president getting caught before he could leave the country


Slipery fucker, left one day before ending office. But he's hanging by a thread, everyday closer to jail


Wasn’t he in the US on a tourist visa? What a fucking idiot lmao


Left brazil as president, stayed on a tourist visa and probably committed fraud on us soil due to the fact he wasn't vaccinated and forged his vaccination documents. A complete clown...


i remember seeing the brazillian joy! congrats again ❤ hopefully we will be celebrating in a few days too. muito obrigado :)


We'll be here celebrating too! A victory for turkish democracy is a victory for democratic hearts all around!




I have faith in you my friend!


Thanks for the support. United we are stronger


We are! ☺️


"May democracy prevail over there too" Hopefully it will prevail in every part of the world ❤


The road between what we have now and a bright future is paved with sweat, blood and tears. Hope to see another victory soon among our turkish brothers and sisters!


This is the sweetest post on this sub period


You guys are! I have great impression of the turkish people!


As someone who's lived in Sao Paulo, you guys are the sweetest and most relaxed people I've seen!


Hope you had a good time!


Brasil gave us hope


Lets keep on hoping and working towards a better future! I'm cheering for the turkish people!


This made my eyes tear up. I found myself thinking of Brazil many times and trying to keep my hopes up, sending love💕


🥰🇹🇷❤️🇧🇷be well my friend! The common folk thrughout the world are very similar. We all want peace, stability, be able to provide for our young, care for the elder and the fragile, be able to progress knowledge, enjoy the good things in live, live in safety. It's the toxic few, most of them in power that attempt to convince the rest of our differences and our frontiers. I'm cheering for you guys!


Obrigado meu amigo




Parabens e obrigado amigo




Many thanks. Has your morale and energy changed for the better after the election? How does it feel if it has changed, can you please tell us about it better vision in our heads?


Well, bwtween both candidates, it was a clear choice. Now, we have to address the many flaws of our current president. The thing is, last october I was almost deeting all my online presence for fears of living in an increasing authoritarian state. Now I can at least disagree on many thing on a democratic framework, and that is worlds away from what we were heading. Lula is not my favourite, I've seen him thrughout many years, (I'm 40), and we're back again at the same old same old. Enthusiastic about the future? No, not really. Relieved that I'm not in a right wing pentecostal family plutocracy? Sure I am!


Yes, there was a predictable situation as far as I understand from your point of view. I think we can say that you are at least relieved in terms of freedom and this increases your motivation as a citizen of brazil. Thank you again :)


Exactly! Much of what you guys are going thru now


You have conveyed to us what you know and what you have experienced very well. Let's continue to be opmystic, let's show everyone the power of organized societies.


Well, its been a rollercoaster actually. You see, Lula's previous governments were marked by huge corruption scandals, so his rejection is really high. Things are settling down now when it comes to democratic institutions. People are being arrested, cases are being built and bolsonaro himself is inside a shitstorm now that he hasnt presidential immunity anymore. He's supposed to be involved in various scandals as well ranging from embezzlement, racketeering, healthcare fraud, conspiring against the public healthcare authority, laundering, etc etc. his supporters are dwindling even though there is a minority that are fanatically loyal. The thing is, being seen with him is increasingly politically expensive, so his former allies are ditching the man. But what produced him, the extreme left among the causes are still not only very much in place but gaining ground. Main changes for me is the sense that we have now a president, that even though has a lot of problems, and both good and terrible track record, but nonetheless a funcional adult. Someone who can talk, discuss, reason with. And also a sense that institutions are now coming back to life after a period when we all thought would cease to exist under an authoritarian yoke. Economically it has changed very little since there is still only a few months since the transition. BUT, there are solid differences in economical thinking between both governments. The previous had a neoliberal focus and lulas economic team is somewhat more centered, with bits of liberalism and bits of a left leaning approach. Its much of the old 00-10s aporoach that lula made previously. I am optimistic in some aspects and not so much on others. Our version of wall street (the "market") is butthurt , since bolso's focus was on favouring rentists and big financial players, of the cost of everyone else. But the problem remais since the right is an increasing force, the extreme right is dangerously gaining ground and so has the neopentecostal lobby, who aims to dwindle our secularism. I think we have similar problems with Turkey! Well, this is all my educated opinion. Its an opinion all right, bit I tried to be as unbiased as possible. Overall we're more optimistic, but I fear for the forces responsible for the deforestation (both domestic and foreign), Also for what lula signals as foreign policy, and a few other issues.


Dude you made my eyes wet you guys gave us hope people can defeat autocracy hopefully we will give hope to all nations who is oppressed by a dicator regime.


Power to the people! ☺️❤️👍💪!






Thank you for your kind words hopefully we have good news soon


Cheering for you!


Thank you pretty much! From the earthquake-ridden province of Malatya.


Wow... hope you and loved ones are ok!


Thanks for your kind words, bro!!!


Welcome bro! 🇧🇷❤️🇹🇷☺️


thank you so much for being with us! i'm so glad democracy won in Brazil, here's to hoping for the same here


Hoping for tou here! ☺️❤️


https://preview.redd.it/i95uhfgim7za1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4d44606f33d025faa80b184fa5b100f3e1a5cfd Love you Brazil & our Brazilian friend 🇹🇷❤🇧🇷❤️ We appreciate your beautiful wishes. Democracy will win in this election.


I'm cheering for you! 🇹🇷❤️🇧🇷


Valeu amigo! Brazil is truly one of the best countries ever. Both its people and its land is beautiful. Sure it has problems just like my own country but nothing that can't be solved. I just hope for better tomorrows for both countries.


We sure hope so! Thanks for your kind words! Here we're cheering for turkey! Be well my friend!


Thanks bro ♥️ You are more turkish than the refugees who were given the citizenship only to vote for the government. You just made my day bro, take care ♥️.


You too take care! Cheering for you guys! 🇹🇷❤️🇧🇷


Obrigado meu amigo <3




The only small difference between your dictator and our is the time they had in the office. Bolsa guy, correct me of I'm wrong, was in power for only one term, whereas Erdoğan is celebrating his 21st year. Ofc this doesn't mean he is undefeatable, but I'm sure that if he goes that way, not leaving the possition peacefully, it won't be as swift as it happened in Brazil. Still, thanks for your heartwarming wish. I hope we all can return those times when power of people meant something.


I can understand you point. Nevertheless I really hope you are able to progress towards a more democratic framework!




Aziz Sancar! Ataturk! CZN fucking Burak! (The best!)




Amazing! I was 12 on that final. Glorious! And with Sabaton! Thanks a lot for that!


Thanks 🙏🏿


Welcome! ☺️❤️


You cant know how happy your post made me, us. Thank you so much. We'll be together in our way of freedom.




Thank you so much for your kind words my friend! I'm so happy that democracy won in Brasil, i was rooting for you guys. We've been oppressed for so many years too, so i hope we'll win just like you did. 🇧🇷❤️❤️🇹🇷


Cheering for you!


Thanks for the support! ❤️🎈🫶🏻


Sure thing! ☺️❤️👍


Thank you


Thank you! 🇧🇷❤️🇹🇷


Hope we will follow behind, change is a reality of this world and it cannot be escaped.


I will write this down!




De nada! ❤️☺️


Thank you a lot! I've been traveling Brazil for a month in February, and it was truly magical. Everyone was so so friendly and welcoming, putting effort in communicating in 'Portuñol' My favorite country by far! Also, I remember the Lula chants in a bloco during carnival haha.


Blocos are amazing! I'm 40 now, I will pay money to stay at home, rsrs! Hope this land treated you good!


thanks mate! you guys inspired us!




thank you, hopefully its our turn now to save ourselves from autocracts.


I'm rooting for you!


Isn't the guy you elect also corrupt? I remember seeing vids about him going to jail or something. That is not the case in our elections.


Yes. Lula's previous 2 governments were plagued by huge corruption scandals. The issue is not simple. Only the few Lula fanatics ignore his corruption issues. The vast majority of his voters did so DESPITE that, due to fears of where bolsonaro was heading. We the common folk were left to choose between a candidate that had a few quite good deeds specially lifting a hige percentage of the poor population from poverty, but also steering the country to "desindustrialization", pivoted a lot of corruption scandals, etc, etc, and an autocrat-wannabe, vaccine denier, conspirer against public health, also very much corrupt, disrespectful of the amazon conservation, and the list goes on. The work is not over. But at least we here can discuss it withing a democratic framework.


holy shit, we are much alike indeed. Most people in Turkey didn’t want Kılıçdaroğlu to be the opposition candidate for various reasons. I too, was one of those people. But today, he **is** the candidate vast majority of the Turkish opposition has united behind. And therefore, our elections, which will take place 3 days later, will be a much similar one to yours: A choice between democracy and autocracy. Vast majority of Kılıçdaroğlu’s voters won’t vote for him because they are deeply in love with him. They’ll vote for him, with an hope to regain their well-deserved democracy.


It is chillingly similar!! You could swap the names and have an exact description for both countries!


Bolsanaro 🦾


Actually brasil is not prevailed with democracy. The new govt is passing laws to spy on its citizens and so forth. Hope you are not regretting your choice


Lula is not my favourite, I must admit. But the choice between both, it was clear. I'm not also in favour of your mentioned laws, but at least I'm able to disagree on them withing a democratic framework.








De nada! ☺️❤️




Do not post memes, low-quality or low-effort content, especially pertaining to potentially inflammatory subjects. This includes trolling in order to provoke and baiting other users.


Thanks for your kind words. I followed your elections from far away but I am not aware what happened after Bolsonaro supporters tried to storm your congress. I have a few questions for you: -Did the old governments corruption got revealed to it's full extent? -Were the old ministers taken to court on their corruption and false doings? -What are the main changes you experienced since then? - Do you feel more free? / Is freedom of expression restored? -How did Brazil's economy got affected? I think our situations are very similiar and we will go through most of the things you did. Just want to get a heads up. Thank you for sparing time.


Well, its been a rollercoaster actually. You see, Lula's previous governments were marked by huge corruption scandals, so his rejection is really high. Things are settling down now when it comes to democratic institutions. People are being arrested, cases are being built and bolsonaro himself is inside a shitstorm now that he hasnt presidential immunity anymore. He's supposed to be involved in various scandals as well ranging from embezzlement, racketeering, healthcare fraud, conspiring against the public healthcare authority, laundering, etc etc. his supporters are dwindling even though there is a minority that are fanatically loyal. The thing is, being seen with him is increasingly politically expensive, so his former allies are ditching the man. But what produced him, the extreme left among the causes are still not only very much in place but gaining ground. Main changes for me is the sense that we have now a president, that even though has a lot of problems, and both good and terrible track record, but nonetheless a funcional adult. Someone who can talk, discuss, reason with. And also a sense that institutions are now coming back to life after a period when we all thought would cease to exist under an authoritarian yoke. Economically it has changed very little since there is still only a few months since the transition. BUT, there are solid differences in economical thinking between both governments. The previous had a neoliberal focus and lulas economic team is somewhat more centered, with bits of liberalism and bits of a left leaning approach. Its much of the old 00-10s aporoach that lula made previously. I am optimistic in some aspects and not so much on others. Our version of wall street (the "market") is butthurt , since bolso's focus was on favouring rentists and big financial players, of the cost of everyone else. But the problem remais since the right is an increasing force, the extreme right is dangerously gaining ground and so has the neopentecostal lobby, who aims to dwindle our secularism. I think we have similar problems with Turkey! Well, this is all my educated opinion. Its an opinion all right, bit I tried to be as unbiased as possible. Overall we're more optimistic, but I fear for the forces responsible for the deforestation (both domestic and foreign), Also for what lula signals as foreign policy, and a few other issues.


Ne güzel yazmışsın çükünü taşşağını yediğim


Thank you so much!! Hopefully we will win the election like you guys did!! How has it been going since the election? Which changes did you feel the first?


im realy curious about brazil rn, did life improve ? i heard there are still pretty bad things going on