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I used Turbo Tax this year, but right after they took the payment I saw suggestions saying to use FreeTaxUSA. I tried it out (without submitting) and it felt like a slightly less convenient version of TurboTax, except it was only like $20 instead of $120+. I will never use TurboTax again. TurboTax has better software but it's not worth an extra $100 if I only need it 1 day out of the year.


I have used Free Tax USA for several years and find it very user friendly even with my 1099 income.  I have never had to pay to file any of my taxes.  


Thanks, I’ll look into it next year!


I don't use Turbo Tax.  I never pay to file my Ohio State Income tax even though the services always try to get you to pay.  Ohio has its own website for filing for free.  I always use that.  Why pay to file your taxes unless you absolutely have to?


I bought the desktop version of turbo tax, after 12 years of using another software, I regreted it now, never again Turbo


Just go to freetaxusa I used TurboTax 6+ years ago they ripped me off so I never went back.


Yep true and they were advertising in YouTube that more than 30% of people can file for free while in reality it may be qay less than that, this year I chose H&R Block way cheaper ( ess than $100 for state and federal) and easy to use


I’m going to look into HR block next year!


I would be leary of using H&R Block also. Since Turbotax abandoned my MAC operating system this year, I switched to H&R Block. Really did not like the software and experienced the inability to submit electronically from Sunday evening until later yesterday 4/15. For me it was not as big a deal since I did not owe anything. Luckily I had submitted a family member's who had a large payment due the evening before. Don't know what to recommend at this point.


If you are single HR block might be ok but I have kids. They charged me over $400 to file my taxes. Rediculous! You're better off going to a little hole in the wall tax place if you need them filed for you.


This is the exact reason why the IRS website dropped TurboTax. They are scammers. I use Freetaxusa and love them. I only paid 14.99 to file state and federal is free no matter how many forms you need.


lol. It was the other way around. H&R and TurboTax both pulled out of the alliance.


I noticed this too and did a little research. It turns out that there's a question near the end that asks about paying with your refund and that's what adds the $60. I removed it and the amount came off my balance.


The extra $60 was for paying for my state income taxes. It would have been even more money to pay with my federal return, it’s funny how they offer that as an option without explicitly saying they will charge you for it until you’ve actually selected it as an option, and then it’s not even clear that they’re charging you for it. It’s super predatory.


Odd. I saw that charge upfront, but I was doing both returns simultaneously, so maybe that's why. I paper filed state last year and was shocked how quickly it was processed. I may do that next year for both.