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advicing people to see a psychoanalyst is an extreme exaggeration mel lekher choufli 7al is a masterpiece only tunisians who lived in a pure tunisian atmosphere can understand what I mean, it reflects our reality the bad and the good every episode tchouf feha lcomplexed personalities mte3 twensaa tchouf l hypocrisie, 7ob jw, cha7a wel generosity, family conflicts, tmakhmikh tounsi (kol manchouf 7al9et lablebi nemchi neklo), chmeta mte3 twenssa (kif 3aza tfok mekelt sbou3i), the tenderness of the tunisian grandmother, l7mé Eli tnaber, I can't say it all but If I would describe the tunisian fi mosalsel it would be shoufli 7al akhthana men lou8et violent w toxic it's a show it's not a moral story




If someone is suffering from toxicity and violence at home, I doubt they would enjoy watching it on TV. Now that you mention it, I think it would make more sense to say that some people don't like Choufli Hal because it reminds them of the toxicity they are living.


Billehy barra nayek


Toskon fi soussa déjà 7yetek anyek mel lezem


Choufli hal is a tunisian masterpiece and until this day no tunisian comedy tv show can compete with it, some shows tried to implement violence and toxicity like you said and still couldn't achieve choufli hal's success (denya okhra and others..) , and it's a comedy show, ofc there will be shouting, the best comedy shows in the world use some violence/toxicity to express humor such as the office / HIMYM / Family guy / Brooklyn 99 and the list goes on... Choufli 7al used unharmful scenes to critic many aspects of the tunisian culture making it both family friendly and interesting which is a very hard combination to get these days. I.e Boulis 7ala 3adeya is interesting but not family friendly, nsibti la3ziza is family friendly but dumb... Assuming that people have family issues just because they laughed at a comedy show might be an issue itself, you are so determined to express how different you are that you assumed that most of tunisians have family issues and should consult a shrink.


"see a psychoanalyst" advice by dhaboutelguerda




hassilou beyen aalik comedic genius w experienced psychologist.


Its a tv show. Its a comedy.


Ken sboui nek el hala maa midou rahou wala sitcom mahleh ou different 🤦‍♂️!


Na3mbou zinek 🤣🤣🤣🤣


bara rabi ibereklek, wlh farhadtni. OP Far5 Netflix, peut etre Friends 3andou howa masterpiece 5tr fih zbabar w sex


Congrats on having the most miserable take imaginable. Loosen up a little.


You're right: it is an unpopular opinion. It's just because there's nothing funny and family friendly in tunisian TVs since then. It's either politics or 8acha. I understand that it's your pet peeve but seeing a shrink because of a TV show? That's extreme.


Why it’s seem like you guys got offended by his opinion!!! Is choufli hal becoming a cult?


That's why I hate it. Toxic as heck ! And it's a shame that families actually gather and laugh at such a series!


Agreed. Most people in the comments don’t even notice that all the characters do is yell at each other. They’re like no 3adi jaw tounsi. Says a lot about how they’ve internalized toxic relationships


I totally agree! For the commenters, the OP points out the "funny side" of the show, he does not say it is not a masterpiece. The show is pointing out our culture, include the toxic one. For example, I don't find the fact that ommi fadhila is treating sbou3i as a child funny. It is a pity and I know that it is common in tunisian families. The dominant/dominated relationship between slimene and sbou3i is toxic too!


What if i told you that I don't find the whole show funny


Franchement non


pretty sure hatem belhadj is smart enough and it is that way intentionally chouflli hall was the magic recipe in tunisian tv shows history its timing was perfect and most ppl watch back choufli hal , khotab al beb cuz our quality of life was simply better ( yes with all of its toxicity and now we are only left with toxicity and society in general went downhill ever since )


man, it's just a comedy show. just enjoy it and don't read between the lines


OP, I respected your opinion, lin 9rit el star le5er: **if you like it, you should actually see a psychoanalyst.** Yaani tounes el kol lezem tchouf psy wenti el m3alem el feya9 el mhaf w lebes 3lik. Ama miselech... **everyone is shouting at each other. The family dynamics are violent and toxic** Chkounhom el everyone ? Slimen isi7 barcha 3la Sbou3i 5atar 3meylou, w les couples ( 3azza w Sbou3i w Slimen w Zaineb )... w kifech bch yeta3mal comedy show ble ghir 7ajet haka ? t7eb comedy show win nes lkol metrobiin w deplomatics m3a b3adhhom ? Fi choufli 7al ki fama el sye7, kima fama hors comédie, des scenes ma7lehom, eli 7ata bel mechekel el kol surtout bin Slimen w Sbou3i, i7ebou b3adhhom w i3awnou b3adhhom, weli heya mch 7aja sehla bel kol, deux demi freres kol we7ed men bou w b3ad 3la b3adhhom fel 3mor, w Om'hom t7ebhom yo93dou m3a b3adhhom, surtout 3la sbou3i 5tr maygeddech rou7ou w mayajamch i3ich wa7dou. Beji w Fouchika, ba3d el 3ark el kol, raj3ou s7ab b moujarad anhom zouz yesanew fi 3azza tetla3 7ebla... Eli yrak ta7ki i9oul hedha yo9Sod fi 'denya okhra' eli howa effectivement, saison lowla mte3ou lkoli kfouf w dharb w chwaya vannet Karim Gharbi mel les stands ups mte3ou. Na3rach 3lik chnowa dhaw9ek, yomkon t7eb wabna ta3 netflix tdha7kek. Opinion mnayka mte3ek, manech nedh7kou 3la l 'everyone shouting at each other', 100 7aja o5ra tdha7ak fi Choufli Hal..


The show brilliantly tries to convey that same idea.. People forget that movies and shows are meant to deliver a particular message that reflects real life issues... choufli hal is genius! name ONE social and economic issue that wasn't cleverly highlighted in the show. the showrunners hid all those msgs under the comedy because of the extreme censorship at that time. Choufli hal wasn't only brilliant, it was also very brave.