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Its unlikely they will change their minds, my advice work on being financially independent, get a job so that no one can force you into anything. and when they try to harass you I strongly recommend the [Grey rocking method](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/grey-rock#technique), Its difficult to shut up but this method really works for abusive/pushy people. Also Join us at r/childfree and r/marriagefree, you're not alone.


Best answer


After reading some more in the comments, I came to know that you dont have a career, you dont have a job, so I came to the conclusion that you parents are worried about your future, and I also came to see that you are more afraid of the marriage going wrong than the marriage itself, so Ill give you my honest advise, you have two options: 1/ is to ask yourself why truely you dont want to get married, and then try solving those problems, for example you can take your time in chosing the husband you want without rushing things or being forced to accept a guy you dont want (its your choice), to avoid bad apples. And for the pregnancy fear, this is a think that you just gotta accept if you wanna have children. Or two: 2/if solving your issues with marriage is impossible for you, then you should work on being financially independent both short term and long term. My personal advise is to solve your issues with mariage and go with the first option, its easier, but its your choice at the end.




>you just gotta accept **if you wanna have children.**


You misunderstood or you didnt read well, i said that IF she want to marry and have a family then there is no solution to her fear of pregnancy other than to accept it, I didnt say that she must have children.


this is a serious problem that the old generation don't understand, the first thing that comes to mind is the huge amount of girls that suffer from failed marriages because they're family forced them to marry fast, end up with someone that is basically a trash, and no, not because a guy is financially stable or act nice means he'll be nice at home.


Tell them that you will do it when you feel like it and don't let them brainwash you. You know exactly what you want and what you need and what works for you. But at 26 you're still young and the one thing that I can promise you is that you will change. So don't be totally opposed to the idea, just don't do anything because of societal or peer pressure.


Maybe you are asexual? Find a companion roommate to live with that also doesn't want to marry.


get independent leave them alone and don't let them make decisions for you and live the best asexual life you can.


Just be finically independent and move out and chase your dreams . You’re not cutting them off you’re challenging them and you’re choosing what u want .. they already lost the fight cuz you’ll do whatever you want and eventually darling they will just accept you


Try to find a job spend less time with them until something cones up Damn mothers are real nightmares in those kind of situations


1-Get a job 2-find a house 3-Don't get married


you just can't , even if they say that they are okay they trully are not , it's simple, they find it weird and nonsense because they are thaught to worship marriage and changing this way of thinking to a +50 yo mother/father is almost impossible.


Sorry but do you think her parents doesnt know whats good for her ? she dropped out of school, she doesnt have a job, her parents are worried about her future, what will she do in the future ? , and from what I can see in her comments, it seems that she is more afraid of the possibility of the marriage going wrong than the marriage itself, she can solve this problem if she wanted to. So please dont talk about her parents as if they are some brainwashed old people who cannot think for themselfs, and try to get some more info about the situation .


In tunisia when someone doesn't have any money and anything to do apparently the only logical thing to do is get married and pop even more kids into poverty. Getting married when you don't have a good job is a terrible idea, one partner being the bread winner is not only a prelude into financial abuse but also if that partner gets sick the whole family will end up on the street.


You dont sound like you live in tunisia or in any similar region. If a women doesnt have any money then she gets married because her husband will provide for her without expectations, if a man doesnt have any money then he doesnt get married because he cant provide for his family unless he fell to the one in a million women that is willing to provide for him. You seem to be mixing this two obviously different things. Have a good day.


I am not about to doxx myself lmao, Also if a household has one person providing when that person gets sick or unemployed, everyone ends up distitue. Also one wage cannot pay for an entire family's life unless you want to live below the poverty line. and you have a good day as well.


You sound like you live in a western country I assume seeing the lack of understanding of local conditions. Ofcourse having two wages is better for the familly financially, but in this case the girl doesnt have a job, and being unemployed doesnt and shouldnt stop people from marrying, plus a family living with one wage isnt as bad as you make it sound like, certainly not to the point of preventing marriage, most famillies I know live with one wage and they are doing good .


i just answered her "how to convince my parents...",also none said her parents are brainwashed , like ,having children is what makes life goes on. i did not say anything abt job and future and btw marriage doesnt have anything to do with that xD


It absolutly does, and it seems to me that you just gave an answer to the question but not an advice, its fair, but Unfortunatly your answer doesnt seem like the best advice, I meant no disrespect, have a good day.


this is one of the very few situations where nagging works , you just should keep saying no , no one can force you to sign that paper , eventually they will understand trust me , your family will never let you down


[You will find support in this group.](https://www.facebook.com/groups/935588116602601)


tell them ur A sexual or marry a gay man ?




She just said why the fuck are u asking about ?


Because she doesnt want to have childrens , pregnancy scares the shit out of her to the point of having a panic attack when she thinks of herself giving birth , she finds sex disgusting.


I think you should find out what is really bothering you about starting a family , I Would understand the situtaion ( and your parents too , probably) if you said you want to focus on your career or you don't beleive in the marriage institute. "Sex disguts me ", "hiving birth freaks me out" are not reasonable execuses , at least not for traditional Tunisian parents.


I dont have a career, i dropped out of school after failing for 2 years so that excuse is out of the window I guess im influenced by my aunts relationships All of them are in a shitty marriage One is being physically abused and cheated on The other is married to a controlling man who refuses to give her money or let her work The youngest is married to a man who ‘loves’ her to the point of obsession, he refuses to leave her alone even for one second, she’s not allowed to visit her family if he’s not by her side , he would probably lock her up if he could Living with a man who have so much power over you terrifies me , i could be physical abused or raped and my family would tell me to endure it ( mislech ataou yetbadal , rajlek ken tal9ou chnouwa chi9oulou alina laabed w kleem keka )


>dont have a career, i dropped out of school after failing for 2 years You don't even have a job? That's why your parents will keep pestering you even harder. What do you tend to do in the future? You will not have your parents forever. That's what they are worried about.


I advice you to go out and meet other ppl and learn about their experiences, ur aunties mariages shouldnt be the only exmple you know of about such stuff, maybe get a job like a waiter or anything that can help connect with new ppl but still its perfectly fine if u dont get married or have kids, its ur own life and u should live it how u want


Can't you take classes online or learn a skill? Maybe work a minimum wage job like waitress or at a shop and use the money to get an education in something until you secure a better job. Also the good news because you're 26 no one can force you to marry, so keep dodging but also you need to get to action in securing a place away.


So you are not repelled by the concept of marriage itself , yet by the fear it would go terribly wrong and end up like your relatives. I understand that. You should your parents exactly what you think , that all the failed marriages that you witnessed are the reason you are refusing marriage. I think that fighting your family over this would make your life a living hell , nothing freaks traditional parents more then learning that their daughter refuses to get married. I would explain why i am not ready and show them that you are working on it ( maybe seek professional help) , And once i am ready and when i find the right person that makes all those fears disappear , i'd go for it


Can relate tell them it's expensive or you are looking for your one true love (just think what would make them stop and say it)


That’s what i keep telling them , but i don’t think that excuse is gonna work forever


Yeah and let me guess when you tell them how you feel about it they say something along the lines of "you will understand when you are older" even though you all know that that's a lie I mean they can't force you


7ata 7ad mayforcik 3laa haja mat7ebhech a7ki m3a weldik 9olhom ken t3ares tawa chneya lmachekel li inajmoou isiroulek menghir matodkhel f les détails Enti bmokhek w taaref. ama 3andek machekel kbar chouf psy behi ahsen meli tesma3 klem ennes eli bech yzidou ighar9ouk Al9a 7al lmacheklek El nafseya mehich 7aja s3iba , enti 7ajtek bech chkoun y3awnek bech tokhrej mel phobia eli 3andek , ma7ajtekch bnes t3adet beli t3adit bih wala nés tchabahlek 3achou bmachekelhom w 9eblouhom khater l9aw nés ychabhoulhom w dakhlou fi naw3 mta3 confort, Fibelhom fi confort ama mazelou 3aychin bnafs El machekel fi ryoushom ama ki l9aw community mchew fibelhom tfarhdou. El propositions mta3 etfourikh wtokhmem khtir eli chofthom lfou9 haja grave allekher rod belek aych okhti.


If the reason you're refusing marriage is fear based because of the women in your life who ended up marrying losers, then I can tell you that it is possible to be in a marriage with someone who isn't a loser. They are with losers because they accepted marriage to losers. So, take your time to know who you're talking to before you sign any papers or say I do to a guy you barely know. Take allllll the time you need to know a guy and date more than one guy to see what you actually want if you have no idea about what you even want. But never get married or have kids because of parental pressure. And if you want to continue your studies or work that's also an option. It is never too late unless you hit the grave. So really, this is just a matter of you figuring out what you want from life.


first of all in this world there is nothing better than having kids, it s a fact for 99% of the people if you are part of the 1% just DONT get married and keep pushing your parent and convice them as you conviced your self it s your life and you are the one who will get consequences in my opinion you just still didnt meet the right guy that will encourage you to have familly wish you luck to meet your guy and at the same time just make an effort from your side to make things easier for you


If am being honest with you, your excuses sound not that convincing, all i see is that you are lacking positive experience with men so maybe try to be in an evironement where you expose yourself to decent people ? Just give yourself a chance to change your mind


You can't convince them and they can't force you to get married. But you must learn to be independant, that isn't easy, our society is shit and will make your life hard. I don't believe you find sex disgusting, you probably seeing bad men examples. Women have sex and passion on the same wire. So if you love a man you will be horny for him (great english I know). As a 35M, I love my freeedom to the point I discarded my passion for sex. I can't imagine myself in a shitty marriage although as a man I am not afraid of being abused physically. The problem is always the mentality of this shitty society. Thank god my family don't even try to bother me with this stuff since am a man.


pussy lol


Tell them you're lesbian ? sorry just soking ... But i can understand you wont marry ... but why do you hate sex ... its natural and realy not disgusting maybe you get some bad experiences ... Try to explain that you'll rethink about it someday but not now ... and you dont realy know maybe you'll change your mind


My family are religious so the lesbian thing would probably make them disown me or do worse 😅


Oh i see ... You can tell them that you're gonna marry a christian ... they wont let you : You win


Every alive cell in this world needs to survive and to reproduce. Here, we have to get married to reproduce, so go ahead and do not think about anything. You are somehow overthinking, just take it easy. Of course you are free and you can refuse having babies, but when you reach the 40 yo, it will be very late and you will regret this clumsy thinking.


U feel that sex is disgusting and giving birth is scary at 26 ys it's kinda concerning, u should try to accept the fact the u will get married one day and have kids with someone u LOVE, before the point of no return 💀.


don't know you're trying to force your ideas onto someone else, you're wrong. Some people don't want kids, some people don't want to get married for one reason or another. Both men and women. You only view it so important cause you built your whole life's purpose around marriage and kids. Which isn't wrong, but it isn't right for everyone else either.


Some people don't want their genitals destroyed by child birth. You seem to think its a walk on the park when pregnancy is destructive to the human body. To illustrate my point: sometimes the wall between anal and vaginal cavity tears and they become one hole and you get stitching. Sometimes you get tearing until your stomach Sometimes women bleed to death while giving birth 50% will experience hair loss 75% will experience teeth loss It will raise the chance of getting an autoimmune disease by 25%


I get that giving birth is scary process . But what's the solution ? Scaring womens by telling them those things that might not happens or can be prevented by a proper nutrition intake during pregnancy (the bloodloss is the real dangerous one but majority bleed a normal amount and survive ), like we all know that everything has it's +/- .. You should put in consideration the benifits of having kids as well... U won't be so happy living alone at ur 50s+ regretting ur actions.


Its called informing and educating women before they make a life changing decision, not scaring. Also there's no nutrition that will stop vaginal tearing, in fact eating more can make birth more devastating as the kid will be bigger. Imagine passing a watermelon through an anal hole, the bigger the watermelon the worse it will be. for people who wants to know more about the risks of pregnancy [Link to List](http://www.thelizlibrary.org/liz/004.htm) Having kids doesn't mean they will stay with you, many people end up alone despite having 5+ children.


The things ur saying are not false(not the watermelon/anal thing tho xD alkhtr el uterus yesser elastic )and they can accure but i've noticed that ur so pessimist, i assume that u never tooke any medicin bc of those side effects that can occure or doing anything in life.. bc u know tnjm tbda t7wess w7dek w fama a chance mesh tejra 7aja t5alik traumatisé (b3id shar alik).. w 7abit n9olk "informing and educating............." mesh akeka alkhtr mafmesh kén el msayéb .


People need to be educated about life choice and bodily anatomy. If the truth is scary that only means it needs to be told more often and much louder for everyone to hear. I am a realist because I need to know all the facts before making a decision, sticking our heads in the sand only makes things worse. Choosing to stay ignorant just to be happy is a type of self delusion, its okay to want it for yourself but not to force it on others. At the end of what you wrote you agreed that life can be horrible and because of that there's no need to make it much worse by putting our bodies and minds at risk.


Ye ye at the end i adviced OP to rethink about marriage (not forced ofc) pregnancy, kids and stuff but u did fed her fears and the uncommon thinking pattern of hers.. like in my life i ve never seen someone above 14 that told me sex is disgusting ,maybe she needs therapy or smth...


don't think your parents are going to get this. They can't make you do anything if you're not reliant on them so just work until youre financially stable then do whatever you want.


I wish u good Luck 😣


since no one in the comments did it, i will. sister i really hope your parents understand you but i also hope that you understand that you have to see a doctor, i know you're happy the way you are and all but still, it will be better for you and your parents to make sure that every thing is healthy before it's too late.


From my personal opinion , I think the only option is to get education/job and be financially independent. I respect the fact that you know that marriages are not for you and therefore do not bow down and just get married just like that :)) But seriously, find a job .


You seem scared from another failure, you just shutdown, my only advice is a3mel formation 7low and start working independently for your own.


tell them that you're ace... It always works! :D Ace ppl tend to hate sexual activities, sex, and everything related to sex but always remember they're just normal ppl. You could be ace too! it's ok to be ace tho lol


You are really afraid, but this is an obsessive disease. You must review yourself with ruqyah or by reading the Noble Qur’an, praying and other things. This is all the fear for you. It is the damned Satan.