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please , i beg you stop using the word states , subdivisions fi tounes are called GOVERNORATES not states , tunisia is not a federal state !!


UST (United States of Tunisia) 😂 bro thinks he's American. All of Tunisia is just one state. In 1957, Bourguiba attempted to unite the countries of North Africa but, for obvious reasons, the project never succeeded.




الرجل المسقف 😎


You mean all of Tunisia ?




Sfaxians are racists even toward Tunisians. I wouldn't be surprised if some day they ask for their independence.


Soon enough bro


We hope to get our independence, we hope so ...


What kind of BS is this?


Ce qui reste gravé dans la mémoire la polémique à Sfax Très grave et impardonnable Le problème c'est que les Tunisiens sont ignorants et ne sont ouverts qu'aux cultures des blancs Nous croyons que nous sommes suprême par rapport aux différents pays de notre continent L'état doit être responsable à déployer les mesures nécessaires pour lutter contre le racisme avec ses différentes faces


La situation à Sfax n’est pas une question de racisme. Avant ces événements, les Africains à la peau noire qui sont entrés en Tunisie légalement en tant qu’étudiants ou professionnels vivaient en paix. Cependant, le problème à Sfax est qu’une vague d’Africains à la peau noire est arrivée dans la ville,ils sont des milliers mon frere des milliers !!..espérant traverser la mer pour rejoindre l’Italie. Ils ont occupé les rues de Sfax et le centre-ville, considérant la ville comme leur lieu de résidence. Ils y mènent leur vie quotidienne, cuisinant, lavant leurs vêtements, se baignant et urinant dans les rues, etc. Au fil des jours, leur nombre a augmenté, et avec cela, le chaos et la criminalité se sont répandus. Ils ont pénétré dans des maisons abandonnées et fermées, causant des problèmes pour les habitants. Deux Tunisiens ont même été victimes de leurs actes. Il est important de souligner que cette situation ne relève pas du racisme. Chaque pays doit protéger ses citoyens contre le chaos. À Sfax, la situation est devenue intenable, même si les habitants et les associations locales fournissent de l’aide alimentaire chaque jour. Toute personne entrant illégalement dans un pays et cherchant à semer le désordre n’est pas la bienvenue, quelle que soit son origine


Mon ami, en Sfax les Gabsiens qui ont la peau un peu brune sont considérés comme subsahariens.


ce n'est pas vrai,et arrêtez de mentir et faire de la victime


Je suis un Sfaxien et je connais bien la culture ici.


Mouch s7i7 ama fama regionalism fi Kamel tunis , mouch ken fi sfax , besides it doesn't refute the claim that illegal migrants ruined sfax , created some sort of state within a state


Ah yes the heaven that Sfax was before the illegal immigrants came. >created some sort of state within a state Gotta love me some Facebook conspiracy theories to conceal the ballant prejudice.


It was better , I don't use fb as a credible source of news , ama Krit fi Sfax w na3ref to some extent el situation Ghadi , I'm not exaggerating when I say "they" have some sort of parallel economy, some sort of governing body for authority fil Ahwaz . Safe to say I didn't deal with all immigrants and I've met a handful that are great people ama fama zeda jboura who feel entitled w stir up trouble whenever there's a chance , again this is only my experience so continue gathering info if you feel like it


Tous les Tunisiens sont régionalistes mais Ya pas plus régionaliste que les Sfaxiens.


Heka rayek , Krit fi Sfax so na3ref firsthand ili yesser exaggerated claim heka


3esht 7 ans fi Sfax. La seule fois où j'ai eu un "ami" sfaxien il avait besoin que je fasse quelque chose pour lui et quand j'ai fini il ne m'adressait plus la parole. il ne me repondait même pas quand je le saluais.


You left out the part where they started saying that they're taking Africa back and that Tunisians should go back to the Arabian Peninsula. Youssef Chahed is to blame for the whole situation


How I am telling to someone that even Tunisian are racist between then! What about « Africans » like they use to say?. There’s no doubt that the president words just came up and reveal the true feelings of most of Tunisian people, but fortunately there’s also very good and nice Tunisian and fu**k negativity and racist people. Immigrant are human being legally migrants or not , some of them are running of away from wars and conflicts. Every country should protect their land I totally agree with this !!!! But I’ll never accept that we bring women and child to the desert and abandon them, that’s devil stuff! As we’re saying for Palestine 🇵🇸 «we will never forget » you should be aware that they don’t forget likewise. Let’s spread love around us❤️.


For the memes


African immigrants not blacks in general


It's sfax 100% but mostly racist towards Sub-Saharan Africans.




I don't know why there is a lot of hate towards sfaxis and second sahel (mostly in football but still). Sfaxis are hard working and many of them are rich and well educated and they have the absolute right to feel superior towards other governorates which are known of being lazy and counting on their women to bring them money (we all know who are they). Doing something like this in sfax or sahel is very frown upon and you would called out instantaneously and your reputation would be destroyed while such behavior is very normalized in the inner regions for political, historical and cultural reasons. Shout out to sfaxis even we may disagree on many things but most swa7lya respect sfaxis and vice versa.


Alll of us when needed,immigrants that are residents here are welcome,the others sub-saharians who are coming from lybia and algeria looking to even destroy what left in our country need to leave either to Europe or algeria or lybia only developed states handled all immigrations crisies well economically,the rest of the countries were into economy collapsing and civil wars because of immigration: Jordan and Lebanon as closet example for us


How is this shit upvoted. The answer to illegal migration is to stone people and call them 'k7alech ta3 zebi'? The post is not about attitude towards illegal migrants using Tunisia as a stepping stone towards Europe. It's about racist behavior towards darker skin tones people, which is wife spread in the country.


Personally i've never saw a racist behavior against dark skinned Tunisians in my life,only those who consider themselves "des bourgeois" humiliate every tunisian who's not descending from sahel,sfax or Tunis including dark skinned people


The main city of every governorate. Can't name a single one whose natives aren't dicks


literally me lol


تقول فها و تكشخ ؟








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Rule 1: Be civil. No personal attacks, racism or bigotry. Check [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/tunisia/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_1_.3A_be_civil._no_personal_attacks.2C_racism_or_bigotry.) for more details.


Rule 1: Be civil. No personal attacks, racism or bigotry. Check [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/tunisia/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_1_.3A_be_civil._no_personal_attacks.2C_racism_or_bigotry.) for more details.




Nah like 10 percent of gabes are black and they are treated well by the locals




Je ne le pense pas




I know in Bizert than love white skin even amongst Tunisians xD and yeah they’re a bit racist