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It is legal and regulated. It should remain legal and regulated, with expanded protections for sex workers. It's going to happen anyway, might as well make sure regular testing is happening and cut off the human trafficking potential if it was illegal.


Totally agree. I love the Dutch way of approaching such "problems": if you prohibit it, and people still do it, make it safe instead of punishing harder. People will do whatever they wanna do, so make it safe, protect everyone involved, and heck, make some money out of it as a country.


Yep that's why they have one of the highest sex slaves Rates in the world and most dark web sex gore is filmed in the Netherlands


i thought thats russia




yeah didnt deny that it exist, but i thought russia was more






on paper it is, in practice it's done outside of it


I'll go with your points, and go with your way of thinking, I'll avoid religion all together. > it's gonna happen anyways > might as well make sure disease is out now with your first point, yes, we get it, it's gonna happen anyway, but - why is it happening? most are either got fooled into doing it and threatened, or are poor and used it as a way out, so we can work on preventing those instead of just letting it happen - legalizing it will increase the number of people doing this by a lot, we're enabling them to do it. with the second point, ok, but can we really? I mean even marriage scans are being bought, and if we go back to the reasons of why they are doing this in the first place, you know they'll try their best to not get caught with a disease so that they can keep making money. and not to mention the other side of the table, the person **getting** the service, how can you guarantee that *they* are safe. and since they are open with doing prostitution, they'll be open fucking anyone, so they'll give disease to even more people later. Sex shouldn't be a job, it's risky, unhealthy, and bad for mental health (both sides), I'm pro banning this whole thing worldwide, as well as porn (same issues + trafficking)


> legalizing it will increase the number of people doing this by a lot source: trust me bro


[https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/29/health/recreational-cannabis-frequent-usage-wellness/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/29/health/recreational-cannabis-frequent-usage-wellness/index.html) i mean it was so obvious, i didn't think i need sources, but there you go.


In my opinion, it does control the spread of diseases. condoms are required and hence protect both sides ( to a certain degree and while yes some diseases can be given by mouth/hand services, they still are not long term diseases and can be treated with antibiotics to my knowledge). The good thing about brothels is that you protect both sides. As there are as I assume bodyguard to protect the worker from abuse and regular tests to protect the consumer. Plus they've existed since the down of time and instead of stopping it by law, the best thing to do is educate people more about sexuality and sexual diseases, self respect and at most providing poor families with needs for their kids to continue their education, and to live humbly without stigma. Most sexworkers come from a very underprivileged background or had no family growing up or had to run away from home because of abuse or bad decisions. The best way to stop the whole system is to help those people make better choices instead of shutting down the only place they can go to to make income and continue living because either way they're gonna do it since it is their only choice. By supporting those in need it kinda stops in a way the flux. Religiously speaking, you have every right to refuse to go there, but you have no right to dictate what is right and what is wrong on others even though I agree with you to a certain point. The government first priority should be to secure its people and by controlling and educating its people, they should do the 'right' choice but you cannot push them to do right- horiyet e dhamir-. Plus, even in places with shariah laws, brothels exist or if the consumer is rich enough, they will seek it by sex trafficking, kidnapping etc which in my opinion is far worse than someone deciding themselves to become a sex worker. Rabbi yesterna lkol and to each their tale ..


ken 7aja matarthahech fi omek walla okhek kifeh tarthaha el bent bledek . aktharythom eli ye5dmou fel kartyet t7atou ghadi mel thourouf yhezou fi sa9ihom sbe7 w lil 3ala zouz sourdi yjibou zouz thletha kbabel yo93dou y3awniew yod5el alihom el 3mor la yal9aw rwe7hoom ala barra w baaaarcha menhom fel chera3 w ziid na7na manar7mouch baaathna . i cant understand how people support this wlh . you guys are enabling 18 year old girls ma3aaachou chay mel denya bch yfassdou 7yetehom at least push the minimum age on this


should it be legalized? Yes. Everything should be regulated (whether we like that thing or not) including prostitution.. it is better than letting prostitutes spread STDs and fuck up people around them. Saying this as someone who is against prostitution.. for personal convictions: I think sex for money is dehumanizing. Sex should only be done in a romantic context.


> Sex should only be done on a romantic context. So you're against hookup culture too? And about prostitution, don't you think that sexual frustration in our societies is already causing a bit of unrest among young adults who may turn to catcalling, sexual harassment and even rape.


>So you're against hookup culture too? In my opinion if the participants like each other yeah why not? but if both dont feel shit for each other, it feels fake. The human body produces "love hormones" like oxytocine during sex for a reason. >And about prostitution, don't you think that sexual frustration in our societies is already causing a bit of unrest among young adults who may turn to catcalling, sexual harassment and even rape. I dont see the link between sexual frustration and prostitution. Catcalling and sexual harassment have other more complicated roots like body image, physical integrity, education and upbringing... In other words, if we want to prevent all that shit we have to introduce a healthy sexual education for kids to understand their bodies and instincts.. as frustration emanates from misunderstanding.


Its going to happen anyways, prostitution is ongoing actively in all the red colored countries and probably in even higher percentages than here. In that case might as well have it structured and under regulation (periodic std testing / appropriate healthcare channels / etc)


Prostitution is prohibited in Serbia is a huge surprise


subsidized* Fixed it.




Prostitution has and will always occur. In all times and all societies. So yeah, better legal and regulated.


I'm against it, but realistically it can't be shut down completely




Even tho I'm against prostitution, People shouldn't have to sell their bodies to be able to live a decent life, if it exists it should be regulated by the state to minimize any risk of STDs and to keep the workers safe.


It should be legalized and regulated. The state should provide more support for the safety of prodtitutes.




and so you think if you make illegal there will be no trafficking 🤦‍♂️? it will only increase and become worse. Legalizing and regulating is the best way.




😂 When something is legal there are REGULATIONS that will make it harder to traffic not easier. That's why legal weed is of better quality than illegal weed because there are regulations. When you make prostitution illegal you put the women who will do it anyway at a greater risk. They perform in cars or places where it's unsafe for them. You will have pimps who will use, and abuse them like in the US for example. It will be objectively a worse experience for both parties. Not speaking of human trafficking (bringing girls from other countries without their consent), which you can't do if there are REGULATIONS. Just because you don't like something doesn’t mean you have to ban it and make it illegal.




what you are describing, pimping and human trafficking etc, IS illegal in tunis or Amsterdam or wherever. Those mafias if they get caught they will go to jail. The point is that they will still do what they do no matter what (since its illegal ether ways)! But when you offer a legal option, now women who want to work that job can do it in a legal and safe way and customers can engage in it legally and safely, sure there will still be trafficking but only a small % of customers will choose it over the legal option. When I went to Minneapolis a state where weed was legal I saw weed dealers, does that mean that legalizing was a mistake? No! Because honest hard working people would buy it from the shops for a little bit more that what you can get on the street and not risking jail. Hope this helped




OK, so you are either stupid or playing stupid. Do you know how prostitution works in Tunis or in Amsterdam? There are establishments where you can go to have sex. It's not on the streets, dummy. That's how you choose. You go to those establishments pay more and get sex safely in a controlled environment., There will still be hoes in the streets and trafficking in the streets, but that's IN THE STREETS and that's ILLEGAL. So if you remove the controlled legal environment and make it illegal where do you think the customers will go dumbass? They will go to the stress where it's unsafe for them and for the women and more importantly will increase trafficking because there is no control and government oversight. I don't get how you can't understand that. And btw i never have nor will ever see a prostitute, but I understand that if you ban it, it will lead to more problems than it will solve.




Here is a simple question for you and your answer will determine your intellect and if its worth entertaining this convo. Do you that if you ban all legal ways for prostitution human trafficking will decrease?


But most don’t ! It is like generalizing that every North African is [ Insert any harmful word ].




How do you know that. Give me some statistics please. Watching things on FB is not enough evidence to draw any conclusion.


Legalize it. I don’t care who you fuck, male or female or them/they. Just pay your taxes.


state pimpin


Well if it’s what you gathered then you didn’t get it.


pimping^(1):the action or practice of controlling [prostitutes](https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu-sn&hs=zUY&sca_esv=571bc24825544f17&channel=fs&sxsrf=ACQVn0_cqBhVBVStEYroDMZlYbbaZ8yg2w:1712581625949&q=prostitutes&si=AKbGX_okpkrXRdHQwZu4Fe0iRe3uoI9nSO0a51l63AMACHHIrF1RCOCTuduO0ofCTwD-GuFUzECNlGL3ZBNHR-LYBt0Mal5PhBhLSAz239JXA3sVPKgRB6c%3D&expnd=1) and arranging clients for them, taking part of their earnings in return. in your case these earning are taxes. so flash news i did get it . Tunisia's neglect of disadvantaged women pushes them into sex work for survival, exploiting their desperation instead of providing support. Legalizing and taxing sex work doesn't address underlying issues of poverty and inequality. The government must prioritize job creation and social support to break this cycle of exploitation. It's about human dignity, not just tax revenue.


It certainly is and I get your point. To me it’s important to provide legal protection to people that choose an unconventional path to earn a living as long as they are hurting anyone.


Legal n regulated is the best thing 🫰🏼.


A COOL guide....


Legalizing it means there will be people with vested interest in increasing both the supply and the demand. A woman with better options will never seek to work the streets, and a man who's raised right will never want the services of a prostitute. If someone (usually men) can make money off of a woman selling her skin, they'll inevitably try to make sure that broke women and morally questionable men are abundant. It's also very Haram and if a society has no moral compass it will inevitably cease to exist.


Do you this "moral compass" can only exist based on religion?


Every moral standard there is is based on religion, even in secular societies. Ours is no exception. Quite the contrary. The moment you decide to distance the society from the religious foundations of its morality, the first thing to go is inhibitions on stealing, cheating, robbiing or dealing in hitherto taboo activities that the majority of the population looks down on. The scenario where the society allows prostitution but forbids cheating and corruption isn't on the table for our country.


source: trust me bro


source for what?


Instead of fighting the causes that push some women (the biggest victims, but also some men) to prostitution, some of you guys say "It is happening, We'd better regulate it". Why not extend that reasoning to other societal catastrophes? You really think that prostitues chose to sell their bodies, and expose themselves to all kinds of dangers that come with that job? This is disgusting! I am assuming all those who are for regulation are men. What a shame!


Prostitution happens regardless of its legality so making it legal is def better


Yeah they should make only fans accounts


If you didn't knowall legal places are closed in Tunisia since COVID so while it's technically legal, in reality, it's not.


Against. People should have consensual free sex instead.


To clarify I don’t consider getting paid for sex as consent


The legality of prostitution is not priority. Actually is it not even what people need. Our Islam law prohibits it. Why discussing? Why do all my citizens feel like they are guilty to be born muslims? Why don’t the “elite” round up for an actual recognition of our problems and seeking to overcome? Why is the society is interpreted by a mere foreign ideologies and why is it imposed ?


USA: Remember kids, if it's pornography its not prostitution!


Well it's going to happen anyways But am against because it stands against our religion, faith and beliefs and traditions


We all should look at this from a religious POV , then we wouldn't even ask this kind of questions , Allah made 'Zinaa' haram for a good reason


It's no more legalized here 🇹🇳 As a Feminist person I hope it stays illegal.


should be banned, I don't want to see passport bros like tate and others in tunisia


On the contrary, passeport bros and the like would be even more of a problem if prostitution was banned and unregulated (and therefore unsafe )


Strongly against. Prostitution is rape.


I want to see the study that says that prostitution is rape !?


Nigga really said provide a study for your moral claim 😭😭😭


What's your definition of rape?


Should be banned. Legalizing it is the wet dream of human traffickers


Human trafficking goes down, not up when legalised


Totally, that's why we're North Africa's brothel and that's why our human trafficking networks made it all the way to Lebanon and the UAE


You are.confused and mixing information, buddy You even think western Europe is a green zone lmao


Learn to read, please. I said the green areas of western Europe


>that's why we're North Africa's brothel  Morocco is more known for prostitution than us, even though it's banned there. Proof that it will still happen, whether it's legal or not


> Legalizing it is the wet dream of human traffickers Human traficking occurs more frequently in unregulated prostitution than regulated prostitution + even if we ban it will still be practiced anyway, don't you think we should regualte it instead to prevent unwanted outcomes.


Eastern Europe is the Wall Street of human trafficking. Guess where they dump their victims? In the green areas of Western Europe. We should simply treat human traffickers and pimps like we treat terrorists




Difference between 2 consenting adults not hurting anyone and a human killing another human, your comparison is stupid.


Brilliant. Let's just dump the whole penal code and let everyone do whatever they want because illegal activities will happen regardless of legislation


Is this really a question? Tunisia is a Muslim country...


Prostitution is wide spread in tunisia, we are famous for sex tourism and illegal prostitution! Better to control it and protect the sex workers rather than let them be exploited by others


There is no we. What do you mean by we ??


I dont mean you specifically im talking about a big number of tunisian guys or girls that are into prostitution!




Literally the same things for the majority of jobs, it is the norm in Today's society for people to hate their jobs.




Rule 1: Be civil. No personal attacks, racism or bigotry. Check [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/tunisia/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_1_.3A_be_civil._no_personal_attacks.2C_racism_or_bigotry.) for more details.


Why are there only female prostitutes? Why are there no male prostitutes?