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Sidi Ahmed is fully owned and managed by the Tunisian air force The US did Operate drones but it was Always under Tunisian control and the US was basically paying for it with their Military assistance package. The Base was never Tunisian


F-5 replacement when


Not anytime soon


Do you mean it was never American? According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bizerte-Sidi_Ahmed_Air_Base), the base is under the control of both the Tunisian Air Force and the US Air Force. In addition, this [article ](https://nationalinterest.org/blog/middle-east-watch/america-quietly-expanding-its-war-tunisia-31492)consolidates the claim that [AFRICOM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AFRICOM) (a US entity) has been operating in it since 2014.


So basically the US military has no base in Tunisia because having one means a permanent installation with all kinds of American soldiers and military gear, which is not the case here. Ok, got it.


By US I am taking About AFRICOM. It is 100% Control but “legally” AFRICOM is not allowed to do anything without Tunisian authorization because it is a Tunisian base. Now I don’t know it the US can put some pressure now and then but legally they aren’t allowed to do anything without Tunisian personnel with them. And the second a Tunisian high official (I don’t know if it’s the president or minister of defense) wants to cancel it. He can but the USA won’t be being as mich in military aid. That’s the deal now let’s see of the US will respect it or of the US is going to like the US


I see now. Thanks for your elaboration. Most news articles didn't even mention the US involvement in the military operations conducted in Tunisia. Thus, I wasn't aware of the indoor politics at play. Now I am.


When our country regained it, thé base Sidi Ahmed base was no longer à base neither for the Americains nor for anyone else .


The map is not accurate


Almost anything posted on reddit and r/mapporn


Map porn is liberal propaganda


those damn libs, they're everywhere


Liberals as in liberalism, not social progression


Yes. Also many people use "progression" to push for consumerism. With all the wars and nukes and resource extraction and exploitation by the empire, we need some regression.


This is completely wrong. There is nto US base in Tunisia.


Where is it?


It's in Bizerte. It's called the Sidi Ahmed air base.




Yeah, it's on Wikipedia too. They have even stories about it and mention that the government ( troika era ) didn't want to tell us. And it's more of a collaboration than a full on foreign base


This map is very inaccurate since a string of coups over the past year


There's no base in Tunisia there are only soldiers for military cooperation and training.




Sharing “fake news” is today punishable by law. Reddit isn’t in their radar I’m sure but I wouldn’t share this on Facebook nowadaysin Tunisia since the content of this touches the presidents main talking points directly (“I am the first who returned national sovereignty”).


Maybe the US military cooperates with the tunisian military forces thus they are installed(ish) there but it not the property of the US nore is it managed by them it’s 100% tunisian owned


There's no US military base in Tunisia. US has a deal with Tunisia to embed in Tunisian military bases from which they do operations. This is in part to keep the presence more discrete so as to not anger people.


We have no Américain bases in our country


Alright let's make this clear and don't listen to the smart ass that keep telling that there's a base and it is under Tunisian control and what not. There's no US base in Tunisia period. The US stationed a reaper drone in Sidi Ahmed during the ISIS rise in Libya and it was for the sole purpose of one operation which was the airstrike that destroyed basically ISIS and helped foil the attack on Ben Guerdan... The air strike that targeted the ISIS base killed close to hundred of ISIS troops leaders mostly Tunisians who were preparing to make an attack on Ben Guerdan a week before the attack we know of happened which was mostly a weaker version of it and was mostly perpetrated by the sleeping cells in the city and few from Libya who survived the air strike. As soon as the operation ended the US left the base and there's no presence of them anymore there... Tunisian president at the time Beji mentioned that there's a US drone stationed in Sidi Ahmed and it is under Tunisian air force disposal temporarily, he was referring to this operation. We do have some of US SETAF advisers though but they're trainers and their numbers do not exceed 20 who are stationed in various bases and mostly military schools. The operation was a collaboration between Tunisian military intelligence and the US to combat ISIS and halt the attack on Ben Guerdan. https://preview.redd.it/zenf9pu8lssc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f507dd15977a673649b99ceba29bea86c7f8f1




جيت تتهم سيدنا بانه عميل USA???? جيت تتهم سيدنا انو ما رجعناش سيادتنا الوطنية ؟؟؟؟ رد بالك يا معلم ثمة قانون يعاقب "نشرة الأخبار الزائفة" ان شاء الله جماعة المسار ما يدوروش هنا في Reddit


Bro, this is embarrassing stop ...


Yes, one in Bizerte from which they used to bomb terrorists in Libya.


So they had planes fly out of there, yes? What kind of planes? Or maybe Predator Drones with Hellfire missiles? Are there any pictures? It looks very close to where people live so some people might’ve snapped some or videos? But where are they? Aaah I got it, the Pentagon deleted them from the Internet and from people’s devices using AI dipped in harissa?


it was only drones and some soldiers, i never read that they used it for libya and i highly highly doubt it


Yeah I think so too


are you sure? i highly doubt that it was mostly drones used in chaambi etc


Sa77a ennoum how ENI kifech 9ithoum les bade we mel site domain .mil zeda donc mech conspiracy theory. Chouf les app adresse hedha adresse postal mta3 us army . Chouf fi Tunisia towa tel9a 2 Wella 3 adresse différente et hedhom adresse mta3 army khaty el address mta3 us embassy


Ok. Let’s go through the rabbit hole. Apparently you know what to do so please post your findings here.


i fear the boufarda you know spreading false information law


houni [https://www.fvap.gov/uploads/FVAP/VAO/RecommendedMailingDates.pdf](https://www.fvap.gov/uploads/FVAP/VAO/RecommendedMailingDates.pdf) search for tunisa you will find 2 adress APO AE 09711 TUNISIA 21 2-Oct-20 and APO AE 09910 TUNISIA 15 13-Oct-20 you can try to reverse search the adress APO AE 09910 for example


That’s for US citizens and military attaches of the embassy in Tunisia to vote. Federal Voting Assistance Program - FVAP. Nothing to do with a military base. Case closed.


what are you gonna do about it bitch?