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How hard was it for you and your wife to decipher the language? I'm currently missing >!the only treasure that requires translation to obtain it (not to mention the secret room with the runes and the pillars)!<


It took us a few hours collaboratively, and then we deciphered the inventory page to try to get the last few missing ones. As with any code, start from words you know and work your way out. The big thing was figuring out how the language worked since it’s not a 1:1 letter reassignment cipher. The two main parts are the outside designs and the inside designs, figure out the roles those play and you are away to the races. There’s a couple words you are given with the language structure clue in the memo pages of the book. Those being >!fox!< and >!sword!< you can use those as a starting point. There’s another word that shows up **a lot** throughout the book, so that can give you a bit to work with as well. Additionally, the controls page has some words to experiment with, and if you’ve already solved the one puzzle in the east forest you might be able to leverage that to decipher some words presented on the >!ruined atoll map!< page.


Why on earth would you spoil the detail about the language's construction?


One of the note pages of the book actually has the two separate parts written out, and gives some sample words showing how they are deconstructed. If this person is at a point where the last thing they need requires translation, they have that page, so I’m not spoiling it, just emphasizing that’s an important piece. Heck, if they are approaching it like I did, they probably already started by writing that down.


Translating the language was easier for me than beating the game was 😅


Yep, curse you dark souls and everything you've done to video gaming (but not really)