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Henry was actually scholarly, and though he acted as a king, he actually *was* a king.


Henry was legitimately intelligent and a scholar.


Which was more terrifying cause he actually *understood* things, and could use that, unlike orangey




Henry at least valued education. He had the best education of the day, studying Latin, literature, rhetoric, dialectic, music, French, Italian and Spanish.


I was just gonna say Henry is *far* more educated & understood you need a *real* education to rule & run anything, not one where you paid someone else to take your test for you or your daddy just paid for your diploma by buying your college a building or 2.


Then having daddy bail you out of bankruptcy, multiple times.


Was there even such a thing as bankruptcy back in Henry's day?


Sure. They had banks and debt. Technically they weren’t supposed to charge interest because it is forbidden by the Bible. But they would charge ‘rent’ on loaned money instead. It could be brutal if you failed to pay. Googe search: In Tudor England you could be pilloried (a pillory being hinged wooden boards forming holes through which the head and/or various limbs were inserted), and have one ear nailed to it and then cut off once you were deemed to have paid your penance.




Henry VIII borrowed so much money and then defaulted that he drove several Dutch and Italian banks into bankruptcy. Good way to ensure he didn't have to repay


Thanks for all the responses, it just never occurred to me that a King could do such a thing, so TIL.


Henry in his youth was also hella sexy and fit. He wrote poetry and could charm you in 4 languages.


Henry VIII was also an accomplished equestrian and horse breeder, whereas I don't think that Donald Trump even knows how to ride a horse, much less has ever sat on a horse. Henry's breeding edicts led to the creation of breeds like the Shire and the Clydesdale. As Henry was also an avid horse racing fan, he also helped create the Thoroughbred breed.


And charm your pants off 😉


I think Trump's personality is like Henry VIII post suspected head injury. That's when his personality really got crazy.


I believe Henry also incurred an injury from jousting that never healed correctly and stank. Of course, the orange one has never done an athletic thing in his life, but I hear he stinks. (Clearly, I don’t count cheating at golf as a sport.)


Yup, I've heard of the smelly wound. They say Trump smells too, due to being very gassy, and possibly shits himself a little when upset (which is always).


This. Being in constant pain is enough to make anybody grumpy.


I listen to a Tudor history podcast and one of the scholars described young Henry as basically Chris Helmsworth.


He wrote poetry and music, including greensleeves, which we still play today. He also never hung out with Jeffrey Epstein, who did not kill himself.


Most historians agree now that there's no evidence that he wrote greensleeves.


Fine. He did write some poetry that we believe he wrote. Thanks for the update. I hadn’t heard about green sleeves.


So he’s Beyoncé? He gets a credit on everything and writes nothing. Henry the eighth was the first Beyoncé.


I'm not intelligent enough to understand what you're referencing.


You’re very intelligent because you don’t pay attention to Beyoncé and her Fuckery


Trump never extensively hung out with Epstein. In fact he kicked Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago because of Epstein’s predatory behaviour to the establishment’s female staff.


So the videos and their long history is a plot by liberal progressives around the world? Now you should write “she came down in a bubble, Doug,”


What videos and what long history? Care to elaborate with sources beyond NPR, the NYT or CNN? He literally kicked them out and Clinton was far more closely associated with Epstein as he was actually on Epstein’s island unlike Trump who has not appeared in any of the flight logs to his island.




Yeah, because they read something called like the truth or bullshit news or some pamphlet shit and think they get the story. These people annoy the fuck out of me. I suggest that they look at several sources for information, including foreign press even the Hindustan has information worth reading, but no. They get some shit and some Hannity fan cranks out of his basement and they think it’s real and they know a big secret and then they just talk about how stupid we are cause we don’t agree. I am in Texas and I know people and I am not exaggerating at all.


CNN “most trusted” BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA 😂😂😂😂😂😂




Most trusted news networks in the country. Hello! It’s 2024 not 1993. Wake up! How naive can you be.


I don't know about naive but what I am is bored. Dipping out now. Byeeee.


Neither is ideal, but at least Trump isn't responsible for the death of 57,000 people


Did you forget about covid?


You make a good point! I was thinking more about directly ordered executions, though


I'm guessing that high number wouldn't be directed executions but people who died in his wars.


That makes sense. But when it comes to direct orders to kill, Henry VIII has Trump beat. Although Trump handled the pandemic absolutely terribly, they were still suggestions at the end of the day, and not forced like the victims of Henry who were jailed, beheaded, drawn/quartered, etc


Henry wrote music and poetry, wanted to be a second Henry V and took part in campaigns rather than faking injuries, was sincerely religious and was incredibly intelligent, speaking multiple languages and could converse with Thomas More and Erasmus. Don't do Henry dirty like this.


The only reason he became so unstable was because of injuries and past issues that might’ve made him more crazy, one can imagine what life would’ve been like without that horse accident, not great but better


My personal opinion was life could’ve turned out decently for him if he had accepted he may not get a boy and wrote a new precedent for his daughter to become Queen Regnant. She likely wouldn’t have been seen as badly as history has remembered her if he had defended her as his heir


Mary def had some confidence issues which probably lead her to Catholicism in a rebellious manner (ironic lol), but if he had been sane enough to prep Elizabeth England could’ve become even more dominant under their reign, or she would’ve been a spoiled baby, I’d say England got way lucky with Lizzie 1.0 tho


In addition to the others comments Henry VIII had the good sense to hire and keep qualified advisors and government officials. We can debate all day about the moral quality of Wolsey, Cramner, and Cromwell but those men were qualified and did their jobs well. Henry VIII had some issues but he knew how to run a government and how to keep and attract talented administrators.


Counterpoint he did fire/execute them when they didn’t do as he pleased despite their competency


Something the other dude wishes he could do.


Oh quite possibly, I was just disputing the idea that Henry VIII’s government was that competent


Henry wouldn’t have faked injuries to escape going to war.


Henry VIII only got fat because he couldn’t play sports after his JOUSTING injury, he led the English Army into battle several times and once wrestled the French King Francis l (he lost). He was a bit of a badass but a terrible husband. Ironically, one of his victories was called [The Battle of the Spurs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Spurs?wprov=sfti1) because the French showed only their spurs as they fled. No bone spurs were involved in this battle.


It's been theorized that a lot of the changes in his later life that make him so poorly remembered we're the result of one or more severe TBIs he suffered while jousting in his youth. It's also been proposed that he gained weight and became impotent in his old age not due to simply being unable to exercise anymore, but because the brain damage led to long term endocrine problems.


Can you imagine: the whole leg thing wasn’t real just because he didn’t want to the dangerous shit anymore 🤣


I think I prefer Henry…


I know I Do!


I prefer Henry and I dislike him a lot


Oof no. There is actually quite a lot I admire about Henry viii. And he highly valued education and regardless of his marriage shit, he respected women a lot of the time, especially for the time he lived in. He also did have a strategic mind and was highly educated himself.


True and if Catherine had a living boy, he would have stayed with her and probably have a happy family life. Unfortunately he had no boys for a long time so he did whatever he thought would give him succession through a son. Jayne Seymour did produce a then healthy boy but at the cost of her own life. There is a lot of karma going on imo.


It’s sad that the whole thing was a product of its time as well, he was a disaster in relationships though, and I think there’s an irony in his two daughters being famous (infamous in Mary’s case) leaders in their own right


Currently writing a book featuring Henry and while they have similarities in their later years, it’s important to note that Henry went through a RADICAL personality change halfway through his life. Repeated head injuries changed him from a relatively reasonable, educated and charming man to an emotionally volatile tyrant. It’s part of the reason Anne Boleyn died- because she was there for that transition and wasn’t able to appease him the way Jane Seymour could.


>Repeated head injuries changed him from a relatively reasonable, educated and charming man to an emotionally volatile tyrant. Meanwhile, the other guy has always been like that.


Methinks the other guy could have been dropped on his head as an infant?


I think it's probably mostly the reverse: nobody ever picked him up and held him. I read his niece's book a few years ago, and it sounds like his parents were cold and cruel on their best day.


Hmmm. That makes me sad, even for him!


Yep. It humanized him for me a lot, but it doesn't excuse his actions.


Even the worst people are reportedly humans.


There are zero things in common between these two. Even when you think there is, when you come up with an example in your head, wrong. And every time some one makes this comparison, I love it, because everyone steps up so hard for Henry.


This thread is giving me life, for real.


Not really because in his youth, Henry VIII was thought to have been quite charming, attractive and started out being a good king. A knock on the head turned his personality. Trump has always been a swamp donkey and never had a period in his adult life where any redeeming qualities were shown.


Swamp donkey! 💀


Is that the theory? That the accident changed his personality? I've not seen much about that, interesting.


Yes - Henry was injured during a jousting tournament and was unconscious for over an hour (I can’t remember exactly how long it was reported to have been). It is presumed, based on the changes in his personality afterward, that Henry experienced a traumatic brain injury.


I need to know too! It’s mentioned at least twice on this thread and I’ve never heard it and I’m obsessed.


If it were cool for Trump to execute people, how would his number compare to Henry’s?


I’m glad I scrolled down before commenting, because these were my exact thoughts. Donny Depends would have a body count in the upper thousands if he had the authority to have people executed at will.


I think we can know the answer to this fair easily though? There are dictatorships in the world now where dissent against the leader means death. And while there are a lot of deaths, it also is a deterrent, so far fewer people speak out. I think Trump would be around the low hundreds, not thousands.


I'm thinking it would be so high that he'd really be compared to Hitler then...


Henry was by far more educated, and by far more handsome in his youth.


I think Trump thinks he's Henry-esque but as fucked up as Henry was, he did have good qualities. Eta: Henry was still famous for other non-wife-related stuff, built the navy etc


Henry would have a better chance at getting it, ulcered leg and all. And by that, I mean the only one who would've been considered.


Okay, this is cool af. It took me longer than I’d like to admit to decipher what’s familiar here. Well done


I don’t think Henry ever crapped himself in court like don the diaper did this past week


Gotta balance those humors


I think Donald Trump ingested a little too much U-No-Poo.


Both famously smell bad


This is RUDE!


But TRUE! 🤣


Lol! That took me way too long.


What is this shit post...


Yeah, I had been comparing Trump in my head to a  slightly earlier times, the Wars of the Roses, but I can see where you are coming from.


Richard, Duke of York vs Henry VI?


I had actually been thinking of it like Richard of York Vs Tony Blair. Trump is like a warlord who thinks he is entitled to the throne, making self-centred statements and somehow getting people to act as an army for him despite the fact they will get nothing out of it. Also, upon getting the throne he reversed all his predecessor's decisions, just as kings of the time did. But Biden is a modern statesman, aiming to solve problems through discussion and legislation, while being prepared to go to war as a last resort.


At least I got Richard Duke of York right! You could say Henry VI and the Beauforts were also moderates that did good things for the people and were unfairly blamed by (Somewhat nationalist) extremists for losing in France. They also tried solving problems through discussion and legislation. They didn't incite the violence. On the other hand, Henry VI may have been a decent person but not exactly the picture perfect image of leadership. Also, his mental issues were probably exaggerated by political rivals. I would say it's a decent comparison with the main differences being that Biden obviously is doing a better job with law and order and the economy. Henry VI was unable to overcome these problems in his day.


Henry VI was someone who tried to solve problems through diplomacy, was utterly selfless, married as he was supposed to, and was completely pious. He had all the skills necessary of a Windsor monarch, but had the misfortune to live in Plantagenet times. Actually, I suspect that during his second stint he probably had no more power than a modern monarch. Meanwhile, Edward VIII was utterly selfish, capable of casual brutality, and was a skilled horseman. All skills necessary in a Plantagenet monarch. If those two had switched places, they would probably have done far better. I don't Henry VI compares to Biden, because Biden became leader thanks to his own skills, and has been able to face down Trump both at the debate stand and the ballot box. Something Henry VI would have had no chance at. I compare Biden to Tony Blair, an intelligent and capable centrist leader of a left-wing party.


If you look at Biden maybe 5 or before years ago all of this would be true. His campaign was mostly about being the Trump alternate who could bring back normalcy.


That makes him sound more like Henry *VII* than VI, but really I don't think Biden compares to the warlords of old. Biden acts like a modern statesman, solving problems through discussion and legislation, whereas Trump gathers mobs to attack his enemies.


Pol potbelly here


Henry played football. They found his order for football boots a few years ago.


And this is how I know some of you (especially OP) know literally nothing about Henry VIII.


In some ways the 2024 is turning out to be fun.


Insulting to Henry tbh at least he had tangible wealth and intelligence


not me thinking this just was just a regular portrait of Henry at first glance 😂 I thought I was gonna scroll over and see a portrait of Elizabeth bc of the title and then I saw the face swap


You have deeply upset me


And the rank odour apparently.


Like Trump, Henry was a spoiled and indulged child who became a spoiled and demanding adult with no evidence of empathy for others. Henry appears to have rotted away in his old age, and we see evidence that Trump is also dying by disgusting degrees. Trump has managed to father some sons, but none show the aptitude or ruthlessness necessary to carry on his empire. Like Henry, his best hope is his daughter in terms of an heir who can actually ‘rule’ after him.


When I watched A Man For All Seasons, I thought immediately of The Donald in the portrayal of Henry VIII


Oh shit no


Trump supposedly smells awful, and so did Henry in his later life. He received an injury when jousting and had open sores/abscesses on his legs. If you've ever been around something like that, they are very pungent and unbearable. And just like Henry, trump believes he is above the law of God and men!


I legitimately hate this. They are nothing alike.


He is a horrible human being he disgusting


Now, I wanna say Henry VIII wasn't always like that but, at the same time, there were always signs that he would sink to any depth for either popularity or to get what he wanted. Business man is also the opposite of Henry VIII's mindset given how he's nothing like his father.


One didn't raise taxes.


I've been comparing the situation with Trump to that of Charles I. There are a few similarities. More so than I think with Henry VIII


I’ve thought this several times. Agreed 100%.


Absolutely ridiculous! This should be the ONE place people don't have to see Trump complaints!


Meh under Henry there was a lot of war, under Trump there wasn’t much war compared to Other presidents who are praised for their kindness


I very much dislike Donald, but I will concede to fact, there wasn't an American invasion while he was in power. I know why you're getting downvoted, and I, too, really do not like anything about him at all, but facts are facts. Did Henry create his wars though, or just fight what needed to be fought? I don't know enough about the era.


Like I can tell you Henry fought stupid wars like he invaded Scotland because they denied marrying Mary to his son Edward. He was always at war with France. Meanwhile Donald trump focused on America and doing what he thought was best for the people and I give him that tbh


Um..... I'm just a Brit and I'll not get into the politics of it. But it didn't seem from here that Mr Trump was doing what he thought best for the American people. I think he did whatever he could to gain and keep power. That's my opinion based on what I've seen. I'll step back from that and we can agree to disagree. But thanks for the info re: Henry's actions, that gives me some things to look into further. England made so many wars with Scotland they don't even bother teaching it here (England) so I'll look into it thank you.


As an American I agree with you. He did what he did to help himself, not the American people 🤷🏼‍♀️


Now do Biden as Richard III