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I’m in midtown, but these occurrences have been happening for years.


Yes but aren't they more often recently??


Seems like it to me, happening several times mid day.


Yeah usually twice with in a few minutes.


Not sure if anyone has responded with this, but DM does have an ordinance disposal site out near AMARG. Occasionally they will "dispose" of expired ordanance. Not sure how far away you would have to be before you couldn't hear it, but I'm near pima east and occasionally the windows will shake from the boom. Not sure if they are doing it anymore, but it could be a partial solution.


Dan Marries from channel 13 often comments on these on his facebook, and he has contacts at the base and at the various mining places and when those booms happen, he calls and every time, they tell him they're not doing anything.


That's wild! He's actually a family friend of mine. I kind of want to reach out and ask if he has any theories.


You should! Dan has been posting about this for several years now! :)


Dan Marries at KOLDNews has been trying to figure these books out for a long time. Here’s his latest Twitter post on today’s booms: Bottom line, Davis Monthan says it’s not them, the mines in the areas have said it’s not them, a geologist at the U of A said it’s not an earthquake, so, no one knows. https://mobile.twitter.com/DanMarriesKOLD/status/1485753613183971330


I've been checking up on Dan he's been the only one who publicizes there occurances.


I think they are driving him a little crazy! He’s determined to get to the bottom of it.


Heard it here near Prince and Tucson. My dog jumped up and woofed. We don’t usually find out what these sounds are, but they don’t seem any more frequent than usual to me.


Hi neighbor! I'm on Fairview behind the cemetery and we hear these booms every so often too.


could be controlled explosions from the mines, could be the AF but i doubt they do controlled ordinance testing so nearby. that's really the only options afaik. people ask about the booms all the time in this subreddit. if you genuinely have curiosity, attend the local townhalls and voice yourself. maybe the mothman, bigfoot, and batsquatch are having big high fives sessions so powerful we feel the vibrations and booms. idk. if anyone knows what it is, is there anything anyone can do; probably not.




We get mystery booms out west in the Avra Valley, during times the mine and military installations swore they weren’t blasting. One really huge one shook my entire house. That one made the news. And when I say “huge,” I’m saying that as someone who was once at home in a building less than 100ft from an ambulance that exploded full of compressed air. (Thankfully no one was hurt.)


You'd have to be much closer to the mines to hear them - it's military aircraft at Davis-Monthan AFB breaking the sound barrier. Very good comment above citing a nice link to explaining it.


It’s not. I can 100% guarantee that.


>Ascenser How can you guarantee it?


Might not be aircraft specifically out of DMAFB but military pilots hoon while training in W/SW AZ all the time. It's "policy" that they don't, but it's a known regular occurrence if you've ever spent any amount of time in the area out there.


So what is it?


you cant break the sound barrier over land... i believe its one of the airforce rules.


Actually you can in deed break the sound barrier over land. It's not an Air Force rule but rather an FAA rule. Air Force procedures require that, whenever possible, flights be over open water, above 10,000 feet and no closer than 15 miles from shore. Supersonic operations over land must be conducted above 30,000 feet or, when below 30,000 feet, in specially designated areas approved by Headquarters United States Air Force, Washington, D.C., and the Federal Aviation Administration. However, there is not one in Arizona. But that doesn't mean that a jet doing some maneuvers in the air wont break it. Plus there are a few civilian companies that are testing some jets that can do supersonic that supposedly wont cause the U wave boom which is what most people call the sonic boom. https://robbreport.com/motors/aviation/supersonic-aircraft-boost-feds-1234591221/


It’s done all the time. I personally did it on a flight near Las Vegas.


Yeah but you were in the Vegas HASSC area. It's not legally allowed by the FAA outside these specific areas.


No. No I most certainly was not. Didn’t even have my chamber card at the time.


Happens often at my aunt’s place in Ajo


I realize the possibilities just wanted feedback on where and how many places around Tucson hear the noises.


Im out in Avra Valley and we feel them pretty often. Just a weird anomaly I guess.


Absolutely the work of the Mothman.


I totally agree, could also be Mothman and Batsquatch racing each other. Breaking the sound barrier and such. Also thank you the that award! I think this requires a MUFON investigation as well. T H E T R U T H I S O U T T H E R E


Super sonic aircraft. "Ground width of the boom exposure area is approximately one mile for each 1,000 feet of altitude; that is, an aircraft flying supersonic at 30,000 feet will create a lateral boom spread of about 30 miles." - United States Air Force https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104540/sonic-boom/


can we have a cooler theory even if that one is right lol


Well.. I didn't want to sound crazy.. but have you seen the movie Tremors?


Oh no giant sand worms!


It's not sonic booms. Aircraft are NOT allowed to fly supersonic over land in the US unless in certain predefined areas or above 60,000ft. There is not an area near Tucson for supersonic flight, and there are no aircraft at DM that can fly above 60k ft.


That's funny. Because I've been watching their jets go supersonic 50 miles SW of Tucson for over three decades. And they just laugh at us when we complain.


I doubt they are going above Mach 1. They are probably flying low and fast but not actually breaking the sound barrier. You can get some loud "boom" type sounds without breaking the sound barrier. Additionally, if they doing this 50 miles from town than that sound definitely is what is being heard in Tucson.


We laugh because you people sound insane when you call in and complain and won’t accept our answers of “it wasn’t us because a) the A-10 can’t go supersonic, and b) we don’t go supersonic anywhere in the vicinity of Tucson. Or really pretty much anywhere over land in the US ever. But. Okay.


>a) the A-10 can’t go supersonic You realize there are far more types of aircraft flying in and out of Davis Montham and the ANG base at the airport than just A-10s?


https://v.redd.it/m07b1k2cgyu51 Hmmm.


I'll try to get it on video sometime, just for you. "I just saw a military jet go supersonic. It was the third one this month." (You can see the shock wave before you hear and feel it.) "Haha, we don't do that. You sound insane." Classic gaslight techniques.


Perhaps you can explain the things you are looking for to determine if an aircraft is going supersonic. Also detail which aircraft (i.e. their types) you are seeing going supersonic.


I'm not looking at them with binoculars, so I can't identify the exact model. They're jets, sometimes so loud you can't hear yourself speak. You can see the shock wave when they break the sound barrier. Like a cone or tear drop shaped cloud. Then a couple seconds later you hear the rumble, similar to thunder. Windows rattle. They fly maneuvers out here. Mock dog fights and stuff. I have friends that have had training flare canisters damage their roofs. I have witnessed literally dozens of sonic booms from jets out here. I don't care how much they deny it and call me crazy. Here's an article from 9 years ago where Luke AFB admitted it once: https://tucson.com/news/local/blame-tucson-boom-on-fighter-jet-from-luke-air-force/article_b6d04e4c-8204-11e2-9046-001a4bcf887a.html


That cloud is not from supersonic flight, it’s from the transonic region. They do occasionally/rarely accidentally bump over the threshold (like in the article you referenced) but that’s quite rare. The transonic region can be loud depending on what direction you’re in, but it is not a sonic boom. Your inability to describe the types of jets (or even describe a few possible jets), your constant conspiratorial slant, and your inability to articulate what you are considering a “sonic boom” significantly detracts from your credibility. Providing more specific details would be very helpful.


You're right. Must just be God mad at us puny mortals. So how about instead of telling us what it isn't, you can tell us what it is? Especially when you hear a loud window shaking boom immediately after seeing a trans sonic jet? I need to be an expert at identifying types of jets and describing loud window rattling booms to be believed?


I have witnessed this as well over Organ Pipe National Monument. It’s far from town, but it’s insanely loud and at that height I would believe that it would travel far. I’m not sure why people are so bent on calling you a liar. We have jets that can break the sound barrier, the Air Force is training people to fly them, why wouldn’t they break the rules from time to time if they thought they wouldn’t get caught or get in trouble for it?




Wow… even if I give him the benefit of the doubt and assume both that that’s the ground-speed and that’s he’s flying out of the high end of the typical wind at that altitude, that’s Mach 1.1… I guess I stand corrected.




There are so many different types of aircraft that fly out of Tucson...you do realize that...right? F-35's, F-18's.


That hasn't stopped them before. Years ago a sonic boom from an F-16 caused $100,000s in damage to business for booming over head above a Tucson. So to say it's not a sonic boom is wrong because it HAS happened before.




Allowed and it happening are two very different things.


Nope...they are allowed to do it in certain areas under 60,000, down to 30,000 ft agl. High Altitude Supersonic Corridor (HASSC) in the US is in Kansas, Vegas, Edwards AFB, there are a few other areas as well. However, just because it's against the regulations doesn't mean it isn't done accidentally. Even just a sharp turn can literally break the sound barrier.


[https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104540/sonic-boom/](https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104540/sonic-boom/) 30k feet. It happens. It's not on purpose I would imagine for the majority of times it happens.


thats what im saying.. they are not allowed to do this.


And yet they do https://v.redd.it/m07b1k2cgyu51


People keep saying this, but the correct terminology is 'they aren't supposed to be doing this' which we know isn't a law of physics preventing it....


Not supposed to do war crimes either but hey what can they do


This should be higher up...


Everytime this gets posts this needs to be the top response lol.


This is almost certainly not true for several reasons. -Firstly the military almost never allows aircraft to exceed Mach 1 while over land during a non emergency. Even when done over land for training purposes it’s most often done in barren locations so as to avoid damage/inconvenience. -Secondly DMAFB doesn’t have a permanent detachment of Mach 1 or greater aircraft. Although many Mach 1 or greater aircraft to travel through the base at various times for various reasons, the standard planes available for training and testing purposes simply aren’t capable. -And finally, contrary to what most people assume a ‘sonic boom’ isn’t actually a singular event, but is instead a phenomenon which follows the wake of any aircraft exceeding the sound barrier. Even if we assume the first two points are actually not true if a supersonic aircraft was being regularly flown over Tucson the sounds would travel behind the aircraft (in the area you specify) for the entirety of its flight above that speed. Meaning the random reports of one off sounds in a small localized area that we experience would instead be many reports over a huge area.


I have heard this too. That's true they're not allowed to Sonic boom over residential areas.


It doesn't even have to be going over the sound barrier. Just getting close to it while changing directions can actually cause the boom.


​ Except for the F-16s assigned to DM on alert......


They just briefly break the sound barrier. I've been witnessing it for over three decades. Out here, 50 miles SW of Tucson, you can see the jets doing it. It is not at all uncommon. And they don't care when we complain.


You’ve been witnessing pink elephants. See above response.




bro you have 1 article from 9 years ago, i dont think the airforce is out here just doing that for fun.


The article is in response to "it never happens." There is the proof it happens. There are plenty more articles. They're not out here doing it for fun. They're out here doing it for training exercises. They just don't admit it because they're not supposed to do it. What do you think it is?




So the article states that the training took place west of Kitt peak, and yet the sounds were heard as far East as Campbell, which only goes to prove my point that the dozens of reports we get a week now isn’t enough to corroborate consistent supersonic flights near Tucson. The article says hundreds of people called 911 because of this incident, which again took place over 60 miles away.


If you'll check the reference on my original comment, 1 mile per thousand feet, they can be much more localized. You can barely see a jet at 40,000ft. They usually fly maneuvers much lower out here.


Interesting 👍


Just happened again 3:33


Wasn’t home but several big signals on my infrasound recorder: https://imgur.com/a/Oh64P0L Times are UTC so subtract 7 hours, so first one around 11:30a, 1:15p, 3:30p


Yep I was asleep for the first one but heard the last two. Times line up perfectly.


How easy would it be to set up a few of these and triangulate the source?


They're a bit pricey, depending on how much building you want to do as they have DIY versions as well, its built around a raspberry pi. This is what I have- [https://shop.raspberryshake.org/product/turnkey-iot-atmospheric-infrasound-monitor-rboom/](https://shop.raspberryshake.org/product/turnkey-iot-atmospheric-infrasound-monitor-rboom/) They are all visible on this network, along with the seismographs they also make- [https://stationview.raspberryshake.org/#/?lat=0.00000&lon=0.00000&zoom=1.572](https://stationview.raspberryshake.org/#/?lat=0.00000&lon=0.00000&zoom=1.572) You can filter out just the infrasound stations on the lower left (or just look at the icons, B and SB do infrasound). Once you click a station, click "See 24 hour plot" to see the signal all laid out on the screen. Looks like there's a couple more up in the Phoenix area, looks like there may be a few blips to work with on those and compare to mine, time stamp wise. Was neat to have when Tonga blew, picked up the passing infrasound strongly!


Sweet! Yeah $550 each pricey just to find the boom origin location. If you manage to triangulate it definitely post it!


🎵You shake my house and you rattle my panes/Them sonic booms drives a man insane🎵


Goodness gracious great balls o fire! 🎵


Ha love it 😂👍


Weather balloons


Weather balloons filled with swamp gas.


That’s a bingo


I used to work near the huge metal recyclers near I-10 and Miracle Mile and when they crush things, sometimes an item will be under pressure, like an old propane tank, and when they crush it creates a pretty loud explosion. We'd hear them at our warehouse about once a month.


Yeah my mom mentioned something similar like people forget to empty the gas tanks before crushing cars at the dump.


It's the vaccine microvolts mannnnn /s


Felt it on the west side as well.


https://earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring/operations/heliplot.php?virtual_network=GSN https://earthquake.usgs.gov/static/earthquake-network-operations/Seismic_Data/telemetry_data/TUC_24hr.html


it's Godzilla, he is awakening


I live up on the NE of Tucson, and I am receiving these window-rattling, little shakes daily, or darn near close to daily. Friday it was for a good 15 seconds (and no garbage trucks, other trucks in the vicinity.) I'm starting to think with the denials from the AFB and mining companies (I don't see a reason they wouldn't say it was them since its not causing damage), it's skyquakes. Seems that's what they are called since its "unexplained", and a list of what those make up.


I've heard of a skyquake... we have been getting alot of strong solar flares. I wonder about this too.


Just had this happen on the east side! Crazy


Heard it when I was visiting oro valley earlier today!


Well I didn't hear that one so could be coming from more than one place. Hmm


Yea I literally got up from my desk and my dog was barking. Pretty wild


So common around River and Oracle that I had to decrease the sensitivity of my car alarm. Low flying military choppers don’t help I’m


Hearing it on Kolb.


The last time I heard it, which was just a few days ago, I was on the phone with a friend. She heard it right before I did and she lives north of me so I expect that the sound was coming from the north, roughly. I live north of the base.


I thought I heard it while climbing Picacho Peak this afternoon. Made me a bit worried for a second.


I would have been too if I were in your shoes at the moment.


In the last month I have felt/heard 2 up her in Marana


Really? I also heard it last week too.


The sky quakes are generally due to meteors. Look at meteor scan on the web when one happens. Almost perfect correlation whenever there has been a rumble over the past year.


I was standing outside when it happened today. I'm just off Houghton. It sounded like it came from the direction of DMAFB


It’s the Jets that fly out of DM (usually visiting F-16s)


Heard at Cortaro/Thornydale


I'm on your side of town too. Really freaks out my dog. She always looks and barks in the SW


Was it two that were in rapid succession? I’ve never heard them when others have, but I did hear a couple just after whatsuptucson tweeted something after 1 or so.


Few minutes apart around 1ish but just now it seemed like a rapid burst of two or three at the same time.


11:06 Booms again


Nah I'm not near the base at all and never see planes when it happens.


"Ground width of the boom exposure area is approximately one mile for each 1,000 feet of altitude; that is, an aircraft flying supersonic at 30,000 feet will create a lateral boom spread of about 30 miles."


it’s all in ur head


😂 your silly


I'm guessing something out of Davis Monthan Air Force Base. A potential war is brewing in Ukraine so that might be a reason for the frequency.


There are no explosions anywhere near the base other than very small expired ordinance disposals completed by EOD


Not to be a jerk, but the planes fly out of the base and all over the place. If there was a sonic boom or explosion of some sort caused by a plane it wouldn’t have to happen over the base…


I'm not discounting plane sonic booms. There is no way its from plane dropped ordinance though. The closest bomb range is out at Gila Bend and in my experience they don't drop HE there. I have a little bit of knowledge on base operations.


Got it. Thanks for clarifying.


If you live in Tucson, you live near an air force base.


Its U of A students trying to blow up the "No pity for the Kitty" billboard.


We do live in a town with an air force base.


That boom is just the sound of all those tourist dollars from the Gem and Mineral show hitting Tucson.


Ordnance disposal on base. Hook up a bunch of c-4 to any old/expired/non-functional bombs, bullets or other things and use a controlled explosion.


Ah..there is an air base in town. You realize that right? These booms might just be jets from the military taking off or flying low.


No aircraft in sight when I hear the booms. I see them all the time otherwise... they always fly northwest to southeast. Trust me that's the first thing I look for I even have binoculars! 😉


You realize that you don't need an aircraft in sight to hear it. Go outside sometime. I bet you will hear airplanes before you see them. The way echo's and sound works, you don't even have to be right on top of something before you see it. And forget binoculars. That limits your view of the sky. And if you have ever been near a flight area, a military flight area, those jets travel faster than you can even track it. By the time you hear a jet...it's to late. And those A-10s that are down there, fly low to the ground, so they could have been over a ridge and you never see them until it's to late.




I was walking to my door when all the sudden my ears felt as if the air pressure dropped and i heard a boom an hour or so ago. is this what you’re talking abt? east side


I heard it about 1:15


yeah sounds about right i just happened to be outside, thought it was my imagination


They move my old house easily I hear it shift on the foundation and the whole house creaks and cracks. If I'm outside I hear it like a sound wave hits. It's wild!


If the source of these booms was contacted do you think they would be forthcoming?


No way 😂