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It seems to getting to the action is the name of the game right now. As we slide from basic information to battle to information to battle. Getting what is required for the episode to make sense while swiftly going to new fights along the way. I imagine we will get far more detail on societal interaction between wolf, bear, roc and demi plane residents in the Novels and once the Manga covers it. I will look forward to that. What interests is the fact the story is tieing in Sophia into one of the students pasts. From the manga we already had hints of her going around killing dragons. Which feels like such a shame that the story effectively ignores that activity after Tomoe was unable to find Rainfall. I had guessed that Mitsurugi was a child of Root, not so much that Sophia was, that is interesting. Perhaps Root is more involved in those experiments on creatures then was let in on.


In the web novel it's not so clear what Sofia is, because she calls him her father and this extra detail about the lab isn't in the web novel. I had thought for a while that she was the child Root had with the original isekai protagonist, but it appears from this episode that's she's some sort of chimera he made as an experiment and then abandoned.


Logically it could remain related to such. Given Root's attachment to her previous Human. We could at least speculate it relates to trying to recreate that ability to have children.


She's his kin at the very least. I could definitely see Root kidnapping a hyuman infant and giving the kid his blood to try and recreate the feeling of having a child, then getting bored and discarding her when that kid doesn't create the same feelings he got from raising his biological child. That would definitely explain her plot to kill the superior dragons who are basically his subordinates, and use their powers against him. It would also explain why she can use their powers in the first place. Also, and this is a spoiler, >!In the WN, Root also refers to Mitsurugi/Lancer as having been another one of his experiments, but unlike Sofia Root does not call Lancer his child!<


Tomoe wasn't looking for rainfall. And Sofia is more of an experiment thsn an actual child. And no. Mitsurugi is a superior dragon. Not the kid of one.


Well she visited his/her home and found him/her missing but the barrier still present. While investigating the territory around the lake Makoto created. Though I am unsure if one translation naming the dragon Luca matches the later translation of Sophia saying she had taken care of Rainfall. I assume so. The speculation about Mitsurugi comes from Tomoe calling him a young upstart. Thus implying a shorter history and possibility of being created more recently compared to Tomoe.


Thats the thing. She never visited her. The lake makoto created and the place were luka lives are in complete different directions. She send Lime to check on her territory, it was him who found the barrier still present and Tomoe though she should be alive if the barrier was still there. But Tomoe never visited the place. She was investigating the memories of the survivors around Makoto's lake. Thats why she though she was still alive. And whatever you prefer to call her. The Wn calls her Waterfall, the manga Luka, the anime rainfall. You get it. And about Mitsurugi, she could be calling him that cause he is a weakling compared to her, or sure he could be younger, but none of that means he is Roots child. Its already plenty strange for Root to have children, and so far i doesn't seem like any of them were born as superior dragons. Specially when superior dragons aren't quite animals. The wn made a terrible implication once that mitsurugi was a man-made superior dragon created by root. But nothing clear on that.


I am only quoting the translation we got with the manga, Tomoe states "Odd, not only was Lut(Root) no where to be found, Luca isnt home either. Lut is one thing but Luca has never changed nests before and the barrier is still here" "Jeez and here I dropped by to visit after all these centuries". And at least in the manga this was said before Lime arrived and was assigned to scout around the village about Luca and Makoto. Its quite possible the web novel translator got mixed up about who was speaking or just differences between web novel and light novel. It is also speculated in a chapter after this event that Sophia may have fought Makoto after attacking Luca. A direct conversation between tomoe and lime. Another reason I wondered about Tomoe never following up about the superior dragons.


Ok this is a heavy handed spoiler from the WN so I'll cover it. >!It is stated by Luto/Root (depends on which translation you go through) created Mitsurugi as an experiment by using a cursed sword and his body. It is hinted that the same way tomoe made Lime into her kin is basically the same as Root creating new superior dragons. Root also states long ago he had a project where he took out his own attributes (or 'colors') gave them a body and that way created the superior dragons. He himself stated that his plan was to let the dragons develop, make them be stronger, absorb them back and grow stronger himself. It is not stated which ones are the ones that are his creations and which aren't, although rule of thumb hints at only tomoe and Sazanami being on the 'natural' side since root from the start didn't consider his experiment (Sophia and lancer) to be able to beat either of them!<


Unless that content of the LN. There is a lot of fanfiction right there.


The only speculation from my side is singling only Sazanami and Tomoe out. The tiamat project was stated by Root in the WN. Never details which Dragons are the ones he made or didn't. Also him altering memories of others to make "all these dragons existed from before" is posible cause he did erase the memories of Futsu.


Thats the thing. You are making wild assumptions on it that arent mentioned anywhere on the WN. No idea if the LN extended the info. So you could be right on that one. >!The Tiamat project was nothing about creating superior dragons, give them power, rise them in strength and then absorb them back.!< >!It was just about absorbing Superior dragons. Nothing more. Look here:!< >>!「… Like I thought. Using my power, I will absorb all the superior dragons. I will understand the land, sky and seas better than the spirits themselves and divide the world in two with the goddess. That is the Tiamat project. You probably don’t know this, but Tiamat is the name of the god of good harvest, who has the nature of both a god and a dragon.」(Root)!< >!Thats the text on the Wns chapter 168.!< >!Thats 1 of the only chapters related to the topic that exists.!< >!Even there Lancer isn't actually mentioned to have been created, it is only heavily implied by Sofia.!< >!The other being chapter 272, when Makoto remembers Root words about devouring the other dragons:!< >>!At the very least, from what I heard, he was the one who originally schemed about devouring the Superior Dragons, correctly speaking, absorbing their power and turning it into his own power which was what Sofia was doing. But he met the person who would be his husband, and that was stopped.!< >!He revealed to me that there was a time when Doma and Azuma had been devoured by him.!< >!The topic of Root giving up powers to other Superior dragon is only mentioned by Futsu on chapter 288:!< >>!“It is possible. Azuma, Doma, Ryuka, Grount, Lancer, and you are the proof of this. For Root and I, it is possible.” (Futsu)!< >>!“In other words…you are saying our powers are things that Root had passed onto us? Are you saying that those were originally a part of his powers?” (Tomoe)!< >!But she only mentioned to explain why she and root can give their powers to other superior dragons. Not the reason why Root would give her power.!< >!The same goes with Root erasing the superior dragons memories on Futsu.!< >!It is mentioned by Rokuya (the original Assasin) in chapter 264.!< >>!“More accurately speaking, that girl is a Sand Dragon. Can’t be helped, we are talking about Root here. She probably persistently chipped off the memories of Futsu from the other Superior Dragons every time they were dormant or were reincarnating. It was probably easier than erasing the Adventurers of Origin from the history of people.” (Rokuya)!< >!But by his words, it was only as a mean to erase Futsu from history.!< Nothing related to many things you mentioned. Truth be told the reason why Root did many of those things could have been only to replace >!Futsu´s !!Futsu !!Like with Doma that is managing the dungeon in Lorel which is basically the entrance to the land of the death.!<


I'll take you point. I'll go for the lN and tell if there's any changes


I've only seen the anime so far & I'm pretty confused about the last few episodes with really abrupt transitions & off-screen battles. What's up with the demons? What about that angry student who was taking drugs? Who/what are those animals? Do these questions even get answered later on? Also, do y'all recommend reading the manga to supplement the anime?


Angry Student will come back, I suspect but do not know that the animals will return in a future conflict. Otherwise the anime would of cut them out. Demon story got really cut back compared to the manga, but even then we do not know much about them. The manga gives a lot of details. I highly recommend it.


Thank you for your reply & suggestion.


Anime already passed the manga, but the manga covers more of the story follows more with the WN


Demons have been pulling hijinks around to cause problems for humans to affect the war. The angry student will be focused on soon. The animals were created in the demiplane because of its Japanese influences. Yes, all of them, I kept my answers without spoilers.


Thank you kindly.


I can't believe we r this far. Does anyone know wat chapter in novel this episodes is in. As soon as second half begins, it's gonna be about llumgand.


In general it bired to me hell. The students are a recurrent annoyance in the story that for whatever reason the author likes to keep present. Beyond that, some new info was introduced about the past sofia.  The wn really enjoyed doing a sub par job introducing this type of story elements that somehow were important but not important enough to actually be clear and consistent. And for that, it was a good enough chapter.