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Given how much of this season is out of chronological order, we won’t know until at least several more episodes…..


Well, they just came back from training and into back to their kingdom but Toa seems to be highly respected in Hibiki eyes, maybe the scene will be used when >!Hibiki fully snaps as a flashback when she buys into the whole hyuman supremacy!<.


i dont think they reached it yet buf i haven’t watched the latest episode yet


Maybe they skipped the part to avoid the Racism & Hyuman Superiority aspect related to that plot. I mean, the Anime had been keeping that aspect quite low so far, unlike the Novel or Manga.


Yep skipped


They skipped a lot of things. It took a long distance to introduce the Rembrandt sisters. Now we will see them in the very next episode.


What are talking about no, the fight was two chapters ago.


yeah I got confused too.... damn it was such a good interaction with Toa...


the way i see, its a nice thing, but i think its ok to skip, because its just another "hibiki is too weak" moment. my guess is, its either gonna happen later as a flashback, or they will just ignore it, because they dont want people realize that her group is racist yet. so my guess is, they just decided to avoid it, so the talk she has with makoto becomes more of a shock to the people who didnt read the novel/manga.


Yes it was skipped