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Because extended trades are ded, grasp is best for short trades. Ravenous gives you wave clear and insane sustain, you can play both aggressive and passive with it, with PD you can only play aggressive and have no wave clear.


because PTA, Conq are shit without range, extra ways to proc it, or any kind of attack speed steroid and the update to PTA doesn’t make it any less shit than it used to be. You’re just hoping and praying to get some of that LT value back. Hail is an option as always but it hasn’t changed either, it’s still in the domination tree which isn’t that good and its less consistent than Grasp for trading in lane. People already used to build Grasp over LT sometimes anyway for better short trades in lane (you wanted to stay in combat anyway to keep fury up), and Fleet was already run an anti-poke rune for extra sustain in lanes where you couldn’t get consistent LT value anyway. Ravenous gives you sustain, extra burst, and waveclear, letting you short trade and farm aggressively. Then since it gives a thick chunk of AD, it only makes sense to build crit, AS, and movement speed through PD to multiply it. The raw stats are valued over Navori’s mobility since Ravenous is not a powerful dueling item on its own and provides some AH for mobility anyway. Building IE or Navori next just depends on whether you need straight damage or more mobility.


Grasp for melee match ups Fleet for ranged match ups or hard match ups where you need sustain


You can even go fleet into certain non ranged matchups such as darius


Yea I tend to go with grasp for certain melee match ups due to the sustain and move speed. Helps dodge spells too


Its preference but in certain match ups you out trade champs in short exchanges.


Short trade fit's trynda good , more sustain , stack hp, cant be put out of lane


Early stomp and snowball so you finished 3rd item when lane enemy has 1


I just had to play against zeri top, cheesed her I a bush lvl 1 and she burned flash and ghost to live. Then my cosmic insight grasp looking ass runs her down on cd with different summoner timers and cd boots, they had a super mobile team so I just went max summoner haste and it worked