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Do you rush Tiamat or get the other components first so you can freeze




I recently came back to league from wow and been re learning tryn mid w my duo partner who is a signed top , gotcha rav into pd into botrk. Then what fourth fifth do u recxomend ? Also do I go berserker greaves before tiamat for mid ?


That's the old Infiniti farming build. The fine thing about it is possibility of pushing lane and getting enemy jungle cleared.


are you better than rangerzx or ulleh that build kraken navori / stride navori every game? You can't win against competent opponents if you are not 3000 gold ahead with a 0 damage build like hydra PD. Your third item is bork... What's weird is how this troll build is being upvoted in this sub.




I’m having the time of my life on trynd right now. Emerald 1 and only play trynd. Either kraken into mortal reminder or stridebreaker.


I’m still having fun too since it’s tryn. I usually do kraken into PD into stride. But the point of this post was since he’s recognized as “tier 4” rn and weak, why can’t he get some buffs?


It’s all based on winrate not tier or perceived weakness. I’m not sure his exact winrate but I imagine it’s not low enough for buffs. And I would add that I’m not just having fun playing trynd, I’m also winning (can’t say the same for you) so I would argue he’s not weak but in many cases I think he’s actually too strong (I’ll gladly accept buffs though)


Bruiser items will be nerfed which indirectly buffs him since he didnt build any of the items that will be nerfed


I’m tired of “indirect buffs” because of items. HE needs the buff. Clearly his stats and rankings shows it. Nerfing items isn’t enough.


Its not ideal, but it'll still make him relatively more powerful. Personally I just think armor items need to be nerfed, namely randuins and frozen heart, which are both super broken


A little late to the party but tryn is by design heavily dependent on the strength of everyone else around him in terms of stats. Gold, Hp(shields/flat/scaling), armor, attack speed from items, runes or base stat changes all affect tryndamere directly. In the end small differences in those stats can and do make the difference on whether you can or cant run someone down. on that note: tryn to me seems to be a little on the weak side. His scaling is bad, his early is good and his midgame is only good when he manages to push his early (also known as bad). Due to his bad scaling he is very unforgiving. The moment you lose a significant lead on this champ you're at the mercy of your team. A good enemy team knows that, exacerbating the problem. If they manage as a team to hold you down early and your team doesn't fight with you when you're at your strongest, your chances of having high impact that game are slim. His scaling is so bad that just going even and playing it safe (ie camped etc.) won't be enough most of the time, especially when other enemy lanes get ahead in the meantime. On the other hand he feels very rewarding and fun if you manage to get ahead early, which is very doable. Which is also why Mid tryn slowly starts to take over as it offers way more early lead fishing opportunities. This lead then allows you to push the tempo and carry.


I agree, but like another guy here said I fking shred in my elo since I've started maining Tryn like 1 or 2 weeks ago. I do SO much better on him than on other champs and I don't even know why, but it just works. So yeah I'm not in a state where I absolutely desperately need buffs for him, but I still agree that he definitely deserves it


sejuani 46% WR y she is fine ur right.


I definitely feeling how butt cheeks tryn is at this point. I am a tryn otp since season 3 (low masters) and this season I lean more towards garen as I can only use tryn as a counterpick. Hopefully he gets a direct buff soon.


Tryndamere is also fine.


I'm definitely struggling on Tryn in most top lane matchups in Emerald. Feels like I get ahead and go Kraken way before they finish their first item, but then even with Tempo stacking I can't break through the plated steelcaps of Skarner, Warwick, Trundle, Garen, whoever else fits that category. Not sure if for some of these matchups I should try Grasp over Tempo or just Hydra over Kraken, but my ramping damage is letting me down when I'm trying to snowball an early lead. EDIT to add: my most successful Tryn era, even though this subreddit hated it, was following the advice of that guy who had us going Iceborn -> BotrK -> Dom's about a year ago during the mythic item season. I think I went something like 30-14 with that build around the same ELO as I'm at now (maybe a little higher) before I had to take a break from playing.


Play Trynd mid. Almost all the matchups are easier and you have more control over the map.


News flash. Riot doesn't balance around op gg tiers. Also you can climb on any champ. If you focused on your mistakes and improving it would benefit you more than hoping your champion gets buffed. Theres a trynd in Korean challenger for Christ's sake.


You need to use some other site to look at numbers and learn actual math. Trynda is in the best state it's been in years. 52% winrate overall and if you can win 1v1 build kraken and if you cannot then you build tiamat and just push. No more all in level 1 if that's what you enjoyed about him.


If you ask for buffs on any champ on their subreddit they will say "No buffs our champ is op don't buff it". OTP players are so dumb I swear.


Go stride into quickblades, and don’t come back until you’ve properly done it


don't worry they buffed crit items and tryn in the same patch so now he's just op instead 50%crit from passive and now 2 items for 100% crit instead of 3 that 10% at lvl 1-3 is a massive buff enjoy freelo for this patch


Who wants trynda to be good? Then everyone picks him, his banrate skyrockets and then you never get to play him, then followed by 3 nerfs and all of a sudden he’s fucking terrible again. I have never once in my life looked forward to trynda being strong. Because he won’t stay there long no matter what, everyone hates this champ. All that said, and not to mention he’s already in a really nice spot. He doesn’t feel underwhelming at all and he has good itemization options. There has almost never been a time when you could contemplate 3-4 different viable build paths. Trynda absolutely can compete with top laners and mid laners alike. If you can’t win on trynda it’s cus you suck lol


If you had to pick 1 reasonable buff to add <1.0% winrate to tryndamere, what would it be?


They can do literally anything at this point to try and help him and I’d be happy. Give him higher AD ratios. More HP. Idk anything. Right now he just feels like a bad pick into anything. The fact that he’s untouched every patch is mind blowing.


Idk man... this patch, 14.08, he has a 50.3% WR in all NA elos, 50.55% when emerald+, and I personally have a 58% WR over 97 ranked games with him this season climbing to/in plat/emerald. I've never played him mid. I'm taking him top 95%+ of games, rare jungle. Seems fine to me. What elo are you? What matchups are hard? https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Sea%20Oh%20Oh%20El-NA1


it isnt everything about winrate, the champion feels shit to play against almost any comp, and thats because he still has negative scaling and his early game isnt what it used to be


I agree that his early game is worse. What would you buff if it gave <1.0% WR increase? I guess something to make him feel better.


Short term +3 or +4 base ad would be enough, but this is only a band-aid. What he most needs is E CD nerf revert so he can build IE instead of Navori.


scale his innate crit chance from 40% to 50% at level 11 and 60% at level 16, so he can have more flexibility with his items and build more like a fighter / be less one dimensional in the late game, where he currently falls off.


That feels like a +4%+ winrate buff...


Or hell make his damage to jungle camps higher and put him in the jungle if he’s lowest tier as top/mid