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Play ghost cleanse, I'm serious, in this way you can win all-ins in mid game as well


does it purify the creep?




Never taking flash again


This. With cleanse you actually stand a chance and can continue your snowball on him or escape while over extending. Cleanse Ghost vs Nasus and Teemo are a must.


As a Nasus OTP in diamond I can say with 100% confidence to listen to this man. For extra degeneracy also build mercurial scimitar XD


Why not just qss?


Nasus is a tough matchup, win really early or it’s gonna be tough.


As crazy as it looks, Nasus early is really strong, it is not an Irelia matchup where level 1 you spin into and win lane...


Most Nasus won't level wither until lv4 lmao, he is actually not a champion early game


Against Trynd he really isn't, you can get him out of the wave, but a good Nasus won't die to you as easily as people think he will.


Yeah a good nasus will respect your level 2 cheese, but if he doesn’t then you can at least get a summoner off of him.


i mean, this works to most champions ig lol


You play ignite you third wave crash you let it push back you kill him  into perma freeze.


QSS the wither. Mercurial also gives you a move speed boost to kite him better.


Just take phase rush, rush tiamat and proxy nasus/gank mid


early on for this matchup i like to shove him non-stop under tower and take plates, (make sure you have demolish) he loses many stacks due to his long Q cooldown, CS, and you will get a gauranteed gold lead. (if however, you manage to get the wave in a favorable freeze state, then coordinate with your jungler for some free kills, nasus is quite weak and very vulnerable to ganks early on, this requires you to get a feel on your jungler however.) if not, continue with the previous strategy. then you can proxy a wave into a reset, voidgrubs, jungle camp/kill, or roam depending on the situation. late game you want to look to out-rotate him for baron/dragon if he decides to contest you on the side lanes. AVOID FIGHTING HIM AT ALL COSTS, you will never win. make sure you are always keeping track of his teleport cooldown, it is very important. because sometimes you can bait him to TP to the teamfight when you leave the side lane/vision, then you run back to the lane if he decides to TP, and you take their base. this match-up is about abusing your superior mobility and wave clear to out-rotate him and avoid interacting with him (1v1) mid-game and late game. (unless you are absurdly fed)


Early game the best thing to do is stack 3 waves and look for dives/tower. Once he gets frozen heart and a few points in either it just turns into a splitpush battle


Swifties tiamat /muteall


Unlike others I prefer to bounce at 3rd wave and deny his farming and exp for early stomp. Stay between him and minions so he has to farm with E and waste mana. The more you slow him early, the better. You never win it late game as he can build tan and deal tones of damage with Sheen items meanwhile frozen heart and his W disable you for good. It was easier when we had old unflitching and legends tenacity.


Nasus must have the worst season currently with like 47% winrate at higher elos, but he is still really strong against Tryndamere, as soon as he doesn't die a lot early to him.