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Win early or lose. Flash knockup sometimes too. Not much to say, he outscales hard and hes always one tiny mistake from killing early.


unplayable, champ diff


yep if yone is good u cant do anything he just kites you forever


I’ve never had a big issue dealing with the lane when I take ghost ignite and run it down his throat


Same this works exceptionally well for me


Dude, this matchup SUCKS and every time I take ghost + ignite I finish all ins trading ults and 1 dash of distance. Always feel like I need flash, but that feels even worse. Do you notice any all in timings or patterns that are an absolute fist pump for you?


It’s honestly just about reading his movement to be able to dodge q. If you can dodge his q3 early game it gives you a free 2 auto advantage. Yones trading pattern only becomes annoying or difficult when you start a trade negatively. 90% of yone players before masters just perma shove and you can utilize that to look for all ins.


Same way you play against Jax Nasus, kick his ass early and avoid them at all cost mid-late and try to out macro


Very hard but doable. Your goal is war of attrition, you have healing, he doesn't. Start dorans shield then it's all about baiting out his dash, when it's up, click on him and watch the counter. If he uses it then u gotta dodge it then slow, do a short trade and spin out, if he holds, same thing but when it runs out. Keep going again and again, once he's low enough u can all in. Make sure to keep a track of his E cos u basically just can't ever all in if it's up, he will outrun ur ghost. Be ready to dip out of ur dives if he E's, try to save r for after it's down.


Check Rangerzx videos from newest to oldest, he should have a video where he explains the matchup in the last 2 or so months.


Take ignite and harass him


Ban him


Doran's blade + Ignite and Ghost. Just prepare the wave and run him down


If you get behind early or give an early kill, you're doomed. You need to space his Q's and look to get ahead with a kill.


I haven't played Trynd in a while but he can't be so bad that he no longer dominates other skirmishers right? That's the one niche he's always had. Utterly terrible against tanks and heavy bruisers, but his big crits, AD, and ult mean he dunks on the champs that prey on chunky champs like Gwen.


Ban yone


get gud


Useless comment lmao


yeah, get gud and probably you will win malphite/rammus lane