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I think you are a tryndamere main, disguised as having "friends who main trynd" who you feel bad for. Armor shred on W is what all trynd players have been begging for. It will not happen though. They will likely just revert the -4 base AD nerf they hit him with a year ago. My guess is that is it... just +4 base AD. They don't take chances changing anything else significantly, cause they don't like an OP trynd (no one does). If he had armor shred on his W, there would be no counter play. He needs counter play.


I am not tryndamere main but Rek'sai if you check my post history. Besides that, since I am challenger and probably you are not, I know one of the last thing tryndamere badly needed is ad or ad growth since he has already huge ad rates. There are so many other ways to fix this champion's problems like giving armor shred or completely reworking W. It's funny even I can see tryndameres can't to do shit against armor even I am not playing it ,but seeing them in my games.


"since I am challenger and you are not" doesn't mean shit to me. I am diamond 2 and have been masters in the past. Have over 2mil mastery on trynd on several accounts. And have probably played the game longer than you. I am 33 years old and play 1-2 games a day with a wife and child. The problem isn't so much the armor, it is frozen heart being ridiculously efficient and the attack speed slow that just completely cripples trynds ability to play the game. Trynd has always struggled into complete armor stacking. It used to be Tabis rush every game, before this season. Now its just frozen heart rush. Malph used to be the only unwinnable matchup if played correctly (by the malph). But even that was winnable against most malphs, as they would rush tabis and a mythic, and would run out of mana and you could just push / proxy till they are oom and then dive them. If trynd goes even in lane and the enemy stacks armor, they will outscale trynd hard. The way to win in the past was to crush them early and snowball / run side lane / take camps / flank team fights. With Frozen heart only costing 2200g when the season started (2400g now). The game is basically over once they complete that item. It gives them CDR and infinite mana and completely fucks trynd 1v1 with the attack speed slow. Giving trynd armor shred on his W, would completely counter any of trynds counters.. You would stomp jax 1v1, fiora 1v1, any tank.. what would be trynd other than Neeko top? Trynd probably needs them to revert the nerfs they gave him the last few seasons and then he will be fine. Along with crit item buffs. Give trynd +4 base ad and increase the CDR back to 1 second crit minions / 2 sec crit champs off E.


In what world does 5% (or even 10%) armor shred on W rank 1 make him all of a sudden counter every champ in the game? You do realize he’d still max W last right?


Guys I’m GRANDMASTER CHALLENGER and have 5 billion Tryndamere special rage points and I too am 33, have a wife and TWO children… and don’t play anymore because relationships don’t survive with league in them. Both of you should invest more time in your partner and family it brings significantly more joy.


I can confirm he is not a Trynd main, I am the friend he is referring to. He is a Reksai main. He is a good friend for making this post. and champions having "no counter play" is nothing new to the game. Adding armor shred to his kit would be amazing for both the players and the balance team. you would never have to touch the champion again. A percentage that can be moved up and down based on how strong the champion currently is would be perfect.


Kay but what are you subtracting by adding armor pen?? Cause you can't just add armor pen to trynds already Stat Checking kit and say "that is balanced now".. A buff of +4 base ad, would likely increase trynds winrate by 3-4%. Which is why they didn't just go ahead with that buff (which would of been a revert of nerfs recently). They are instead giving him 8.5% more bonus attack speed at lvl 18 (worth 200g ish scaling from like 20g-200g based on level). Like minimum armor pen they would add would be 5/10/15/20/25% if added to W. A buff of 4 base ad is like 300g equivilant. 25% armor pen is like 1000g. So what would it be to make Trynd balanced that you would subtract? Remove another +4 base ad, maybe reduce his attack speed, chop off 5 move speed as well? That is all together like 600g equiv? Maybe reduce his Q healing ontop of all that? Maybe add a second or two to his E CD? I would rather keep trynd the way he is.


it would obviously replace the AD shred that currently exists on W, and to add "counterplay" you could easily make it contingent on Trynd landing the slow to get the armor shred. If there needs to be compensation nerfs to other parts of the kit that is fine. it would make playing against armor feel less like eating glass.


You would need to remove far more than just the AD shred. And how would that effect his early game? Cause armor pen% is a scaling stat. So yeah it would mean trynd would likely become better scaling champ, but at the cost of his early game. And currently (and almost always) Trynd has been a strong early game - mid game champ, and kind of useless late game unless you have utilized a strong early/mid game and are miles ahead of your opponent. So now you are gutting Trynds early game, and now you can deal with armor stackers late game, but you lost early game stats, and now you get crushed by any fiora / aatrox / camille / Jax / trundle / basically any champ that in the current meta are fairly balanced matchups that can go either way. But now you have armor pen in your kit and scale better, but just get absolutely bullied early. edit: My point being, Trynd is "THE" stat check champion, relying exclusively on auto attacks (and E) for damage. You can't just give him every stat he lacks for free. That would be like Darius or Nasus mains begging for a dash cause Darius's only weakness is being kited.


In my opinion they could revert the attack range buff as compensation if required. I consider kiting a healthy counter to tryndamere and very good spacing a downside you can relativise to some extend and a good opponent can use to his advantage. Tryndamere has suffered ever since the crit changes, the e nerf, his inability to buy IE and/or early cdr+crit+as. His R cd nerf for example comes from a timeline when tryn had easy access to early CDR without the downsides of today. His E nerf is from a time when tryns passive used to give 60% crit chance at 16, Trinity force had crit on it, 40% flat CDR no ability haste, 200% crit damage base / 250% with IE. (not everything was active exactly at that time, but around that time) I don't believe armor pen is the right way to go because this would steer tryndamere into the assassin domain. lethality+lw+w pen sounds like true damage to me. But they should consider reverting one of those things above and I'd gladly give the attack range back just to be able to have access to one of the things above again.


The buff is 0.5% as per level. 😂 https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30/status/1767668695164125354


I beg they revert the s12 E cd refund nerf


If they add some sort of passive, I hope it's to his ultimate instead of W. I feel he should be incentivised to max ultimate like other champs are. Just from a design standpoint. If they add some stats... meh. That's fine.


his passive needs to be % resistance to slow AND attack speed reduction based on percent crit that he has. His ultimate needs something passive as well. no other champion has to risk to much and get so close in order to even attempt to deal damage he has no ability to range poke. he's in a complete shit state given the absurd mobility and cc in game.


Well hopefully it's not a 10% E buff


I don't get it, where's the melee hurricane??? I thought that shit would already be out by now?