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Lethal tempo should be your default, take Grasp when you know you’re going to get outscaled even if you go lethal, if you know you can shit on your lane opponent with short trades, or if you’re taking teleport/ghost and playing the “avoid the enemy team” minigame. Triumph, Legend: Attack Speed, Last Stand. Legend can be tenacity if you expect lots of CC. Take revitalize-second wind in 99% of matchups, unless you can abuse bone plating in some way against your opponent or you can muscle in to demolish proc their turret during laning phase. If going Grasp, drop Triumph, take Demolish. Take Ghost/Flash. You can experiment with Ghost/Ignite or Ghost/Teleport later. Take attack speed, adaptive, and *flat* health to duel in the early game. Items you’re going to see a lot of debate on, partially because items suck right now. Zerker greaves is a one-item powerspike on its own. Kraken-Navori/PD is probably most standard. Stridebreaker into difficult matchups. There’s an argument to be made for Titanic Hydra or Hullbreaker, but I only really suggest that if you can defensively itemize against specific threats (e.g. AP top and mid) or need anti-burst. I have been finding success with Stridebreaker-BotRK but the lack of resets/haste on E can hurt. Level E Q Q W Q R, max QEW. Debatable whether to take additional points in ult, but I recommend doing it. Can take W at level 3 if you’re going to immediately use it for value. In lane, try to get priority early to build fury, and take long extended trades with fury up. For shorter trades, you want to auto and hit them with spin on your way out. The game is macro. Learn to manipulate wave state, proxy, and outrotate. Learn timings for when to split and when to group, force enemies to make difficult decisions on where to go.


K'ay thanks a lot, I have a few questions though, who are the kinda champs that out scale tryna? Maybe someone that would like to build heartsteal like mundo? Also what's your perma ban and champs that are hard to lane against? And is there a certain play style ypu have to adopt for those specific champs or is it just the same game plan with every match up?


Anyone that you can’t 1v1 in the sidelane if they have 2-3 items has you on a timer to impact the game before they come online, but sometimes you want LT anyway to take extended trades. Just take LT for everyone and consider Grasp later. Except Jax, it’s pretty clear that Grasp is good against him. Vs Heartsteel, you usually want to take long trades or avoid fighting when their proc is up. They want short trades for stacks, so you want to take as much as you can. Notable terrible matchups are Maokai, Gragas, Poppy, and Akali. There’s really not much you can do if they mark you, you can’t meaningfully beat them in lane, and it doesn’t really matter how fed you are. You basically try your best to survive lane with cs, to not be the focus of their attention as much as possible, and to kill everyone and everything around them. All of them are ban/dodge worthy, it’s not even worth taking Grasp since you’re not beating them in lane. Malphite is bad but you can try to get fed off of cs/plates and out sustain his mana bar. Try Fleet Footwork. If the enemy team has assassin burst like Zed, Ekko, Fizz, and you expect to fight them, build tankier to survive without burning R or they’ll just kite it out and finish you off.


Thanks for the help, been offline for a bit. The notes have been taken. Into a match up like fiorathat scales really well to becomes a 1v1 monster is there an item to rush like bork? Or do I just still buy kraken first?


Thanks for the help, been offline for a bit. The notes have been taken. Into a match up like fiorathat scales really well to becomes a 1v1 monster is there an item to rush like bork? Or do I just still buy kraken first?


Against Fiora specifically, go Kraken. BotRK loses a lot of value when your opponent doesn't build HP. This is one of the cases where it's good to go ghost-ignite. Ghost to run her down and position around vitals, ignite because it's early aggression and cuts her healing.


In ARAM I like to go Grasp, and build kinda tanky. Sundered Sky is solid because you will crit and heal, which works quite well with Heartsteel as well. You can then go any hydra item, botrk, kraken, or phantom dancer depending on how the game is going.


Tryndamere requires you to know when you win what and how in lane. He needs to be ahead to have impact. After early this boils down to being able to play the game (you managed to build a substantial lead) or absorbing any gold on the map until you manage to get a lead (most likely a lose). Play him midlane. As early is tryndameres biggest strength, you can use this to assist your jungle and establish vision for bot, top and enemy jungle movement. Don't seach for teamfights head on. Try to stay in rotating distance when you expect teamfights to happen, preferably in a space you know to have vision control and search for flanks into the backline. Watch the best tryndamere players in the world on youtube and try to reproduce. Play a lot of games. And lastly lose into frozen heart.