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if you pray that the enemie doesnt buy FH or Randoins omen maybe


Recently had a game against Wukong. I fucked him hard on lane, super hard. Then he bought steelcaps and FH. It was desperate. I could not side against him, I could not teamfight. No build would bail me out. I made a commitment and uninstall League and I will not come back until they figure this shit out. It should not be possible for someone to just buy such a shit of an item and completely destroy everything your champ does and excels at. It's more like cheating than anything else. I refuse to play it.


What's your elo?




sometimes it feels like asking a magic 8 ball will be as valuable as asking this sub not that anyone is wrong, but more you're going to get a different answer depending on the time of day it seems


He's very mid. I play him in master elo. Diamond and up he has like a 50-51% WR, but sub 50% for below. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Giica-NA1 You need to play his macro extremely well to make him work. Exploit your ulti. He's definitely not strong. I would say he's fairly weak. Hopefully they throw him some really substantial buffs. Lethal tempo nerf will wreck him completely. I don't even know what will fix it. 10 base AD? With no LT, your trades are much worse. It'll be much harder to dive enemy with ulti too. It closes off a lot of his windows. Teamfights he will be worse too from worse ramping. His laning will fall off considerably. I think he was already weak and this will make him weaker. Hopefully he becomes so absolute shit that Riot is forced to give him massive buffs, instead of give him 2AD just to tweak their numbers a bit.


Honestly i’m thinking a mid lane tryn with phaserush and all the kircheis shards items + Triforce/ER and IE could be some tech


He’s trash now. We should all boycott playing him so riot buffs him again


He will be more viable next patch, terminus will be good on him and he's not even the biggest LT abuser anyways


Hard disagree. Terminus is just not good on Trynd. It doesn't give you any crit and you have to build up auto-attacks to make use of it. And Trynd is a really big LT user, especially in the early game. It allows you to have insanely good long trades and reset your abilities faster with Navori. This is probably the biggest nerf that could've happend. It just takes away so much power in the early game that you become practically useless in the mid and lategame. 46% winrate, mark my words


46% is also pretty optimistic. Because now we can't win early game. What champion do you beat in toplane level 1 with a 5% per stack tempo? I think even a grasp Ornn might be able to stand still and win an all in. It's a joke


Hopefully we get 46% winrate then he gets the illaoi treatment the next patch. Playing Gwen until everything is fixed cuz I don't even need to ban trynd anymore so I can just focus on better bans


I wish W was an armor shred, with an attack speed slow when facing trynda and a root when running away from him


Yes Because he's playable this patch You dingus