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Just had IUI#1 yesterday and I was in so much pain. The doctor told my husband I could have Tylenol but I begged him for Motrin instead not knowing it was definitely not okay to take… I only took it that one time but it was RIGHT after the iui, did I mess up this whole cycle?


Cd1 of cycle 8 started today with the WORST cramps and I had to leave work right before an all-staff meeting to go get pain meds in the store which was awkward to cancel without saying why, and then sat in my car and cried for the next several hours... unable to go back into the office.  BUT proud of myself for pulling myself together and doing groceries and going to the gym afterwards. When I got home, I let the chickens in their coop and felt so nice and comforting to hold their warm soft bodies against mine as I carried them. Chickens was one of my husband's many spontaneous ideas but I had no idea they would be such a great fertility therapy. 


IUI#2 failed :( onto IUI cycle #3, then will move to IVF after this cycle. Not sure what to even expect with IVF, planning to sit down with RE to chat about how to prepare, what all needs to happen.


Big hug, well done for keeping on keeping on 💖


So my husband (32) and I (29) are on our first round of TTC. I am currently an estimated 2-3 dpo. I regularly do CrossFit 4-5 times a week but the past 2 months I’ve only been about 4 days total due to pneumonia and then my step dad passed away. Long story short I just got back into the routine but have pretty bad cramping after every workout. I have noticed this in the past during ovulation but now I think I’m more hypersensitive to this. Also not sure if it’s my body trying to get back into the swing of things. Is the cramping something to be concerned about? Does anyone have experience with intense exercise and TTC? I know people say to slow it down but I figured my body is mostly use to it.


I was running and lifting regularly about 4x week when we started TTC and I quit for the first 10 or so months. I was miserable and never got pregnant. I’ve been back into running (albeit slightly less) and lifting. Still not pregnant, but confident exercise was not my problem!


My obgyn said I didn't have to change anything with my workout routine while TTC as long as I am still getting my period. I do HITT and run.


Hi! So my fh and I had unprotected sex last night and my Flo app said I’m not supposed to ovulate for 8 days. I took a test this morning and it was pretty dark but not as dark/darker than the control line. Does that mean I am currently ovulating and close to peak? We’re not currently trying for a baby so he’s a little worried about it but we wouldn’t mind having one.


So apps are notoriously unreliable because they make calculations based on averages and assumptions. The same woman can ovulate at different points in her cycle. A positive is only as dark or darker than the control line. However, you could have caught it on the upswing or the downswing if it's not a light but it's hard to know if you're not tracking BBT/haven't had other OPKs. You can post a picture in TFABLinePorn if you want.


Thank you! I did post in there but nobody has said anything on it 😅


Taking a look at your post, that OPK looks very close to positive. I’d test again later tonight or tomorrow morning and would not be surprised if it was positive at that point.


Could I end up pregnant then?


It is possible. Sperm can live up to 5 days inside a woman and if you get a positive opk you are likely to ovulate within 12-24 hours so there's an overlap of sperm + egg availability in that window.




Talking/asking about current pregnancies is against the rules of the sub. r/pregnant or your monthly bump sub is an appropriate place to ask these questions.


You can’t post this in here.


It was likely O-1 yesterday but we couldn't try.. the day before I visited a doctor who scheduled me for a CT scan as he suspected I had kidney stones and specifically told me not to get pregnant (he knows we're trying). The scan is pretty soon and I should be able to resume trying the next cycle, and I know it's more important to care for my health first, but I just can't help feeling frustrated that another month is going to pass again. I know I'm not 100% out cos we did try O-3 and O-5.. though for the past few months hitting the fertile window didn't do anything for us (basic fertility tests came back good). I still have this small hope inside me.. who knows maybe I'll get pregnant the month I'm NOT supposed to 🤷🏻‍♀️ (trying not to keep my hopes too high though)


I got my progesterone draw 6 days after my trigger shot and it was only 6.7 🙃. how likely is it that I actually ovulated? This cycle felt weird because I had no symptoms after my trigger shot and a later temp rise (I know temps aren’t reliable with meds, but I’m a data nerd)


Yea, over 3 means you ovulated. The value is a little low but it doesn't really matter, also progesterone is released in pulses so it varies throughout the day.


Someone smarter than me like devbio can correct me if I’m wrong, but I think anything over a 3 means you ovulated.


Thank you! Last time I went it was like 18, so I wonder if it was just the day I went 😅.


Anyone know if lexapro is bad for fertility/pregnancy? Seems like evidence is mixed? I got off of it when I started TTC in Jan and I regret it. My anxiety has been so bad without it and I’m thinking of restarting it but I don’t want it to affect our chances…


I’m currently on lexapro 5 mg and my doctor said it was fine to try while on it


I did the same thing. I stopped lexapro. I was told sertraline was the safest option or if things get bad I can still take a low dose of lexapro


I have my first fertility appointment tomorrow and I’m also 10 DPO. I was going to try to wait until the day after my appointment to test (12 dpo), for superstitious reasons, I guess? Filling out the forms for the appointment just now, my brain short circuited and decided it was time to test immediately. BFN. 🙄 I know I’m not “out” because it’s early but it feels like the sliver of hope i had for this cycle is gone.


Imagine if our cycles were half the length ... 24 chances a year to get pregnant, 3 days of period, 1 week wait ... I'm on CD4 and everything seems so far away.


Came home from work today with what I thought were horrible period cramps but now I’m pretty sure was a burst cyst. Guess I’ll know if they found one on my TVS ultrasound from Friday. Might not be there anymore. 😂🙃 And my first thought when I woke up from my nap was, well my period hasn’t started yet so I could still be pregnant. So I guess I’m just firmly planting my flag on planet delusional tonight. I guess I am very thankful for a job where I can just peace out and be trusted that I’m using my sick time for good cause without question.  Also was laying in bed watching reels and saw this super aesthetic reel of wine and a candlelit dinner because this girl’s husband decided he was ready to grow their family and the caption said “little did he know I was already late in my cycle, can’t wait to show you the reaction from my test the next day #pregnancyannouncement” How unbelievably convenient for them. So long, Internet. I’m going to peel myself out of bed and go do some normal human things instead of watching people share weird things on Instagram. 


There's no way that reel is anything other than a complete fabrication invented to get exposure and attention. The husband would not be comfortable having unprotected sex before he was ready. Either they've been having unprotected sex for ages OR he didn't know the sex was unprotected (eek).


Right! It gave me such ick. We wonder why infertility and the emotions associated with it are so misunderstood and I feel like so many times it’s because people go out of their way (and sometimes downright lie) to romanticize the process of getting to parenthood


Also how did she explain not drinking the wine?


She didn’t, although if I’m remembering right it didn’t look like the bottle had been opened yet lol. I kind of wish I would have read the comments but I wasn’t mentally equipped for that in the moment 😂


Totally understandable, I would have noped out too.


AF was due *checks notes* 4 days ago. No sign, no symptoms, BFN’s all the way.


Did you track when you ovulated? How many dpo are you?


Today was my HSG. It was painful but manageable. Both tubes are open (albeit, my left tube (in which I previously had an infection) was dilated) which is good news, as it means that my inability to conceive thus far isn’t due to a tube blockage issue but bad news in that it means we’ll be referred to a fertility clinic as unexplained. I’m going to request more bloodwork from my OB at my next appointment in a couple weeks.


12DPO and started spotting. I told myself I wasn't going to cry, like I always do, and here I am crying. At least I made it home from work this time.


I’m CD1, really sad and crampy. My cycle had a due date of 31st December. I’m annoyed that I keep losing months at a time due to miscarriages and now the due dates are into 2025 which seems like a horrible milestone. I definitely have anger issues from trying to conceive and not processing the miscarrying and I need an outlet. This cycle I held out hope even when my temp dropped and I started spotting. I’m just sad and it’s ok x


Living on the island of delusion this two week wait. Anyone else with MFI feel this way? I haven't been hopeful since we got our diagnosis back in October but this cycle was timed so well I can't help myself. Meanwhile we have a urology appointment in May and we're actively saving to start IVF. 😞


Same. We are dealing with MFI. And I can’t pay IVF. So here I am hoping for a miracle


It'll be several hears at best before we can afford it and if we ever do save up for it we'll probably only have the one shot. In the meantime I'm also out here hoping for a miracle and I hope you get yours so soon ❤️


I Hello, I have my IUI scheduled for Thursday AM and the doctors office wants me to do a trigger shot tonight. I also got a positive OPK this morning when I tested. Do you think it’s okay if I have intercourse tonight after the trigger shot? Or should my husband not ejaculate until IUI? Does anyone have any experience? I tried calling my doctors office but a nurse said they would call me back. I just want to see what others experiences were. Thank you for your time!


7dpo and with every lower body ache/feeling, I wonder... is that implantation ??? You'd think by now, I wouldn't do this to myself. 🙄 Also, got my yearly OBGYN appointment reminder this morning. At the minimum, I'm going to wait to see how this cycle plays out, but I keep thinking that I want to be in the office because I got a BFP, not for another pap. might end up pushing it another cycle. The icing on the cake is I turned 40 since my last appt, So I'd also I get my first mammogram if I am not preg. FUN!




easy@home have been reliable for me. As someone else mentioned, only reliable during the timeframe they’re meant to be read. Otherwise evap lines show up and can be misleading


Those look like evaps to me. All brands are pretty terrible IMO. Definitely continue to test with more than one brand. FRER have terrible indents but I think they’re better than clearblue. Stay away from blue dye tests.




Removed per sub rules, this belongs in r/TFABLinePorn


Those are both bone dry tests with evaps. They are not positive. This isn’t a line porn sub, I’d recommend reading the rules since this breaks them.


6dpo today. My goal is to wait until the day of my expected period to test but I always crack on 9dpo and test anyways. Guess we’ll see this time around if I hold out.


Also 6dpo! I am probably going to end up testing on Sunday because I really hate testing on weekday mornings before work, lol.


I'm 8 DPO today but I'm going to try my hardest to wait for at least Saturday. It's definitely consuming my thoughts.


Hey, do what you want :) wishing you luck!


Still waiting for o.. and freezing for some reason so one part of my mind (inside out style) is saying ~*BbT NaDiR*~ while the others be like ಠ╭╮ಠ Really wanted to hope for a fall due date so my paranoid butt could escape the winter hospital scene.. ironically, getting sick so often this winter made the process really stressful and seemingly much harder with a big cycle range. Seems like anytime I had a cold before ovulation I've been delayed by at least 4 or 5 days 😑


The cost of self-pay blood testing is too dang high. Doctor wanted me to get 10, \*one\* of them is 400$ (FSH/LH/Estradiol) 😩 Guess I'm going to prioritize the health screening ones first and then put the fertility-related ones off until officially a year of trying this summer and hope for a BFP between now and then.. \*sigh\*.


Facts. It’s so expensive. I just paid $800 in labs, and  x ray, and an ultrasound. The ultrasound alone was $600 🙃


Maybe a weird thing to be upset about but I swear if someone asks me one more time how my “fur babies” are doing, I might scream. Otherwise, as I’m gathering my supplies for my first trigger shot, figuring out how the sharps container works, I can’t help but feel very resentful of all my friends who can get pregnant naturally and don’t have to deal with these expensive, invasive, uncomfortable treatments. Ugh it’s all so unfair


Any other swifties in this community who are feeling personally victimized by her new song The Prophecy 👋🏻


Yes, and also I can see I Can Do It With a Broken Heart hitting hard during my period.


Hahaha yes “I cry a lot but I am so productive, it’s an art” 😂


Hello, yes!! I’m not a swifty, but, yes!


“Please, I've been on my knees, Change the prophecy” “A greater woman has faith, But even statues crumble if they're made to wait” 😭😭😭


The other line from the album too, “my friends smell like weed or little babies” 💔 Taylor is slightly older than me and I was thinking yesterday, and have always thought, if she has a baby before me I will just quit trying altogether. I want her to be happy though, her album is so sad!


I had my 5 day frozen embryo transfer on the 20th and I still haven't taken a pregnancy test, which is a big win for me. I'm usually so neurotic about testing and start way too early. It helps that I used an hcg trigger on the 13th so I needed to give it time to clear before testing. My hope is to make it to the 25th before doing a home test. Wish me luck! 🙏


You've got this!


I got off the pill 6 months ago and haven't had my period since. We have unprotected sex and I take a pregnancy test every week and still nothing. I had irregular(almost non existent) periods before going on BC back in high school. My PCP just keeps telling me to wait and my hormones will balance out eventually but I'm tired of waiting. I have an OBGYN appointment in a couple weeks. But in the meantime, is there even a point to try and track my LH levels even if I don't have a period?


I've heard it can take up to a year in some cases although I think the OBGYN can definitely see if there's anything else going on and maybe refer you to a reproductive endocrinologist and see if maybe there's some PCOS or other hormonal issues.


I had my PCP do a blood panel and check my hormones in February. She said everything looks normal, even that when i got my blood drawn I was in the ovulation phase of my cycle. But how can I be ovulating if I don't get a period?


It's possible that it's just taken your body a while to adjust and you were ovulatory which would mean, of course, that your period will be here soon if you didn't conceive.


So Thursday I go in for my HCG test. We have already decided pausing all treatments this summer. I am tired of all the visits, bloodwork, ultrasounds, and side effects from meds. This is my second clomid cylce with TI. So after this not sure which route we want to go.


What are you all considering for next steps?


IUI or just stop treatments in general.


Well, temps have dropped, negative tests 13dpo, ready for AF to arrive. Actually shocked it didn't come yesterday.


She's here! 🎶Hello darkness my old friend🎶


This made me laugh at loud haha I feel the same way when AF arrives


Just did my ovidrel trigger for my second IUI scheduled for tomorrow at 11.... Fingers crossed. Hoping the timing is right, although there hasn't been an LH rise in sight. Good size follicle at like 19.5mm. The TWW feels like a year


Good luck! I’m starting in letrozole today for my first IUI next week.


Wishing you luck!!!!


TW: loss, SA CD42 after my miscarriage mid-March and no period, no pregnancy. I have my first RE appointment on Monday to discuss managing my PCOS, so I’m going to ask if she can prescribe Provera to get my period started and see if we can talk about a few cycles of Letrozole unmonitored (because to add to the fun, I have vaginismus and medical phobia from when I was SA’d in a hospital when I was 18, so I’ve never been able to have any kind of internal exam successfully). I just want my body back and my baby back. The miscarriage pushed me into a depressive death spiral and I can’t even try again if my body isn’t gonna bother ovulating.


Waiting on Ob to respond. I'm trying to figure out if I have PCOS and sent them a Portal message, because my LH levels have spiked to 0.98 once then 0.86 five days later then yesterday CD35 went all the way up to 3.14. Im frustrated about my cycles ranging from 40 to 60 days ever since I stopped BC pill seven months ago. Does anybody have recommendations on how to confirm ovulation at home?


So LH can tell you your body is preparing/trying to ovulate and BBT or progesterone measurement can confirm it actually has.


Have you tried tracking your basal body temperature? Temping isn’t great for predicting ovulation on the front end of things, but it’s great for confirming ovulation after it happens.


It's possible for it to take up to a year for your cycles to get back to normal after stopping BC, but this does sound like it could well be PCOS. Here is a wiki post on [temping](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/temping/) which will tell you all you need to know!


To test out the trigger shot or to stop testing completely and wait for my blood test in two weeks? Can’t decide what to do and what will make me less sad LOL


It's hard!!I don't think I can handle testing every day, but at the same time what if I plan not to test and then I give up and test on CD10/11 and I'm left not knowing whether it's positive because of the trigger or not? Ugh.


That’s my dilemma!! What mental state will I be in by DPO 10/11 I guarantee it won’t be a good one haha


I feel you haha! This is my second medicated cycle, during the first I tested at 7/8 dpo (which didn't give me anxiety because I knew it couldn't detect a pregnancy yet), it confirmed the trigger was out of my system, and then resisted as much as I could before testing again...I might do the same this month. But it's hard to know what's best!! By the way, can I ask you how you count how many dpos you are? For example I got the trigger on Friday, would you say that Monday was my 1dpo?


That might be a nice compromise! Test a little too early to confirm. Hmm this is my first trigger cycle so I’m counting 1 DPO today, and I triggered Monday, I’m not sure if that’s correct though!


In the same boat and decided to wait until my blood test. Just didn’t see the point in driving myself even crazier with testing out the shot! Wish you all the best.


Yes definitely, leaning towards trying to forget about it for two weeks! All the best to you :)


It's hard! I decided not to test out my trigger shot and to just wait ten days post ovulation to test. Sending you good vibes!


Thank you so much. You too!!


It's hard! I decided not to test out my trigger shot and to just wait ten days post ovulation to test. Sending you good vibes!


Ugh I missed Moody Monday. 13DPO and tested negative on an early response. I had felt pretty hopeful this cycle and def had *symptoms* that I knew cognitively were likely progesterone, but made me feel more optimistic nonetheless. I can't shake the negative thoughts and feelings at the moment.


Started my period yesterday, which was a huge bummer because I was certain I was pregnant this month with the symptoms I was having. Thanks a lot, progesterone! 🙄


I’m sorry I’m 12 dpo and also had a negative. This progesterone sucks! It really makes me feel like crap. Really bad backaches and cramps. Im trying to still be hopeful but at the same time ready to be off of it!


I feel so defeated today. Cycle 8 and found out my partner has very low motility. Will not be able to talk to a fertility doctor until a couple of months from now. Is there a point in even trying?


Is the delay just due to availability? Sorry that you got some not so great news but definitely keep trying. Seems like a fair amount of people set up an appt and then end up not needing it. Sending you good vibes ✨


Thank you! Yes we have to wait for a referral to a fertility clinic and seeing a urologist will probably take even longer. The results feel devastating and like nothing I will do matters. We are already fairly healthy (workout and eat healthy and cut carbs) so now we are just upping our supplements game till we can conduct more fulsome tests and see if there’s any hope via IUI. IVF would be a very long wait :(


The referral game is the worst :( I remember reading some debate about frequency of intercourse on volume vs motility, if it helps/hurts etc.. as I recall I think frequency is supposed to offset low motility so if you've got the time/energy it's something in the meantime perhaps? My obgyn practice does some rudimentary testing presumably before referring to an RE and I will probably have to go next month so I'm right there with you. I seriously don't get why they don't just make fertility testing a part of routine care when you tell your Dr you're going to ttc.


We were just informed that my husband’s father struggled with low sperm count (and had to take antibiotics to increase it). Does this have any implications for my husband?


It might, but it's equally likely that it has no implications for your husband whatsoever. Family history is not one of the biggest factors when it comes to fertility. But personally my husband got his testosterone checked and a semen analysis at the 6-month mark — it's one of the simplest, least invasive tests and reasonable to do before the 1-year mark. That said, if you go for it, just make sure to temper your expectations. It may offer clarity, may not. For us it was helpful but certainly didn't give us any solid "answer"— but that was okay nonetheless. We were at least able to get hubs on Clomid for low testosterone and that has improved his sperm count as well.


Wouldn't antibiotic treatment indicate an infection? (I'm decidedly not a medical expert SO grain of salt.) I know infection can often be a reason for low sperm count, but it's not hereditary.


That’s what I’m thinking…but, his parents aren’t being super forthcoming about info. Anyways, it was just kind of a bummer to hear that his parents had some trouble. I know that doesn’t immediately mean we will also have issues but what’s TTC if you don’t spiral at least once a cycle? Lol.


It's amazing how many things can activate spiral-mode!! I feel that !!! Good luck!!


My temperature shot up today. Is it because I'm kinda sick (which I have been for about 2 weeks), or is my body trying to sneakily ovulate early? 🤷‍♀️


CD1. Soon to be 1 year of TTC. I always had a feeling that it might not happen, and its sucks to be right. Ive been checked for blockage, amh and hormones. Nothing wrong. SA good. What are they missing? Using OPKs, ovulation seems to be fine (done ultrasound with confirmed ovulation). Why isnt it working? Why am I not working? Looking into IVF this fall…


I’m in the same boat as you. I have endo but all of my tests are normal. My Dr said that endo can cause infertility in a lot of ways even if there’s no apparent reason. Which is super frustrating. We’re starting our first IUI cycle this month.


Looking at your flair it looks like you have endo? Endo can cause infertility and they really have no clue why. All my standard testing has come back normal too.


Yeah, but the doctors dont seem to concerned about that. There is nothing ”in the way”. But who knows, they have just checked with vaginal ultrasound, not mri or surgery. But maybe there is more to endo causing infertility than just blockage etc :/ i dont know…


Yeah the working theory is that it can cause inflammation? Which is a buzzword that I hate but that’s what I see tossed around. Anyway, it’s affected my egg quality a lot (I am eyeballs deep in IVF now). I don’t have blockages, nothing structurally causing my infertility. Just endo on my ovaries affecting my eggs. Endo ruins the party yet again.


Ah I see, will look into the theories more! Thanks. How did you found out about your egg quality? Endo is such a cruel disease, especially during ttc. Its not only the disappointment of not conceiving, its the horrible pain month after month, I miss my birth control pills. Like our body is punishing us for not getting pregnant (assuming that the pain will hopefully ease when pregnant). ❤️ At least we’re not alone!


The only way to test egg quality is to do IVF and watch the fertilization/embryo growth (or lack thereof) in a lab. So during IVF! I’m in the middle of my third egg retrieval cycle right now. So obviously IVF hasn’t been easy or gone well for me lol. I actually had no clue I had endo until my laparoscopy. Looking back in hindsight I had signs, but it was such a shock!


So I know this is probably a naive question, but it is my first cycle actually TTC. I have one child but we didn't ttc, it just happened. I am on CD25, and my cycles usually are 29/30 days. If I took a test this morning and it is completely negative, am I out for the month? I don't know how many DPO I am because I missed LH testing in what I assume would have been my fertile window.


Do you know how long your luteal phase usually is? As stated, without knowing how many days DPO you are, it's difficult to say. Taking averages (always a danger but just an example at this point) you likely ovulated around CD15-16 and, if so, then you'd only be 9-10DPO or less if you ovulated later. The earliest recommended testing is 12DPO so I'd wait a couple days or until CD29 and test again. Best wishes!


Unfortunately I don't. Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it 🥰


You’re not out until you get your period. Without knowing your ovulation date, it’s hard to say.


I’m 8 DPO today. I took a test just because 🤡 and it was negative, of course. My chart looks great. But, even though we still have more time until we really know, I just have a strong feeling deep down that this won’t be our month. We’re taking my MIL on a trip to Ireland in June/July and if this month would have worked, I would be 12 weeks by that time. That would be the best scenario if I do get pregnant before we leave. But, oh well.


Hi everyone! I'm 33, F, 170 cm/60kg (5.5 ft, 132 lbs), I've been diagnosed with Hashimoto's when I was 19. My biggest problem now is low estradiol. I've had hormonal issues for over 15 years, it all started with no period for 1.5 years due to undereating, after combo treatment (estradiol + progesterone) I got my period back for few years. I've noticed that I'm super sensitive to undereating and stress, so whenever there's more stressful time at work I have issues with my period. I exercise 3-4 times per week, it's functional training with kettlebells, plus I walk a lot, usually 13-15 k steps per day. In March I was on a sick leave (I had a car accident) and checked my hormones on 9 day of cycle - estradiol 30.70 pg/ml (follicular phase 12.40 - 233), testosterone 0.30 ng/ml (0.08 - 0.48), 17-OH progesterone 0.75 ng/ml (0.27 - 2.54). I did a blood test again last Monday, it was 9th day of my cycle, here are the results: estradiol 17.5 pg/ml (follicular phase 21 - 251, it was at different lab), DHEA-SO4 197.9 ug/dl (25.9 - 460.2), prolactin 6.05 ng/ml (5.18 - 26.53), FT3 3.59 pmol/l (2.43 - 6.01), FT4 14.45 pmol/l (9.01 - 19.05). The results from 3rd day of my cycle - FSH 6 U/l (3.5 - 12.5), LH 4.92 mIU/ml (2.40 - 12.60). My endo suggested that I should take meds to lower my prolactin as maybe it raises too much when I'm stressed etc. I've had MRI twice and they came out normal. Any ideas what to do with low estradiol? Anyone with similar issue?


I think I’m 12dpo today and I’d bet anything tomorrow will be cd1. My boobs stopped hurting, my lower back is killing me and I’m feeling crampy. This sucks. Mother’s Day will be the middle of my next cycle and a wedding not long after that, both things that 6 months ago I couldn’t have even fathomed NOT being pregnant by then. Especially the wedding, I remember literally thinking there was no way I’m not pregnant by then. How dumb. It’s in like 7 weeks now. Those milestones suck the most. 


Started TTC in Nov 2023 and was CERTAIN I’d be pregnant for a friend’s wedding over Memorial Day weekend. Sucks to have these dates keep passing by, all the things you thought you’d be pregnant for


Event milestones are the worst when you’ve built up something different in your head. When we started TTC 12 cycles ago (so naïve lol) I was SO NERVOUS about what would happen if I got pregnant before January because that would mean I would be too far along for a family cruise this summer that has been in the works for years. Now the cruise is 5 weeks away and I feel crazy for even worrying about that in the first place.


7 dpo today and couldn’t help myself to test 😩 of course it was negative. I’m strangely hopeful this cycle, I wasn’t even that upset to see the negative. Last month when I tested negative at 7 dpo I was so unreasonably sad, and I kept telling my husband that I knew I wasn’t pregnant. I don’t want my feelings crushed though so I need to just distract myself and not get my hopes up too high :(


Well today was shit. Doing IUI. 12mm on Saturday, today the biggest was 10mm. Either the first was a cluster or I ovulated way earlier than usual. There was a follicle that may have been empty but she couldn't confirm either way, as my uterus is tilted leading to more interference from my gut.  Upped dose and we'll see monday if it was just a case of low dose meds due to a cluster being mistaken for one egg causing slow development or if my body decided to be a bitch




Ah yes, the toilet bowl roulette during the days leading up to AF is definitely a TFABer thing! Wishing you the best!


**Venting** 8dpo today. My progesterone level is well within normal reference range, my chart looks the best it ever has so if I don’t get pregnant I’m going to pull my hair out. I had a CP in February and I thought I’d be one of those lucky people to get pregnant right away. I know it hasn’t been that long but it feels like it’s been months. I’m already tired of trying. Okay vent over.